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Some good tips!


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I thought that there should be a thread in which people can post tips and tricks that have helped them threw there many KotOR2 expeditions. (I wasn't sure if this is supposed to go in the Padawan's Lounge or not...)


1.) Save your level ups for boss fights. Before I fight a boss, I like to have a level up with me. When you level up, it fully restores your health.


2.) Find the glitches. During the fight with Sion, there are a bunch of pillars in the room. I hid behind one, and he just stood on the other end. This helped me heal myself and restore my Force points.


3.) One lightsaber for better accuracy. This isn't really a tip per se, more of a preference. But, when I first started playing this game, I was a dual lightsaber guy. I forget why, but I decided to try it with just one, and I've been a one LS ever since. I went threw an entire game and only missed like 20 times.


4.) Always get the powers Master Heal, Force Storm, and Master Speed. Heal is probably the most useful power in the game. It allows you more credits to buy actual stuff, and not medpacks. Force Storm is probably the most destructive power, as it can target anyone who's within fifteen feet (is it meters?) of you. Master Speed is, IMO, the most underrated power. It'll get you there a lot faster, but it also gives you two more attacks per round. So, if you use it with Master Flurry, it will hit someone 5 times in one attack.


Do you have any?

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5.) Saving Level Ups. Like Jedi_Knight_707 said, if you plan to save Levels for your Party Members (If they're becoming Jedi), save them. These are for Atton, Bao-Dur, Handmaiden/Disciple and Mira.


Perhaps this should go in the Padawan's Lounge and also be stickied.

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9) NEVER alow the auto-level up to do it's work. Always make a plan before the game of how you want to build your characters. Auto Level up will, for example, use both Duelling, AND Two-weapon fighting, a total loss of feats. Not to mention the loss of Force-powers, skill points etc etc.

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Make sure to build the Force Push power. It's incredibly useful that you can push large groups of enemies away with Force Wave, so that the melee fighters never get close to you, especially at the end of the game, when you're fighting the sith, who will try to use harm you with their lightsabers. If you also have Force Storm, you really don't need your lightsaber - just do a Force Wave followed by two Force Storms. Anyone still standing? If yes, repeat ad libitum... :D

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Actually read dialogs. Im serious, my freind just skipped to the last thing a NPC said and decided on what he's going to say there.


Level up your charisma really high, I max it out at the start on both games. There is nothing better than Opening up a can with force crush, then healing yourself.

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Here's some more: Don't get more than you have to, skill-wise. There's no real reason to level up your security, except past maybe 12-13. Then, when you get Bao-Dur, level up his security, as its one of his primary ones. There's no point in having two guys with 15+ security. Same thing with demolition.


Persuasion is key. I always get as much persuade as I can. It'll help you get many more things, and maybe save you from a potential fight. And I always get Force persuade. Trust me, that thing is awesome.


Do everything. Have Bao-Dur get all the mines from a place, have Bao-Dur open all the locked doors and stuff with security, etc. Those things give you like 75 XP. Not much, but when you do it on every single planet, it adds up to quite a lot.

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*Never drink from someone elses soda, espically if its warm...

-Concentrate: Don't spread your feats and force powers too far apart. Build on certain skills that apeal to your chracter class, party, ad weapons you use. Do it for all your characters, try to spend force points on powers that compliment eachother.

-Opinon Tip: Kill the Warren in the Refugee sector. Kill him any everything around him, don't even bother with losing the 600 or 800 creds and convincing him that the Refugess got a plague. *TSL ONLY*

*Don't Run with scisscors unless you have JEDI TRAINING -.o

-Lets Sit Down and Talk: Talk to everyone and everything. See that wall next to you, talk to it. The short little hairy bat-man? Talk to him. Tall red-eyed scary lizard/man Talk to him. The trenteck with a blade stuck in his hide who has already killed a legendary jedi? Talk to him. Talking to your ship-mates and parteners will grant some extra side-quests, or benefiet in some other way. Infulenece, Items, Quests, Light-side poitns, free chicken, Dark-side points. etc.


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