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Jedi Forces Part II - Forbidden Return

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…


Star Wars

Jedi Forces Part II - Forbidden Return


The JEDI ACADEMY on YAVIN IV has fallen to the new SITH ORDER, which is being led by EMPEROR DEVON. His new empire, including the SITH and the IMPERIAL REMNANT are on their way to taking the galaxy.


Along with that, several GENOSOSIANS have organised the new CONFEDERACY OF INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS and have built a new DROID FACTORY on their home world of GEONOSIS and have built a new DROID ARMY. Along with that, the organiser of the new CIS, JAGGER DELSO has built the ultimate weapon.


Meanwhile, the remaining JEDI Knights who are still being led by the GRAND JEDI MASTER, LUKE SKYWALKER have all scattered across the galaxy, waiting to return to REPUBLIC SPACE, to save the NEW REPUBLIC from the upcoming devastation…




Inside the newly christened Sith Academy, the Jedi Knight, Jaden Korr lay unconscious. She decided to wake up. A scientist was looking at her.


"What happened?" She asked, unsure of what had happened.


"Ah, you're finally awake," The scientist told Jaden, "I've saved you from death. Now you wait here and I shall tell the Emperor of your awakening?"


"Emperor?" Jaden asked.


"Yes, Emperor," The scientist told Jaden, "Emperor Devon, the new leader of the Sith and the Sith Academy. If you wish to continue to live, you will join him."


The scientist left the room and Jaden sighed.




The Millenium Falcon dropped off the three Jedi, Luke Skywalker, Kyle Katarn and Rosh Penin near the old Jedi Temple.


"What a tip," Rosh exclaimed.


Kyle agreed with him, but Luke was in deep thought.


"All three of us will have to try and contact other Jedi to come here," Luke told the other two Jedi, "Now that Emperor Devon has the Jedi Academy, there is no telling of what he might be able to do."

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"Or worse, what he WILL do. He'll stop at nothing to extinct us Luke."




In the vertical city of Nar Shadda, on a local cantina, layed Jan Ors, mercenary for the New Republic, drinking her ale. She had heard from the HoloNet of a raid on the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV. She was worried about her love, Kyle Katarn, even though they haven't seen each other by years. She took another sip from her drink.


"Hey there gorgeous," Said a man, obviously drunk of his ale, "Care for a dance?"


"Not right now."


"Oh come on, it'll be fun," He said, grabbing her arm.


"Hey, careful," Jan shouted, the man obviously hurt her. People were looking at them, and Jan, enfuriated, quickly punched the man in the stomach with her free hand, liberating herself, then slapping him on the cheek.

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Rosh did a quick stretch and got in a nearby speeder.


"Rosh where are you going?" Luke asked, concerned for his safety.


"I need to clear my head," Rosh told Luke, "After Jaden's death, I just need some time alone to think."


Rosh accelerated on the speeder's controls and sped off.

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"Project 5P1 is now obertional." Informed a Neimoidian scientist. "From the remains of Guri we were able to construct Grevious 2 without the use of a body."

"Fantastic," Replied Jaggar "When will he be ready for deployment?"

"Hard to say sir. It's going to take some time to train him and such. However he was had an advanced learning programming which will speed up the progress. I guess a month or two. However in two weeks he'll be perfect for testing and more extreme training."

"Good. When it is ready, I want all training to be commenced on the 'Rebellion*'." Ordered Jaggar.

"Yes sir." Replied the Scientist and left Jaggar.




Sam's transport landed in a clear landing in the temple. She was surprised she found it and it was strong enough to hold the Titan. She walked around the temple, in search for the jedi.

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On the distant planet Kashyyyk, Tahita Nui had been wandering high on the tree for a long time. He wandered so aimlessly that he didn’t know where his feet will take him. Roaming on the small walkway, he saw many wookies are walking, talking, or practicing. He carefully not to start a argue with them. He knows wookies hated to be disturbed when they were training. If anybody bugged them, then after 1 second, all you can see is just a “Meat Frisbee”. He lowered his head trying not to be recognized—wookies hated outsiders, too. Suddenly, he saw a pair of big feet in front of him.


“Out of my way, or you’re…” Tahita intimidated.


“You may try, bounty hunter scums.” The owner of the big feet said.


He looked up and saw a Chiss along with two Sith guards. “I hate Sith,” he thought.


“I don’t want a fight, this is a peaceful planet,” Tahita didn’t even looked into their eyes.


“Hey, that human scum is showing his weakness,” one of the guard joked.


“Yeah, what is the purpose to leave him alive?” Another sith guard joked.


“OK, you said that.” Tahiti Nui pulled out his Katana. The guards began to shoot to Tahita without any warnings. The Chiss retreated back to safety.


“Coward,” Tahiti murmured.


He began to use the “Whirlwind” feat to rotate his Katana. All laser bolts were reflected everywhere. (He’s not a force user, remember?) The guards were surprised to see that a bounty hunter can reflect laser bolts! They were even so surprised that they forgot to escape! They just froze there.


Tahita sighed. Such coward. He regained his feet and walked away while he slowly pushed Katana back into its cover.


“Hey, that guy! That guy who looked like Boba Fett!” Someone shouted.


“Yeah, he’s got muscles.” Another said quietly.


“Ya, we’d better back off when he comes.”


“You got it.”


Tahiti heard all speeches. “Fool, it’s me who don’t want to get into trouble.”


Back to his hut, he felt tired. That darned sith had started the fight! He stood up, took of all his armor, and began to channel forces through his body: Force Transformation! Slowly, his size was growing and growing, the hair on the whole body is growing longer and longer, too. The teeth began to change into fangs. The only thing that he didn’t change is his eyes. Although he looked big, but he still had a warm eye. There he came…Wookie Jedi Solaris!

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((Nice RP Nihl.))


"Hey, what the heck was that for?!" The man shouted.


"Because you hurt me, you're drunk, and, if i let you continue, god knows what you would do," Jan told him, her hands holding her waist.


"Well, no body gets away with that from Roger Smith!" He shouted, taking out a blaster pistol.


"Uh-oh," Jan said, quickly rolling to her side, and protecting herself from the blaster shots with the table, "This day is going from bad to worse."


He was eventually stopped when Jan rolled to her side, crouched, got her E-11 Blaster Rifle out, shot at his tigh, then she stood tall, jumped and spun in mid-air, kicking him in the chest and making him fly towards the nearby doors, and into outside.

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Vereor smiled to himself as he observed the students in the new Sith academy. Each person there had the necessary qualities for becoming a Sith, but qualities meant nothing when it came down to who would live or die. The smarter and stronger students would survive. The weaker and less intelligent students wouldn't. None of them, however, would have the ability to overthrow Master Devon, as some overconfident students would soon find out. Some gave him brief glances of acknowledgment as he passed by, some filled with jealousy as Vereor was one of the apprentices of Devon, and then returned to their training.


He enjoyed the moment as he thought of the day he would eventually overthrow Devon and take the title of Emperor, as soon as he took care of the opposition of course. Sa'adow Fan would be a problem. Of course, they already knew of that. That was the way of the Sith. Eliminate all opposition and take power. He would have to wait for the right moment though, so patience would be required.


He saw a scientist heading in his direction in a hurry and was curious. The only thing worth heading in the direction Vereor was coming from was the training rooms and the throne room. And he doubted that the scientist was going to a training session, so the only other option was the Throne Room. And anything that was worth the emperor’s time was worth Vereor's time.


"And where might we be going in such a rush?" Vereor asked smiling as he stepped in front of the scientist.

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Solaris sat down and closed his eyes. He was trying to think about the past pattern of Sith activity and estimate the future actions of Sith. He had seen the First Jedi Purge, Darth Traya, Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus, Darth Malak…and a lot of activities. He also saw the vision of Anakin Skywalker turning into Darth Vader under Darth Sidious’s influence.


We Jedi’s are not soldiers. We are guardians of peace.—Mace Windu


This speech had echoed in his head. Yes. We’re the guardian of peace, but did we accomplish our position? Solaris asked himself. He calmed himself down and concentrated on his meditation.


Suddenly, he felt a big disturbance of the Force. He saw a lot of things happened: Jedi was being purged, the Sith had brought a lot of suffering. They corrupted the Jedi Academy in the Yalvin IV and changed it into a Sith Academy. Within the vision, he saw a shadowy figure with a big hood. Solaris cannot see his face, but he’s sure that a new Sith Lord had risen.


Soon, he saw Jaden. She was beautiful, no doubt. “What the hell I am thinking?” Solaris shook his head, attempting to drive her out of his head. But instead, his vision is becoming clearer: Jaden was under a great stress, great suffering, and she’s in danger of turned into dark side.


Solaris let out a heavy sigh, and stood up. He never felt so much suffering, so much hatred, so much anger. Even Darth Sidious can’t have such power!


Solaris opened the door to outside and walked to the balcony. Outside, a lot of wookie is talking happily. Some of them even saw him and said, “Look, Master Solaris!” and waved to him. He smiled and waved back. Looking upon the dark, beautiful sky, Solaris’s eye had flashed a unnoticeable sadness. Who will save Jaden, the new hope of defeating the shadowy figure in his vision?

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Rosh's speeder sped through Coruscant. Why did she have to die, Rosh thought angrily. Jaden didn't deserve to die, not after she saved him on Taspir III and had died saving him and the other two Jedi Masters. That was why she had died. Because of their lives. Rosh felt a tear drop down his face.

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"I felt that Coruscant was the perfect place to hide," Luke told Kyle, "Also, the old Jedi Temple is the one place I feel at peace with."


Sam walked towards the jedi masters "I knew you'd be here. You jedi are soo predictable.. Good thing too."


"HEY!" She cried to the two jedi "I've got supplies for you lot while your jedi temple is univiable. My brother, John Ranger, told me you lot would be here. And being me, I thought I'd be a heroine and give you some supplies I stole from the hutts."

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