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The Jedi in KotOR III

Emperor Devon

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Speaking of which, has anyone managed to sacrifice the miraluka in that confrontation.

I always end up with her surviving.


That's due to a known bug. Equip Visas with standard clothes and a lightsaber (I think a vibroblade works too), and you'll get the option during conversation to tell her that she must sacrifice herself for you to live. Then she'll kill herself. But she has to be equipped with the right gear, or the option won't appear.

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Well like the other two games you find out how they came to be through conversing with them, so with Jolee hey guess what same thing. Or another way may be through a cut scene with someone else and not your character, either way you might find out.


Or arrange to just talk to Jolee and ask him, because any conversation with Jolee is A Good Thing. :D I can just see the pithy comments now.

"Damn fools needed someone like me to keep them from making the same idiotic mistakes again. They finally quit drinking what must have been that Onderon willek juice and come to their senses and decided a little change would be good. Hmmph!"


I would like to think of Jolee more as a guide, he gives you possibilities but then again that's just another way to teach. I based this on how you get Bastila near the beginning of the game where as Jolee if you to to Kashyyyk last; like I did the first time. You might not get to know him extremely well as you would if you went to Kashyyyk right after Dantooine.


I usually go to Kashyyyk right after Dantooine just to pick Jolee up, but I don't complete the star map--I go to Korriban right after I get Jolee so that if I"m playing LSF it doesn't break the romance thing with Carth. That way I get the maximum amount of sassy comments, too. I love his reply when Lashowe asks "Do you know how many Sith there are here in Dreshdae?"

"Twelve! No, wait, thirteen!"

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So what's the point of doing a canon ending? I understand they include this stuff in star wars books, but why not just leave it out. It's nice to wish they would include every vairable into a Kotor 3, but they won't. We are either going to get a game that gives us a canon ending for kotor 1 and 2, and lets us decide the destiny of this character, or a game that vaugely ties in characters from previous games, with few direct references.


A canon ending isn't designed for the video games. In the games, Revan and the Exile are our characters. Canon is there so the authors of a Star Wars novel, book, comic or whatever know which Revan and which Exile to use.


And how the hell do you know if K3 will or won't base the game off a hard coded Revan and a hard coded Exile? And ah, you do realise that you aren't deciding the destiny of a character by making a canon Revan and a canon Exile, right?


It's not that hard to (for most of the game) do an entirely consistent story that is realistic in terms of size, time and costing, which still allows the player to select Revan and the Exile's genders, alignments and so on.


If the writers can't do it, then why the hell are they writers for? I can do it. Jediphile has done it. Khawk can do it. T.Nova can do it. Others could too, I'm sure. I bet you my bottom dollar Avellone could pull it off. Heck, I believe that he already had a plot for K3 in mind when he was writing K2, one that involves Revan and the Exile, and allows us to customize them.


Why else do you think that Obsidian wants to do K3? Because they've got an awesome plot in mind, that's why. Mark my words.

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Within quite a few threads here, I've noticed people talking about having a new Jedi Order in KotOR III, though I've not yet seen a topic about it. Anyhow, do you want to see the Jedi back in KotOR III?


I don't want to, myself. Not only would it take years to reestablish them, (I'd prefer KotOR III to take place very soon after the second game) but it would also seem kind of weird for the Jedi to go from thousands down to five and then back up to the former. It would make the second game feel less important, and that's excluding what people who played as DS characters would do.




you're right nancy, maybe a few more pop up but thats it.

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That's due to a known bug. Equip Visas with standard clothes and a lightsaber (I think a vibroblade works too), and you'll get the option during conversation to tell her that she must sacrifice herself for you to live. Then she'll kill herself. But she has to be equipped with the right gear, or the option won't appear.


@Jediphile--thanks, I'll try that.


@Jae-- yeah, also like that quip that follows about being properly irreverent. JB is one of my favs from Kotor, along w/ HK and Canderous. Like to use JB and Canderous together while on Korriban. A regular bunch of cutups.


@ED--pretty much agree that there shouldn't be a whole helluva lotta jedi running around in next game. Too soon for soooo many.

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  • 1 month later...
I would. Since I am usually a Dark Sided player, I would like to see the ramifications of what my DSM Revan and DSM Exile did to the galaxy, what harms and evils they inflicted. If you make it canon, then all the work I did in K1 and K2 was...erased. Like it meant nothing. If they hadn't made gender and alignment selectable in K2, then okay, I might have been fine and not missed what I never encountered. (It was a great feature that Obsidan put it in for us, allowing us to dictate our own histories)


But since they made gender and alignment selectable, they should do the same for K3.


My sentiments exactly.




Damn, Alex... where were you when I lived in Az?

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I think the Jedi Order should be reestablished in K3. Just because some masters were killed in TSL doesn't mean that the Jedi were wiped out, there were plenty more of them in hiding.


Kreia said that barely a hundred Jedi remained by the end of the Jedi Civil War. There couldn't have been more than two or three masters left after TSL, since Vrook, Kavar, and the others were all killed by Darth Traya except for Atris, who probably exiled herself (if she wasn't killed by the Exile).

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Kreia said that barely a hundred Jedi remained by the end of the Jedi Civil War. There couldn't have been more than two or three masters left after TSL, since Vrook, Kavar, and the others were all killed by Darth Traya except for Atris, who probably exiled herself (if she wasn't killed by the Exile).



There were more Jedi alive than what you could see on the game you know...

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I definately think that there has to be some sort of Jedi Order around and I think it would be sweet if we got to go to the main Jedi Temple. Ofcourse I agree with everyone else saying that there can't be a huge Jedi Order but just kind of a start up to the Order. Also I think that combining a few of the other people's ideas on this thread would make a very interesting game.

1. Have your char start out as an older padawan

2. After some start up training your char should be sent out on a trail mission that when completed you are granted the rank of master and see the new enemy.

3. Also I definately think that Jolee should be in this as one of the new council members, and if at all possible he should be a party member too.

4. You should end up at the Jedi tombs or at there should be some explanation about you being a chosen one to explain why you have such quick power advancement.


Now what I would add is that in your travels you should encounter a group of Sith that are starting their own type of academy. Then during the game you should encounter force sensitives and have the chance to earn their respect (like the racer in KOTR I) once you earn their respect you should then be able to get them to go to one of the 2 academies. As the game goes on you should be able to go back to you academies and see those chars ther and others. Obviously which every side your on would have their's growing faster. So that by the end of the game the academy is of a much larger size. You should also encounter other Sith and Jedi trying to recruit people during your travels.


Just my thoughts

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