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MC: AOTE: Fraught With Disappointment


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Feeling the Force and now actively using it, Beryl blocked Ryshana's Force enhanced flurry of strikes blow for blow--at first. It wasn't long before Beryl began to feel sort of a 'drain' in her 'Force Feeling'.


Is there a limit to Force powers? Beryl wondered. How can that be if it's supposed to be 'everywhere?'


Ryshana landed a blow. Then a few seconds later, another. Beryl's mouth was bleeding from a split in her lip when she finally decided that something was wrong. She concentrated hard, still blocking Ryshana as best she could, and used The Force to slide the mat from underneath both of their feet to end Ryshana's flurry. Beryl's first Force Pull.

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As the mat flew out from underneath her, Ryshana temporarily lost focus as she tumbled backwards. Anticipating the contact with the floor, Ryshana brought her legs backwards so that she landed on her shoulders. With her legs still up in the air, she swung her legs around and pushed her self up from the floor in a twisting leap while using the Force to stablize herself.


Landing about a meter away from Beryl, Ryshana came to a perfectly still stance. Closing her eyes, Ryshana decided to let Beryl attack her with whatever she could muster.

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Jana sat up slowly, a dark bruise on her forehead and a little trickle of blood dripping from her nose. Brushing lightly at the blood, she stood. Hoping that Ryshana was keeping her focus on Beryl given how long Jana herself had been on the floor, she lunged for Ryshana's neck and shoulders, intending for her forward momentum to knock the Jedi to the floor...

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In an instant, Ryshana felt the slight disturbance coming from behind her. Ready for the attack, Ryshana turned around at the last second and caught Jana's wrists. Falling backwards with Jana's momentum, Ryshana put her right foot in the front of Jana's hip and pushed upwards.


As Ryshana's hips hit the ground, Ryshana pulled on Jana's wrists and pushed upwards on Jana's hip with her foot. The move was a classic vaulting counterattack, and it sent Jana flying almost uncontrollably towards Beryl while Ryshana laid still on the ground.


Getting up quickly, Ryshana turned to face the two assailants that had teamed up to beat her.

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Beryl hardly had time to react. When she had pulled the mat from underneath her and Ryshana's feet, she hadn't landed quite as gracefully as she had planned. And now, just as she was scrambling to her feet, here was Jana literally 'flying' at her...


Beryl 'caught' Jana with the Force--something that she herself was surprised at doing--and Jana landed softly on the floor near Beryl's feet. And then something 'clicked' inside Beryl.


Without taking a moment to even think about it, Beryl reached out towards Ryshana and pushed her hard with all the Force she could channel, catapulting the Jedi backwards into the bulkhead.


Feeling physically drained by the effort, Beryl sank to floor on her knees. "Ok, I give," she said reluctantly to the quickly recovering Ryshana. "I can't beat you hand-to-hand, not with those flips and things you do. I need lots more practice. And," she wiped the corner of her mouth with her hand, then stared at the bright red blood on the tips of her fingers, "I think I'm bruised enough for government purposes."

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Jana shuddered slightly. "Me too," she said quickly. It had been a very strange feeling, to have been caught in midair by something you couldn't see. But that wasn't the puzzling thing; she had felt it. It wasn't just the fact that she'd been caught in midair; but she had almost seen what caught her.


"Whoa," she whispered to herself. Then, raising her voice, she said to the others, "I'll be... in my room. If you need anything..." Moving quickly, she left the cargo bay, significantly shook up.

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The ship jolted slightly as the Echo entered hyperspace, Jack's voice came from the intercom "Okay boys and girls, we're off to the... prison, never thought I'd end up going their on my own free will. So we'll be there in a several hourse, so you can take a nap, talk amongst yourselfs or continue to beat the crap out of eachother. Whatever floats your boat."

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Ryshana was surprised at the blast and was thrown towards the bulkhead. Ready for the impact, Ryshana twisted herself around so that she bounced off the bulkhead almost harmlessly.


As she landed, Ryshana landed in a crouching stance, obviously ready to continue. However, noticing that everyone else was quitting, Ryshana just stood up and dusted herself off.


"Well, if everyone is all bruised up, then perhaps now would be a good time for us to prepare for the handover," Ryshana stated. Looking over at Beryl, she then said, "I guess that means that it'll be time to get us into binders fairly soon, but I think our best bet would be for Oliver to sedate us for the transfer."

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  stingerhs said:
Looking over at Beryl, she then said, "I guess that means that it'll be time to get us into binders fairly soon, but I think our best bet would be for Oliver to sedate us for the transfer."


Beryl looked up from the blood on her hand she'd been staring at and met Ryshana's gaze. "Whoa... wait a second...," she said tentatively. "I thought just you were going to be sedated." Her stomach did a flip-flop. "I was in binders, and you were sedated." Binders were one thing, but sedation was something else. She didn't like the idea of having her senses dulled when arriving at the prison, but if that was now the plan, she'd go along with it.


She looked at Nic, standing off to the side of the mats as he had been refereeing the sparring. "You're the ref, Boss," she said. "What's your call?"

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Nic stood over Ryshanna's unconcious body as oliver placed the last restraint on to her right arm. The captain held the Jedi's lightsabre in his left hand, Twirling it like a band leader would do with a baton.


"She probably wouldn't like you doing that." Oliver suggested looking at the sabre.


"Well she should have thought about that before she gave it to me." He said with a cheesy grin across his face.


"I'm going to get my gear ready." Oliver said leaving the med bay.


Nic looked down at Ryshanna and placed her lightsabre on to his belt. "I sure hope this plan of yours works."

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"You really should have a bruise or two," Jana scolded Nic, gesturing to the bruise on her forehead as she poked her head into the med bay. "Though I suppose you could just act like you got your ribs kicked in or something..."


She saw him staring down at Ryshana and reached in to give him a comforting squeeze on the shoulder. "Hey, it'll work," she promised optimistically.

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Beryl sat at the table in the common room, elbows propped up on the table with her head resting in her hands. The salt pot was in front of her, moving back and forth a few mere centimetres in the air above the table as she practiced her control of the Force.


Can you hear me? said a voice in her head.


Glancing up from the salt pot, she looked askance at Cloud, who was sitting across the room with his eyes closed in meditation. "Yup."


Cloud sighed and opened his eyes. "Beryl! You're supposed to try and answer me through the Force."


"Sorry. I haven't learned that 'Force Multi-task' power yet," she told him, turning her attention back to the salt pot. "Besides, Ryshana said that my connection will increase the more I practice my control."


"Let's hope she's right," Cloud said.


"She's right," Beryl said confidently. She grinned then. "Don't worry, Cloud. We'll both be fine."


Just then Nic and Jana entered the common room, and Beryl noticed that Jana held a pair of binders in her hand. "My turn?" she asked them.

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Beryl's eyes narrowed. "Yeah?" she said in a guarded tone to Nic. "Do that and you might get some bruises after all." She rose from the table and held out her hands, ready for the binders. "Besides, you'll have plenty of 'peace and quiet' while Ryshana and I are away."


"By the way, when are we landing?" Cloud asked. "I'll need to get ready to drop from the Headhunter when we hit atmo if I'm to avoid detection from their scanners."


"Oh!" Beryl said to Cloud, as she suddenly remembered something. "I never re-wired those tertiary thrusters."


Cloud waved a dismissive hand. "I'll fix them later," he told her. "And I think I can handle flying it without them. I'm not such a bad pilot myself, you know."


"Just so you're aware of it," Beryl said. "Nothing worse than finding something like that out in the middle of a tight maneouver."


Beryl jiggled her hands as she looked at Jana. "Well? Are you going to put those binders on me or not? Oh, and try not to make them 'too' tight. I don't want to get chafed wrists."

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"He'll have no peace and quiet with you gone," Jana said, coming forward with the binders. "I'll be nagging at him 'till you and Ryshana are back safely." She smiled faintly. "It's my mouth he ought to close up."


The smile faded as she fastened the binders. So not liking this... she thought to herself.

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Beryl grinned at Jana. "Just think," she said as the binders clicked into the locked position, "this is probably the very first time you've actually had total control over my actions. First officer," she added with a wink. She tested the binders out by trying to move her arms apart. "Yup. These'll fool the Imps all right." Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Erm... you do have a key for these, just in case things go wrong, right?"

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"Yeah, I got 'em." Nic said reaching into his pocket, A worried look then followed as he pulled his hand out and began to pat down all the pockets on his body. "Well i'm sure they'll turn up."


Nic then grabbed Beryl by the binders and led her to the converted Quarters. "It ain't much but you only have to live with it a few minuets."

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Beryl's mouth went agape as Nic deposited her in the 'converted' quarters. The austere room that had once been for 'guests and passengers' had been stripped down entirely, and now looked very much like an Imperial-style brig, from the cold metal decking to the plain slab that used to be a comfy mattressed bed.


"Ain't much?" she finally said. She gave Nic an incredulous look. "Did you take some kind of quick holonet course on Imperial interior decorating while Ryshana and I were training?!"

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Beryl grinned at Jana. "Well, been in a few detention cells. All short stays, of course," she added. But then her grin slowly faded. "But prison cells are bound to be better than this, right?" she asked tenatively. "Otherwise, I think Ryshana and I should be entitled to some extra 'danger pay' for this mission. Or rather, 'bored to death by lack of colour' pay," she added with a wink to Jana.


She looked at Nic. "So, when do we dock, boss? Soon, I hope. I just want to get this over with as soon as possible. Oh," she added, "and how 'resistant' did you want me to act during this hand over? Don't want to ham it up too much, but don't want the Imps to get suspicious either."

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"This is your pilot speaking," Jack said through the com, "We're arriving at *insert planet/place name here*, home to well known Golden Sunshine Spar and high security prsion. We will arive in 10 minutes. Please keep all hands and what-not inside the spaceship at all tine, because if you don't you are seriously f..."

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"We got the picture, Jack!" Beryl interrupted, yelling loud enough for Jack to hear her in the cockpit. She sighed as she looked around the sparse room. "Well I suppose I can last 10 minutes in here."


She looked at Nic and Jana. "Well? All I have to say to you is, 'I'm innocent and I've been framed!" She gave them a grin. "Think they'll buy that, if I put up a struggle and maybe add a few dents to the door?"

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