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[NSW Poetry] Blessings of the Written Word

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Beat ya to it Akuma. Here is another one of my poems that I had forgotten. It was inspired by a trip I took on a boat.


Night Sea Dreams


As I lay upon my bed

Upon the pillow I rest my Head

I see the clouds part above

My Guide comes as the Dove


He takes me to a land away

Where all dreams hold sway

I ride on a great ship

Keeping close to Captain Kip


I sail the ocean blue

Seeing dreams in every hue

I see this above my head

As I lay on ocean in my bed

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Go ahead Pottsie, I never would've thoguht of that idea.


@JM12 - You only beat me to it 'cos I was on holiday for a little while. Anywho, here's another poem:




'Twas a day

When the sun was bright

Me and my dog

Played through the night


Sandy her name

Playing her game

Young or old

She looked the same


Her gleaming eyes

Her long fur

She would live forever

Of that i'm sure


But she got sick

Something in her gut

And we had to put down

That playful mut


I was sad

As anyone would be

But in my dreams

Her I see.

-Matt G 14/01/07

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More great poems since i was last here. I've loved them all.


@AkumaSF: The poem about your dog. It reminded me of the dog i used to have. I didnt have to put him down though, but we did have to give him away, because he was much to big for our small backyard. He did not die, but i was still very attached to him, and i was very 'succumb to emotion' for quite a while after that :). It was a lovely poem, for something so sad.



Here is another one, i have wrote and one that i hope you all will enjoy.


- The Place Where Serinity Dwells, Unhindered -


The picture i form in my mind,

As my eye-lids close,

The sound of the river flowing,

As i lay, in the undying grove.


The darkness of the world shifts,

As the light overwhelms,

Laughter is embedded within my ears,

Tranquil is throughout my soul.


The flows of the evergreens,

Running across the plain,

Scenes awaiting to be seen,

Before all is lost and slain.


The whisper of the wind,

As it drifts across the leaf-covered ground,

Making the tree's sway,

Producing that ever lovely sound.


The sun, calls to me

Bathing me with its warmth,

Sitting down beside me

Whispering soundless words of peace

And so without, the heart to be


As worrisome as my life has been

I know forever, shall it not be

Because whenever i am lost within

I come to this place, my own


To where, you shall always be,

To where, you are always with me.



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I like that poem Mr. BFA. I can sense the pain and the longing.


On another note, here is another poem for you folks.


I Sing of Ireland


I sing of Ireland,

my homeland.


A place where begins life

and ends with strife.


The soldiers march, they do,

proclaiming home rule across the dew.


While terrible and bad,

violence makes me not sad.


In my heart swells with pride,

my brogue that some folks snide.


Sing of my homeland,

I sing of Ireland.

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i've posted this before in another thread, however, here i am posting it again...



“Without you”



The wind blow so heavy, the roses blossom no more

My reflection in the river is stranger than before


The bird songs are silent, whispers fill the air

Your hand no longer softly, comfortably washes my hair


I can’t withstand the ocean, in time I knew its true

That I can’t even sustain my breath in darkness without you…



Without you…without you



And the wind still blow so heavy, darkness came nigh

People flying aimlessly trying to touch the sky


Silver falling from my eyes but they cant hear my cry

And I keep asking myself wondering without knowing why


When all my colors turned to grey, when violet became blue

I know I can’t sustain my breath in darkness without you…



Without you… without you

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An old poem I wrote a few years back as a part of a novel I was/am working on.


“The birds are flying high above. I walk the land, and think of love.

My love is very far away. My steps have led me far astray.

Never will I see her face. I walk away with every pace.

The song of birds, may carry me. But no young love may merry me.

My heart to her, I bind my love. My every stride is seen above.

My soul is pure, I rest my soul. I close my eyes, I reached my goal.“

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HappyMojo: That was an impressive piece of work. It sounds as if it speaks of searching for a lost love or something. That was very good.

Thank you :)

The poem is based on a character who lost his wife and was leaving his home to seek revenge. "Unfortunetly" he was killed before he got his revenge - thus his soul was pure when he died.

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In a land pillaged by war

Bulidings destroyed which everyone saw

Houses burnt down multiple floors

Buildings covered with bullet holes


In a land where streets are small

Crosses, in graveyards like to stand tall

Mines still active from ten years ago

Covered by grass, laying low


In a land where the sea is clear

Stay silent, and the sea you will hear

One half of the country, a sea it has not

One half of the country, the weather is hot


We one the war, a hefty battle

Yet after it, we were rattled

But we were glad, to have been victorious

But the war, it was not glorious


How i'm proud, to be a Croatian

The country I love, the country, my nation.

-Matt G 23/01/07

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Very patriotic Akuma. I see that you really placed emphasis on the fact that in spite of the turmoils of your country, you still call it home. To tell you the truth, I have never been to Ireland. I wrote it because I was reading at the Yeats and the potato famine in Ireland. Of course my tendency is to develop my information and I delved a bit more. I have some more but I have to dig my manuscript out of my book case. No Pottsie I will not dangle this above your head. You have already suffered with Heart of Deception.

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Since tidings are going toward patriotism, allow me then to provide you this poem:




Perhaps you would take away from me

The last of my land’s dust


Perhaps you would feed your dark prisons

My youthful years, with lust


Perhaps you would quench a torch in my night, its light you would smother

Perhaps you would tear my face away from the morning kiss of my mother


Perhaps you would steal from my garden a dreamful fruit

Perhaps you would forbid my children a holiday’s suite


Perhaps you would build around me a wall, and a wall, and a wall…

Perhaps you would bring me down to my knees and laugh when I fall…


But no matter what you would do

For I shall not be subdued

And till the last breath in my life I shall arise

And till the last beat of my heart I shall arise…

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Wow! I just love what you guys write! Your poems inspire me...a lot. :D

@ JediMaster12

Actually, "millenia" is the plural form of "millennium." I didn't know that myself until recently. :^:



This is another poem I wrote for literature class. It was meant as an experiment in haiku.



Nighttime Haiku


Tilled field of blackness

Strewn with countless seeds of light—

Watch! See if they sprout!


White visage of night,

Laughing like a farmer pleased

At a day’s work done.


The drone of crickets—

Whistling of the farmer

As he walks homeward.

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