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star wars: prequel trilogy the game


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imagine this a cool video game exactly like lego starwars but not lego style and with high graphic it would be cool wouldnt it because we dont have episode 2 games and episode 1 and 3 were good but if we put all of them in a game with a good gameplay and graphic it would be cool what do you think

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there's already one! star wars lego! (amazing game) but your saying a more realistic version of that hmm, maybe one where it's all the star wars films in one long cool video game, the thing is you'd ever play as the same person or different ones each time or they could go lord of the rings and let you sellect good idea though

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You might want to learn how to use the period button, and as everyone else is saying, why bother? LEGO Star Wars is a fantastic game, and any other game would be a ridiculous copy. And don't even consider 4-6 either, because there's going to be a lego version for that as well as of Sep. 12.

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Nah, I don't like Quinlan Vos, he's too dark/light confused.

Um, no, "No more games, Count. No more pretending. I know who I am... My name is Quinlan Vos and I am a Jedi."

He was always working for the Jedi, he just went to the dark side and back in the process of infiltrating the sepratists. Like on 24 when Jack was undercover he had to get addicted to heroin to keep his cover.

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I thought about this too, but instead I thought it would just be plain awesome if they made a huge game where you play through episodes I-VI instead. Either that, or if they want to make more money, just sell individual games for each episode in really similiar formats (we never got a game based off of A New Hope since Super Star Wars for the SNES if anyone hasn't noticed).

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Maybe there could be like different campaigns. For example at the beginning you can choose between the Obi-Wan or Anakin campaign. And then as you play on you unlock other campaigns like the Luke campaign. And there could be some other secret levels that aren't part of the campaign. For example...

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Well, Battlefront is sort of that game. It goes through the movies and all.
I'm talking about an adventure/platformer-like game though, like the Super Star Wars series, and the prequel trilogy video games (for GBA it would be side-scroller, all other systems it would just be a really awesome looking 3D adventurer).
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I'm talking about an adventure/platformer-like game though, like the Super Star Wars series, and the prequel trilogy video games (for GBA it would be side-scroller, all other systems it would just be a really awesome looking 3D adventurer).

It probably wouldn't come out on the GBA, maybe not even the DS or PSP.

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Thing is, a game that covers a long timeframe means everything would be touched really lightly. If not it would either be a game that is really only several somewhat related chapters.


Obviously, you can technically make a game of "father and son" and the like about a family with Jedi tendancies. Think about a katarn but with also morgan, actually make the main character(and bloodline) a Horn-y guy and you will be all fine. :3

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