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[FIC]Heart of Deception

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Well yeah. Mission knows the ropes of the underworld. She didn't survive on Taris for nothing. I have a few ideas for her later. As I finish chapter 20 I can post 19. It's hard because I just picked up my other story about an arachaeologist, a female one and am beginning to edit and change the storyline a bit. Thanks for all the loyal readers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well finally I finished chapet 20 and can post 19. Iam in the process of writing 21 and it looks like the plot will step up. I sense separation and and another familiar character coming up soon. Sorry Pottsie but it looks like I get to still hang my manuscriot over your head.

*waving manuscript still over Pottsie's head*


Chapter 19

He had wounded the animal and yet he was still kicking. Jaqrand saw that his quarry was not like any of the Jedi he had hunted before in those days. He had sent the shot that would have probably killed anyone not trained in the ways of a Jedi. It was a perfect shot. It was one that would have crippled any ordinary Jedi and he was sure that it would have done the same to this Jedi but it didn’t. It unnerved him when he found out how quickly the Jedi left the planet but he quickly regained his composure and made arrangements to follow them off.


Back home he was on this cesspool they called a planet. Even though he found it a pleasant place when he wanted a good time, he hated the place. Nal Hutta was better along with NarShadaa and that was where he got the best bounty assignments. Sitting in the apartment that he kept for his visits he thought about his current assignment. He knew changes would have to be made in order to complete the job but there would be time to think about later. Right now he was going to enjoy some company.



Keegan watched as the rain continued to pour down upon the glittering lights of Coruscant. He was not a patient man and he was a temperamental one at best. The hires to grab the kids were laying low when they found out that they were no longer on the planet and Jaqrand commed to say that he was taking a break and that the target wasn’t going anywhere. That wasn’t the reason for his discontent. It lay deeper within the very depths of his soul. He stood there in his darkened apartment washing the rain as he muddled through the thoughts and memories that he had kept for so long.


He remembered the Mandalorian wars. The brutes were raping and pillaging the worlds within the Outer Rim. The Republic was struggling to keep them at bay and the Jedi abandoned them save for her. It was the Jedi Revan who led Malak and the others who decided to go against the wishes of the Jedi Council to victory against the Mandalorians. It was the greatest of victories at Malachor V. It broke the spirit of the Mandalorians, their clans were disbanded; the Republic was safe once again.


She then betrayed them. She turned against everything that she stood for and began to finish what the Mandalorians began. She conquered worlds and turned many against the Republic. The hero became the traitor. Like all traitors, they must be destroyed. Keegan didn’t believe that the Jedi reformed Revan like they said. He intended to get revenge for his homeworld and he was surprised that Admiral Onasi didn’t already but then again he married the schutta and they had a daughter. In Keegan’s mind, that counted as a double treason. Traitors are dealt with accordingly and those plans were already in motion.


So Keegan stood watching the cleansing rainfall over the darkened skies. It had a calming effect upon him. He felt his rage smolder into a controllable flame. He would have his revenge. He would have it once and for all.



Count Draconis was kneeling in front of his altar honoring his ancestors on his knees and sitting on his heels. His hands were folded in prayer as he gazed at the tablets with the names of his ancestors. The room was dark save for the candles that were lit near the altar. His dark eyes glistened in the candlelight as he repeated the prayers to honor his family. He thought about the time-honored traditions of Avalon. His people were in danger and he had to preserve that which had existed for millennia.


It all centered around the legendary Kirabaros, the Heart of the Guardian. His spirit lived on through time appearing when the People needed him the most. Imagine his displeasure when Kirabaros revealed himself in a Belosian boy, and a Jedi no less. Jacen Cirrus challenged the working order of the Avalonian system and in so doing brought war and destruction. He tainted the green plains with the presence of Republics and then further tainted the land and their traditions by encouraging Avalon to join the Republic.


If anything, Kirabaros is a blight upon our people. He has betrayed the tenements of our people by disbanding the time-honored traditions. Draconis was thinking this as he sat kneeling in front of the altar. He believed that the tribesmen had no right in the fate of Avalon. He believed in the distinct barriers between the nobles and the commoners. Kirabaros had undermined that when he encouraged conclave that fateful night when the Blood King sent his warriors.


His prayers done, Draconis bowed low towards the altar and said, “For our honor, I shall restore Avalon to her former glory.” He then stood up and turned towards the windows to watch the rainfall. His dark eyes glittered with life and the unusual gleam that spoke of the thirst for blood. He knew that Kirabaros had made the choice to walk into the kinrath den and he did so willingly. He knew Kirabaros would do whatever it took to protect the taint he brought to Avalon. That can only add to the fact that he was a traitor to his people. Soon all will be revealed and then we shall see if you truly are the great Kirabaros.



The table was littered with datapads and weapons and leftover remnants of a meal. Three sentients were sitting at the table checking the various weapons on the table and making sure that they were charged and ready to go. They had failed to obtain their targets the first time and they received a yelling from the Republic admiral. Feeling sore at that, they had set to work keeping tabs on the three children. They had run into a problem.


Of one they were sure of and the other two, they weren’t. One was definitely here on Coruscant with her parents. Unfortunately the droid that dispatched two of their men was with them and they weren’t anxious to tangle with it again. The other two seemed to disappear en route to Coruscant. They knew they got on the ship but there is no record of their arrival. They updated their client as to where they were but didn’t report that they had lost two of their quarries.


The leader was checking the power pack of a custom upgrade rifle when his daughter spoke, “With the droid around, we will be hard pressed to grab her. We should probably take him out first.”


“Agreed but even with the droid down, we are dealing with Jedi here,” her brother countered.


“Jedi that can be easily distracted with the right shots,” the girl replied as she adjusted the scope on a hold out blaster.


The leader had finished the rifle and was preparing a speeder’s worth of grenades. He had schooled his children well in the art of bounty hunting and mercenary work. He smiled a bit as he watched them discuss methods on how to snatch the Jedi’s daughter. They would have their work cut out for them when they went to retrieve her and find the other two brats. The droid would be a problem as well as the Jedi and any other security that they would have to fight. Brushing that aside, he thought of his first encounter with the Jedi Kirabaros. He was impressed and would have liked to have the pleasure of being the one to kill him but he knew that another was already pursuing that route. That didn’t matter. They were going to do their job. They recruited new men and they would scout and surveillance. They would wait until the opportune moment. They couldn’t afford to do anything stupid.

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Chapter 20

The streets of Coruscant could be merciless or pleasant, depending on what level you were on. There were some areas that were worth going to and others that were fit for the scum in the universe. You could either blend in or stand out but it was better to blend in. That was the goal of the woman walking briskly through the streets to the nearest cantina. Dressed like a smuggler, she gave the impression that she was not to be messed with. That was certainly the feeling when she entered the Hunter’s Bounty, a shady cantina that was known for conducting all types of business.


The air was dank and heavy with the smell of cigarra smoke and the vintages of several alcoholic beverages. The woman’s nostril’s flared slightly at the smell but she gave off a content smile and headed towards the bar. The barkeep, upon seeing her, brought out a bottle of rare spirits. She called it saruke but he knew it as Shreyite brandy and that it came from Avalon. When she laid down the credits for the brandy he gave a slight nod and motioned his eyes to a corner. Taking her cue, the woman gave a smile and sauntered towards a booth near the rear. She was greeted by a familiar sight that greeted her with a smile.



Kirabaros was a nervous wreck though he was much too prideful to show it. After being kept in the dark for the past week, he and his sister would finally appear before the Senate. It had taken Senator Amstar that long to convince the senators that they weren’t going to cut and run and to not badger them. He knew that there were some senators who disliked him because he was adamant in his last session with them and that he was a Jedi. It irked but didn’t surprise him that there were some who still didn’t trust Jedi at all. Not that he blamed him. Then there were the others who thought him to be a hero, like the senator from Ryloth. None of that mattered except for the feeling of dread that he had ever since he accompanied Senator Amstar to Coruscant.


He was staring out the glass window, watching the air traffic flying along as if nothing were out of place. Watching the organized flow reminded him of, of all things, the organization of the fleet that he planned during the war. All he saw was the grace and the dance that came when they flew in, out and about. It was magnificent to see but hanging at the back of his mind it was a dance of death. He was watching the sight when he was brought out of his reverie by a gentle touch to his shoulder and a pleasant voice asking, “Hey, you awake?”



“Today’s the day Lethe. They will be heading to the Senate.”


“What would I do without you Mission?” Michaela, or rather ‘Lethe,’ asked with a smile.


Mission just beamed at Michaela. For the past week Michaela met with Mission regularly to get an update on what was happening. She knew that Mission had a way of finding out things and visited the senator when the chance presented itself. It was a lot of work but it was better than not knowing what was going on. Mission knew this and did it willingly. She gazed at the woman that she hardly recognized as the cultured woman she had met four years ago and said, “Yeah it took a lot of the usual greasing the wheels but he’ll be able to better keep an eye on things. He asks about you and I tell him that business is good.”


Michaela smiled at the blue Twi’lek across from her. She took a polite sip of the brandy that she had picked up and replied, “Tell me, does the droid know what to do?”



It was a lonely ride to the Senate arena, and it didn’t help that Rowan insisted that Kirabaros maintain a meditative state to keep a sharp eye out for trouble. Revan felt lonely since Kirabaros ended up shutting her out and Senator Amstar was too deep in her own thoughts to be much of a conversational companion. Instead Revan turned to her own thoughts.


She had found Kirabaros staring out the window wearing that look he always wore when mesmerized by battle. She had first noticed it when he dueled with Jolee long ago. It was then that she realized that he was different and that he would never be the same. She was thinking this when she asked him if he was awake. He just turned and smiled at her and said, “Well, today’s the day.”


“Yes it is,” she replied.


“Ready?” His eyes were searching her person as if trying to determine if something were wrong.


Looking him up in the eye, she smiled and said, “Talk nice with the senators. Piece of cake.” She then turned to say good-bye to her daughter and husband but not before she noticed the etched lines of worry near the corners of his eyes.


Revan had mixed apprehensions about leaving Lilah at the apartment alone since Carth had to report to the High Admiral’s office and then he was going to watch the proceedings. She didn’t have to worry for HK-47 was left with Lilah and Caelos would be coming from the Temple to keep an eye out along with Dustil who declined to attend the proceedings. Recalling that Kirabaros had ‘fixed’ a few things as well as she, she relaxed and concentrated on her surroundings. It was then she felt a warm feeling, a feeling of reassurance.



“I suppose all the arrangements are made for the cargo?” Michaela asked Mission. It had become necessary to refer to Kirabaros and Revan as if they were cargo or a smuggling job. It was less risky since all sorts of business like that were conducted there anyway.


“Yeah. Don’t worry about it. You do your job and I’ll do mine,” Mission replied.



Kirabaros had to shut Revan out if only to center himself when Rowan urged him to but he realized that she was apprehensive and sent a warm feeling of assurance. During his meditation, he received a spine prickle at the back of his neck. It was the same feeling that he felt the split second before being hit with the blaster bolt to the abdomen. He had a feeling that it was getting closer. He immediately cut his thoughts off and started thinking of some nonsense or other for Revan was looking at him with an inquisitive look. She said softly, “I know that that face.”


Kirabaros looked at her and attempted brevity, “What face?”


Not fooled by it, Revan responded, “That face that says something is bothering you. Specifically the one that you get when you have a feeling something is going to happen.”


“There is no face. Just my face,’ Kirabaros replied with a serious face that given other circumstances would have brought laughter.


“You know what I mean. You try to hide it but it shows.” Revan gave a kind look but it held a deadly serious look, the one that she used when she commanded the armies. It was a compelling gaze and would take a strong will to not be intimidated by it.


“Just being my usual paranoid self,” Kirabaros replied, mimicking unconsciously Carth when he teased Revan. He briefly wondered why Revan chuckled at him and took it to mean that she realized that he was joking. He smiled at her and turned to watch as the transport landed at the port. He was unaware that he was in a hunter’s sights, the hunter waiting for the shot. This time it was to wound.



Michaela and Mission left the cantina, stopping to give some friendly advice and exchange some news. Mission was telling Michaela that Kirabaros missed her and Tulre and hoped that everything would go well in the Senate. Neither of noticed how a group wound their way around them until Michaela turned around and saw the same men that had attacked them before they left home. Mission was hidden behind her so they didn’t see her push a button on a comm to signal Atton. The leader of the group said, “Well the Force be praised. It took a while to find you.”


“What do you want?” Michaela replied firmly withdrawing a katana that she had with her. Mission had drawn her vibroblade and was poised to attack.


“Now don’t be hasty. Perhaps we can settle this in a mature fashion. You hand over what we want and you can go on your merry way,” the leader responded with a smile.


“We know what you want core slime and you ain’t gettiin’ it!” Mission blurted out.


“Oh, I always get what I am after. You are merely extra baggage,” the leader had a sadistic grin on his face. He made a motion and his men began to move in. “You see, we already know where they are, all three of them.”


Undisturbed by the comment, Michaela drew up her blade. She had known that they couldn’t hide forever here in the Core Worlds. Mission knew that too and had brought back every piece of information that she could get. As the group closed in, they twirled blades ready to fight.



The entourage had been met up with the Fleet brass for pleasantries and Kirabaros hid his boredom at pomp and circumstance. He greeted Carth with the proper respect and recognized Keegan from when he was first there. Something was off about him but Kirabaros couldn’t figure out what yet. They all turned to go into the Senate building when Kirabaros felt it. With a quick dive, he pushed Revan and everyone in front of him down, out of the way before the transport exploded. Rolling on the ground, Kirabaros unsheathed his lightsaber and scanned the horizon.


Jaqrand watched as the Jedi made his move. He was amused and surprised that he could move that fast. He fired a few more rounds to watch as Kirabaros deflected most of them. The others hit the building hard and sent debris and sparks. He watched as Kirabaros directed everyone inside while facing out. Now it was time to get serious.

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Here is the next chapter. For some reason I think my creative genius is getting out of hand. Just to let you know, I will do a time leap in a later chapter. I haven't decided yet why but it has to do with eventual escapes and tensions and near war breaking out, blah, blah. The good guys will win of course, just not the way you think. Hint hint for you Pottsie since you are dying with anticipation and me waving my manuscript over your head.


Chapter 21

Caelos was pacing throughout Senator Amstar’s apartment feeling ill at ease. He would stop often to watch Dustil play with his sister in a game or some other and the sight would make him feel a little better. He had told Kirabaros to be on his guard because of a bad feeling and that there had been suspicious activity at some of the cantinas. The Jedi Council didn’t seem concerned but that was only because they hid their feelings well like Kirabaros. Jolee was the only one though who made the attempt to reassure him. Right now his thoughts were consumed with his friend Mission who was out meeting with Michaela, a job that he didn’t like her doing but he consoled himself with the knowledge that Mission knew what she was doing. He was brought out of his musings when a little hand tugged on his robes. Looking down, he saw Lilah holding onto his robes and asking, “When Momma come home?”


He was saved from answering when Dustil came over and picked her up and answered for him, “She’ll be back. She has to go talk to all the Senators.” There was no mistaking the look of affection in Dustil’s eyes for his younger sister. It was obvious that Lilah had that way of twisting even the crustiest of men around her little finger.


Caelos added, “Your Papa will bring her back and then we can all go home. How about you go play with the holodisc that Kirabaros gave you?”


Agreeing happily, Lilah wriggled out of Dustil’s grasp and tottered to go play minding her mother’s instruction to stay near HK. HK for his part was in a powered down mode but the new sensors that Kirabaros installed would alert him to any threat and he would respond instantly. Watching her play Caelos whispered to Dustil, “ I have a bad feeling about this.”


“About what?”


Caelos’ answer was cut off when the security alarms went off. Caelos had his lightsaber in hand and crossed towards the security cameras.



Morgan and Tulre were playing a friendly game of pazaak, Republic Senate Rules. T3 was beeping happily and giving out pointers much to Atton’s annoyance. He tried to discourage it since he didn’t want Morgan to start hustling people like he used to. It took Tulre, a four year old, to convince him that they were playing for fun and that it was a good counting game. All that week they played pazaak and alternated it with dejarik, a game that Morgan was really good at for a three year old. The two of them had become fast friends when Morgan was old enough to be played with and even more so now that they got to see each other every day.


The two were playing their game when Atton received a beep from his comm. He recognized it as the alert signal and made swift movements throughout the room. In gentle tones, he told Morgan and Tulre to stop playing and head towards the back room. T3 warbled out a response that was greeted with, “Yeah I know what to do but do you, little trash compactor?”


Tulre and Morgan burst into a fit of giggles at what T3 said. Tulre said, “Nice one T3. I’m sure Uncle Atton would like that one.” He then took Morgan by the hand and they went to the back room with T3 following them. Even though T3 wasn’t a combat type, he had a pretty good defense system for an astromech thanks to Kirabaros. It had become a necessity since Avalon was more of a country bred farm planet and there were all sorts of wildlife that were not tamed that lived there.


Atton allowed himself a slight grin at the boys but then got serious as he said, “Stay there and keep quiet ok?”


“ ‘Kay Papa,” Morgan piped up as Tulre led him to the back room. It was just like the practice that they had been doing the past week. He then turned to Tulre and whispered, “The bad men are coming.”


Tulre whispered back, “ I know. I think they know where we can hide.” They were interrupted by a loud bang and the hum of a lightsaber filled the air. Tulre, feeling more scared than brave pulled Morgan with him and headed towards a door that he had found two days ago.


They were almost there when the door opened revealing a person that they hadn’t seen before who said, “Come with me.”



The windows exploded in a shower of glass at the high rise apartment sending Dustil to grab Lilah who took refuge behind HK’s durasteel body. The psychotic droid cocked his rifle and said, “Ready!”


In an instant, the invaders came through the windows firing their rifles. Caelos had his lightsaber activated and deflected the blaster shots and he pushed everyone towards the outer rooms, sealing the doors. Once inside he said, “That will hold them but not for long. Of course they will come through the front door. Yes this is going to be easy.”


“Observation: It would appear that we are outnumbered. Query: Shall I engage in necessary bloodshed?” HK had his rifle cocked.


Dustil muttered something about a crazy droid while Caelos spoke clearly, “No HK. Initiate protocol 2-2-beta-charlie.”


“Weary Resignation: Of course Jedi Meatbag. I shall indulge in the Handsome Meatbag’s whim. Statement: The Handsome Meatbag mocks my superior assassination technology. I was looking forward to some unadulterated violence,” HK replied. With a deft movement, he pushed Lilah through a door that was well hidden while saying, “Statement: My programming is mocked by having to baby-sit you little meatbag.”


Dustil watched them go with a worried expression. He asked, “Are you sure this is a good idea?”


“Don’t ask me. Kirabaros is the one that programmed him.” The thump on the door distracted them. Caelos unclipped a spare lightsaber and tossed it to Dustil, “Here. Revan told me you were good with one even though you’re not a Jedi.”


Dustil looked at the lightsaber in his hand. He seemed frozen in time as if trying to determine if the thing would bite him. In a strangled voice, he replied, “I can’t.”


“Can’t what?” Caelos asked looking puzzled.


“I can’t use this. I …I …” Dustil was struggling what to say.




Dustil nodded.


Caelos sighed, “Now is not the time.” Looking at Dustil in the eye he continued, “I know that you haven’t touched the Force ever since that Sith academy business. I would feel the same but it’s what you do right now that will make a difference. A Bushida warrior doesn’t run away. He faces each day as if it were his last and he fights with honor.” He put his hand on Dustil’s shoulder in an attempt at reassurance. “Do it for her?”


Dustil slowly nodded and activated the lightsaber just as the doors slid open. Together he and Caelos charged head on.



Tulre looked up at the person who was looking at him and Morgan. He knew that this person wouldn’t hurt him. He wasn’t like the bad men fighting Uncle Atton. Still he wasn’t stupid and didn’t move immediately. He was reassured when a familiar sight stepped into view and said, “Come on sonny. Don’t keep an old man waiting.”


Tulre broke into a grin and would have ran towards Jolee but he was held back by Morgan. Morgan didn’t remember Jolee and he was afraid. Tulre looked at Morgan as if to speak but he didn’t. He just looked at him with a kind look with his green eyes. Morgan gave a slight nod and followed Tulre towards Jolee. T3 beeped and followed them out.


Once outside, they were stopped by more of the attackers who drew blades. It was obvious that they were more likely mercs. Some drew their blasters and began to fire. Jolee drew out his green saber and began to deflect the blast bolts. Tulre and Morgan pressed against the building scared at what was going on. T3 aided the situation by using a droid flamethrower to slow them down. Looking on, the boys had their eyes wide open with one saying , “Please come,” and the other, “Help us.”


It must have worked for Atton burst through the back shutting the door. He didn’t have time to survey the scene as he immediately began to help Jolee and the Jedi that had accompanied him. In the middle of the chaos, the bad men burst through the door, scaring the boys into running. They took off scared through the streets of the sector they were in. Atton noticed them run and was going to go after them when he was hit from behind. All he heard before blacking out, “Forget them get the kids.”



For a droid, HK proved to be a good driver of speeders. It was a good thing since Lilah was firing of questions in between demanding for her mother and father. She even cried for Dustil until HK made a comment, “Statement: Master put me in charge little meatbag but I am under orders to protect you. If had the command I would gladly rip out your vocal chords right now.”


Lilah choked a sob and replied, “Bad droid. No feelings.”


Nothing more was said until they reached the area where the safe house was for the boys. HK didn’t make it however for his photoreceptors spotted the boys running. He directed the speeder towards the boys just before their pursuers came around the corner. The boys were frightened badly but HK whipped out his prized rifle and began firing. Once the boys were in the speeder, HK took off. It wasn’t until they were a distance away that Morgan demanded, “What about my Papa?!”

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I know. HK's just misunderstood. Don't cry igyman. I was thinking of having him come save the day. Saving whom, I know but won't tell. I do this to kill Pottsie more. Hehehehe.

*clears throat*

Anyway I can say that it is not Revan he will be saving and I think it outrageously funny if he rescues Atton...so you can see where my sanity ends. :lol:

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I know. HK's just misunderstood. Don't cry igyman. I was thinking of having him come save the day. Saving whom, I know but won't tell. I do this to kill Pottsie more. Hehehehe.


Somebody out there doesn't like me :crybaby:. :lol:, Anyway I'm still awaiting the next Chapter and the end of your sanity JM12.

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Another chapter finally. The next few chapters might not make sense but it does involve a passing of time and I was thinking how I am going to keep the kids in it. They might run away, I don't know yet but it's coming along.


Chapter 22


Atton opened his eyes to a bright light and a face with kind brown eyes staring down at him. At first he thought it was Mira but the picture came into focus to reveal Michaela. She smiled, “There you are. You had a nasty bump on the head.”


Atton sat up wincing and found that he had been dragged back into the safe house. Jolee was busy with his Jedi friend and Mission was working on T3 who had suffered some blaster damage. He looked around and asked, “The boys? Morgan?” He failed to notice that Dustil and Caelos had arrived looking worse for the wear with Caelos looking concerned and Dustil looking content.


“Gone,” Michaela replied softly. She restrained him to explain better, “Not them.”


“We found a few bodies of the guys that jumped you,” Mission added.


“Any idea where?” Atton asked. He was worried but something told him that everything was all right. He wasn’t sure if it was the headache talking or what. “My head feels like that trash compactor rolled on it.”


T3 beeped indignantly making Michaela smile. She replied, “No but judging from the damage done to the bodies I have a pretty good idea where they are at.”



Kirabaros felt numb but he was secure. He managed to get through the emergency session after the attack which left him confused. After all there was an attack outside the Senate chambers and that was a big thing in of itself. The senators were very persistent, at least those from the Outer Rim. His biggest problem was the fact that Revan was to be moved to a high security building. Carth masked his irritation well but it didn’t fool Kirabaros who relied on his empath abilities to really sense what was brewing. He didn’t mention it until afterwards with his, “You’re getting better at hiding your irritation.”


“I don’t understand how the Republic could think that Revan is a criminal. I mean she’s a hero,” Carth replied looking helpless.


Kirabaros gazed at Carth and felt pity for him. He didn’t like this at all either but Avalon had to show that they could be another contributing and law abiding system. He replied, “Well at least I’ll be there for her.”


“That’s a relief.” The statement was simple but held a lot of meaning between the two. Carth then let out a sigh and said, “Admiral Dodonna requested my presence at HQ. For what I don’t know but somehow I get the feeling that this isn’t over.”


“No it isn’t,” Kirabaros replied looking out at the landscape. He seemed to be thinking to Carth that he didn’t want to interrupt him. He waited until Kirabaros said, “Well I got to go if I’m going to boss the security around.”


Carth saw him to the transport and said, “Take care.”


Kirabaros smiled and said, “Don’t worry. They’ll be all right.” He watched as Carth smiled a smile of relief and turned to go towards his transport. He didn’t go far before Kirabaros called softly, “Watch out for Keegan. He’s not all that he appears to be.”


Carth looked at him in the eye and nodded.



Draconis had been watching the holonet and saw the footage that had been captured of the attack. That bounty hunter is good, he thought as he saw the shot that started the explosions. He watched as Kirabaros rolled and deflected the shots that followed. He’s toying with Kirabaros.


He watched Keegan fall back. Keegan was good at pretending to be afraid and the like but Draconis had the sneaking suspicion that Kirabaros would figure it out. He didn’t know of Kirabaros’ special ability but he figured that since he was a Jedi he would be able to sense something. Draconis just watched with an amused look on his face. The results of the Senate amused him even more. For the moment nothing seemed to put a damper on his amusement. At least not until the bell rang.



Jaqrand hated toying with this Jedi but Coruscant was no place to kill a Jedi. There were too many there anyway. He was impressed however at how quickly Kirabaros reacted. He learned his lesson from the last time, he thought and it pleased him. Jaqrand enjoyed a challenge but what he really wanted was the traitor. Still he had a job to do and the sooner he took care of it, the sooner he could catch the traitor.


After firing off the rounds and the explosion, he holstered his weapon and retreated to where he left his speeder. He packed his weapon with care in the special holder and jumped into the pilot’s seat. He received a message telling him to give up the hunt for the Jedi. A sad thing indeed but after the meatheads his client hired to grab the kids, it probably would be the best.


He took off in his speeder and disappeared into the crowd of air speeders with a look of firm satisfaction on his face. Things were going good. It made being a bounty hunter all the worthwhile.



If there were headache pills for droids, HK could have used it right now. After Morgan’s outburst demanding for his papa, Lilah started bawling for her mother and Tulre was trying to get a hold of the pilot controls to try and go back. HK finally barked out, “Irritated Statement: Hutt spawn of the Handsome Meatbag I order you to stop of this shall result in permanent silence.”


“Fine you walking tin can,” Tulre burst out in a fit of temper. He turned his attention to Lilah and Morgan trying to calm him down. When their sobs subsided, he directed his attention to the droid and demanded, “Listen up HK. Tell us where we are going and no lies or I’ll be forced to take a hydrospanner to you.”


“Commentary: One would hope that you would become as harsh a taskmaster as the Handsome Meatbag.”




“Statement: Protocol dictates that I tell you that I am taking you to a secure location. It does not however require that I tell you anything of the meatbags responsible for you.”


Tulre paused trying to think about what HK just said. He knew that his Dada made some modifications to HK with Aunt Reva’s permission of course. Lilah and Morgan were looking at him questioningly and he had no idea what to say to them. Instead he decided to try a carefully worded question, “Where is this secure location?”


“Statement: You stay with me though why, I cannot understand. You meatbags produce too many complications.”


Seeing that no adequate answer was to be given, Tulre glanced at Lilah and Morgan with a look on his face that held a statement. They nodded and settled down. They had a vague idea that HK would protect them but as to where they were to go, that was something they would eventually found out. The three of them huddled on the backseat and fell asleep, exhausted from the rush of adrenaline and all the running.

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Yeah sure Pottsie and for that I'll give a new chapter and wait two weeks before posting the next ;P


Chapter 23

The accommodations brought back memories, bad memories. The bunk was comfortable, if you liked the feel of hard metal on your back through the thin mattress. The room itself was plain containing the bunk, a refresher and a writing desk. No attempt had been made to make it comfortable and its purpose was made clear. The only difference was that the force shield didn’t have to be on. Still it was afar cry from the pleasant home at the villa near Jasilyn.


Revan sat outside the cell looking out the window of the main detention area, thinking about what had happened and most important: where her daughter was now. She had listened to the Senate proceedings with little attention but enough to realize that they weren’t going to let her go that easily. She knew she had to answer for all the crimes that she committed so long ago but there was a part of her that wished that she could be back home. Just being there brought back memories, the feeling of imprisonment. The bright side was that there were no torture cells. Revan paled when the thought crossed her mind for she could still hear the screams, Carth’s screams begging for mercy.


Kirabaros found her looking like this and reached out with his senses. He guessed at what may have been bothering her and chose the words, “Imprisonment is no fun but at least you don’t have to stand in one place for long.”


Revan looked at him with a smile and said, “Always looking for a bright spot don’t you?”


Kirabaros sat beside her, “Well Pretty Girl with all the trouble you cause, I need to find it.”


The little chuckle was endearing to him as she smiled and turned away from the window. She asked, “Everyone else?”


“What would you say if I told you everyone thinks differently?” Kirabaros looked at her with a questioning look.


“I would have to say that you know something but I won’t pry,” Revan returned his gaze with confidence. “So any idea when I can leave this gray box?” she changed the subject.


Kirabaros hid his amusement and laughter behind a smile and replied, “You know as well as I that I can bully security to let you go anywhere provided I go with you and you don’t leave Coruscant.”


“Much like your time on Telos?” she teased.


Kirabaros flushed a color, “You had to bring that up didn’t you?”


“Come on let’s go for a walk. I need to stretch and you can tell me all about how you met everyone,” Revan egged, pulling on his arm.


Kirabaros marveled at how well Revan took to the situation. He had asked her to let him handle everything in his own way. Heck she even approved of the protocol he developed for HK though he gave credit to the assassination protocols to his son. He found out after he had been hit by the sniper rifle and had been impressed with his ability. What really impressed him was Tulre’s affinity to the Force. Combined with Lilah and Morgan, he had watched the three of them play and at times often speak with only an occasional word between them and had seen the Force swirl around them. He could only wonder how the three of them would get along with the droid in the place that he arranged. He said nothing as he held out his arm and guided Revan out.



Carth stood in High Admiral Dodonna’s office feeling confused and annoyed at the whole situation. He wasn’t alone though. Admiral Keegan was there as well and he remembered what Kirabaros said. It was hard for him because he had known Keegan for a while and while they weren’t friends per se, they were members of the Republic fleet and they were colleagues. He thought back to when he voiced his doubts to Revan about the Republic. He knew that Kirabaros wouldn’t lie to him either. He just kept cool as he stood at an at ease position and listened to Dodonna breaking his silence only to voice, “Admiral Dodonna, I don’t understand why it is necessary to place extra security. Kirabaros is perfectly capable…”


“If I may, it looks as if this Kirabaros doesn’t have the necessary skills that a Republic soldier has,” Keegan interrupted with a certain smugness.


“Carth he is right. Jedi or no this Kirabaros seems to attract trouble wherever he goes,” Dodonna replied.


“If I recall Admiral, civilian recruits have been used as part of the fleet. We went as far to use smugglers and scouts,” Carth countered.


“If you are referring to a certain scout that was recruited at the Jedi’s request, I’d say that you were lied to,” Keegan responded. “Weren’t you the one distrusted Jedi and yet here you are vouching for one.”


“Things change Keegan.” Carth felt as if he was in front of a board of inquiry but he had to stay strong.


“Right. You even married one. One that I remind you was a former Sith Lord,” Keegan rubbed it in Carth’s face.


“She’s not that person anymore,” Carth replied through gritted teeth.


“Yes. Very convenient that she should have amnesia,” Keegan replied with an obvious hatred. “She deserves to be imprisoned.”


“Enough you two,” Dodonna replied but a little too late.


“You have no idea what it’s like for her, waking up from nightmares that are really memories,” Carth looked scarlet but he kept his voice steady. “You have no idea Keegan.”


“Enough,” Dodonna replied more firmly. Carth and Keegan eyed each other warily with their tempers flaring. “The issue here is the incident that happened. It is obvious that there are those that feel that Revan is still a threat and want to take it out on her. The fact that they have been targeting the Avalonian senator also is disturbing. It is necessary that there be extra security.” Seeing Carth was about ready to protest, Dodonna held up her hand, “I will personally select the officers responsible for security. Should something happen here on Coruscant, we can proceed from there. Dismissed.”


Saluting, both men took their leave only to have Carth be halted by Dodonna’s ‘Carth a moment.’ Keegan left however and started down the hall. He was satisfied knowing that he got under Onasi’s skin about Revan. Even though he couldn’t hit Revan directly, at least he could hit her husband. As much as he admired Onasi for his heroism, he couldn’t help but feel betrayed that Onasi would marry the schutta and to top it off, have a kid. It didn’t matter; the three that Draconis hired should have the kids by now. Things were looking good right now as he headed towards the count’s apartment.


“Carth, I know how you feel about the whole thing,” Dodonna was speaking after Keegan had left. “Believe me when I say this, I know that Revan is not the same as she was ten years ago. That’s why I feel it is necessary.”


“I know that Admiral. I agree but I can’t shake the feeling that someone from the Republic is behind this,” Carth replied looking tired.


“Is that your feeling or rather your friend’s?”





Atton was pacing like a demented rooster at the new accommodations with everyone else. Caelos was with Dustil and encouraging more use of the Force. Jolee and that Jedi went back to the temple to explain the situation and Rowan and Michaela were conversing in Avalonian or one of those dialects with T3 in the corner powered down. Atton was worried for Morgan. He trusted Kirabaros but the psycho droid was another story. It was no secret that he didn’t like droids, the exception being T3 though he wasn’t going to admit it.


Atton stopped pacing and stood staring out the window. Kirabaros was supposed update them or something. He felt lost. Morgan was all he had left in the galaxy after Mira died. He remembered when she told him in her last transmission to take care of Morgan and to tell him that mommy loves him. That last bit he felt lousy at because he was not one to say sentiments. He was internally beating himself with regret and worry so much that he didn’t see Michaela approach him until her voice was in his ear whispering, “It’ll be all right.”


“Can’t help it. My kid is…”


“I know. But he’s with my son and HK is the best choice.” Michaela tried to use the voice she used to soothe Tulre when he was hurt.


“It’s not that. The problem is not knowing where they are,” Atton replied with a burst of temper.


“I don’t know where they are either but you do trust Kirabaros don’t you?” Michaela returned with a little fire.


“A good Bushida warrior knows to trust his brother in arms. To even have a hint of losing faith is dishonor,” Rowan joined in.


Atton wanted badly to roll his eyes at Rowan and his Avalonian teachings but he respected Kirabaros too much. He knew that Kirabaros was doing what he thought was right. He told him that he trusted him. The least he could do was have faith. He nodded at Rowan to tell him he acknowledged him but he said differently, “I do trust him but I have to know,” and made his way towards the door.


“Where are you going?” Michaela asked.


“I don’t but I am going to find my son,” Atton turned back towards the door.


“Don’t leave yet,” came Michaela’s voice unusually firm. She stood tall and imposing, dressed like her Handmaiden sisters. Her eyes had a hard glint in them; much like that she had during the war. She waited until Atton turned to face her and said, “You can’t venture into the Outer Rim without help. I don’t know about you but I am coming with you.”


“As is I,” Rowan replied, “A fellow warrior needs backup even on the simplest of missions.”


Caelos and Dustil stood up. It was Caelos who said, “We’ll help too. We can keep an eye on things here. Whoever has been after Kirabaros and Revan more likely were after the kids. That’s why he sent them off. The mastermind is more than likely trying to spark distrust between our people and the Republic and Revan is the best choice.”


“Well said Caelos,” Michaela replied. “I hope you inform the Council at least as to any threats and anything you think necessary?”


“Of course honored wife of Kirabaros,” Caelos replied giving full respect to Michaela. “Good luck. By the way Atton, the Ebon Hawk is in the sector near where the old safe house was.”


“Thanks kid,” Atton replied giving the first smile he had in a long time.


Michaela looked at the people in the room. Of course T3 will stay. The little astromech was very fond of Kirabaros and Revan. Besides he would be of more help there anyway. She knew that Kirabaros must know that they couldn’t just sit there and wait yet she couldn’t help but wonder if he was completely out of it. She was driven by the fatherly emotions Atton was projecting and she wanted her son back. Kirabaros had asked her if she was willing to do what it takes and this was one of those moments. She smiled and said, “Let’s go.”

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Two very good chapters, JM12, both story-wise and grammar-wise. There were a couple of missing commas, nothing too serious and conspicuous, except this one thing at the end of Chapter 23 - unless it is intended as a speech flaw, it should be ''As am I'', not ''As is I.'' :)

See you in two weeks :D (unless you were only joking with Pottsie)

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Pottsie: You don't like Cena? :xp:;P

Anyway thanks for the compliment on my siggie. I designed it a while back and I have another that I have to resize and the like.


igyman: That was an intentional speech flaw. Everything written here is intentional unless it is a silly spelling mistake. As to the two weeks, I was trying to torture Pottsie and get him to post more but he did admit he is lazy about it. The waving the manuscript won't work anymore unless...


A character is going to die and it is going to not be an accident and it is a character from one of the games! Who it is I won't tell and I will leave you squirming like a worm. Oh and there might be some form of dismemberment. :xp:

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Eh, I have pity on Pottsie though he is offline now so I will post the next chapter. this one has some shockers and some references to The Return of Kirabaros who's last words are in my siggie. Some of these ideas I got from other fics and the scene playing out is based upon Memoirs of a Geisha since I did mention that the kiddies would meet Mamesa again. Well here ya go and don't bother me anymore until I post a new chapter. :lol:


Chapter 24

The ship had landed in the middle of the night and the port was quiet save for the occasional rustle of the trees around. Standing on the ground floor two figures were standing waiting for the ship’s ramp to drop. The taller of the two signaled the pilot and the ramp dropped and the door opened. At the top of the ramp stood a figure that they both hoped to not meet again for a long time. It was confirmed when the figure spoke, “Observation: The Mandalorian Meatbag does not appear to be pleased. Perhaps a Bothan stunner will set it to rights?”


“HK-47, it’s been some time but not long enough,” Canderous replied with annoyance.


“Statement: While that is true I myself have missed the months of carnage we shared and hoped that we might engage such sport again.”


The person who was with Canderous let out a giggle at that and said, “I doubt that.” She hid her smile behind her hand.


“Pleasantries aside, did we come here for nothing or do you actually have something for use. I have no time or patience,” Canderous said gruffly.


“Uncle Candy?” a small voice piped up. It was followed by three shadows coming into sight followed by the pilot who pushed them down.


It was the woman who went to them. She kneeled in front of them and told them everything would be everything all right. Morgan, peevish demanded, “Where is my papa?”


Sarna looked at the little boy with a look of tenderness. She whispered, “Your papa is on Coruscant. He sent you here so you can be safe because he loves you.” She wiped way his tears with a gentle hand while Canderous picked up Lilah and gently pushed Tulre down the ramp. She continued, “We are going to take you to some friends who will watch out for you in a place where you can hide. OK?” She held out her hand.


Stifling his sobs, Morgan reached for Sarna’s hand. He allowed her to pick him up and carry him to the speeder that was waiting for them. He stuck his tongue out at HK for telling him that his papa was a fool or something. He clung to Sarna who soothed him. He had no idea where he was but he sensed that she and the one that Lilah called ‘Uncle Candy’ were good people.


The three kids settled down along with the droid, they took off deep into the forests of Amshrey. They were quiet, struggling between wakefulness and sleep until Sarna turned to them and said that it was all right to sleep. Encouraged, they drifted to sleep with HK scanning the landscape with his sensors. Sarna leaned against Canderous who was driving. Resting her head on his shoulder, she said, “I wonder what Kirabaros was thinking when he thought of this.”


“He was thinking like the tactician he is as only a good warrior can. The boy should have been born a Mandalorian,” Canderous replied, the pride obvious in his voice. “Defiant yes but fearless.”


“But to send them here to Amshrey to the hamachi? It’s as if he doesn’t want them to be found. Makes you wonder if something is up.”


“Kid knows what he’s doing. You gotta give ‘em credit.” He said nothing more until they reached their destination.


The hamachi was a peaceful looking village, not unlike the tribal villages but it was characterized by a constant soothing sound of music and singing. This particular hamachi housed some of the greatest of geisha, maiko and, of course, the rare geima. Before the hamachis became permanent villages, they traveled frequently to find ideal settlements and it was evident by the number of draigons, stallions and transports that this one was quite large. Canderous stopped at the outside of the largest of huts and jumped out. Together, he and Sarna roused the children and walked them to the door when it opened to reveal a painted lady stepping out towards a transport followed by an elderly woman who stopped to look at them. She asked, “These are them?”


“Yeah,” Canderous replied. “I expect them to be treated well.”


“Of course Mandalore. The Heart of the Guardian is the most honored,” she replied and motioned them in.


The children were hesitant until Sarna told them that they would be taken good care of there and that she and Canderous would visit as often as they can. Only then did Tulre took the step forward with Lilah’s hand clenched in one hand and Morgan’s in his other. The elderly woman ushered them in leaving Canderous and Sarna standing outside. They headed back to the speeder with HK in tow.


On the trip home, Sarna spoke, “I hate leaving them there alone. They are only children.”


“They need to grow up,” Canderous replied, “No use babying them too much.”


The resounding smack to his arm made him jump and nearly swear at her. She retorted, “Heartless Mandalorian.”


“And you love it.” He grinned at her, “Don’t worry about it. The kid’s got it planned out. When he needs to, he’ll tell us.”


“ I do worry. What if it were one of ours?” Sarna asked.


“What do you mean? We don’t have any,” Canderous replied.


“We will soon.”



Tulre was nervous but he had to be the brave one. His Dada told him once that there would be a time that others would have to look up to him and he had a choice to make. He could either turn tale and run or bury his fear and lead. It came to mind as the elderly woman led him and Lilah and Morgan through the hut to a main room. The lady was saying, “You three no speak. I’ll answer for you.” She then kneeled outside a sliding paper door and called, “Mamesa.”


The noise from the other side beckoned them in. The elderly woman opened it and pushed the children in, ordering them to kneel and not look at her in the face. Mamesa responded with, “It’s all right.” She got up from her seat and padded towards the children. She looked at them and marveled at the likeness that they had to their parents. Her eyes lingered on Tulre and noticed his eyes. She gently grabbed his chin and asked him to look at her. Her face didn’t give anything away when she said, “So much earth.” Then looking at Lilah’s eyes, “Too much fire,” and Morgan got, “So much wood.” She then backed away and looked at all three, “You will stay here.” Then to the elderly woman, “Take them to their rooms.”


Minutes later the boys were put into one room and Lilah was placed into another room with another little girl named Kimiko. Morgan didn’t stay on his bed but instead sat next to Tulre and asked, “Everything goin’ to be OK now?”


Tulre thought for a moment, “Yeah. That lady is nice.”


“Will Papa know I am here?”


“I think so and he’d want you to stay here. Get some sleep.”


Morgan padded to his bed and snuggled under the blankets. It wasn’t until he was asleep that Tulre got up and proceeded to find Lilah. He found her in the next room with another little girl and asleep. Satisfied that she was fine, he crept for his room and went to bed. Now that they were on their own, he had to watch out for his friends. He fell asleep sure that Mamesa would look after them.


Meanwhile Mamesa was in deep conversation with an old friend. “They have arrived safely. Your friend brought them a few minutes ago.”


The image nodded and with a smile gave thanks. If the transmission were in color, she would have sworn to see the old flicker of green in them much like when she first met him on Mikkado. He said, “Mamesa, you are like a lantern in the dark.”


“You are most kind,” and Mamesa bowed. “I shall endeavor to keep them safe though I am sure that their parents will try to come.”


“True which is why I hope their exploits on the Outer Rim will detract attention.”


“Isn’t that manipulation?”


“Sadly yes, but there are some demons that must be met and eventually my sister and I will need to make a run for it.”


“I see.” The conversation ended with Mamesa bowing and wishing her friend farewell. She reflected on how Karas first approached her. She had warned him that the hamachi would move frequently and he readily agreed. Even her old friend agreed. It wouldn’t be unusual to have children around the hamachi. Geisha and maiko were often brought in at young ages, often sold by their families or orphaned. She went to bed thinking that tomorrow would start the first lesson.


Morning found the children, with the exception of Kimiko, being scrubbed clean separately by the maids in the hut. Mamesa herself brought their new clothes, cotton like kimonos, to each of them telling them, “Outside you wear these,” and she held a pair of sandals, “Inside these,” and motioned with a pair of socks. Then pulling the robes on she continued, “We don’t show our bare feet like Shreyites. This is a geisha and maiko house. Remember to always honor this house by listening and learning.” Once she tied the sashes she motioned them to get to work, sending the boys to the maiko and the girls to handle chores around the house.


Tulre felt stiff in his new clothes as he tugged on Morgan’s hand to head to where the maiko were practicing. It shocked him at the manner Mamesa put them to work but he didn’t expect that it was to be easy. Morgan followed because Tulre was going, not a good thing but at least he would stay close. Together they looked like brothers but certainly weren’t treated that way when they were greeted by the adult maiko teaching the new ones. They were immediately put to work lugging blades or cleaning things, a difficult thing for Morgan since he was little but he had his father’s scoundrel luck and spirit, meaning that he never gave up. They were placed with other boys that were a few years older and under consideration for Maiko School.


Lilah was only two so she couldn’t do much in terms of work so she was placed with the elderly woman called Tante, meaning ‘auntie,’ in simple household chores and learning how to fold the many kimono that belonged to that house. Kimiko, being five, could do more and was left with the brunt of the harder chores but she did them cheerfully and teaching Lilah when she asked to learn. Kimiko enjoyed telling Lilah about geisha and what they did.


It became a routine with the boys heading out in the morning to Maiko School and Lilah and Kimiko working in the okiya, or their house. At night, the boys returned tired but they were made to eat their evening meal and to bathe and then go to bed. Only on festival days did the boys not have to go to Maiko School for the maiko were performing and only the apprentices could help. On those days, they helped Kimiko with the cleaning of the okiya. Tante would tease Tulre and say that the earth needs to be firm because of his eyes. Sometimes Mamesa would help them after her time with the books. She loved the children and made sure that they were healthy and would ask often if they were happy. They were to continue that routine for the next few months until the boys became a year older and Lilah turned three.


It was then that the three of them were to go with Tante and Mamesa along with a few geisha and maiko to the capital city Miako to entertain the people. It was there that they met Mandalore or Canderous again who didn’t recognize them until Lilah tugged on his arm. He hadn’t been to the hamachi but Sarna had as often as could be spared and she told him how they were. It was there with HK that he was able to give news to them about their parents. Afterwards, they went back to the okiya feeling happy yet sad that they couldn’t go home yet. Mamesa told them that they should not be sad but to keep busy. They trudged along back to routine learning what they could at the hamachi until they moved entirely to a new planet.

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