adamqd Posted August 21, 2007 Share Posted August 21, 2007 I don't mind what they stand for story-wise, and I agree with Jediphile that if there in it, they should be descendants from the Golden age of the Sith... It's just the name that gets me, its like some race from star trek or something, and it also points to all the sith we know and love as "false".... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
logan23 Posted August 21, 2007 Share Posted August 21, 2007 The Sith in kotor3 should be not called the True Sith, but the player might assume them to be since they are different, in what way- i can't say. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RellioN Posted August 21, 2007 Share Posted August 21, 2007 Vaelastraz said: I know that Kreia hinted "You must go, the True Sith are waiting!" but Kreia is not an allknowing being. She may be wrong. Her force prediction powers can be flawed, the future can't be told after all... Then her views on why Revan disappeared are wrong too! Anyway, what (I admit it is unlikely that Kotor III will NOT feature the True Sith) could be an alternative enemy in Kotor III? Could it be a cunning crimelord/politician who plans to rule the Republic? Not knowing that he/she is manipulated by a powerful force sensitive being? Or, if Kotor III features a rebuild Jedi Order, could one of the Jedi Masters, maybe the leader of them all be a traitor, wanting the galaxy for himself/herself ? We have so many threads discussing the True Sith, why not have one about alternative options! What do you think? Isn't the whole Revan left for the True Sith thing canon? Thus either he'll find them or... there is a twist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darthcarth Posted August 21, 2007 Share Posted August 21, 2007 I dont see the need for a new enemy the true sith if made right will make a excelent enemy. The idea of not including the true sith as the main enemy or a major piece of the plot would be almost as bad as puting kotor 3 2000 years from the end of kotor 2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jvstice Posted August 22, 2007 Share Posted August 22, 2007 Rellion, DC, & Jediphile: I agree whole heartedly. Not having a sith race in K3 just doesn't logically follow. With the TOJ comics series and the KOTOR games series, there's nothing that gives any reason why we should think that the whole sith race has died off from the galactic map in the 1000 years between the initial TOJ stories and KOTOR I & 2. But then they seem to have died off by the time of the original series. Two options can explain this. We know that the Massassi (a genetic warrior caste offshoot who eventually come to live on Yavin 4) had members of their race to have survived at least until Palpatine's reign. It seems far more likely that the parent race is simply in hiding than some galaxy wide act of genocide took place off camera that we were never allowed to see and would remain hidden even now. Silentscope & adammqd: Of course I suppose that it's possible that the sith race, as opposed to the sith religion has been utterly wiped out, or that the Sith race has cut all ties to the Sith religion, and that now they are light siders by and large. And while it might be interesting to see the main PC from K3 to come from such a group, I still think that there'd have to be someone who is both a member of the Sith race & Sith religion at the same time who the hero has to beat in order to make the galaxy safe for LS force users. There are groups in the world today that have their ethnic and religious identity closely intertwined, so it would be an interesting twist to have someone step forward to essentially say, "My culture gave birth to this monster. I have to be the one to stand up to him or her. Nobody else will if I don't." A sith schism would definitely bring something interesting and new not just to the game, but to the history of the star wars galaxy. Then we'd be hanging on to see whether the LS Sith race had any effects on the galaxy at large before they faded into the history books. Vaelastraz: I find the idea of additional enemies working with or for the true sith much more credible than the idea that the Sith race will be utterly irrelevant to the 3rd game in the series. So much has been hinted at as well as blatantly said in the first two games, that I really don't think it's credible to say it's just a blind alley. What might be cool is to have them not doing the main bit of fighting, but mucking about in the planetary politics of various planets trying to drum up force sensitive worlds to turn against the Republic. There are hints about such a possibility. In "Darth Bane: Path of Destruction," when Dessel is studying on Korriban, it is mentioned that the Sith order of the time sends their Sith Marauders to train on Iridonia, yet 3,000 years before, in KOTOR 2, they border the outer rims, but seem definitely on the side of the republic (going by Bao Dur and Exile's conversations). I'd think that a part of the plot to try to disrupt alliances like this so that the true sith have to stand alone against the Old Republic might make for an interesting plot. Sort of a delicate balance of power cold war scenario throughout most of the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Avlectus Posted August 26, 2007 Share Posted August 26, 2007 I have seen the jedi vs sith stuff. I'm not so thouroughly convinced this or the kotor series gives validation to palpatine's statement of a "republic that has stood for over a thousand years"--if it had not broken and had actually been around all 25 millenia, palpatine would/should have said that. Seeing as how K1 and a good bit of this other stuff was made after AOTC, I think it was a mistake on the part of EU--we can say it's george lucas' bad for not reading EU--but he CREATED this whole phenomenon. I say this continuity error should be fixed at least , rather than shifting blame. Sure some of it was created before. If it contradicts the movies, it should not be canon regardless. I want the K series to be canon. Have I read all the stuff? No, but I know enough of it to say all of it does not necessarily solve this specific thing. We need a sort of indication that the republic that once stood has effectively faded out and that it is a time of magnificent terrible war--true sith or not. That many republic-ists are for a rebirth of it--hence the one we know in the prequel trilogy, and the new republic as its successor. I was under the impression that true sith as a species died out a long time *before* kotor? I'll go back and look at that wookiepeedia stuff again, but it honestly did not effectively rebuttle this incontnuity. Say whatever you will. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hipmonlee Posted August 26, 2007 Share Posted August 26, 2007 GTA:SWcity said: We need a sort of indication that the republic that once stood has effectively faded out and that it is a time of magnificent terrible war--true sith or not. That many republic-ists are for a rebirth of it--hence the one we know in the prequel trilogy, and the new republic as its successor. Well, the Ruusan reformation was supposedly introduced to deal with that particular issue, so i doubt will be seeing any of that in K3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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