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World in Conflict- c'mon, Massive, gimme back my fate in y'all!

Dagobahn Eagle

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No qestion about it, their Ground Control was the best RTT (Real-Time Tactics) games ever by far, despite its shortcomings (huge maps and no time-compression, for example:p). Ground Control II, however, was a disappointment to me and every Ground Control fan I've talked to. It was more Force Commander than Ground Control, giving you infinite amounts of reinforcements instead of a small army you had to keep alive throuhout the whole game.


But now, Massive Entertainment, you've got yourself a second chance! Prove to me and all of us that you can make awesome games!


The second chance? World In Conflict!


Look at the graphics in that trailer. And that's an RTS game (and yes, knowing Massive, that's at least in part in-game scenes).


If that's an in-game shot, then the future is truly here:D.



Who else is in hysterics about this game? And why haven't I discovered it until now:eek:?

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My only gripe so far is how it appears to be using Force Commander/Ground Control II's system of gaining and spending Command Points for reinforcements, abilities, upgrades, etc. I liked Ground Control far better in that you had a starting army which grew between missions, and that you had to protect it throughout not only the mission, but the whole campaign (all losses were replaced between missions, but the replacements would be "greenhorns" rather than the veterans you lost).


I like it far better when you have to "use what you have". How fun would chess be if a new queen kept coming onto the board whenever I lost one?

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It's not only the graphics that get me, but also the attention to detail. Soldiers in the screen shots and trailer crouch, take cover, and use hand signals.


From up high it looks like any beautiful next-generation RTT:



But then you take the camera down to ground level, and:eek:...




Never mind the beauty of the graphics. Never mind that everything but the ground can be destroyed. Look at those infantrymen!


The only thing missing is a Dogs of War/Rise and Fall-style first-person-mode.


But come to think of it, gripe number 2: The squad system seems to be missing still:(.

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The one thing I'm never going to get used to with this game is that it used units and nations from this world. Ground Control made use of a science-fiction world with futuristic weaponry and vehicles with awesome fire-power (download the game from GameSpy and try out the scout terradyne-deployed anti-armour mines, rifle-mounted rockets fired by marine squads, and, of course, the Crayven artillery terradynes and bomber aerodynes:eek: ).


Oh my God.
Listen to, er, read this [WiC journal, issue 1, interview part II - not verbatim]:

Interviewer: Tell us about your revolutionary new first-person mode!

M. E.: We don't know where this feature's heading. But it's not a problem of camera control - the camera can be moved from 0 to 300 metres.


Oh God. We're maybe going to get a first-person mode in addition to everything else?


Note that I struck "revolutionary" because both Dogs of War and Rise and Fall have made use of the FPS-in-RTS-feature before. It's a great feature, but there's nothing "revolutionary" about it.


As for the camera being able to get zoomed out to 300 metres - that's Massive Entertainment for you. Go play Ground Control:D.

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Hmm... is RTS seeing some form of resurgance?? First a follow up to Total Anihiliation, now a follow up to Ground Control???


though i gotta say i never actually got around to playing either of those classic games.. and then i burned out on RTS and haven't touched one in ages. Not since Shogun TW i think.


Still, i've been meaning to grab the Dawn of War compilation. (and maybe try starcraft, so maybe i'll add TA and GC to the list).

It looks pretty incredible... if pretty generic.. but i've long since given up trying to keep my PC up to date for these types of games... so i think i'll have more luck with the originals ;)


[edit] and with a gerenic name like "World in Conflict" its going to have a hard time getting noticed, no matter how nice it looks.

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This game looks very VERY cool. Shame aboout the name though. Loving the detail. I quite like RTS games as they a bit of playability after you've finished them. This ones' explosions look mad. Although, I haven't really heard about it either. Weird. Still, it looks to be a good game.

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Shame aboout the name though.
The name threw me off a bit too. Not just that it's generic, but World in Conflict? It just sounds so... Odd?


But yes, RTS games are quite cool. If you find it, pick up Empires: Dawn of the Modern World by Stainless Steel Studios. It died quickly due to lack of patching, but it's one Heck of a game. It's got a fantastic scenario editor, too.


Oh, and to get introduced to Massive: Ground Control. Ground Control's music on Massive's site.


A truly great game. A fantastic UI (in a time where for some reason game developers think the GUI has to take up 1/4th of the screen with a huge panel, it's a gem), wonderful music and graphics, a good plot (it picks up in the OND campaign), and real line of sight - none of that stupid "I can see everything around me if it's within my magic circle of vision"-thing. If you're standing near a big crater and there's someone in the crater, you don't see them. If you're at the foot of a cliff and someone's at the top, you don't see them. You have to have line of sight to your enemies to detect them. Not to mention you can hide units in tall grass, between trees, in shadow, etc.


There's also the complete lack of resources of any kind, no reinforcements (except for replacements of all your losses between missions). You get an army that grows larger and larger and get to customize it very deeply. You choose which squads to bring down to the surface, you choose their units (for example, a Crayven infantry squad can consist of marines and jaegers) stance (offensive, defensive, recon, or assault), and special weapons and equipment. If you take losses, as I said, they're replaced 100% between missions, but the replacements will be greenhorns, so it pays to take care of your troops (and every mission has several good strategies that you have to find that result in zero casualties).

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Thanks for the link Eagle... i'm downloading now. Well, i would be if fileplanet didn't give you so many stupid hoops to jump through.


If its free do you think i'm justified in downloading it from *cough* somewhere else? I'd get it in about a tenth of the time!



Fixed name. FileFront pwns FileSuckPlanet.


But toms, that would be immoral!

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Well, after 24 hours i've given up on getting it from filefront. I keep getting almmost the whole download, then it dies and i have to start again. stupid filefront. (sorry, what's that you say? filePLANET? oh..)


Its immoral for them to waste all that bandwidth with a sucky ad-infested site and insanely complex hoops to jump through to let you download a file. Since its released free i'm gonna see if i can get it somewere DECENT!

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If its free do you think i'm justified in downloading it from *cough* somewhere else? I'd get it in about a tenth of the time!
Be my guest. It's not like they've uploaded all their music and even an SDK at their own site. They're fine with you downloading their stuff.


I've found this to be a fairly worthwhile read. Dey eefen got Doktor Ztrangelov' tah write for dem.


One interesting feature is the "Domination Meter" game. The game lasts for a set amount of time, and there's a "Domination Meter" that you can increase in your favour by accomplishing things on the battlefield (such as capturing those annoying control points and killing the even more annoying enemies). If the Meter is in your favour when the time runs out, you win. If it is in the enemy's favour, he wins. If you manage to push it all the way up to 100% in your favour ("unlikely, but entirely possible" in a developer's words), you win instantly.


Another thing I noticed that made me really happy is that the damned credits system isn't so damned after all. You have a set amount of credits that's fixed throughout the whole game. When you lose units, you get the credits for them back, and after a set delay, you can spend those credits on new units.


The credits you earn in-game, on the other hand, can "only" be spent on special forces, new weapons, tactical abilties such as bombardments, and so on.


Oh, and I love this deployable bridge! [huge image warning]

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