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Ninja in '08


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It's become apparent the PvN thread is becoming overrun with pro-ninja propaganda, so all further Ninja campaigning belongs here. For all to enjoy... except the pirates.


This campaign is (at least so far) spear-headed by myself (advertising) and Miss_Mayhem (campaign manager), and we shall usher in a new age of ninjadom.


Various Ninja promo stuff, give em out at school!



Ninja Livejournal.

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I've made the MySpace! I wont linke just yet since I am still filling out all of the sections. I then realized ... what will the ninja's name be? His last name is ForPrez, but I dont know about his first. Any ideas? Please though, something beleivable.

Kyoushu. Japanese for assassin..

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I think Obama would be on with the idea of having Ninja as president and him being vice president. I should call him up and ask him tonight. We are going to watch bring it on together. And talk to eachother over the phone throughout the movie exachanging gossip and such. Like the suit that machperson wore the other day. It was soooo 80's style. Ninja will be there too, but he will mostly be killing things instead of watching the movie. Also he might be on fire.

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