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Request a new galactic map for Foc


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i would like it very much if someone here could create a galactic conquest map for foc which had all the planets in it (i mean the big 50 planet one) and allowed each player to start off with one planet each

so the rebels would start with hoth,empire with coruscant and zann with some other planet

i'd be forever grateful

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i would like it very much if someone here could create a galactic conquest map for foc which had all the planets in it (i mean the big 50 planet one) and allowed each player to start off with one planet each

so the rebels would start with hoth,empire with coruscant and zann with some other planet

i'd be forever grateful


Ask and yee shall receive. Place this file in the Data\Xml directory. It is exactly what you asked for. Empire has Coruscant, Rebs Hoth and ZC has Hypori. All the others are vacant. It alters the "Equal Footing" Campaign. I can do others where there are pirates too etc. just let me know. :)



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Hey there! Loved the map, but there was one problem: within three minutes the entire map was corrupted by the Consortium. Could you do one where are all the planets but the starting ones have pirates? Or is it possible to tweak it even further and have all but a couple nearby planets full of pirates?


If you can tweak it very far, I would suggest giving the Rebels and the Empire a few nearby "vacant" planets, but surround the Consortium by pirate forces, and a bit tougher ones too.


Or whatever can stop the Consortium from corrupting the whole dang place, or at least stop them from advancing so quickly. That would be great! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

The ZC cannot have that much money to expand so quickly. Defilers cost 1000 and mission cost money. Unless maybe it is spamming units in a land grab rush (pirates would slow that down). Thinka about it, it has a dozen planets with a few days from the start. :/


I think the AI cheats way too much to resemble 'thinking'. The LUA scripts are once again encrypted so no way to really change the CHEAT behaviour.

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I'm no modder, but I took a look at the XML file to see if doing this would be easy and I think it would be if I had the XML file of a GC with pirates already in it. As it is it's difficult to know what they're called and how they'd be set up. With that in hand I think I could probably finish off Khasei's work - which would be nice because I think it would be a fun GC to play.

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Here is a map. It works only for the Empire. It has no ZC faction. It is beta. You have only the Rebels and Empire only one planet. I placed pirates and enabled the AI.


It could need more time for balance.


It works pretty good as now for a beta. I also can place in fixes for some bugs in the game if you want. It would seem they ran out of time Petro to polish the Expansion.


I had to place in over 400+ entries for the pirate forces. It is only for the map Equal Footing GC SP.


EDIT: Rapidshare servers are down. I will try later to give link for upload.


The pirate faction works very good at stopping the AI rush. The map will need more balance.


Again it is the Empire and rebel only. No ZC. There are cool new Pirates to slow down the land grab. They exist in game, I think you will like.


Both only have one planet. It plays very well for a beta. Once Rapidshare is back up online, I can share the file (and enable it for playing Rebel).


It took me 12 hours of XML to write this, no wonder Petro left out the pirates.


"Unfortunately all drives of RapidShare.de are full right now."


EDIT: update some stuff. You can play both the Empire or Rebel.

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It was made by request to have only Empire and Rebel. Plus pirates added to slow down the AI land grab. It only applys to the 'Equal Footing' GC map.


I assume the ZC was a pain. Plus, I could make all the original EAW GC maps available to play too. As you know, you can add back in the ZC very easy and enable its AI.


I think a mod pack with the full choices to play. All three as it is now, Empire verse ZC, or Rebel verse ZC, or just Empire verse Rebel.


I think this request wants all three, the other thread the mod is an Empire verse Rebel only.


Placing in the Pirate forces was a long task. It could be done better, but it does do the job of slowing down the land rush (and letting you build up the 'tactical build pads' in space and on land to your liking).

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Here is a Empire and Rebel only Equal Footing GC map. Pirates added in.




I can make the basic three way with ZC as above with the added in Pirates to slow down the land grab. I can post that here sometime tomorrow.


I am trying to understand why the galactic strategic AI seems to be so artificial in how it expands, and waits for you to 'catch up'. Some things I am testing. I want the AI to be more Human like Smart, and build decent fleets.


Play and you may know why they left the pirate faction out...Or you may really like it.


Later I will add back in the ZC for another version of that GC map to play. It is not that hard, just alot of cut and paste. Useing the above file, the hard work has been done, just needs some polish to your liking.


How about you copy the coding and rename the Title for both the Imperial and Rebel. I don't want to loose "Equal Footing" GC map because I still want to keep it.


Yes, of course. I just was in a hurry to let it be tested by others. I am still looking at things on how the AI expands. In a more final version, it would be nice to have these show up as custom select seperate maps on the screen.


One big copy and paste, then rename that campaign leaving the original intact. Thus it would give you more GC map play options and leave the original vanilla 6 pack alone.

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  • 4 weeks later...
New Equal Footing Map with all three factions, 1 planet each.


Download Here



Does that have the Pirates added in to slow down the 'empty' planet rush?


If not, just modify the other one that has pirates added to get the ZC added too.


edit: Sorry, that link is giving me 'no server found' error (in order to check it out).

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