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Darth Trylan

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im not very good a creating indepth dialogs so can someone create a dialogs for:


Clone/Storm trooper - he has retired from the sith empire. he is a bit like uncle albert from only fools and horses (going on about during the war)


Darth Vader - he has come back to the lightside of the force and has become your apprentice


Female Twi'lek - like mission but doesnt talk about the taris accident, she wants to go to corsuscant


New HK unit - talks about how the hk units first cam about and where he cam from.


Telosian human - a male version of the handmaiden who wants to become a jedi and trained in the ways of the dark/lightside of the force.




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Darth Vader: Luke I am your father.

Exile: Really?

Darth Vader: No, I'm messing with your head.



Exile: Yes.

Wookie: <Turns Hostile>


Female Twiek: I am a female Twiek.


Clone/Storm Trooper: I am a Clone/Storm Trooper. I would have made it into the final game, but its set 3000 years before the first one of us was made.


HK-52: Statement: There are enough HK units already.


Telosian: I come from Telos.

Exile: Really?

Telosian: My name is TELOSIAN! What do you think???

Exile: I'm going now...


That was possibly the most sarcastic answer I have ever posted.


EDIT: Was written at the same time as the above post- before the additional details :p

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lol dude that answer roks


but neways mayb the hk unit could be treat hk 47 like som obseleat modle like hk 50 dos


the telosian could be a republic officer who served in the mand wars with exile and he meets the exile again and like bao follow him/her


the twilek could hav b a slave dancer who the exile freed and she had a family on corissant that she was taken from as a child and she wants to return


hmmm... vader.... i think vader would b un born at this point in time ( "how old r u vader" "ohh only - 4000 years") but it could be the ghost of vader after he was killed... if so it could be that the force sent him back in time to because somthing was going to happen to the exile that was not ment to and so he stops it, (like exile dies on telos but vader takes a bullet for the exile and then exile fights the shooter) so afterwards he can tlk to vader and find out


vader could b protective of talking about what the history holocrons said about the exile but just be fore the final battle vader tells the exile " wait (name) i must ell you some thing" "what is it" "(name) this is your desiny but b carefull, history said you would fight a dark lord here but after you would dissapear " (aka follow revan/ find revan / whatever)


as 4 a clone.................... nope i got nofin soz


EDIT: dude the clone could b a prototype clonecreated in the mandalorian wars but due to a cloning malfunction he/she was the only surviving clone... better yet he/ she survived while another clone killed the scientist and the other clones due to him going mad and so this clone talks about his wars within the clone army like cand did but then you find out about this other clone and a in story plot could be the two of u meet this other clone and our clone fights it and then kills it

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lol dude that answer roks


but neways mayb the hk unit could be treat hk 47 like som obseleat modle like hk 50 dos


the telosian could be a republic officer who served in the mand wars with exile and he meets the exile again and like bao follow him/her


the twilek could hav b a slave dancer who the exile freed and she had a family on corissant that she was taken from as a child and she wants to return


hmmm... vader.... i think vader would b un born at this point in time ( "how old r u vader" "ohh only - 4000 years") but it could be the ghost of vader after he was killed... if so it could be that the force sent him back in time to because somthing was going to happen to the exile that was not ment to and so he stops it, (like exile dies on telos but vader takes a bullet for the exile and then exile fights the shooter) so afterwards he can tlk to vader and find out


vader could b protective of talking about what the history holocrons said about the exile but just be fore the final battle vader tells the exile " wait (name) i must ell you some thing" "what is it" "(name) this is your desiny but b carefull, history said you would fight a dark lord here but after you would dissapear " (aka follow revan/ find revan / whatever)


as 4 a clone.................... nope i got nofin soz


EDIT: dude the clone could b a prototype clonecreated in the mandalorian wars but due to a cloning malfunction he/she was the only surviving clone... better yet he/ she survived while another clone killed the scientist and the other clones due to him going mad and so this clone talks about his wars within the clone army like cand did but then you find out about this other clone and a in story plot could be the two of u meet this other clone and our clone fights it and then kills it



Use. Proper. Grammar.

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From what you've posted, that's a lot of dialogue. It would definitely help if you could go into depth about it. :)


@goldenflames, no offense meant, but I don't see how a bad mood means you shouldn't use proper grammar. :) I've seen twelve or so people ask you not to use MSN speak, and to make myself the thirteenth, please type in at least a somewhat legible manner. It's hard on the eyes, and it's hard to understand you. :)

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lol no i dont mean i'm in a bad mood i mean i'm in a msn grammer mood because im on msn at the same time and im constantly writing like that :p


nd if you have noticed i apologiesed after each of the 12 :p


now back on topic here but may be u can use the vader has come back in time thing to save the exile as a dialog for the recruitment


also the telosian could say "wait a second i know you. your that jedi every ones been talking about aren't you."


exile answers with

ls "yes i am a jedi"

"i was a jedi but i was exiled"

ds "i'm no jedi"


then the telosian could say "i am honerd to meet you, ever since i was young i have always dreamed of becomeing a jedi"


at this point kriea could say " be carefull about this one, we do not want any distractions from our mission"


or atton could say "well how about that, another force freak. what do u plan on taking this guy on"


then the telosian could say " if there is any thing you need just ask, i would be glad to help"


then atton looks at the exile and says "wait i know that look.... don't tell me your planing on taking this guy with us"


the the exile says

joins "he could be of some use, after all he know telos better than we do, he could help us get our ship back"

rejects telosian "your right atton, he's probably too much trouble for us"


the the telosian says

if you chose join " sure i'll help find your ship, but may be we should see tolbin first"

if you chose reject "ok but if you ever change your mind i'll be here waiting"


then if you rejected and come back he can say "well did you reconsider"


then you can just go back to the choice script

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kk lukily enough im writing a short story right now for english so im in a story line kinda mood


lets see clone trooper...


well it depends on his age, i'm gona do a younger one (well not younge more like mid aged)


so while walking through whatever planet he is on you seea foot locker that contains an oldblaster


after stealing it this guy walks in (like on telos) and says "hold it right there. drop my blaster and no one gets hurt"


exile says

ls "i dont want any trouble sorry..."

"im sorry sir i just thought i could...."

ds "oh yeh, and what do you intend to do about it..."


then all of a sudden the guys goes "wait a second, your ajedi"



ls "yes i am a jedi"

" i was once a jedi before my exile"

ds "i'm no jedi, but i can still use the force to kill you"


guy "another jedi, its been a while since i hav seen one of them"


atton " well im not suprised seeing as nearly all of them have dissapeard"


visas "master i sence that this man has served with jedi, he carrys the mark of a man who work alongside the force"


guy " you know i used to work with jedi back before i retired"


exile "you worked in the mandalorian wars with jedi"


guy " haha no i never worked in the mandalorian wars, i worked in theclone wars"


kreia " clones wars, i hav never heard of such wars with jedi in them"


hk " master these wars do not seem to be in my database"


mandalore " clone wars... in all my years of war i have never heard of such wars"


exile " what do you mean the clone wars, i was un aware of them"


guy " yes i once worked inthegreat clone wars of the rebublic... tho the reson you have not heard of them is because they have not occured yet"


atton " ok looks like we picked up a spice addict"


exile " what do you mean by that, how could the war have happend if it has not..."


sudenly the are attacked by a hostile on the planet the clone is on (most likely a thug)


battle ends and this script spawns


guy " that was too easy"


exile " impressive fighting there, i have neverseen some of those moves"


atton "great another guys who can fight, what now are you going to let hime join us in our hunt for jedi... hey wait a second i wasn't being serious"



joins " we should get a move on those thugs proably have allies looking for them, come with us after all they will be looking for you too"

rejection " we better get moveing, i advise you run somewhere to before they come after you"


if you rejected the guy then you can meet him somewhere by the hawk and then this spawns


guy "hey look its that jedi, i'm waitng here for the next transport off this planet because of what happened."


"hey is this your ship, whould you mind taking me with you, i dont care where we go as long as i'm of this rock"



joins " come on we dont have much time get on board"

recects "i cant right now i have to leave urgently"


and every time you talk to the guys he says 2well have you thought about my joining you"


and the same answers come on


lol that took a while to write, ok so if you dont like it and you want me to change it you will hav to wait till tomorow cos im off to sleep


edit: lol i just saw in my apology and in this i used a bit of msn grammer :p soz guys nd girls

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it sounds really good. i think i should have made my self a bit more clearer. i should have said for them the say on the ebon hawk.

i would like the clone/storm trooper to talk but he goes into saying stuff like...."during the war" and he goes on about tales that happened in the mandalorion wars.

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