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Coruscant Underground IC

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Donovin sat behind his desk contemplating while flipping a coin through his fingers. He took out a cigar from the box on his desk and lit it up. A Twilek majordomo entered the room.


"Sir, Verudav is back, he has him." The Twilek said.


"Very well, send him in." Donovin replied


In came Verudav entered the room first followed by two men draggin a man in by his arms. The captive had a black bag over his head, and obviously his mouth was gagged from the muffled screams. The men made him drop to his knees, pulled the bag of his face, and took out what had him gagged. Donovin stood up and walked around his desk going to the man. He took a puff from his cigar and blew the smoke in his face.


"So you are the one sneaking around my spice warehouses?" Donovin asked.


"I...I....I won't go to the authorities, I promise!" He pleaded.


"I know." Donovin replied as pulled out his dagger and stabbed the man right in the throat. He choked a bit, but after a moment his eyes went shut. The men dragged him out of the room leaving Donovin alone with Verudav. Donovin whiped his dagger clean and looked at Verudav.


"Another spice shipment has just come in from Nar Shaddaa. Make sure it gets taken care of properly." Verudav nodded and left.

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Jason got out. He carefully stared at the Bounty Hunter. It was nothing more than a man in normal clothes with a rifle. As he got out, the Hunter quickly charged but Jason ducked and shot the Hunter's leg as Reaper shot him in the shoulder. Jason then put his hand in is pocket and got out his money: 2000 credits.


"You won't need this any more." He said before walking away with his hood up.

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Patience too wait for the right time is the key to any hunter. To get patience, you must learn discipline. To learn discipline, you must go through trial and error to learn why. And you must make sure that if you don't succeed, that you must live to fight another day. Those words seemed so familiar, yet he had never heard them before. He had just thought of it during his times waiting for his targets.


He currently waited on a roof for his next target that he had learned of from that datapad. Qu'zin was at Shadow's safe house. It was a cool night, and almost pitch black with the exception of a few lights, but Shadow's eyes had adapted to the darkness long ago. There was also the fact that there was a night vision attachment to his rifle so the world was green.


His target came into view. While a lot of people didn't like the night, that was the time most use to do their illegal business. And that was fine with him.


He pulled the trigger and the rifle kicked against his shoulder. There was a silencer attachment so the bullet didn't wake the whole neighborhood. The target dropped.


He activated the stealth generator and jumped down to search the corpse. The body didn't have much. 100 credits, a stim, and some food. But what caught his eye was the bag of spice. Spice was no good to him so he threw it into the sewer and took the rest.

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Ryan was riding his speeder, when suddenly he passed by a Swoop Racing Dome. "This is one place where Gaias guys sure are." He thought. He parked his speeder and entered the Dome. At the entrance a Twi’lek greeted him.


"Hello sir, are you here to bet in a race? Or do you want to be in the racing business?" She asked.


"I wish to be a racer." Replied Ryan.


"Well first, you have to answer some form questions." She said.


"Fine by me." Ryan already knew that she was going to ask something like that.


"First, are you over 18?" She asked.


"Yes." Replied Ryan obviously.


"Second, do you have any disease that may incapacitate you from racing?"




"Third, do you have any experience on swoop racing?"


"I drive a speeder. Is that enough?"


"Hum...yes. Fourth do you have a swoop bike?"


Now Ryan couldn't say anything but no.




"Them I'm sorry, but our agency doesn't supply the swoop bikes."


"That's ok. Good afternoon."


"Good afternoon sir.


Then Ryan walked away, and entered his speeder. While he was heading home, a thought come to his head. "Maybe I can win a swoop bike in plazaak from a drunk." He thought, and then he headed to the most popular local cantina

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This target was to prove a more intreasting kill. He looked like a business man of some sort and was being escorted by four guards. He considered picking them off with a sniper rifle, but then they would have a chance to escape after the first dropped. A plasma grenade would melt away evidence that might lead to others. So, it was silent assaination.


He had out his two Vibrodaggers and was trailing them with the stealth generator on. He easily slit the throats of the two in the rear and caught them before they dropped, lowering them to the ground slowly. It was easy to do the same with the bussines man and the other two guards in the front.


He searched the corpses and again found a bag of spice, bigger this time. There was also a datapad with where two other contacts would be meeting.


So it continues, Shadow thought and made his way to were his next target would be.

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Qu'zin had left Shadow's safe house, and he was now following the obvious trail of dead bodies Shadow was leaving behind. He would stop and drag the bodies into allies, so no one else would follow him. He saw the bags of spice, he cringed, knowing what the stuff does in the long run. But, he grabbed the spice anyways, he knew, that though spice was an illegal drug, it was worth triple, in restoring explosives! He pulled out a sandwich he had made from some stuff in Shadow's safe house, and started munching on it, and trotted up behind the obvious stealthed figure.

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"I'm here to help!?" he said quizically, "I thought we shook on it, you know, me helping you, to get at Gaias." "Besides, you were leaving a trail, too obvious, unless you want every thug of Gaias's after you, or worse the Pret-qu'a, then you should really learn to conseal bodies!" he said, then taking another bite of his sandwich.

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"Oh, right. I don't normally think about other things when I'm out hunting. As for the trail, I normally pick up after I make a mess. As for every thug, they have to get the orders from someone and they normally record who that someone was for future reffrance. And to tell the truth, I don't know what a Pret-qu'a is." Shadow said, turned around, fired a shot from his Sniper Rifle, and a body dropped. "You can help by looting these bodies and concealing them." Shadow said.

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"Get the crates into the speeder, do it quickly." Verudav said calmy. Then men quickly began to do the transfer.


"Hey, what about my money?" asked the pilot of the ship that brought in the spice.


Verudav pulled out a neat stack of Republic credit bills from his pocket and handed it to the man without looking at him. Once the spice was loaded into the large cargo speeder, he signaled for his men to get ready to leave. They all piled into the cargo speeder. Verudav got into the passenger seat of the cargo speeder while one of his henchman prepared to drive it.


"To the warehouse." He said vaguely. The henchman nodded and pulled out of the docking area.

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Ryan entered the cantina,and went to the plazaak corner. After winning some games he said:


"I'll put my speeder on the line, if anyone puts their swoop."


This was risky, but Ryan knew that. Then a Trandoshan accepts. This duel was in a tie 2-2, and the last round began. Thrandoshan's turn:

He pulls out a 10.


Ryan's turn:

He pulls out a 6 and adds 4.


It was 10-10, and it was Thrandoshan's turn:

He pulls out a 5 and adds 1.


Ryan's turn:

He pulls out a 3.


It's 16-13. Thrandoshan's turn:

He pulls out a 3, and by his facial expression it wasn't what he expected.


Ryan's turn, he needs a lucky 7:

NO! He pulls a unlucky 6. The Trandoshan laughs. But Ryan has a -/+ 1 card and he plays it. Ryan wins.


"Who's laughing now hum?" Ryan ruffles the victory on the Trandoshan's face.


"You cheated!" Says the Trandoshan, not taking well the lost.


"No, man. I didn't you had pretty chances too." Ryan tries to calm him down.


"You have big mouth! That mouth will cost your life!"


The Trandoshan pulls out a Heavy Blaster, and starts shooting at Ryan. Luckilly Ryan, pushed the table to protect him. Everybody ran, except the another Trandoshan, who was friend of the shooting one. The Trandoshan's blasts were making wholes on the table, Ryan had one chance of getting his blaster and shoot him the head. He tried that but he almost got shot. Then he picked up a chair and threw it, the Trandoshan shot the chair, but meanwhile Ryan aimed his Scout Blaster to the Trandoshan's head,and Bam! Right in the middle of the eyes.

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"Observation: Master, there seems to be a fight at the local cantina. Shall we make it more interesting?" Reaper asked.


"Sure, but don't fire unless they fire at you." Jason said. They got in and were greeted by 3 blaster shots and they hid behind a table.


"Holy hell, kill them all!" Jason shouted.


"Proud Statement: Yes Master, i will blast those meatbags." Reaper said before getting up and started shooting as Jason did the same thing, usually crouching after shooting.

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Qu'zin licked the sandwich crumbs off his figures, he heard what Shadow said and looked up at the cantina with blaster bolts flying out of the window.


"Hhmm, stale bread...but good....huh? Oh, yes we should check it out, it might be Gaias's men making some kind of trouble...you never know," he said while unshouldering his hefty Light Repeater, and nodding to Shadow to lead.

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Shadow jogged up to the door and peeked inside. All the tables were turned over and the blaster fire was non-stop. He noticed a table overturned near their position and it was not being used. He and Qu'zin ran to it and began to open fire.


Every time Shadow would try to get a shot off with his Sniper Rifle, a dozen shots would come his way. So he switched to his MA5B ICWS Assault Rifle ((I love this Halo weapon. And yes, ICWS is part of its real name.)) and unleashed a barrage of fire at the area of the droids and his owner. He doubted that a droid could withstand 7.62mm Armor Piercing rounds at 15 rounds per second.

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((Is your gun the regular Assault Rifle from Halo, or the Battle Rifle, or what? I'm not one to memorize the Letters, and Characters of the weapon names in Halo!)) Qu'zin followed Shadow in, in old commando stile, he got behind Shadow a bit, and unfolded the gun stalk. He waited till the fire died down just a little, and set the big repeater rifle on the table edge. Soon he had joined in, shooting high amounts of superheated plasma energy at anything shooting back!

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Seeing the them drop before the bullets could hit them, which he found hard to believe since bullets break the speed of sound, he used a moment to to prime a plasma genade and threw it to the table the Trandoshans were at. It fell behind behind the table where they were at, and while they tried to run, were caught in the blast. It left a minicrater and smoldering corpses.


He then resumed spraying fire at anything that fired a shot.

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Ryan saw the mess that the plasma grenade did to the table next to his, and he also noticed that the other Trandoshan was dead, so he searched his plazaak opponent. He found some keys and a datapad.


"This must be the swoop keys, and this datapad must tell me wher it is." Ryan noticed the blasts. " I better get out of here."


Ryan crouched an ran, when he reached the open exit door, he rolled out of the cantina, jumped into his speeder and drove away, as he saw police expecial forces arriving to the cantina.

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Shadow heard the police forces and knew it was time to leave. He motioned to Qu'zin and dashed out the back entrance, sticking to the shadows, using allys and rooftops to move across the block. The rest of the way to the safe house was uneventful seeing as it was night and there were no more targets.

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After Solidus had finished with the Hutt and it's guard, the beast was pretty much full up however his blood lust had only grown stronger. It was now scanning the surface for new prey while he crawled the walls of large buildings that supported Coruscant's ubber city.


((Yay, useless post!!))

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