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how to get carth

Master Demonius

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Actually, I think you get more Carth if Revan is female, since T3's holomessage will then also be Carth's. But other than that, it should be about the same, if Revan is LS, though not the same. For example, I think Carth mentions his feelings for Revan if Revan is female, whereas Bastila does the same for a male Revan.

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Actually, I think you get more Carth if Revan is female, since T3's holomessage will then also be Carth's. But other than that, it should be about the same, if Revan is LS, though not the same. For example, I think Carth mentions his feelings for Revan if Revan is female, whereas Bastila does the same for a male Revan.


Actually, Carth shows up if you say Revan is male. I always say Revan is male and the advantages are that both Carth and Bastila are in the game, but a female Revan only shows Carth. Or at least, that is what I heard.

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Carth comes up in several places if Revan is LS regardless of gender. As long as Revan is LS, Carth will be the admiral seen in the holorecordings on the Harbinger, and Lt. Grenn will report to him. If Revan is male, Mical also reports to him, and you meet him after the fight with Nihilus. However, if Revan is female, there will be no scene, where Mical contacts him, but instead he'll be in T3's holorecordings instead of Bastila, and you'll still meet him after defeating Nihilus.


Bastila also still appears, regardless of Revan's gender. For a DS Revan, she will be in T3's holorecording (male Revan) and in the holocron on Korriban (regardless of gender). If LS, she will still appear and talk with Carth after the Exile meets with Carth.


So if Revan is DSM, Carth won't appear, but Bastila will make some sort of appearance no matter what gender and alignment you set for Revan.

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Bastila also still appears, regardless of Revan's gender. For a DS Revan, she will be in T3's holorecording (male Revan) and in the holocron on Korriban (regardless of gender). If LS, she will still appear and talk with Carth after the Exile meets with Carth.


So if Revan is DSM, Carth won't appear, but Bastila will make some sort of appearance no matter what gender and alignment you set for Revan.

Actually Bastilla only appears if you said that Revan was male. She doesn't appear if you chose Revan as a female. I have played it both ways and Bastila only appears for the Male Revan.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Anyone know exactly how to set Revan to LS in TSL? Because I tried twice now and I failed. I know its done in the first conversation with Atton on Peragus, when he is telling you about Revan, Malak, the Exchange and stuff, but I can't do it properly, somehow.

I already figured out that it should be done around the lines when Atton bring up Revan and Malak, and you have two answers. The first answer is like "Revan went back to Korriban", and the second answer is like "Revan fought and killed Malak". I tried both answers, but they both seem to set Revan to DS.


Any help?

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Anyone know exactly how to set Revan to LS in TSL? Because I tried twice now and I failed. I know its done in the first conversation with Atton on Peragus, when he is telling you about Revan, Malak, the Exchange and stuff, but I can't do it properly, somehow.

I already figured out that it should be done around the lines when Atton bring up Revan and Malak, and you have two answers. The first answer is like "Revan went back to Korriban", and the second answer is like "Revan fought and killed Malak". I tried both answers, but they both seem to set Revan to DS.


Any help?


When Atton first mentions Revan, he'll refer to Revan as female. You can agree or correct him, which sets Revan's gender. Next he'll talk about how Revan attacked the Republic and killed Malak. Agreeing with that sets Revan to DS, but you can also correct him and say that you heard Revan actually saved the Republic, which makes Revan LS.


Or when Atton first mentions Revan, you can just say that you don't want to talk about Revan. That sets Revan to LS male.

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Bastila also still appears, regardless of Revan's gender. For a DS Revan, she will be in T3's holorecording (male Revan) and in the holocron on Korriban (regardless of gender). If LS, she will still appear and talk with Carth after the Exile meets with Carth.
Actually if you set Revan as a light side female, Bastila will not appear in the game (if you don't count the tomb scene). The scene where you talk to Carth on Telos after the defeat of Nihilus, Carth is alone and Bastila does not show up.
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I have a question about Carth and the Exile actually. Let me see if I follow the story here right. Carth has T3 look for either Revan or those who know Revan, and somehow the droid finds the Exile. I take it here T3 reports back to Carth and throughout the game Carth tries to hunt her down, has Mical do so as well, in the hopes that the Exile can lead him to Revan. Does that how that storyline go? I was curious to know just how Carth knew about the Exile and his interest in her.

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^ He knew about the exile because she/he was on the Harbinger before the Ebon Hawk (and T3) arrived. If you play through Peragus again and watch all the recordings, he speaks to the captain of the Harbinger in one of them, and says something like "it is of the highest importance that she/he get to Telos". Presumably this is to help reestablish the Jedi Order. Mical later elaborates on this when he says that "there are admirals within the fleet who realise that the Jedi Order must be found if the Republic is to survive" (I'm paraphrasing here but you get the idea).


And I should point out that we only learn that he is using T3 to look for other Jedi, and ultimately Revan, if Revan is set to female. Bastila does the same thing for a male Revan.

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