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Coruscant should be in the new game


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You assume Kotor III will feature the True Sith...


I have insider information that it will be decades after Kotor II.



Coruscant rocks. I just has to be in the game.

Since you offer nothing to back this assertion up, I'm going to dismiss it as what it in all probability is - a fiction.


You have no more evidence than I as to what will go into KIII, but it seems likely that they will follow on from a perfect sequel-setup that was at the end of KotOR II, does it not?


If you do have this 'inside information', why aren't you sharing it?


That's right. But it's possible the True Sith come out of hiding and start attacking the Republic. Isn't that why Revan was readying the Republic? So it is possible they attack Coruscant.

True, but why go somewhere there's just been a huge attack on?


Assuming that there are Jedi, they're going to want to meet somewhere AWAY from the front lines...


I'm not sure if training in the Jedi Council would work, though, knowing there are so few. But there us a chance. It could be the Lost Jedi rebuilt the Jedi Order (depends on alignment of the exile).


It also depends on how much time there is between K2 and K3, how long the Jedi Order had to recover.




@Topic: I'm not sure that Coruscant can claim primacy over the Jedi Order. Surely Ossus or Tython have greater claims to that?

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well, Zhar mentioned in K1 that the High Council was on Coruscant at that time as well so i guess in that period as well Coruscant has a bit higher primacy over the Order.


anyway, even if the Temple isn't there, put Coruscant in. i mean, it's CORUSCANT, dammit! :xp:

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True, but why go somewhere there's just been a huge attack on?


To strike the final blow? Do you think they would let the Republic rebuild themselves?


Assuming that there are Jedi, they're going to want to meet somewhere AWAY from the front lines...



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But as Skye said, Coruscant is a vast world, rich in detail.
Im all for corusent but the thing with corusent is that its spose to be so vast and all.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't all planets vast? I mean, they are planets. :giveup:


I think Coruscant would be a good planet to include if there was a good plot-related reason to include it.

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To strike the final blow? Do you think they would let the Republic rebuild themselves?


When has a Jedi Final Blow ever worked? It'd be nice if just once the Order didn't make the same mistakes it always does.


well, Zhar mentioned in K1 that the High Council was on Coruscant at that time as well so i guess in that period as well Coruscant has a bit higher primacy over the Order.

Maybe so, but wouldn't you rather see where the Jedi Order was born? While Coruscant may be the administrative centre of the Order, it isn't necessarily the heart...

anyway, even if the Temple isn't there, put Coruscant in. i mean, it's CORUSCANT, dammit!

It's a big city. Oooooh. Aside from a largely empty Jedi Temple and a Senate building shaped like a mushroom, what is there to see in c. 4000 BBY?

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acctually, clonetrooper, all your posts in this thread dont correspond with the topic ;). there's a separate thread to deal with SW07 i believe.



Coruscant is a must. taris was positively stunning (the views, not the quests and all) and if they could make something like that for coruscant, K3 would pwn.


Besides one, lol. And that post about SW 07, I think may be Kotor III so thats why I mentioned it here. Sorry.

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When has a Jedi Final Blow ever worked? It'd be nice if just once the Order didn't make the same mistakes it always does.


I didn't mean a Jedi Final Blow. I meant the final blow of the Sith, or the True Sith. The Republic has become weak, and it's the best opportunity for the enemies of the Republic to strike the final blow to wipe out the Republic.

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Coruscant is a vital location to Jedi history. From a historical perspective, I think it would be interesting to see the planet in detail. We know what it looks like in the deep future. I kind of think it looks like Nar Shaddaa, but with a slightly cleaner feeling. It would be cool to see.

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Coruscant still seemed to look like one big city-planet during the final battles of the Great Hyperspace War in the "Fall of the Sith Empire" comic books, though there seemed to be less "flying" buildings and so... And that was more than a millennium before the KotOR games.

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I definitely think Coruscant would be a superb planet to have in an eventual KotOR III.

However, I also think they should do it right, or not do it at all.

What I'd like to see from Coruscant is two key areas: the Jedi council (with the adjoining linrary, academy, etc) and the Senate.

As long as they recreate the feeling that Coruscant is a big, diverse, bustling and important planet, and they get the atmosphere right, then I think it would be great to have it in the game.

However, I think that after the prequels (Ep. 1, 2, 3), any representation of Coruscant inferior to what was seen in the movies (which was quite frankly amazing) would be disappointing. And I don't think technology has come as far as to create videogame environments as stunning as that of arguably the best-looking movies using CGI to date.

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Coruscant would be the only remaining planet from the films that I personally think would work. Due to Kreia mentioning the interior detail of the Jedi Temple. Any other planets, Naboo, Kamino, Dagobah wouldn't do it for me. Well, Yavin is debatible due to the ties it has Exar Kun.


Also if this game is ever made, starting it off on Coruscant could help ease a new audience into the KOTOR galaxy. As everybody who has seen the prequels knows about Coruscant and from there it could take the player to the Unknown Regions, or whereeverwould be set.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to see Jedi Temple in Kotor 3 when i lead my army to destroy it and maybe this time the Sith will conquer the galaxy with my PC as the Emperor and no lightside ending because i'm puzzeld with windus words "The opression of the Sith will never return you have LOST". What do you make of this words

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