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What is the bigger reason for no K3?


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What is the bigger reason for 'no' KotOR III?


After thinking about this quesiton for a while, I created this weird assumption that will probally generate some heat. So, I will throw my theory out to you.


Lucas Arts could have looked at what had occured with KotOR II's developement/release, and may have decided to let things chill off. Otherwords, they looked at how they-themselves and Obsidian handled the release, and decided to reaccess how to approach the third game. By not saying anything to the public, the developers and publisher could take their time.


Look at how many forums exist on line, which ask, "Where is KotOR III." There has to be hundreds of fans who are waiting for an answer. What is interesting is regardless about how a lot of people feel, they are still eager to see a third game. That has to tell you how unique, creative, and fun the series has been.


Knights of the Old Republic-One has brought a newer interest in Star Wars RPGs. I personally don't think they will let this type of game fall wayside. LA has invested in a comicbook series, and I have heard rumors of novels being produced. If they didn't think it was a lucrative series, Lucas Arts would not be investing in taking the story into other media.




What needs to be done, so the third act could be played on 'next-gen' consoles?


1. They have to design a brand new game engine, for there would be significant changes inbetween technology stages. How long does that take? Personally, I don't really know, but I could take a good guess. Possibly a year.


2. Since new technology means more possibilities, they could very well want to go back to the concept stage. Things Lucas Arts could not get away with before could be possible now. New technology breeds new tools, and that breeds more possibilities.




When will there be an anouncement?


Lucas Arts is currently making new buisness deals, and they have been busy on other games. If they are concentrating any of their time on KotOR III, this could end up being a long proccess. We could be looking at a good three years from now. If they have been quietly working on the third since last August, the time table would be one year closer.




What I found online about KotOR III.

After scanning maybe thousands of websites last week, I can honestly tell everyone there is no absolute word. I have check extensively on rumors, which were on game websites, game magazine websites, and game rumors sites.


I followed several rumors back to their original source. I could not believe that I followed some rumors through eight to nine websites or more. One site was quoting another, and that website was quoting another, etc... At one point, I followed a rumor, which lead me back to here. Some game sites think speculation created by fans is news, and they post it without any logical reasoning. Eventually, another website picks up on the rumor, and they quote it on their site. It has all become a pandemic of feeding the public their own speculation. It is very scary and sad.


I spent several hours tracking down information online for KotOR III, and all I saw were news reports on fan speculation, game magazine speculation, etc...


There is absolutely nothing online about KotOR III, which would shead light on any facts.




So, who knows about the state of KotOR III, and where can I find the most reliable source?

There is only two places, which you can find all the facts you need.



No where else. If there is no information on those sites, the facts about KotOR III are not made public. Therefore, I would sit back and relax.




Yes. There is a possibility that KotOR III will never exist.

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KotOR I had six cut planets. That's far more content than what TSL is missing. Does that make KotOR unfinished?
No. I consider both KotOR and TSL finished games. I just think TSL's gameplay for the last planet didn't flow very well and left me feeling that it could have been much better.


Did you think I was saying TSL wasn't finished?


1. They have to design a brand new game engine, for there would be significant changes inbetween technology stages. How long does that take? Personally, I don't really know, but I could take a good guess. Possibly a year.
I agree that BioWare's Odyssey engine doesn't make the grade anymore. A new engine seems like a given for the next KotOR. However LucasArts doesn't have to design a new engine from the ground up unless they really want to. LEC could always license either of BioWare's Aurora or Eclipse engines. Other than the likelihood that the Odyssey engine won't be used I think it's difficult to predict what direction LucasArts might take with a game engine for KotOR 3. After all, LEC did spend the money to license Euphoria and Digital Molecular Matter. I would tend to think LEC will look for opportunities to use these new technologies in most if not all of their future games to get the most out of their investment.
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Actually I meant the exact opposite.

Cut content != unfinished game.
[highlight]!=[/highlight] means "does not equal."


I find it easier to type != than to type out the phrase. :D But I guess it's something that would only be familiar to those with experience in computer programming and/or computer databases. I only know it because I write reports to run against a database at work. But programming > cutmeister. ;)

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With all the apparent cut content, maybe they should market an expansion pack (though many mods seem to serve that function) for $9.99 for these games. It could help tie up some of the loose ends people feel plague this series. Given LA's penchant for rereleasing product, however, wouldn't be surprised to see them rerelease these games (or at least the 1st one) as was hinted at in a previous post, perhaps prior to putting out KOTOR 3. While movies are a different format than games, it's all entertainment. Besides, there seems to be a fair amount of pent up demand out there and that translates into $$$$$ (so long as the games don't suck, b/c wom on these forums would kill it quickly).


Regarding some of this cut content......I've tried listening to the sound files, but my WMP always chokes before it will play anything. Any suggestions?


wom= word of mouth, in case anyone is scratching their head

ROFL=??? (....out effing loud perhaps?)

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^^^^ ROFL = "Rolling On Floor Laughing"


As for expansion packs, none is necessary for KotOR1, which has a coherent and compelling plot without holes. The same is not true for KotOR2, which is not coherent, given the plotholes of the HK-50 plot, which is never finished in spite of HK-47's assurances that you can use their translator unit to track them back to their base (HK factory) and the way the Exile's companions suddenly disappear on Malachor - "it's magic - poof! - now you see them, now you don't!"


However, releasing an expansion pack in order to restore the cut content that is really missing from the plot, it would mean making us pay more money for a game that should have been completed entirely from the beginning, which sets a poor precendent. If LA agrees that the plot is incomplete - and I do take G0-T0's canonical demise in the New Essential Guide to Droids at HK-47's hands as at least an indication of admission on the subject - then LA should just get Obsidian to finish the missing content and make it available for download, since we already paid for the game.


It's not that stuff was cut from the game itself as much as that things were cut from the plot that hurts it. Cut material will happen. But a cut and therefore inconsistent or incoherent plot is another matter entirely.

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It's in planetary.2da, and RedHawke mentioned it.


I think you refer to the Live Planets, and as far as I can tell, these were more the *possibility* of more planets than actual planned but not implemented planets - if that were the case, *something* would survive...



If that doesn't count as cut content to you, I can name more. KotOR is missing...


One whole planet

Another area in the Vulkar base

A puzzle in the sewers

A battle on Taris between Jedi and Sith troops

Extra enemies and a Dark Jedi with a cinematic entrace in Anchorhead

And interplaneatary quest ending in an assassination attempt (tied to Sleheyron)

An extra module (or modules) of a Czerka base (most likely on Korriban)

Becoming a Jedi at the start of the game

A Sith patrol in the sewers

HK and Jolee on Taris

An extended quest with the Sand People in which you become a messiah and lead them against the Czerka

A Vulkar in the Undercity

An alternate Star Map quest on Tatooine where you descend into the belly of a sarlacc without being eaten to get it

The ability to travel to Dantooine after it's destroyed

A Gamorrean camp in the Undercity

A scene for DSF players where they can sacrifice themselves with Carth to destroy the Star Forge

A (peacful) Sith presence on Dantooine

Katarrns on Dantooine

An alternate and somewhat sexual way to do the Sandral-Matale quest

An injured Sith major on the Leviathan who you can kill/knock out/use to find a way off the ship

An injured Sith Apprentice in the temple who you can knock out and spare or kill.

A cave on Rakata Prime

A possible extra cave on Dantooine where Juhani hid

Bastila on Rakata Prime

The option to take your party members with you at the Hrakert Rift

A fight in the black Rakta camp with a huge rancor (and which the Rakata don't go hostile over)

A Dark Jedi in Rrwookrroro

Extra Czerka guards on Tatooine

A protocol droid in Rwookrrorro

An escape from Dantooine with a pursuit of Sith fighters

A Sith Master in the temple who sends his pets to attack you

Some sort of "black crystal" an a white one in the cave on Dantooine

An alternate appearance for Yuthura, Uthar and other members of the Sith Academy

A Bith and Ithorian on Korriban who can talk to you about the academy

An Ihtorian who competes with you, Lashowe, Mekel and Shardaan (but that goes nowhere)

The option to free all the captives in the Sith Academy

A different area the Ebon Hawk lands in on Dantooine

Civilians in the Sith base on Manaan

An alternate appearance for Bastila, HK, T3, female Dark Jedi, and two for Sith Troopers

A Hutt on Dantooine

Possible swoop racing on Korriban

The option to upgrade your swoop bike

An alternate (and much cooler) appearance for drain life

An extra skin for Rodians

Many other alternate skins for planets

An extra inventory slot

A ship you have to catch on Tatooine




A lot of this stuff is from very early screenshots, and stuff that appears to have been cut early in production, unlike for example M4-78, for which a selection of music, and much work had been done..., or the Droid Factory which was very near completion. Or, if we must go into it, the ending, where nearly everything was ready for implementation...


As I said, the story hangs together if you play through reading all the dialogue etc. Does it feel whole, and do all the loose ends tie up ('awakening' to the galaxy etc)? I'm not sure...

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Here some prof about the cut content in K1


One whole planet[/Quote]

That would be Sleheyron and i think most prople know about that

An extra module (or modules) of a Czerka base (most likely on Korriban)

[/Quote]That i have seen screenshots of

A Sith patrol in the sewers[/Quote] Thats in the soundfiles

A scene for DSF players where they can sacrifice themselves with Carth to destroy the Star Forge[/Quote]Someone have mod this back in the game

An injured Sith major on the Leviathan who you can kill/knock out/use to find a way off the ship

[/Quote]This is in the soundfiles

An injured Sith Apprentice in the temple who you can knock out and spare or kill.[/Quote]Also in the soundfiles

A Sith Master in the temple who sends his pets to attack you

[/Quote]In the soundfiles

A Hutt on Dantooine[/Quote]This is mention in the game, when you resolving the murder

The option to upgrade your swoop bike

[/Quote]In the game they speak about swoop uppgrading

Another area in the Vulkar base[/Quote]You can warp here, and it's a playable part of the game, you can even get a diffrent base passcard here.


The rest i have no idea of but im sure Emperor Devon can show you sources for most of the things on his list

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The problem with lists like that is what it proves. I could (and have in the past) made a similar list for KotOR2 during a discussion on the matter with Redhawke, and which I could probably expand on, but what would it prove? And who would decide what is "valid" cut content and not?

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Well said, Jediphile.


I'm really sick of the KotOR/TSL bashing about cut content, and for the most part, has anyone even considered that there might be a very good reason for [most] of that content to be cut, gameplay-wise? *ducks*

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Oh god, this'll take forever... Thanks for helping to explain some of it, Zat, but I'll just plow through the whole thing.


One whole planet


Screenshots, planetary.2da, textures in Kotor Tool, and comments from Bioware.


Another area in the Vulkar base


You can warp there with the code tar_m10ab.


A puzzle in the sewers


Comments from Bioware


A battle on Taris between Jedi and Sith troops


A review of how Kotor looked back in '02


Extra enemies and a Dark Jedi with a cinematic entrace in Anchorhead


A review of how Kotor looked back in '02


And interplaneatary quest ending in an assassination attempt (tied to Sleheyron)


Comments from Bioware


An extra module (or modules) of a Czerka base (most likely on Korriban)


Screenshots, a trailer, and proof you posted


Becoming a Jedi at the start of the game




A Sith patrol in the sewers


Sound files


HK and Jolee on Taris


Screenshots, the back of the box KotOR came in


An extended quest with the Sand People in which you become a messiah and lead them against the Czerka


Comments from Bioware


A Vulkar in the Undercity


Sound files


An alternate Star Map quest on Tatooine where you descend into the belly of a sarlacc without being eaten to get it


Comments from Bioware


The ability to travel to Dantooine after it's destroyed




A Gamorrean camp in the Undercity


Screenshots, comments from Bioware


A scene for DSF players where they can sacrifice themselves with Carth to destroy the Star Forge


Sound files, cut dialogue


A (peacful) Sith presence on Dantooine


Screenshots and trailers


Katarrns on Dantooine


A trailer


An alternate and somewhat sexual way to do the Sandral-Matale quest


An option you can't select in their dialogue file


An injured Sith major on the Leviathan who you can kill/knock out/use to find a way off the ship


Sound files


An injured Sith Apprentice in the temple who you can knock out and spare or kill.


Sound files


A cave on Rakata Prime


Texture names in Kotor Tool


A possible extra cave on Dantooine where Juhani hid


A line from Bastila


Bastila on Rakata Prime


Screenshots and trailers


The option to take your party members with you at the Hrakert Rift


A trailer and extra lines in some dialogue


A fight in the black Rakta camp with a huge rancor (and which the Rakata don't go hostile over)




A Dark Jedi in Rrwookrroro


Screenshots and trailers


Extra Czerka guards on Tatooine


Sound files


A protocol droid in Rwookrrorro




An escape from Dantooine with a pursuit of Sith fighters




A Sith Master in the temple who sends his pets to attack you


Sound files, cut dialogue


Some sort of "black crystal" an a white one in the cave on Dantooine


The items section in the cave module


An alternate appearance for Yuthura, Uthar and other members of the Sith Academy


Screenshots, Kotor I strategy guide


A Bith and Ithorian on Korriban who can talk to you about the academy




An Ihtorian who competes with you, Lashowe, Mekel and Shardaan (but that goes nowhere)


Cut idalogue in kor_m35aa


The option to free all the captives in the Sith Academy


Options in the Sith duelist's dialogue


A different area the Ebon Hawk lands in on Dantooine


Screenshots and trailers


Civilians in the Sith base on Manaan




An alternate appearance for Bastila, HK, T3, female Dark Jedi, and two for Sith Troopers


Screenshots, one texture for Bastila's clothing, and part of the female Dark Jedi texture


A Hutt on Dantooine




Possible swoop racing on Korriban


Comments from Bioware


The option to upgrade your swoop bike


Comments from Bioware


An alternate (and much cooler) appearance for drain life




An extra skin for Rodians


A texture in Kotor Tool, screenshots


Many other alternate skins for planets


Screenshots, textures in Kotor Tool


An extra inventory slot


A cut item and texture in Kotor Tool


A ship you have to catch on Tatooine


An article in '02

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Well said, Jediphile.


I'm really sick of the KotOR/TSL bashing about cut content, and for the most part, has anyone even considered that there might be a very good reason for [most] of that content to be cut, gameplay-wise? *ducks*


Sure. For example, while I might regret the removal of the Genoharadan quests in KotOR2, it at least doesn't cause a problem that it was cut. The same with the keeper of the laigreks, the disagreement between Sion and Nihilus, or the entire M4-78 planet. Cutting them out doesn't hurt the plot, though I can't say whether leaving them in would have killed the pace of the plot's progress.


It's far more problematic with the sudden and brutal disappearance of the Exile's companions on Malachor with no explanation, with the cut HK factory in spite of HK-47's reference to it (which also ends up hurting the G0-T0 vs. Remote showdown), or with Visas' use of force sight during the fight with her, since those are all referred to in the game and missing. It hurts the game that I go "WTF?!? What are they talking about? What's happening here?"


KotOR2 is a great game. I love the plot. But I still say that the plot is cut whether people like to admit it or not. And frankly, it is completely beyond me how anyone can continue to claim that the plot is not hurt, when LA has subsequently retconned the G0-T0 vs. Remote sequence and put the cut LS ending of it into Star Wars canon by describing it in the New Essential Guide to Droids. It was actually written for the game, and you can even hear the soundfiles, yet I still hear people arguing that it was cut for good reasons in spite of LA officially restoring it in canon. This incident happened in the game, so why weren't we allowed to see it, if it's considered canonical? It seems more appropriate to put it in the game, where the player can actually see it than it is to put it in some guide that he might not.


Anyway, since the subject of cut KotOR1 stuff has come up, let me just provide a link where you can read Bioware's David Gaider talk about the cut world of Sleheyron: http://swforums.bioware.com/viewtopic.html?topic=275277&forum=89&highlight=

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As to the whole cut content of TSL, I'm guessing that perhaps the droids would have had to repair the EH after it crashed, and then fell, before it could have possibly taken off (let alone been in any condition to do so). Otherwise, the phrase Deus ex machina seems to be fully in order. I think that my initial reaction to the ending was along the lines that it was an anticlamactic close. One thing is certain, though, if DT was being honest at the end. It seems all your companions are still alive (unless Mira is slain by Hanharr) at games end. I guess that would've been amended if the cut content were included. Ashame about Sleheyron in KOTOR, sounded like it would have been one of the better stops.


Thanks, Jediphile, on the ROFL thing. As to the whole expansion idea, I'd agree if they've already completed the work that's "cut", it would be good PR to make it available online. While KOTOR's storyline doesn't really NEED anything plotwise (find 5 maps, go to head of line...) it would have been nice to flesh some of the characters out more (more banter with AND between NPC crewmembers) and some extra filler in the form of sidequests on new worlds wouldn't be so bad (though it seems the modders have covered some of these "oversights"). They could even have expanded the plot to include several more maps to SF. Don't think that would've hurt the game, as I've played it as fast as 9.5 hours and long as 45+ hours. Besides, who'd blow over $30/game to have it end in under 5 hours anyway?!? As to TSL, providing that material would only seem fair, as games aren't cheap. It wouldn't surprise me if some people decided they wouldn't get a KOTOR 3 after TSL (some people I've talked to wouldn't see ROTS b/c they were disappointed by Clones, so that attitude could affect gaming as well as movies.......esp when these games are $40-60 when the come out).


I just hope that when(if?) K3 does come out, it's b/c they took the time to make it right and not fast. Finally......


Regarding some of this cut content......I've tried listening to the sound files, but my WMP always chokes before it will play anything. Any suggestions on how to access it?

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As to the whole cut content of TSL, I'm guessing that perhaps the droids would have had to repair the EH after it crashed, and then fell, before it could have possibly taken off (let alone been in any condition to do so). Otherwise, the phrase Deus ex machina seems to be fully in order.


There is that, yes. Not sure if there was cut content for that, though, But I do agree with you. I always assumed that perhaps Bao-Dur and T3 fixed the EB to the point where they could at least take off, since none of them appear in the cut content on Malachor V, but it would still be nice with a scene that established it.


I think that my initial reaction to the ending was along the lines that it was an anticlamactic close. One thing is certain, though, if DT was being honest at the end. It seems all your companions are still alive (unless Mira is slain by Hanharr) at games end. I guess that would've been amended if the cut content were included.


Also true, and note that if Mira loses the fight against Hanharr, then she is not mentioned in Traya's predictions at the end of the game.


Ashame about Sleheyron in KOTOR, sounded like it would have been one of the better stops.


I'm still hoping they'll use the idea in KotOR3. I mean, we heard of Telos in the first game and saw it in the second. We've heard of Sleheyron in both games... :)


As to the whole expansion idea, I'd agree if they've already completed the work that's "cut", it would be good PR to make it available online.


Yes, well it's probably a moot point, since we'll get to see and play the majority of it anyway when the Team Gizka finishes their restoration project, which seems to be rather far along.


Regarding some of this cut content......I've tried listening to the sound files, but my WMP always chokes before it will play anything. Any suggestions on how to access it?


Windows Media Player does not seem to process those files correctly. Winamp can, though, but you'll have to rename all the extensions to .mp3 to get it to work, meaning you'll have to copy them to another directory and then change the extensions, since otherwise the game can't read them. Although others disagree with me, I advice Miles Sound Tools, which is free and can play the files directly from the game directory. You can find it here: http://www.radgametools.com/mssdown.htm

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Well, I'm being subjective here, but I'll say this-


KotOR has the luster of a finished game. TSL doesn't.


I didn't actually think this way until I played and beat TSL, then played and beat KotOR right after I finished TSL (over several days of course :p ). I'm not going to say which was the better game, because, to be frank, I like both of them. But KotOR has the feel of a game that was ready to roll off the assembly lines. TSL, in my opinion, does not. I think it lacks the depth that KotOR had, but I don't think that has to do with Obsidian/Bioware's development style, I think it's because TSL's development was rushed. And who knows? Maybe KotOR's development was rushed. But KotOR had enough already in there to make me never even think twice about it. In fact, I wouldn't have had a clue if you hadn't told me, that KotOR had so much cut content. With TSL, though, I had suspicions far before I had heard of the TSL Restoration project.


I think it all comes down to the final product here... and I think the final products speak for themselves. Both great games, both, in fact, my favorite games, but one has a more clean-cut and complete feel. Not very objective way of debating, I know, but I think some people may know what I mean.

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Maybe so many people have made a fuss over no news about KOTOR3 because of how soon TSL came out after KOTOR1. Maybe if Lucasarts didn't put pressure on for the release date, right now we might be reading reviews on TSL.


For the cut content, after reading this thread through - I'll agree that both games were finished but TSL has sloppier editting than KOTOR. One point being not taking out HK-47s dialogue about the HK Factory. As for a SE to the games, that would set a bad example to other developers. Now maybe if LucasArts restored all the cut content to the games and put it onto a bonus disk or two with KOTOR3 if or whenever it comes out, that could work. Since some of the things listed from the KOTOR knife sounded pretty cool to me.

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It's not so much that TSL came soon after KotOR as because TSL had an open "to be continued"-sort of ending, what with the references to the "true Sith" and "the great war that comes". People are just anxious to see where it all leads and what happens next in the plot.

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Well, that doesn't make much sense to me... I mean, if the release a bad product, then I'll be less likely to buy the next product, not more.


Don't get me wrong - TSL is a great game. I love the plot. But I also find it is very badly implemented with all the content that was cut. I really did have to dig into the cut material to find out just how well crafted the plot was, and it would certainly have been more fun to play it all than it is to mine the files for it.

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Well, we should maybe start an e-mail campaign to Obsidian Entertainment to either make available for download the cut content or have us be able to get a free disc that will add it that we can order online and have shipped to us free of charge.


Yes, there was problems in how TSL was put together and what was cut but let's not blame the people at OE. They used to work at Black Isle Entertainment (Makers of the Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale Games for the PC and PS2 [Dark Alliance] and others.) and do know what they are doing most of the time.

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62. Juhani and Visas have things to speak about, and they haven't finished yet.

63. They're looking for a new Jolee Bindo actor, the first one is definitively ready for the lunatic asylum.

64. They are trying to negociate with Revan, Carth and Cede because the last one wants to have a more important role.

65. The man in the cupboard in Manaan's underwater station strictly DOESN'T WANT to get out. They need 173 cupboards for the game and the man is in the 173th.

66. After Revan and the Exile, that's all LucasArts people who have been hiten by amnesia. They don't know any more who they are, and less, how make the third game.

67. The Genoharradans. That's them ! Believe me ! I'm neither fool neither paranoiac !!




68. Mission and Big Z ran away to join the circus

69. Visas Marr and Handmaiden came out of the closet

70. Carth stole the Ebon Hawk to run over Atton

71. Revan and Anakin are making arrangements for the Lightsaber Duel of all time.

72. Revan, Bastila, HK-47, T3-M4, and the Ebon Hawk are busy helping Sailor Moon save the multiverse.

73. Bastila, Visas Marr, Handmaiden, and Mira are doing a special issue for Playboy.

74. Every character from both games are trying to win the "Get In The Gate" Contest for Stargate: SG1 and Stargate: Atlantis

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Well, we should maybe start an e-mail campaign to Obsidian Entertainment to either make available for download the cut content or have us be able to get a free disc that will add it that we can order online and have shipped to us free of charge.


Why bother? Team Gizka is going to make most of it available for free anyhow (though that is naturally only for the pc version). Besides, if Obsidian were going to do it, it would have happened by now. Rumor has it they even wanted to do a content patch, but that LA wouldn't allow it...


Seems to me you're unaware of the restoration project. You really need to look here: http://team-gizka.org/

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