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the sub-section of the millatary base [spoiler]


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is there any way to get into the sub- level of that research base on telos, theres a blue bar on the map showing another are exists but i cant find out how to open that door, i have completed it before but never got in...unless is it where the hk 50's are produced?

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thanks, and how will they restore it? add-on, patch, mod? that damn bar has been annoying the hell out of me since i seen it


No problem. I try to help the newbies out as much as I can. I believe it is a Mod, but I'm not sure. And yeah, I get annoyed about seeing a place to go, but you can't get to it. I believe when it is added, I believe HK will have to explore the sub section. Like I said, I'm not sure.

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is there any way to get into the sub- level of that research base on telos, theres a blue bar on the map showing another are exists but i cant find out how to open that door, i have completed it before but never got in...unless is it where the hk 50's are produced?



All that awaits is an abyss of darkness. If you cheat to get the door open, you'll probably end up in dead zone of sorts. Sort of like the roach motel, you can go in, but you can't get out (at least I was stuck and had to reload to continue when I tried that.).

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All that awaits is an abyss of darkness. If you cheat to get the door open, you'll probably end up in dead zone of sorts. Sort of like the roach motel, you can go in, but you can't get out (at least I was stuck and had to reload to continue when I tried that.).


I believe that the proper name 4 this kind of thing is Blue Hell. And I think that the door you speak of was supposed to lead to the HK-50 factory, before it got cut.

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That was my understanding at the time. I was just curious to see what would happen if you did open that door. There're also other doors on the dockside of NS that will open via cheating that actually had a layout, but served no function in the game as sold. Anyone know what cut content that might have been part of originally?

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The door in the military base on Telos is indeed the way to the lost HK-factory. If you talk to HK-47, he will tell you about how you can use translator module you took from the HK-50 unit to track their base. Only trouble is, you never meet any of them again after that. That was supposed to be different, and you could track the signal back to Telos. Only HK-units may enter the factory, however, so it was intended as an HK-47 solo mission. We should see it in all its glory, when Team Gizka finishes their TSLRP.


I'm less certain about the doors on Nar Shaddaa, but it is true that a whole bunch of sidequests dealing with the Genoharadan (from KotOR1) were to take place there, one of which left the Exile presumed dead by both his companions and Sion too, IIRC. The TSLRP should shed some light on this too.

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