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Star Wars: Shadow Wars

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"You're just going to forgive him?"


"Well.....yeah." Jethro answered bluntly after the guy left. "I'm not going to fight the guy just because he spilled a drink."


He watched the group of rather unhappy people leaving the cantina. "Anyway, Deib must have finished refuelling by now." Jethro put his hand on Sara's shoulder. "Let's go back to the ship, shall we?"

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"Er...yeah, let's go." Sara answered, looking away as her heart picked up pace at his touch. She thought she could feel the color creep up in her cheeks, but shook away the thought. His touch had brought back the memories of her time with...


She stood, her drink finished. "The sooner we get back, the better."

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''Admiral, we have him.'' Hall reported.


''Excellent, Captain Hall. Well done.'' Thrawn II commended his right hand, Hall.


''The shuttlecraft is safe in docking bay 2, as you ordered, and the pilot is being taken to the brig as we speak, he will be in cell 4C.'' Hall added.


''Very good. I will get there as soon as possible, Captain.'' Thrawn II calmly said.


''Very well, sir. If you need me, I'll be on the bridge.'' Hall reported over the comm and ended transmission.


Thrawn II slowly stood up from his chair and left the Origin's command room. He was very eager to have a chat with 'Amol'. As he was nearing the turbolift, Thrawn II noticed his colleague, Admiral Vok Onasi wandering around the corridors. ''I almost forgot.'' Thrawn II said to himself. He approached the other Admiral and greeted him:

''Admiral Onasi. I apologize for not greeting you sooner, we've been rather busy.'' Thrawn II said, ''Why have you been wandering the ship's corridors, Admiral? If you wanted to see me, all you had to do was contact Captain Hall and he would arrange everything.''

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"Va'ala after this you still owe me ten creds. And if Kat is crazy you lose that bet too, and that's another 25."


Bob nodded his head, "She seems crazy."


"Even Bob thinks she's crazy! Bantha Fodder! What has Zeedo gotten us into?"

Va'ala frowned at Krell. Things were just going from bad to worse and she was getting irritated. "Well, if I'm just about to lose 35 creds," Va'ala said, wrenching her arm away from Krell's grip and backing up in the direction of the cantina, "then I'm sure as hell not leaving my drink unfinished at the table!"


She turned, and immediately bumped shoulders with the woman who was accompanying the man that Bob had spilled the drinks on. "Watch it, Di'kut!" Va'ala snapped at her as she pushed past.

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"Any relation to a Darac Klint on Naboo?" she asked, trying to read the other woman's expression. Sure, there were billions of people throughout the galaxy, but...it still seemed weird to find someone who shared the same last name. With the multitude of languages spanning across the planets and races, it just seemed to poke Sara the wrong way.

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"Well I'll be..." Jethro murmured, stepping between the two of them. He was observing the both of them, and he did see some similarities.


"The same beautiful green eyes....." He thought, as he continued to search for similarities. Then he turned back to Sara and noticed that apart from the hair colour, they did look they were related. "She sure looks an awful lot like you Sara." he said while cocking up an eyebrow.

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Darac Klint. The mention of the name caused Va'ala's green eyes to narrow, and her eyebrow to twitch, and her jaw to set. "You're...her, aren't you," she said, a statement more than a question. "Sarah." She snorted with disdain. "Of all the places in the Galaxy, you'd just happen to show up here and a make a bad day even worse. Typical."

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''Admiral Onasi. I apologize for not greeting you sooner, we've been rather busy.'' Thrawn II said, ''Why have you been wandering the ship's corridors, Admiral? If you wanted to see me, all you had to do was contact Captain Hall and he would arrange everything.''


"I'm sorry Admiral Thrawn," Vok began, "I didn't know where you were, so I decided to admire your beautiful ship, while I was waiting. I think you've done a pretty good job. So what did you want to see me about?"

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''Well, my esteemed colleague, I was wondering if you could shed some light on the events that lead us to Yavin and then to Naboo. I understand that your knowledge is limited, since you didn't get to meet Master Skywalker, but anything you can tell me would be helpful.'' Thrawn II said with a calm and polite voice.

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''Well, my esteemed colleague, I was wondering if you could shed some light on the events that lead us to Yavin and then to Naboo. I understand that your knowledge is limited, since you didn't get to meet Master Skywalker, but anything you can tell me would be helpful.'' Thrawn II said with a calm and polite voice.


"I'm sorry Admiral, but I have no knowledge of any recent events," Vok told Admiral Thrawn II, "Like you said, my knowledge is limited indeed. Master Skywalker is one of the busiest people in the galaxy."

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''Well, never mind, I'm sure we will be able to put your expertise to use elsewhere. In fact, I would be grateful if you could oversee the ship for a short while. I am due at the brig. There is a prisoner there that I am very eager to talk to.'' Thrawn II suggested.

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''Well, never mind, I'm sure we will be able to put your expertise to use elsewhere. In fact, I would be grateful if you could oversee the ship for a short while. I am due at the brig. There is a prisoner there that I am very eager to talk to.'' Thrawn II suggested.


"I shall indeed oversee the ship for you Admiral," Vok told him, "I've always imagined myself here on this ship. You go on ahead. I can see to things here."

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''I appreciate that, Admiral Onasi. If you'll excuse me...'' Thrawn II made a respectful nod and went back to the turbolift. The turbolift arrived after a few seconds and after a few more it brought Thrawn II to the brig of the Origin.

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Amol was thrown roughly to the ground. As the guards turned to leave the cell, he kicked one of them in the back of the knee, taking him to the ground. The other guard retaliated by shooting Amol in the chest with his blaster rifle, stunning him slightly. The guard helped his colleague to his feet, kicking Amol in the ribs as they left.


Amol struggled to his feet, panting and clutching his side. He lifted his palm to his mouth and spoke quietly into it.


"Computer, lock down the main computer. I may be going down, but I'll be damned if Sara and her crew are going down with me."


The sub-dermal comm chip chirped in acknowledgment.

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Thrawn II walked into Amol's cell just as the guards were about to leave it. At the sight of the Admiral the two guards immediately stopped and went back into the cell right behind him. Thrawn II looked upon his prisoner as Amol slowly rose back to his feet, regaining his balance after that stun shot.


''So, we meet again after all this time, 'Amol'.'' Thrawn II said calmly, ''That is the name you go by nowadays, isn't it?''

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"What...?" the venom in the woman's voice was sudden, and it bothered her. "How do you know my name??"
Va’ala snorted. “Oh, puh-leeze. Cut the phobium. How could I not know your name. That’s all I ever heard from him. If I heard from him. It was always Sara did this, and Sara did that, and why can’t you be more like Sara.” She snorted. “Guess I shouldn’t wonder why he never mentioned me to you. Perfect Sara.”
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"What in the hell are you..." Sara paused, her eyes widening slightly. Sudden realization flickered across her face. "You...I know you. You're her aren't you? The child who nearly ruined my parent's marriage!"


The realization was gone, replaced by anger. "It was your mother who got in the way."

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Va'ala laughed out loud. "My mother got in a lot of people's way. Still does, as far as I know. But don't blame me for ruining your parent's marriage," she said pointing a finger at Sara. "Our dear father did that all on his own." She frowned slightly. "Oh, kriffin' hell... did I just say 'dear' father? I really must be losing it. Either that or I need another drink...."

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