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Simplest explanation of why Kreia isn't Kae


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I know I posted this in the other thread, but anyway...


Why Kreia isn't Kae (or vice versa)

It is clearly stated that Kae, was a Jedi KNIGHT that fought in thne Mandalorian Wars. Kreia would have had to of been a Jedi Master during the times of the mandalorian wars. If that is not conclusive, what is?

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Three things, 1st: You should have only posted in the other topic, there was no need to start a new thread.

2nd: This is untrue, Jedi Knight is a term used by the galaxy in general for Jedi, while Master is used only on occasion. Both times that you referenced were both mentions of Kae anyway, so you are contracdicting yourself and not adding anything new to the arguement.

3rd: Kreia was NEVER called a Jedi Master by ANYONE.

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3rd: Kreia was NEVER called a Jedi Master by ANYONE.


On that point, actually in the Chronicles on the official http://www.kotor2.com website, they refer to jedi master kreia going to malachor 5 to find out how revan had falled to the dark side as she was consumed by guilt as she thought it might have been her teachings


i dunno about the whole kreia/kae thing, i sit in on the fence in the middle :-p

i dont think there is enough information to conclusivly call either way.

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In any event, Kae is also a master and no "mere" knight in the sense that seems to be the basis of this argument. Goldberry is correct that "knight" is a very generic term used about jedi above the rank of padawan. But it's a moot point, since Kae is certainly also a master, since she trained Revan.


Disciple: "Many of the Jedi Council trained Exar Kun, Ulic... Revan and Malak. How could they not see the danger they posed? And if they could not......perhaps there was some essential part of their teachings that was flawed. Something beyond the Jedi Code that they were missing. Revan had many Masters. Zhar, Dorak, Master Kae before Kae left for the Wars. Towards the end of his training, he sought out many to learn techniques.It is said that he returned to his first master at the end of his training, in order to learn how he might best leave the order."

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In any event, Kae is also a master and no "mere" knight in the sense that seems to be the basis of this argument. Goldberry is correct that "knight" is a very generic term used about jedi above the rank of padawan. But it's a moot point, since Kae is certainly also a master, since she trained Revan.


Disciple: "Many of the Jedi Council trained Exar Kun, Ulic... Revan and Malak. How could they not see the danger they posed? And if they could not......perhaps there was some essential part of their teachings that was flawed. Something beyond the Jedi Code that they were missing. Revan had many Masters. Zhar, Dorak, Master Kae before Kae left for the Wars. Towards the end of his training, he sought out many to learn techniques.It is said that he returned to his first master at the end of his training, in order to learn how he might best leave the order."

My mistake, sorry.
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Because I just don't want her to be Handmaiden's mother in _my_ game, darn it. Blech.


That's an argument I'll accept. I don't agree with it, since I see it differently, but it's honest and fair if you don't like Kreia and so don't want her to be Handmaiden's mother and therefore say so.


We don't know if she is or isn't, because the facts of the matter are in dispute, but it is precisely for that reason it comes down to a personal preference, and I have never believed those who say they have "proof" that Kreia is not Kae, because that proof has never seemed conclusive to me either way. I don't even claim that it is conclusive that Kreia is Kae, only that there is circumstantial and compelling evidence to suggest and support the idea, and I then tend to like the idea that Kreia is Kae better than the idea that she is not.


And just as Revan turning out LS or DS in K1 or the Exile in TSL is player choice, it is fine that Kreia's status is player chosen, at least until the day the powers that be makes a final ruling on the matter.

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