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I actually have the Official Zombie survival guide. It comes in quite handy. I think I would have to agree that fast zombies are the coolest of all zombies. Although those magic zombies sound pretty neat-o.


On a side note: I wonder if zombies would rawk out to 'ROCK ME AMEDEUS' like they do to Michal Jackson's Thriller. They love that song.

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The mall is a deathtrap accprding to Dead Rising. I would suggest the Zombie Survival Guide and a few hours of Resident Evil to reallly prep you. A few good items to have are machetes and shotguns and molotov cocktails. If you cant get the guns (cuz admit not everyone has them), the kitchen knives can deal damage, molotov cocktails are relativel easy to make and a car should be on hand. Afterall, how can you kill that which has no life? Really, your arsenal just has to be deterrants, a way to stall. Unless the zombies head is blown and or burned off, they will still come at ya, so you just wanna get the hell out of wherever you are.

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The mall is a deathtrap accprding to Dead Rising. I would suggest the Zombie Survival Guide and a few hours of Resident Evil to reallly prep you. A few good items to have are machetes and shotguns and molotov cocktails. If you cant get the guns (cuz admit not everyone has them), the kitchen knives can deal damage, molotov cocktails are relativel easy to make and a car should be on hand. Afterall, how can you kill that which has no life? Really, your arsenal just has to be deterrants, a way to stall. Unless the zombies head is blown and or burned off, they will still come at ya, so you just wanna get the hell out of wherever you are.

Don't forget katanas, Chainsaws, and lawnmowers!:chainsaw:

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Gasp! I just got a fabulous idea! A Zombies Attack! RP. Sorta like the Anti-Tim RPG where the RD forumites all meet up, but this time we are trapped in a zombie-infested mall ...


I wont start it unless I get at least 2 more people who support the idea.

I like it.

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I recently bought (spelling? That just doens't look right) my brothers Playstation 2 and just got Resident Evil 4. So far, so neat. I finally get a chance to try these neat ps2 games I missed out on. So far these people I'm fighting aren't really zombies per-se. They are just angry mexicans? But it's neat. OOOOOOH also I got Psychonauts for the ps2 for $5.00 new. I'm not going to open it as I have thexbox one I've played to death. I just think its neat to have it. I never really it see it anywhere. K I'm done pimping my ps2-ness now.

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