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How long to wait before getting a light saber!!!


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This probably should be in the Padawan's Lounge...


But since you asked, you should be able to aqcuire all the components for a lightsaber on your first planet after Telos (to the best of my recollection, you sometimes get one piece on Telos, but the remainder will show up elsewhere). Make sure that you speak with Bao-Dur once you've got them.


There is a link on the Fastest way to get a Lightsaber if you are looking for something more specific.


Hrm. I may have also completely misinterpreted the question... If so, you are free to ignore the blather previously posted.



I believe he was talking about something for KoToR 3.


~Darth Meatbag

Ah...well...er...I s'pose in that case definitely ignore the previous blather.


Nothing to see here. These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along...

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It took more time in KotOR 2 to get the blasted thing than in KotOR 1. A real shame. And "looking" for it wasn't a "cool quest" like they developpers originally said on their forums.


I wouldn't mind getting it later if I really feel like it's a big reward for a hard task. If they choose to simply hand it to me like in the two past games, then the sooner the better.

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It took more time in KotOR 2 to get the blasted thing than in KotOR 1. A real shame. And "looking" for it wasn't a "cool quest" like they developpers originally said on their forums.


I agree.

I'd like to see a trial type thing to get your saber, kinda like Jedi Outcast, but not quite so, um, boring. Maybe you'd have to kill a krayt dragon for real this time, instead of blowing it up like on Tatooine in the first one. With only a sword. Hehehe... :Pir1:



Edit: @ Darth54: LoL You edited as I was posting, so I changed my quote.

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I agree.

I'd like to see a trial type thing to get your saber, kinda like Jedi Outcast, but not quite so, um, boring. Maybe you'd have to kill a krayt dragon for real this time, instead of blowing it up like on Tatooine in the first one. With only a sword. Hehehe... :Pir1:


so you'd like to get pwnz0red instantaneously. good luck :xp:

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I agree.

I'd like to see a trial type thing to get your saber, kinda like Jedi Outcast, but not quite so, um, boring. Maybe you'd have to kill a krayt dragon for real this time, instead of blowing it up like on Tatooine in the first one. With only a sword. Hehehe... :Pir1:


I hope you carry a CD of "Best of Jar-Jar" to that Krayt Dragon, because otherwise I think you will die a miserably frustrating death. :indif:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It depends what you start off as:


A Jedi Padawan-after you pass the trials (hopefully after one planet, like after telos in kotor 2)

A former Jedi who has forgotten the force-you should have to wait a little longer and earn it b/c you don't have connections to the jedi order.

A current Jedi-Whether it's Revan or someone else, I'm against the idea, because I want to mold my character. Someone who is already a jedi, should probably start with a lightsaber.

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It depends what you start off as:


A Jedi Padawan-after you pass the trials (hopefully after one planet, like after telos in kotor 2)

A former Jedi who has forgotten the force-you should have to wait a little longer and earn it b/c you don't have connections to the jedi order.

A current Jedi-Whether it's Revan or someone else, I'm against the idea, because I want to mold my character. Someone who is already a jedi, should probably start with a lightsaber.


Probably a tad off-topic, but meh.


The more I think about it, the more I like the Padawan/Master idea. It would be a nice change from the first two games.


This was discussed some time ago on the Obs forums, and someone had the great idea that we should be able to "choose" a master. Give us like 3 choices, each with differents personalities: Rebel-type (Katarn), By the book -type (Kenobi) and a middle of the road -type.


All this to say that it would be great if the possible K3 would let us experience the life of a Padawan. Starting out on Coruscant and doing little fetching missions with the master. Building a lightsabre and eventually facing the trials to become a Knight or something. The Coruscant Temple could also act as a "base of operations", much like in the movies.


It's probably never going to happen. But hey, one has the right to dream :rolleyes:


And about Revan and the Exile, I really doubt they will be back as PCs, since they have been officially approved as male and female respectively.

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I'm working on a fanfic, though I barely have time to write it and whenever I do write some I get really really tired but nevertheless I will continue writing sometime on my christmas break, lol last time I took my pencil to it was July...


Anyway, My story takes of where your a woman on Alderaan going for their graduation from university and stuff happens you meet Mira and she takes you to Coruscant.


Their you get trained as a Padawan but before you select your class you go through different staging areas. You don't do random stuff in general you do missions given to you by different Jedi who head a different section of the types of Jedi. For example



Dustil Onasi


These two are teachers of the Guardian section, you do a few missions that they give you and then you move on to the next style.


Next is the area for the Sentinels.





These two give you missions that would focus more on sentinel uses such as skills and wit. After that you would move on to the next and final stage are for this part.


The Disciple/ Mical

Someone New ( Working on a new character, preferably someone being a male twi'lek, either green or orange)


You do a few missions for them and then that's it, for this stage.


The next stage is choosing one of these classes, you have three choice; Guardian, Sentinel, or Consular. Once you pick a certain class you want to be you further your power and skill with what's that, yes some extra training bits. However, this training will come from the heads of classes.


For Guardians the heads are:(still pending)


Someone new (male human)

Juhani (only if the player selects that Revan went LS if not than it's someone new)


For Sentinels the heads are:(still pending)


Someone new (Male human)

Bastila Shan


For Consulars the heads are.


Someone new (Female twi'lek)

"Young brash." Jolee Bindo


Once you do some missions for these people and finish then you get promoted into their ranks as a full Jedi by recieving a ceremony with other Padawans. One of the heads from the class you picked will give a speech about you and other Heads will give speeches about their Padawans.


Once your head give his or her speech then they will give you different styles (single, single with a lil curve like Dooku's, Double-Bladed or twin/duel) lightsabers to choose from or they'll just give you a special single-bladed ceremonial lightsaber; if it's the first idea I go with then I would pick a Count-Dooku style saber for the character.


Then that's how you get your lightsaber in my story. I won't reveal anymore but I must say I think it's not too shabby of an idea.


If this took place in the KIII game I would say 10 to 15 hours before you get that stick that glows.

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Probably a tad off-topic, but meh.


The more I think about it, the more I like the Padawan/Master idea. It would be a nice change from the first two games.


This was discussed some time ago on the Obs forums, and someone had the great idea that we should be able to "choose" a master. Give us like 3 choices, each with differents personalities: Rebel-type (Katarn), By the book -type (Kenobi) and a middle of the road -type.


All this to say that it would be great if the possible K3 would let us experience the life of a Padawan. Starting out on Coruscant and doing little fetching missions with the master. Building a lightsabre and eventually facing the trials to become a Knight or something. The Coruscant Temple could also act as a "base of operations", much like in the movies.


It's probably never going to happen. But hey, one has the right to dream :rolleyes:


And about Revan and the Exile, I really doubt they will be back as PCs, since they have been officially approved as male and female respectively.


Completely agree with all of this.

Your ideas for Master/Padawan training are great.

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The more I think about it, the more I like the Padawan/Master idea. It would be a nice change from the first two games.


This was discussed some time ago on the Obs forums, and someone had the great idea that we should be able to "choose" a master. Give us like 3 choices, each with differents personalities: Rebel-type (Katarn), By the book -type (Kenobi) and a middle of the road -type.


All this to say that it would be great if the possible K3 would let us experience the life of a Padawan. Starting out on Coruscant and doing little fetching missions with the master. Building a lightsabre and eventually facing the trials to become a Knight or something. The Coruscant Temple could also act as a "base of operations", much like in the movies.



I do like the idea of the master/padawan idea. But since TSL established that the Jedi Order is in hiding now, I doubt it'd be on Coruscant... though Coruscant is probably the last place the Sith would think to look.

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