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If you want Kotor III, buy NWN 2!!!!


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You have proven my point for me. I have no intent on supporting any game, so another game that I am interested in could be made.


Someone has expressed an interest in making KotOR III, however, they are only expressing their desires. There is a very big difference between 'wanting' to do something and 'actually doing something'. You have nothing to support your facts that Obsidian is working on KotOR III. Any one of Lucas Art’s affiliates could be working on that project; however, we have no solid proof that will lead us to a specific company. Second, there is also no evidence that the game is in production. Yes, someone has expressed an interest, but no one has come forward to say, “Hey, we are working on KotOR III.”


I noticed your list of companies that have gone out of business. When it comes to their failure, they have only themselves to blame. Consumers are not responsible for a company’s 'internal' success. If those companies cannot hold onto consumers, they really don’t belong in business. Plus, there are a hundred different reasons why a company could go out of business. Don’t blame the consumer. You never know, Obsidian could go out of business in a few months. When it comes to business success and failure, there are countless of reasons why a company would close.


Since the only Obsidian game on the shelves is KotOR II, they are not making any mad money. Obsidian could go out of business for a lack of projects. We can never really tell until something extreme occurs. If it turns out that NWN2 doesn’t sell well and Obsidian closes down, then Lucas Arts will find some other developer. (That is if KotOR III is anywhere near production or in the negotiation stage.)


Companies close all the time. I could careless who is developing the game. All I care about is if I will have fun.


Consumers will not by 'brand x' to get 'brand y'. That is full of shnite.

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  • 2 months later...

I would really like to buy it, but there are a lots of performance problems and I think I can't play it with my PC (AMD Athlon XP 2100+, 512RAM, ATI Radeon 9500Pro/9700). But I think It will be a really good game with lots of elements of Kotor2 (like the Dialogues) and, of course the D&D-Style... So If you are a real KotOR-Fan you have to buy NWN2.


Obsidian's the Best!

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You have proven my point for me. I have no intent on supporting any game, so another game that I am interested in could be made.




Consumers will not by 'brand x' to get 'brand y'. That is full of shnite.


spreading good cheer as usual? Let us have our dreams. Even if all you folks who aren't as optimistic as us naive believers are right, leave us our dreams, please. It's too depressing to think our genre of games is dead in the water. Now I gotta go take some more prozac......


I will be to passing NWN2 up for another game. I have not seen anything impressive and fun yet. I am looking for another KotOR style RPG. I know it will not come from the Obsidian camp. I am still searching.


Well, here's a possibility, the long awaited sequel to Fallout 1&2 is in the works. Theres been no announcement of an official release, but it is confirmed in the works by Bethesda Softworks. I'm not sure if it will be first or third person, but either way I'm Optimistic that it'll be well worth the half decade wait +.

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"I will be to passing NWN2 up for another game. I have not seen anything impressive and fun yet. I am looking for another KotOR style RPG. I know it will not come from the Obsidian camp. I am still searching."


That's odd. Last I checked, which is multiple times per day for the past several months on the NWN 2 forums, they will be using an influence system based off of the Kotor II influence system. This one is supposed to be superior to Kotor's, meaning if you convince someone to go evil, they will actually act appropriately. Kotor party size equaled 3 players, NWN 2's party size equals 4 players. Kotor's main focus was a strong compelling storyline, and NWN 2's main focus is... a strong, compelling storyline (in every review made thus far it has earned AT LEAST a 9 in that department). Kotor allowed for enjoyable replayability... NWN 2 offers genuine replayability. Outside of lightswords (which you could fake using the toolset by applying elemental effects) and swoop bikes, I don't know what else you could be asking for.


I KNOW it will not come from the Obsidian camp??? That is definitely an opinion, not a fact. And even if it were a fact, I'd like to know who you'd nominate as your most likely candidate, because there sure are a lot of options.... I hope you enjoy searching for the next several years, while I in the meantime enjoy playing NWN 2 as a LG sorceror, then NE assassin, then CN druid/Priest of Tempus. And if Bethesda does manage to not absolutely disgrace the FO 3 franchise, then I'll enjoy that as well.


I don't count my chickens before they've hatched, so the POSSIBILITY remains that NWN 2 will disappoint me. However, based on the pedigree that it comes from, the developer involvement I've seen on the forums, and every article that I've read regarding NWN 2, I very much doubt it. I know that I personally have had at least a dozen questions answered BY DEVELOPERS. Obsidian is the only game company that I've ever seen that actually has a relationship with their community, and I very much hope that NWN 2 sells well so that their future can be secured a bit longer. It would be nice to have a company around that can consistently produce quality RPGs, and ENJOYS doing it (another thing you see in their forums- enthusiasm).

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"I will be to passing NWN2 up for another game. I have not seen anything impressive and fun yet. I am looking for another KotOR style RPG. I know it will not come from the Obsidian camp. I am still searching." (Snip, space saving...)

NWN 2 looks all right, perhaps I'll buy it when it comes out.

Looks like you've convinced someone on this board... Not that I agree entirely with your line of reasoning, nor am I going to buy any games Obsidian churns out unconditionally. You just convinced me to give NWN 2 a try. Maybe.


I'm replaying KotOR right now and enjoying it immensely. Even though this is my fourth/fifth playthrough, I keep discovering lots of new things. The use of a few mods also helps keep it fresh..

Anyway playing KotOR yet again has revived my passion for the license and has made me realise how badly I want it to continue. I wish KotOR III was being developed and that we got official wind of its existence... It's getting exasperating to hold my breath for something I'm not even sure will ever see the light of day.

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hmmm.., I'm agreeing with everyone else... im a student, so i cannot afford to spend £40 on a game just because i want kotor 3 to be made. furthermore NW2 does not interest me, therefore i wont be buying it (it doesnt matter what you think, thats the truth end of)...


star wars games are the only games i normally buy (the only exceptions being oblivion, pro evo and football manager) mainly as i understand and like the star wars universe and would love to be a jedi... and even then i generally wait a few months and get a game cheap on ebay, because i cant afford the full price of a game.


finally... it doesnt matter if you agree with us or not, we all disagree with you, and generally when nearly everyone disagree's with you... you are wrong.


finally stop writing massive essays, as i really cant be bothered to read them, make ur points concise and too the point, i really cant be bothered to read analogies about how the RPG games market is like a forest!


ps, this isnt meant to offend you/flame, its just a point, as you dont seem to be understanding our side of things.

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hmmm.., I'm agreeing with everyone else... im a student, so i cannot afford to spend £40 on a game just because i want kotor 3 to be made. furthermore NW2 does not interest me, therefore i wont be buying it (it doesnt matter what you think, thats the truth end of)...


star wars games are the only games i normally buy (the only exceptions being oblivion, pro evo and football manager) mainly as i understand and like the star wars universe and would love to be a jedi... and even then i generally wait a few months and get a game cheap on ebay, because i cant afford the full price of a game.


finally... it doesnt matter if you agree with us or not, we all disagree with you, and generally when nearly everyone disagree's with you... you are wrong.


finally stop writing massive essays, as i really cant be bothered to read them, make ur points concise and too the point, i really cant be bothered to read analogies about how the RPG games market is like a forest!


ps, this isnt meant to offend you/flame, its just a point, as you dont seem to be understanding our side of things.

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Got NWN 2 yesterday, and it does indeed have KOTOR-esque dialogue sequences. Cinematic style close-ups when they talk and you talk to them- and just as many dialogue choices. It's great stuff for RPG lovers. I was a little disappointed that I needed to use the lowest graphics setting to be able to play without chopping using a Dell XPS with a nice video card, but otherwise it's engrossing.

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I recently read a review of NWN2, and if you changed swords to lightsabers and magic to the the force, it sounds exactly like KOTOR.


And I don't think CRPGs are dying. There are some excellent ones coming out, such as Mass Effect...


True, Mass Effect looks awesome.

I checked out a lot of reviews for NWN2 and while it looks decent to me, the story or characters just don't seem to stand out at all. To me they seem kind of bland.

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