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Dark Trooper Size


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No, just like Darth Vader isn't half as tall as an AT-ST.


Things are not scaled correctly purposely in order for you to see all units propperly.


In "reality" Dark Troopers are only almost twice as high as a normal person, about 3 meters tall, alittle over 1/3rd of the height of an AT-ST.

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The screen shots don't show it well, but the Phase I troopers are only slightly taller than a human stormtrooper, the Phase II is slightly bigger than that (about 1.5 stormtroopers) and the Phase III is about 2 stormtroopers tall. We took the scales from the New Essential Guide to Droids (or roughly anyway). As always with scale, playability trumps realism, but we try to keep it as close as possible.

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  HerbieZ said:
If things were scaled correctly, it wouldnt be fun.


I was not complaining about the size of the dark troopers, I was just curious if they were really that big.



Editing your posts instead of double posting ftw! :) -LIAYD

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  PoiuyWired said:
Well they be all robot versions (except Phase III) or will there be Phase II suits?


I guess it does not really matter though, but just a thought, since it has to do with WHERE they can be healed.


They are all considered droids/vehicles and will be healed at repair stations (not bacta tanks). They are also subject to such things as the magnepulse cannon and other vehicle-only affecting weapons.

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If I remember he got it from the room where he has to fight a couple of them Dark Trooper Phase II. That gun is quite big, and is shoulder mounted. I think its plasma shots and rockets, but I could be wrong about it.


If I remember right you only get to see a Prototype Phase I running around with scissors chasing after you, or is that just a crazed bodyguard droid?


Well, Also the Dark Trooper Phase I is not THAT tall relatively, and even for Phase II it looks like he is 7-8 feet max. Remember he is floating/flying, or at least, he has quite some stiff legs. But graphic of the game is not THAT good.


There are said to be Phase II Dark Trooper "suits" rather than just droids. Phase III Prototype exists as a suit also, and its a pain to finish off as Katarn.


Basically you get to trash his forcefield generator...

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  Darth Anarch said:
All this talk about Darktroopers is making me wonder if the Rebels will get a new (non-hero) ground unit too. Maybe some Tauntaun-mounted troopers?


That's a possibility. Most of the new rebel additions have not been revealed yet. The only ones that are confirmed are the new heroes Luke and Yoda (I think Garm bel Iblis is being added as well). then the only confirmed new space forces are B-wings and Mon Cal frigates. Unless those are the only additions (I doubt it though).


Oh yeah, another question. I read that dark troopers will be recruited from a specialized star destroyer called the "Arc Hammer". I read more about it on wookipedia and it looked much different from a normal Star Destroyer, what will it look like in the game? In other words will it look like it did in the Dark Forces game or like a regular star destroyer? (This question is directed to Darth Torpid)

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  Darth Anarch said:
Maybe some Tauntaun-mounted troopers?



Combat mounted troopers don't make that much sense in Star Wars. They make good scouts, but that's about it.

Sure, SWGB had them, but then, you needed something to take out buildings early on :p

A Tauntaun scout would be so much weaker then an Imperial Speeder bike, it's not even worth it.

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I only asked because on the Chat Transcript topic one of the questions was "Where are Dark Troopers recruited?", and the answer said "The Arc Hammer, a star destroyer."


The answer makes it sound like it's a regular Star Destroyer.

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Well, there are alot of star destroyer designes.


Though I'm not sure I would class this ship as a star destroyer though, since it's basically a factory. Much the same way the Interdictor isn't a star destroyer. Sure it's wedgeshaped, but that alone does not make it a star destroyer. :)

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