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Coruscant Underground IC

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It was mid afternoon. Although to the inhabits of the under city it was much more like the evening. The skyscraper’s shadows filled every crack blow them, hoarding the light for the upper world of Courscant.


Ana’s pace quickened as she made her trek past a shop with a holoscreen in its front window. The time flashed over and over across it. She was going to be late again. Romen would not be happy with her.


As she stepped off a curb onto the streets, a speeder flew by, blowing her hood back and she cursed aloud. “Damnit! Why don’t you slow down you lame bantha!?” She called out to the already long gone driver. She let out a sigh and pushed her ebony locks back into her hood and replaced it back on her head. She shoved her hands into her pockets and crossed the street.


A few more blocks, and a couple turns and she was at her destination, a bakery in the 13th sector. She saw him then, standing there with his arms crossed looking tall and unemotional as usual. Ana smiled and sprinted the rest of the few meters to him. He heard the footsteps and looked up at her just in time to ready himself as she embraced him deeply.


“Romen, I’m sorry I’m late!” she exclaimed a little breathless. He was stiff in her arms and barely returned her embrace. She let go of him and smiled broadly. “I’m glad you called today. I was wondering where you’ve been.”


Romen returned the smile, though it was much fainter and a little forced. “I’ve been busy. I just wanted to check up on you. I have to leave soon after this as well.”


Ana frowned. “Of course you do… well let me enjoy the time I have with you then.”


The walked into the bakery, the very first place they met and took seats in the small café area.


“So…” Ana began. “What’s been going on ?”

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A man walked through Coruscant. It wasn't the same as some years ago. He cared about some people, but he wasn't a cop or something. Just a ordinary guy trying to make a living. Or atleast he was.


"Query: Master, are you thinking about the situation?" asked the droid. He was a HK-51 unit, but the man named him.


"Yes Reaper, i am." he said as he noticed a bakery. "What do you say we rest a little?"


"Answer: Oh sure Master, i just need to live with more stupid meatbags." Reaper shrugged. Jason laughed as they entered the bakery.

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Solidus stared at two humans as they entered a bakery. At the current moment he had clocked himself and was poistioned on a wall of a top building. Solidus had targeted these two as his next prey. When he lost sight he jumped from the wall and landed on the floor where he regained sight of his marked prey.


He got into a pounce poistion where he could easly jump through the window and onto his target. However it was interputed when a pessanger stepped on his tail. Solidus angerly shreek and turned around to see who it was. There standing behind him mwas a heavily armoured bounty hunter. "What the hell!?" The bount hunter asked as Solidus exitted from his stealth shield. Solidus jumped on the bounty hunter and using his tail, Solidus stabbed the bounty hunter in the chest. Solidus then used his claw to tear off the bounty hunter and began to eat the bounty hunter alive.

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Shadow stalked his target, waiting for the chance to kill him out of sight. He prefered to kill at night, but this target seemed to not like being out at night. They were coming up to an ally right after bakery so he drew his Vibrodagger to finish the job when the man let out a shriek and dropped.


Shadow immeadiatly drew his Assault Rifle but didn't fire when he saw what it was. Rethinking his options, he moved a bit farther away and primed his Plasma Grenade. He was almost sad to do it, but he could tell this creature was going to hinder his plans. He had his Stealth on, so he wouldn't be spotted throwing the grenade. He threw and it landed in front of the bakery about two feet away from the creature.

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Sitting in a crouched position outside a holovid shop across the street from a bakery, sat Qu'zin speaking to anyone who passed by, in Geonosian, and his little companion Bue-Boe, repeating in Gungan. He was selling trinkets, not cheap rip-offs that some people are duped into buying, but quality items, but today not many were on the streets. Then down the street he say a person coming down the opposite end, after awhile he saw it was lady, quickly pulling out some refirbished jewelry he had fixed. But before he could speak she started sprinting towards a man at the bakery, he had tryed to sell some security tunnelers and computer spikes to him earlier, but the man didnt seem to care and only bought some salvaged ammo packs off him. He didnt care for bothering them, because he didnt want to ruin their moment, so he descided to sit and wait.

Then he saw a man and an droid walk up to the bakery, but before he could even get two words out they were inside.

'Blast! What luck today....first angry man buys ammo and wont pay set price, but Qu'zin did not want trouble....then lady comes by, but then she hugs the man and goes inside, and I spent all that trouble on fixing that jewelry....then! man and droid go by, and go in bakery....and I have good salvaged droid parts too!' he thought in his cold steely way "HHMMPH!!" he exclaimed 'What is it with this bakery!! I think I'll go and find out for myself!!' Qu'zin thought to himself.


He stood up, stretching out to his full 7 foot hight. Preening his wings he gathered his trinkets, weapons, datapad, and the few credits he had.


"Come Bue-Boe." he said in Gungan, "let us go to the bakery."


"Why we go?" Bue-Boe said in his limited programming of Basic.


Qu'zin thought on what he said, not knowing much Basic. "We must see why others are going in to it, and not paying attention to poor Qu'zin." he said, in his common tongue.

But right before he was in the bakery, he heard a piercing shreek, and he reeled around to see what it was. He say a ominous figure tearing a bounty hunter to pieces. His brow furrowing into a look of cold concetration. "Pret-qu'a!" he hissed, in Geonosian, and lifting his Geo. Electropole.

'Tick' he heard the faint press of a button on what he had commonly known was a grenade. Coming out of his concentrated look he weeled around on his heel at the sound of the grenade going through the air, then the 'Plunk' of it landing, and 'CRACK' smacking it with his Geo. pole it went flying into the air. 'Thoom' it could be heard in the distance, along with a couple of speeder car alarms going off.

Before he was noticed by the creature he opened the door, and dived into the bakery. Quickly putting his pole away and pulling his Ascension Gun out, he stared around at the shocked patrons, some staring at him some out the window at the creature. Finally his gaze met that of the man and women he had seen earlier, giving a cold stare to the man, and then trading the stare to the women, but quickly flashing a warm smile at her. He then readied himself, incase the creature decided to have a dessert pastry of his own!

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Jason entered the bakery. It was a little rusted, but it had the same charm as when he entered years ago. He, followed by Reaper sat down in the café area as a waiter came.


"What do you wish sir?" he asked.


"Nothing yet." Jason replied, carefully watching two persons talking to each other.

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Shadow watched cloaked as the creature went stealthed and a Geonosion that sold trinkets wack the grenade away from the bakery. When the grenade went off, it completely melted the tops of the speeders. He knew that the creature was probably waiting in the nearby ally to pounce again on some unaware person. Or, it sensing to much danger in the area to risk it, simply moved to another area. Either way, he wasn't going to find out by standing there.


He moved closer and saw that the tornup bounty hunter was actually alive. He was careful not to move into view sight of the bakery's windows because even though he was stealthed, they could see the air slightly warped around him. It didn't look like the creature was here. he saw a trail of blood from the creatures claws going into the ally and decided that it had fled. It looked like it could climb very well.


He decide that since he his target was technically dead anyway, he disengaged his stealth generator and walk into the bakery, where he came face to face with the Geonosion who looked like he was ready to fight to the death.


"Hello." Shadow said to him with a smile on his face. He was surprised because he had never met anyone his height before so he looked at him face to face.

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After only a minute he finished with his earlier victim, Solidus went off hunting for a new one. This time he decided that his prey would be somewhere off the surface. That when he saw the rising elivator. Inside he could see a large hutt on his rodians gaurds. Solidus jumped from building to building to get closer the the elivator. And when he was close enoug he pounced...

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Looking the stranger up and down Qu'zin with his Ascension Gun at the ready, finally looked into his eyes, which for the first time he noticed they were level with his, and not down low.


"Hhmm" he mumbled to himself, "Bue-Boe, check the dead guy...he might have food." he said to the little remote in gungan, which is known to be a very rare thing for anyone to understand gungan.


"Hiya" Qu'zin said in basic with a rye smile, while lowering his gun a bit.


Bue-Boe came back with a rather large sack, he was holding it with four little armiture like extentions that came out of his partially open shell, and he seemed to be straining, but he didnt complain. Qu'zin took the sack, "Thank you" he said to Bue-Boe, Bue-Boe whistled and chirped happily in common remote fashion. Looking into the contents of the bag, Qu'zin looked up at the stranger and said "You want something special off man? If not Qu'zin keep stuff in bag! kay kay!" Qu'zin exclaimed in a lower voice in his normal dialect, staring at the man almost as if he knew what he did for a living, and that he had thrown the grenade that almost killed him and every one in the bakery.

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"Curious about the man outside. But to resume on subject, what do you have?" Shadow asked taking of his gloves. They were very pale. The Geonosion looked old, but still had a lot of fight in him. Shadow cast a look over everyone else in the bakery, but felt himself flare at the sight Roman. So close to gut, yet so far in chances to get out alive with practicly everybody armed in here. He was glad he mastered his face long ago or his face would have easily shown his hostility to Romen.

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Jason finally ordered a coffee. He drank it, but noticed a guy looking at him from the window. Jason also noticed the guns on his belt.


"Reaper." he said.


"Query: Yes Master?" he asked.


Jason nodded to the side and Reaper looked.


"Whisper: Ah, Bounty Hunter." he whispered. Reaper got up and outside, and watched the Bounty Hunter.

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Qu'zin smiled at the stranger, "I have many things, I have security tunnelers, spikes, and jammers....hhmm....I have refirbished ammo packs, grenades, missiles, and small guns....hhmm,hhmm....I have remade jewelry for ladies, unless you freaky, I no think you want jewelry!" said Qu'zin happily, "I have self made darts, and toys for little ones, and some medpacks and stimulants....just about everything you would want and need....but medpacks are high price....so are ammo packs....seeing as Qu'zin needs them sometimes, and they hard to come by free!" said Qu'zin looking around at the people. "Or do you want something off of the man you were after" said Qu'zin in a voice only the stranger could hear.

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"Hhmm....hhmm" mumbled Qu'zin as he let the sack down, some of it's contents spilling out, "oop, silly old me, could you pick that up while I get you those security tunnelers and spikes plus those jammers" said Qu'zin, straight faced and making subtle hints with his gun towards the datapad that had fallen out. While Qu'zin shuffled through his trinket kit he said "my name is Quar-nak Toob Kriue-shuk, but for simple human use, I am Qu'zin!" he said, looking like he was having trouble getting to the security items, when he really wasnt.

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"I've been a target since I came here three years ago, I'm still standing aren't I?" said Qu'zin honestly, "I might die from starvation though!" Qu'zin laughed in common geonosian fashion. "But...yes I'd like to know" said Qu'zin looking over at Shadow, with an honest smile, and the look of knowing and kinship on his scarred and wrinkled face.

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"You could say I've been hunting Gaias, but since his location is a mystery, I've been hunting his agents. You'd be surprised how much stuff I find off of their bodies that they squeezed from poor people. That's practically how I've been staying alive myself. I've been doing that since I was about, 15 years old I think, maybe a bit younger. Gaias hides himself well." Shadow said, a smile of, what? Sorrow? Pain? "Your right though. Sometimes I spend so much on weapons I forget to feed myself." he said with a short laugh.

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"Hhhmmm...." mumbled Qu'zin to himself, pondering. "I like you...what was it..Shadow....I think I'll help you, and in doing so...we can both get enough credits to feed each other, what do you say? Hm?" Qu'zin said putting his hand on Shadow's shoulder, to show he meant what he said.

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