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Mandalore [spoilers most likely]


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ok, this has been bugging the hell our of me. Dont call me a n00b for it btw.


Is Mandalore Canderous? im almost positive it is because of 1 thing.


On my last file i chose for Revan to be a woman and to have taken over the Galaxy. Im sure others have seen this. When you are about to take off to Onder for your first time, Kreia says somethin like "Just like she did, five years ago, when she abandoned you." Not to mention how Canderous (i THINK) mentions he is planning to rebuild the Mandalorians on K1.


O ya, and they both yell For clan Ordo (i think) in battle.


Also, is there a way to take off his helmet, without a mod?

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Yeah, in 852mand.dlg and 852visas.dlg she addresses him as Canderous quite a bit. But I didn't recognize either scene, so they may be cut content or just dependant on conditions I didn't fulfill in my playthrough.

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Is there some KotOR forums regulation somewhere stating that somebody has to ask this question at regular intervals?


Yes, it's the same voice actor.

Yes, he mentions Clan Ordo on Dxun.

Yes, Kreia calls him Canderous in the ending.


Somebody sticky this and retitle the thread: "For about the hundredth time, Canderous=Mandalore"

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Yeah, in 852mand.dlg and 852visas.dlg she addresses him as Canderous quite a bit. But I didn't recognize either scene, so they may be cut content or just dependant on conditions I didn't fulfill in my playthrough.
I have a tendency to go through all the wav files and listen to them out of context, so it's possible it was cut. I honestly can't remember -- I haven't played through the game in months.
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It is cut content, the one with Visas addres Mandalore as Canderous. I don't think you can get Mandalore to say he is Canderous, but if you have high influence with him, i think he say that he have worked with Revan, and Revan showed him where the Mandalore helmet was

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