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New Guy with positive thoughts for once


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I got hooked on KOTOR. Since I used to play Ultima Online and Everquest 2, I thought I would give Galaxies a try. I decided to do a little research before I started and found this Forum. OH MY GOD. The horrible, cry baby, negative whining almost kept me from trying it. I realize that NGE has upset some of you and given I did not play before that, but as a veteran of mmorpg's I have been through revamps many times (usually nerfing my mages into uselessness) and figured I could handle it.

Expecting the worst I downloaded the free trial and started playing. 35 hours and no sleep later I was hooked. I do not see what the fuss is about. Do you peeps not see the good things: So many planets with incredible detail, the ability to have ground vehicles like speeders and speeder bikes, space battle is awesome and the ships available are just mind boggling. I mean a pleasure cruiser that you can walk around in and decorate wow! Then there is the housing which is a mix between the Everquest housing and Ultima online housing styles and rules. I have a small house on Naboo already in a beautiful area. I must say when I first read about the Jedi and old perma death thing it sounded exciting, like the old PK days of Ultima, but the new rules are fine with me and yes I chose Jedi as my profession.

The single and only complaint I have is that other players in the game were not very helpful to me, and there is no in-game support, but I play at odd hours so no one is on usually.

In short I love this game and hope to see many of you out there as I gain experience and levels. BTW if anyone plays on Flurry I found the most incredible shop for ship upgrades south of Theed on Naboo. Use the map filter for ship sales and you will see it (I forgot the guys name).


Nice to be in your world




Character name=Almar Gilead, Server=Flurry

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Maybe, but there are a few keypoints they need to take care of


1. The removal of unrealistic particle effects, replace them with animations

2. Animations in generel has been broken since pub 25.

3. The diversity we had should be brought back, luckily that is being taken care of.


Along with many other qualities in game they removed. Fortunately, many of them are returning which are good :)

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