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The Odds Will Betray You (Intro Fic)


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Are you willing to die? --Casino Royale




Mrath Nazad knew what a challenge was. Also duty and responsibility.

The greater his knowledge of the Dark Side grew under the guise of the

Light, the closer he would come to being a servant of the Jedi once

known as Jacen Solo. Jacen was a Sith Apprentice now, the strongest

in years.


Mrath never denied his nature. He would not fail Jacen or himself.


The Zabrak strode boldly through the streets of Coruscant, looking

not for a fight but a kill. An "innocent", especially. Snivelling beggars!

Fools, they all were, who would not deign to work for their bread but

instead crawled through the streets like swarming insects. Vermin.

Children were the most persistent and annoying. They would do.


Before he found one, however, his red-golden eyes lighted upon a lady.

Twenty-seven, Mrath guessed, in human years, and overweight (but

not by much) for her height and bone structure. Curvaceous. Curious,

bright eyes, thin, inviting lips. Charming smile. So pale that the sun

had burned the back of her neck bright red. One of those girls.


The killing could wait, Mrath knew. Another Sith desire took its place.


"500 credits," he said, snatching them from the folds of his black tunic.


The lady whirled to face him with hot fury in her eyes. "What? Do you

think I am a shlyukha? A common prostitute?" She turned away.


"I've never had one," Mrath replied coldly, telling the truth. "1,000."


Two blue eyes met his. "That'd help a lot toward improving my life,

a thousand credits would. Sadly, I will have to tell you no. I'm not

a streetwalker, nor a call girl who can get higher-class clientele.

I'm a wretch who has no marketable skills in this new economy.

I have my principles, still, and you do not figure into them."


Mrath froze, livid. Did she know whose teachings he followed?

Snarling instinctively, he clenched his yellow fingers into a fist.


The young lady began to choke. Her eyes grew wide with both surprise

and fear. Her dry lips parted in a slight and silent gasp. What?!


She found herself being lifted into the air, slowly yet almost tenderly.


"I am called Mrath," said the Zabrak, almost oblivious to the throngs of

people crowding him and his victim. He only noticed their sweaty smell.

"You chose the wrong male to refuse, and yet you still will bring me

pleasure. I'll soon be chosen by a new tutor through your death."


The girl lifted her hands to her throat, clutching it to no avail.


"I'm crushing you through the Force. You'd do well not to resist it.

You see, the anger and rage that flows through my veins is what

strengthens me. Even though you may have an idea of what being

an outsider means on an elitist-run world such as Coruscant, you

have no idea of how much power hate gives me once I use it."


Pain and semi-consciousness. The girl closed her eyes and relaxed.


"Good. You'll soon feel nothing. It's just as well."


Mrath started to lower the pale neophyte to the ground as another

corpse that would lie in the chemical-oozing gutter, but before he could,

a surge of overwhelming kinetic energy pummeled him. He keeled over.


The young girl collapsed before him, shaking. Mrath lay on his back,

his glassy red-gold eyes staring unblinkingly up into the summer sky.


He was dead, all because the Force had sided with another sentient.


"The odds will betray you," she rasped, her throat parched and dry,

"as they once betrayed me. I hope not to do so in turn." Tears fell.


She made a sign of spiritual reverence over the dead Zabrak, bowed

her head, and slipped the thousand credits he had promised her out

from beneath the breast pocket of his tunic. Blindly, she ran, wishing

it was raining but feeling nothing but the sun punish her for her crime.


And his. A fly landed, sensing no food from this already desert-dry corpse.


***This has been a preview of DVUKH, coming in 2007*****

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