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Official Superdickery Thread

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Everyone knows Superman is a dick.


Tell us your favorite stories of when you realized "Oh that guy is a dick!"


Or just tell us moments when you realized Batman was a dumbass. Either way.


For instance... Al Gore thinks global warming was caused by pollution. He's wrong.




When did you realize Superman was a total asshole and Batman was a dumbass? Or can you disprove my awesome theories?




...I don't know I'm just bored.

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Mmm..I duno I think "The Hulk" beats them all. (You know like in doke wise and all)


Pffft, please. Hulk gets the green crap kicked on a regular basis by guy's who are faster and smarter than him. Like Deadpool and...wait...you guy's probably don't even know who that is...um...*retreats back into nerd lair*

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Batman is only a dick if he's being played by George Cloony(Joel Shumacre(Yah I don't remember how to spell his name) is a shmuck). Batman returns was the best Batman movie in my mind. Although I have the strongest urge to go down to Rochester and relive the musuem Joker scene from the first film

at Mitchell Hendersons grave(Because he was an hero). I have much respect for the work of Tim Burton so **** off. Oh yah Michael Keaton was the best Batman ever, that new guy is pretty good, Val Kilmer was pretty goo (Although he was a better "Iceman" then he was a Batman, and of course there is Cloony (D-Bag!). 250px-Keaton.jpg

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Val kilmer, Steven Segal, Chuck Norris, Jean-Cluade-Van Damme, Albert Einstein, Apone from the movie Aliens, that one guy from that movie you know that guy, and us Razputin Domain forumites should all star in a movie. Uwe Boll is set to direct. It will be pure cinema beauty....With speed lines.

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