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Ideas for KOTOR 3 Highest hopes!


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Here's a compilation of details I've refined for a while until they finally got here.

Pretty well explained. I have high hopes, enjoy.




Pre-made techniques are ofcourse in, Freestyle is an option as well, the player can deveop own formulas when eestablished enough to do so.

Stances also contribute towards speed and manueverablilty, strength(damage done, defense breaking).


Successful attack damage factors:

Attacks to the cranium kill instantly

Thrusts to the torso kill instantly

Slashes, slices and chops to the torso wound

Attacks to the limbs wound


Stance positions;

Strong -focus upon strength and advance

Medium -focused upon counterability

Fast - Focused upon speed and manueverability


Ready - decreases surprise attack value

Attack Ready - Assisting towards enguaging

Defense Ready - Assisting towards defense

Counter Ready - Assisting towards futher negotiation



Technique benefits:

Singular enemy focus

multi enemy focus

Melee enemy focus

Ranged enemy focus

Forc e enemy focus

Lightsaber enemy focus

Multilatteral weapon enemy focus

Unilateral weapon enemy focus

Station ground focus

Vehicular focus



In-game charachter basis;

:Known NPC players of the acutual story plot(lea, senate, all those guys):

In game goals; text formula adherant to charachter settings coupled with intended role for each charachter.


Modes of Gameplay:

Idle - base value button set-up

Combat - combat focus set up

Working - labor focus set up

Alert - exploration/discovery set up

Communing - interaction set up

Farring - mobil set up

Operating - vehicular/mounting set up


Icons of mode activation will appear

Clicking after activation of a mode shifts the mode to different set ups still in the mode. Clicking and holding cycles while using the thumbpad cycles through active modes. Double clicking deactivates the activity mode returning to idle mode.



Essentially all buttons are assignable

Though a base pre-made set up can assist in what a completed button set could look like.


Ultimate goal of compensation:

Interface is command friendly>Commands are controler friendly>controls are human focus friendly


Commands for motion- Non-combatant;(all are subject to directional command ie side and back according to players desires)





side step









Directional commands convert into;

Side, back trek(walk/run, exlude pacing and dashing)

Side, back dive

Directional pivot

Front, back step

somersault, side roll, back roll

side, back jump

side, back handspring

side, back flip, arial, round about, flatspin, flat arial


In terms of combat assistience;

direction and aiming - Automation and rapid targeting may be achieved through charachter level progression and various button commands. This becomes an invaluable bit of leverage for some, as such an unnecessary waste of button utilization for others.

Once in combat mode, buttons may be assigned for target singular hostiles as to ensure focus through the fog of battle shifting.

As well, other in-game commands related to activation and scroll buttons may be used to also assist in identifying targets as-well eliminating them.

There will be a center beacan on the screen ofcourse unless removed by the player. This becacon is the centerpoint of hostile/unhostile interaction in the game, depending on the current mode, the player may assign the becean an alternative purpose if the default(mode-goverend) purpose is not desired.

In addition, the player can also adjust the controls to manipulate the beacan in lieu of directional/mobil command, or alongside it. All of this can be tailored in the Gameplay control screen. Both by cycling through buttons to be assigned for actions and by merely pressing them.


To select hostiles, highlights may appear, plus the additional affect of assigning hostiles to take in a set up oreder, or for the sake of assigning one and taking care of another. Bringing the best of turn based strategy implementations and incorperating them into real time action environments. As it is real time combat that really shows the spectacle and allows the magnitude of truely great combat gaming.


So from here, a player(with enough level prestige and experience) could take a base attack command, say slash, and turn it into a scheme the activates an aray of multiple attack types.

For the sake of argument, A = attack

A - slash

A hold - Power slash

A double tap - slash, slashback

A hold double tap - power slash slash back or slice conversion


Normally my first basis was tap off of morrowinds combat simulation of

Attack which used a triangle scheme of attack types based on the melle weapons implementation of chop(verticle), thrust(forward) and slash(Horizontal). I also though about Slice(diagnol) after combing my thoughts on jedi academy.

Attack meant weapons base attack ie Axe = chop, sword = slash, spear = thrust

And when not using the only use best attack option for gameplay, direction dictated the swing type ie, forward while attack was thrust, sometimes chop when manipulated right due to the control skip factor that many games bare(an exploit for another discussion), and horizon-lateral direction commands with attack meant slash.


My first scheme tapped the idea of using left and right to initiate slashes, diagnol comands to initiate slices, forward and backward movement commands to initiate thrusts and back thrusts, and standing still or assinging measures to intiate chop.


Techniques and stances also help to govern and manage combat move progression and scheming.

As with all things in the game skill and level related, experience increasing level and skill unlocks achievable fuctions in the game for combat and otherwise.

Feats, powers, promotions and acomplishment all open up new possibilities of function employment, and as a players charachter progresses, many things come into play and option for the charachter as indeed situations in the game can become complex and interesting.

And the player is vested with full control as to the methods and decisions of allowably anything they get into.

Another nifty contributer to the game aspect is the portfolio factor.

This is inherently a "Deed Record" if you will.

Points towards spiritual nature(light side, dark side)

Reputation(individual charachter)

Recognition(established relations with, factions, guilds nations etc.)

Prudence( in game criminology)

And make no mistake, for an mmorpg ie being online, screen names being used along with all relative and required information is also attached to those who've been more or less questionable then died the limited amount of deaths before re-start and try to wipe a record clean. Not gonna happen. Improvement and social standing is ofcourse the great thing about mmorpgs and herein themed into starwars. It's all up to the other people literally.


Right so the next area to tackle with combat is defense.

After finally experiencing kotor and most of kotor 2, I believe I've gathered some of the understanding I was missing.

Defense is a thing just as flexible as offense. Infact, as one whose had his formal training in martial arts and other various holistic practices, many will right away understand what I'm getting at. COmbat, offense and defense, one in the same. It is merely physical negotiation, and it's about bloody time a video game worthy of the title "action game" could finally bare the roots of violence, regardless of how sinical that may sound.


First to tackle the subject of lightsabers exclusively.

One, Light all physical things, lightsabers to clash. They thrash and slash and gash, hell they even smash.

The idea is that when two opponents cross swords, they go through a series of sword contact moments until a breach can be made. A truely stunning fight at the best of them is when mutiple breaches are made because the defelction rate is so damn good. This is the intertwining of offense and defense.

(A few other additions don't hurt the interest factor either) But aside, combat simulation in all games I'll dare to say needs unificatin by now, it is inevitable trueth.


Taking from the ideas I have based on, the engines that have made, lord of the rings, start wars latest episode(rots), kotor, morrowind, jedi academy and hell even zelda possible, combine different parts the create a whole dimension of combat possibility.

Now already I've mentioned tailoring, control and manipulation of the various controller and screen commands for the game. The reason for that is simple. So much to use, not enough buttons or screens for one set, though don't get discouraged by that, I've tolerated the turn based combat nonsence with kotor with a grain assault to give it leway into understanding the depths of what else and further it had to offer. Though amusement and satisfaction had been reached on several levels. THe other hints of annoiance still remained.

Firstly, I have studied up about some improvemnts/patches for pc versions of Jedi academy for defense. I swear it to the bone I've thought of those ideas before reading them and my own contrast may be evidence. Doesn't matter, they were correct about the scheme. There is automatic jedi defense, human intervention defense, human control defense and human influece defensive engagement.

Those are the four methods of safe guarding oneself againts the thick of hell.(sociably speaking)

The next part is how to implement such precision.

This is where the vitality bars and attributes, traites and skill come into play.

I've also read up on galaxies and seen some modest improvemnts those being performance meters catagorized as;



mental fatigue

There are also various conditions players can suffer during stressful situations.

I saw this and as usual saw what needed ousting, imrpovment/addition and upgrading.

The first thing to mind form other rpg experiences is that the bars needed some change into this;




Mental fatigue


To explain is this;

Life is the actual meter of the players existence, when this meter is emptied/depleted, the charachter no longer exists. Simple enough.


Health is the meter of the players charachter condition, that may suffer basic and realistic set backs beign hunger, hygien and medical condition from all of physical, biological and chemicle standerds.

Obvious infratures of a players medical condition could stem from, poisoning, viral infections, broken boken bones, uncarefully removed parts of the body etc. Again pretty simple.

And these conditons may inturn affect not only the health(primarily), and hense life(secondarily), yet the attributes and quite possibly attribute limitations(if serious enough and bills for treatment or cloning run to high).


Fatigue is the actual stamina existence the player has, once this runs down, the charachter performs in a run down manner, misses targets, trips, limps, halts actions that require any amount of fatigue to perform.


Mental fatigue is the meter of the charachters sanity for sort keeping.

This meter can become affected by a mulitude of factors that shall be suggested realistically. Based on willpower, intellegence and charisma, some cahrachters aside from others may be able to put up with more strife whereas the others might go into constant trances of horrorification and/or episodes of shock/dumbfoundation

Ofcourse these "conditions also have there wighted baring and may be appear as mere delays in gameplay, to lengthy drawn out situations that may call upon the bread and butter skills of others to mend.


Life pointage is increased with every level up as is health and fatigue.

The attributes; strength and endurance ad modifyers to how many more points per level are gained for life.


Agility Endurance and willpower modify how many more points for fatigue


Endurance and willpower for health


Intellegence willpower and charisma for mental health


Sufferable conditions I've got for now are

Shock - a slight stun that interupts the players commands for a time

Drowsiness - a negative modifyer to points for traites and skill commands until rested or restored in some way.

incapacitation - not precisely unconsciousness yet close.- In need of anothers attention, or lots of resting time if not available.


Sickened - attributes mildly affected, functions become impaired.


Diseased - A more serious affliction than plain sickness, yet usually cureable with ready speed, unless the poisons where lethal or of great potency/dosage.


Plagued - The uglier kind of sickened with more extreme set backs to attributes and functionability than ordinary sickness.


Frightened - The plague of the mind also known as horrified


Stunned - An obvious condition that usual and almost excusively root from force user affliction unless shock was really that bad.


Dazed - Another condition of fatigue, yet the all that is affected is the fuctions of commands not any charachter statistics.


Confused - The ugly side of a mind trick or fatigue to a point of trauma wherein the player nolong has full control over the charachter as is becomes either, enraged, wearied, paranoid or pyscotic. Each condition effect has it's own distinctive influence that differs from randomly attacking or eveading nereby hostiles, even hostile potentials that mean to be friendly, outbursts of violent or unintended or commanded functions and otherwise. Could promise to be quite amusing sometimes even.


Finally getting back to combat and how all of that material ties in.

Players simply don't just run past others and flail at them and the fight is won. No No No!

These meters keep players in check of face potential, where as keeping fresh meters is as important as keeping safe distances or plotting spacial strategy and implying tactical engagement.

Block attacks alongside of evasion and dodging are all to be implemented with the basis of skill and acutal interaction.

My idea covers the vast scheme of defensive positions both with melee and unarmed ecounters.

The basic ideals of chamber(center), flank(side) and rear(back) guard apply to the charachters potential, again achieved from the root early on, the expanded into fast, swift and decisive measures latter on.

Blocks are a standerd way of simply denying the attack, counters are blocks used as detturance to attack any one place to long. Defensive moves and manuevers, pick up after there, spawning the roots of true combat situations. The after that, comes the harnessing of skill and increased leveling, then truely formidable potentials may blossom with very satisfying results.


Basic defensive moves are catagorized as; barrier, parry, shield and reversal.

These are moves that either deflect, redirect or return an attack that is thrown at a player.

The countering factor is the repetition of returns being constantly....uh, returned. Passive ideal.

The defense factor is the repetition of attacks being constantly deflected. Disciplined ideal.

The ofensive factor is the repetition of attacks being constantly redirected. Aggressove ideal.

When compiled with actual defensive and ofensive moves, the manuevers of battle will truely stimulate many if not all users in my opinion. As it is my goal for the player to not be able to make a move(in good health) that they didn't want to make. And even try to avoid the idea of unwantedness at all from the games implementation.


Area attacks:

Mequito attack

Butterfly attack

Fury twirl

Flatspin attack


Frenzie attacks:

Rush attack

Swan attack

Lunge attack

Bane attack



attack kata

fast kata

strong kata

medium kata


Special attacks:



Tornado - the charachter becomes a spin-churning machine rapidly slashing right through enemies and deflecting attacks at the same time.

Shooting Star - This is a flatspinning dive attack that is similar to palpatines greeting during his arrest atempt. Yet a hell of alot more lethal.

Star breaker - The charachter litterally shoots right at the opponent faster than defense alone can protect against.



Lunge wave - Repetative lunge strikes that are swifter and more decisive than normal(length and damage grows with skill)

Traction strike - forced pulled enemies that are struck once within range(capacity grows with skill)

Level wave - All opponents next attack becomes a counter threat to themselves or their friendlies also in range.

Counterwave - The opponents attack is bypassed and the greatest vulnerability is exploited based on the users skills/abilities)



Chamber breaker - Block is inherently futile(even more so with greater skill in this attack)

Flying slam - The charachter jumps into the air and crashes down on their opponent bashing all defense.

Power burst - The charachter becomes frenzied bashing through attacks and striking through defenses with greater affect and speed.

Meteor Strike - The charachter performs a litteral barrage of aggressive engagement at the opponent striking right though any defense unless the opponents defnes skill use is of a significantly greater magnitude than the users skill in this attack.



Attack varients:

Lightsaber and melee-

Chop - verticle

Slice - diagnol

Slash - horizontal

Thrust - froward


Blunt and polarms-


Bash(ie slice/slash)



Alternate melee saber and polearm attacks-

hilt bash




Pistol whip

Atlernate fire





stock bash

alternate fire

barrel thrust

barrel lung(snap neck, alternate bash type)


Heavy weapons-


alternate fire



Station and vehicular-


kamikazi bail(bail is optional according to palyers wishes)



Upper body-


Upper cut


Round punch

Cross punch



Wrist bash

Elbow strike

lung punch

zjuto(thrusting chop to the throat)

Zjuita( slashing chop to side of neck)

Tugga zjunai(slashing thrust to torso)


Head butt

Skull bash

Upper bash

Side bash


Incorporate spinning, jumping, flipping and other various acrobatic/atheletic additions to these base attack types both above and below and all will be made clear. All motion moves mentioned further above are of those implementable.


Lower body-

Check kick

Front Kick

Side Kick

Back Kick

Cresent Kick

Pivot Kick


Knee bash

Round house

Drop kick

Cross-side kick

Spinning kick


Cross-side back kick

Spinning Back kick

Cross-side pivot kick

Cross-side cresent kick

Flying drop kick

Flying spin kick





Limb lock



Scoop in

Scoop out

Neck snap


Lock drop

Line drop

Choke slam

Body slam

Flying slam

Pile driver

Back breaer

Limb breaker




Basis of weaponry:


Melee - swords and blades, short blades, blunt, axe

Blasters - pistols rifles and basic carbines

Heavy weapons - heavy carbines, missle projectors, paltform guns, station guns

Explosives - grenades, mines, heavy projection systems

Incendiary - debris, shrapnel appuratus, powders, darts, shurigan

Ranged - bows, slingshots, catapults, station wire(primitive)

Polearms - other kinds of blades, pikes, staffs, spears

Chemicle - stuff to be discussed

Biological - see chemicle

Vehicular - self explanitory


Basis of armament:


light armour

medium armour

heavy armour

personal shields

station armour

station shields

vehicular armour





Weapons damage types:

shock - electircal varient

ion - alternate electrical varient

poison - chemicle

nueral - chemicle/biological

sonic - alternate electrical varient

siezmic - alternate electrical varient



energy - blaster/lightsaber

sharp - swords/axe(slash, slice, chop)

blunt - Polearms/blunt(chop/bash)

pierce - Polearms/spear, ranged, incendiary(thrust)



Survival Bars:

Life - Actual meter of existence

Health - meter of charachters condition(health, diesease, poison, hunger, hygien)

Fatigue - meter of capability

Mental Fatigue - meter of mental tolerance


Attributes for Combat:

Strength - determines the overall base damage inflicted by the charachters base level.

Endurance - Determines the amount of damage the charachter may withstand before death, based on the charachters level.

Speed - determines how fast the charachter is able to move pertaining to distance and active motion.

Agility - determines how swiftly the charachter can manuever, turn, spin, dodge and perform any atheletic and most acrobatic functions. This pertains to the ability of shifting and countering to defend/evade during combat.

Dexterity determines - Determines how swiftly the charachter can perform interchanging functions and utilizing adroit demanding facilities of gameplay. This pertains to the ability of shifting and countering to attack/engage during combat.

Willpower determines the charachters reziliance, motive, conscience and cunning. This pertains to offense and defense modifyers, force strength and capabilities as well resistence against enemy force infliction.

Charisma - determines the charachters conduct and guile. THis pertains to the abilities of communicating with others, empowering relationships, maintaning aural aspects and persuading others naturally.

Intelligence - determines the charachters overall rate of learning, adaptation and traite-and-skill advancement. Pertains to various tech skill based fuctions and genral knowledge requirements.



wisdom - intellegence and willpower the greater hold on force power and affliction resistence.

reflex - speed and agility the greater hold on mobility and physical prowess.

constitution - strength and endurance the greater hold on physical power and resiliance.

awarness - Charisma and dexterity greater hold on detection and invulnerability.







Armed combat

Armoured combat











unarmed combat

unarmoured combat










Toughness - increases life points

Conditioning - increases defense and save points

Empathy - Increases influence/empowerment points(speechcraft and conduct) Communications

Martiality - increases reflex save and attack points


Gearhead - tech and mechanical enhancer Pilot

Ingenuity - craft and merchant enhancer Instructor

Engineer - assembly and electrical enhancer

Forager - Conscript and domestic enhancer


Dueling - increases success with singular arms combat

Two weapon fighting - increases success with dual arms combat

Weapon focus - increases attack/defense and counter success against same attack methods

Integration - increases attack/defense and counter success and damage against different attack methods



Critical Strike increases success and damge at close quarters

Power Strike great increase to attack damage

Flurry Increased rate of attack and success for attack

CounterStrike increased counter/shift success during combat


Raider - solo combat

Member - teamwork combat

Infiltrator - against/with fortifications and mobile weaponry

SkyMartial - against/with aircraft/spacecraft


Finesse - increased all round success during combat

Master - increased trade traite success

Prodigy - charachter enhancement political

Demi-god - abilty to seriously affect attributes of others(easier enforced conditions etc.) Jedi


Tiers of feats determine unlockable functions and achievable options as gameplay progresses.

These are merely addatives to common skill functions to new move sequences possible during combat or other physically interactive activities in the game.





Attack/alternate attack


Using two weapons turns alternate attack into use other weapon unless redesignated

Using one weapon turns alternate attack into body attack unless redesignated

Two wepon fighting may be designed to conform to attack commant alone

Alternate attack may be placed as body attack or different kind of attack with utilized weapon.




Possible sufferable conditions:














kill - focus release of bolts crushing and dark harnessing towards an immediate area

grip - constricting of the throat

crush - open scale contriction

destruction - an area affect of focused bolts, rage, draining and crushing raining down from over-head

lightening - bolts focuse to an immediate area, or when fully mastered, area affect

rage - bestowed fortifyers to attributes and skills, at a latter cost to health, mental fatigue and fatigue

drain life - drains the life complety from a sentient target

drain energy - drains the fatigue from both sentient/nonsentient targets

drain force - drains force power from sentient and non sentient targets

drain aura - exhausts force, energy and other modifyers from targets(desimating)

master drain - a horrobly annihilating attack that takes immense conviction towards such a goal(affects all)

assimilate - radiates dark side powers and aura to optimize dark side dominance and use

empower - disables others attack incentive, affects other players actions, dominates other players actions

horror - causes a range from attack disinclination, to outrage against others

plague - Instils dark power amplification and hostility optimization in other characters

insanity - Causes other characters to become hostile to the point of self-sacrificial homcide

Inflict - focuses a combonation crushing and constricting powers

deteriorate - a greater command and concentration of crushing, draining and constricting powers


grip - crush


inflict - deteriorate - kill

Rage - assimilate - destruction

dain energy - drain life - drain force - drain aura - master drain

empower - insanity

horror - plague



Dark side incentive:

Annihilate the nurtured

Corrupt the med

Fortify the harness


Light side incentive:

protect against and convert the nasty

suppliment for the med

sustain the pure


Cure - releaves self or target of a deseased or bio/chemicly afflicted state

heal - releaves self or target of minor physical and mental/psycological afflictions

revive - an incredibly potent command of the force, the living, and the living force to heal throgh far lengths

mind tick - disuades targets from attacking, hostility, aggression

alleviate - releaves self or targets from any degree of empowerment

nullify - disables a targets power to attack

incapacitate - disables a target for a period of time completly

endow - fortifies and preserves a resistence enhancer against dark side corruption, empowerment, powers

protect - fortifies against physical damage

absorb – extinguishes dark side forces and energy

deflect – rejects dark side forces

reflect – returns dark side forces

dissimilate – disrupts, neutralizes, extinguishes dark side energy

concension – increases inclination of peaceful and thoughtful solution in/with others/radiates light side energy and aura



Push - target - arch - widened arc, area

Pull - object/target, arc, widened arc, area

Wave - (open, unlock, activate, move, lock, close, deactivate, arrange, extension)

Grasp - manuever, multiversity, multimanipulation, area, are manipulation

Speed - faster, enhanced, faster, precision speed, perfection speed

Distort - inferiority, illusion, foggery, disuasion, complication

Sense focus - enhancement, rienforcement, vision, forsight, premeditation

Bind - refinement, devoidance, extrapalation, domination




Saber throw

Jump - elevation, descention, levitate












When force sensitive, the force may be gained through certain achievements/applications via fatigue utilization


perhaps force points are not required, in that fatigue is force points altogether, and bind reduces Fpoints needed for force powers and power suppliments 1 Fpoint equals 2 points for force use.












When mastery of Commune has been reached, only then can jedi-players not be fooled by the "living forces loop". Ultimately this loophole of consistency has great potential to keep players guessing about their own potential and capabilites of becomming and staying jedi, wheather or not it was simply a dream-case thing within the game, with the multitude of complexities going on to aid in possible vulnerabilites of deception,

and serves as an alter-contact for all other players to summon your charachters presence, if deceased and not restored. This feature grants others Jedi and to be players the ability to draw text of information the deceased charachter would have had the last time on that particular planet. IE- info about the planet and others, the character itself, other people past and present, and various other things statically relevent to all gameplay up until that point when the deceased charachter last visited that planet. So inconsistencies of of any commune of one charachter from planet to planet may be more than not. Unless a charachter decided to go on a victory campaigne just to visit each planet one last time and manage to gain no significant new or changed knowledge about persons, places or things or any situations that were of the pressing layer.





Strength attack damage modifyer

Endurance hit point modifyer

Charisma in game text communcation modifyer, influence modifyer

Intellegence tech functions and skill points modifyer

Dexterity physical capabilties modifyer ofensive/engaging

Agility physical capabilities modifyer defensive/evasive

Speed physical capabilities modifyer

Willpower multiactive modifyer


Players start at base 0 meaning the modifyer is a negative 5 representing penalty towards function activity.

Every even number assigned skill increase during level up, equals a modification point change out of the negatory, and further towards the better. Meaning once at 100, 40 added points have been gained.





Weapons apparatus:Lightsaber

CHASIS- Hilt, Emiter, Chamber

PROPERTIES- Focusing lense, Energy cell, Focusing crystal, Cell Crystal


Hilts:Standard - Body


































Emmiters: Top








Energy cells: Body back








Lenses: Body Front


Raw Kuda






Chamber: Bottom









Focusing crystal: In chamber

Red - Strength of will

Green - Unparalleled Wisdom

Blue - Readied state of mind

Orange - Adept of concience

Yellow - Strength of connection

Purple - Strength of enlightenment

Pink - Paramount of compasion

Silver - Bond of propriety

Cyan - Strength of affection

Viridian - Strength of sight

Violet - Strong conviction

Bronze - Unparalleled affinity



Cell Crystals: In body with energy cell







Beam gem

Raw Gem

Ulari Gem


Krayt pearl












Ankarrea sapphire

Barob ore ingot





Lorrdian gemstone


Ultima pearl




A Blaster Deflection = greater deflection strength

B Energy damage = greater strength against opposing energy sources

C Physical damage = increased base damage

D Cold damage = damage modifyer

E Heat damage = damage modifyer

F Ion damage = damage modifyer

G Consistency = aura and blade strength power/modifyer

H Light side damage = light side power/modifyer

I Dark side damage = dark side power/modifyer

J Wisdom = wisdom modifyer

K Willpower = willpower modifyer

L Light side restriction = restricted to light arua force sensitives

M Dark side restriction = restricted to dark aura force sensitives




There is no emotion, there is only peace

There is no ignorance, there is only knowledge

There is no passion, there is only serenity

There is no chaos, there is only harmony

There is no death, there is only the force


Life baring planets:





Peace is a lie, the is only passion

From passion I gain strength

Through strength, I gain power

Through power, I gain control

Through control I gain victory

Through victory, my chains are broken

The force shall free me


Death baring planets:







Weapon arrparatus:Blaster pistols

CHASIS: Barrel, Handle, Chamber, stalk

Properties: Trigger, Energy Cell, Scope, Response chamber


Weapons apparatus:Blaster rifles

CHASIS: Barrel, Handle, Chamber, stalk

Properties: Trigger, Energy Cell, Scope, Reponse Chamber


Weapons aparatus: Blaster Carbines

CHASIS: Barrel, Handle, Chamber, Stalk

Properties: Tirgger, energy cell, Ignition Chamber, Scope, Emulator


Weapons aparatus: Heavy

Chasis: Load-Breach Chamber, Frame-Guard, Extension, Stabilizer

Properties: Trigger, Ignition Chamber, Scope, Respone chamber


Weapons: Station

Turret-single, double, quad/ Barrel, sentry, Multi-sentry - Carbine beam

Platform - singular, multiple(turrets, hatches and cannons)

Launch hatch

Cannon- Disrupter beam

Artillery- Steady beam

Vent - gas/toxin/poison/biological

Radiator - field contamination/ nuetralization


System Machines:

Master Mainframe - Holds all the data for all the consols

Command consol - controls other consols

Weapons consol - controls weapons and comands

Auxillery consol - controls modifyable conditions

Security consol - controls security methods

Communications consol - controls communications and commands

Defense consol - controls syncrinization and autonous methods

Perimeter consol - controls shielding and protection methods

Navigations consol - controls travel commands and advisory applications

Coordinations consol - controls syncronization and autonomous methods

Search consol - controls surveying and senty commands

Utilities consol - controls utility applications


System machine hierarchy

Consol - top end, full access and command(high computer use skill)

Conduit - secondary end, greater access and use(lesser skill)

Panel - Extension use away from mainframes for convience, lesser power over conduits and consols

Circuit - low end use and access, though electrical skill can sabotage/disable power/function derivitives sustaining the other machines. Messing around with circuit boxes can be a handy way to over-ride manually as opposed to cybernetically or cease power sourcing to panels and mainframes.


Diagnostic- revise of functions and allocations

Reset - reset of functions and allocations

shift - changing functions and alos assigned

Re-rout - changing machines perfoming funcs and alos

Shut down - cessation of funcs and alos










Systems commands:

Plot course

Perform search

Plot sollution

syncronize defenses

syncronize fire

syncronize navigation


Power machines:

creating power - generater

enabling power - reactor

directing power - router

changing power - shifter

assigning power - circuit


Auxillery components:

Sensors: Survey, navigation

Sonic - tempured sound

Siezemic - sound consitencies

Protonic - energy consistencies

Photonic - light and projection consistencies

Atomic - Temperature consistencies

Nucleic - material consistencies

Ionic - chemicle/partical consistencies

Synthetic - material diversities and functioning

Phobonic - enrgy/temperature/light diversities and functioning

Radionic - electircal consitencies

Spedrimatic - motion consistencies

Spectromatic - Spacial consistencies











Human - Echani, Mandolorian, Miraluka

















Mon Calimari
























Ishi Tib


Droid types:Mk1, Mk2, Mk3, Mk4

Basic - Advanced - Super

Light - Medium - Heavy
















Assault droid

Battle droid

Combat droid

Attack droid

Sentry droid

Regimen droid

Infiltration droid

War droid















Sub zero
































Weather damage types:

Cold fatirue

Dry fatigue

Humid fatigue

Shift fatigue

Atmospheric fatigue

Hot fatigue

Toxic fatigue


So in summary the game would have updated, upgraded and/or in other terms "revamped" implementation to the combat simulator, over all gameplay and activity option-ability.

Being able to attack, jump, climb, roll around freely and unrestrained upon ground layout schemes that are static-interactable, IE no more "ZELDA-STYLE" path-set restriction terrain.


Engaging in combat when the mode turns on can be managed as full-fledged real-time button direct command and response or condition queue management to dictate the range of capability utilization the charachter will utilize autonomously based on factors of self-skill, and opposition factors(single or multi enemy, weapons used).


Companions gathered are any special NPC's that have specific heavy roles in the game itself. The whole party can travel at a time with the risk of propsed vulnerability factors.

THe amount of companions the player can have would be based on how many can fit comfortably on the ship(ie how many beds plus one for the cockpit)

SIde ventures and ambient story unfolding based on radiant AI interaction.

AND ofcourse the charachter generation revamping. TOtal facial manipulation and tailoring precisely like oblivion from the elder scrolls game line. Brillian t they are in many regards.

I'm the one whose been coming here and many other places since 04 posting this stuff and now it seems like it's making its holds.

These are unnegligible ideas. And can only enhance the game. THink it over.

THis game SHOULD BE AT ITS BEST, don't ya think?

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Oh, and welcome to the forum. I haven't read all your suggestions yet, but I note that you suggest instant kills. While that makes sense in any game - striking someone else with sharp (or similar as in case of a lightsaber) objects always being fairly hazardous - I don't think it's appropriate in this case, since we would have to do the same for the enemy and let them kill the main character and his/her companions, which is never much fun.


Besides, I like the turn-based combat system in KotOR. I think that's one of its strong points, because it means my character is good in a battle because I built him to be so, and not simply because I'm good at pushing buttons in combat.



{snip} Unnecessary and offensive


More than just button smashing is the complexity to the fight simulator itself, not to mention other area's of the game, Attributes, Sub-attributes, traites and skills, oh yeah and the actual progress of the functions being performed at the time are all factors of not-typically "button-smashing" idea concepts themselves. These are also other, "player-choice" elements for gameplay progression that the character may use.

In regards to the instant death thing, there is now demand for more realistic combat, so this "gap of defense" damage factor, is the most practical route to take, and in all honesty, It won't necessarily devalue gameplay, if anything else it will improve motivation, and if your so intimidated by the idea, Perhaps I should re-emphasize the use of PERSONAL SHIELDS.

{snip} Unnecessary and offensive

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Hello DARTH_DANZIG, welcome to the forums. As it was pointed out by Jediphile, please refrain from double posting, that is having multiple posts in a row. It clutters up a thread and makes things difficult for people to read. While it is allowed in certain circumstances and forum sections, it isn't here.


Aside from that I don't know what else you've thought of/criticsed. And honestly, if any other poster is going to even reply. Try not to be a complete idiot in the process. There has already been one victim of circumstence present here. I'd like to see that kept to a minimum. Reply with some RATION please and thank you.

I have dealt with the offending post. Please refrain from name-calling it will only get you into trouble.


With such a long post you will occasionally get comments like the now deleted one so you need to ignore them and move on, or preferably use the Report a post feature and leave it to the staff to handle, that is what that function is for. You can report a post by clicking the little yellow dot (report.gif) below the persons Avatar section.



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Hello DARTH_DANZIG, welcome to the forums. As it was pointed out by Jediphile, please refrain from double posting, that is having multiple posts in a row. It clutters up a thread and makes things difficult for people to read. While it is allowed in certain circumstances and forum sections, it isn't here.



I have dealt with the offending post. Please refrain from name-calling it will only get you into trouble.


With such a long post you will occasionally get comments like the now deleted one so you need to ignore them and move on, or preferably use the Report a post feature and leave it to the staff to handle, that is what that function is for. You can report a post by clicking the little yellow dot (report.gif) below the persons Avatar section.



Redhawke thank you, I will now understand that this sight is run on a tight ship. Your advise is appreciated and my conduct I can only appologize for and keep in check in the future. I did not enjoy that one bit.

And I will try to get around to cleaning up my post, it does mean alot to me, but as I said in quite the contrary to that guy, I have aboat load going on all the time, so I'm constantly jumping around, and getting to things over chaotic periods of time.

It really does mean a great deal to me that people understand just how refined I've gotten the bulk ideology of game perfections for these games I've taken for the soal purpose of making it one in the same with flawless and fully granting.

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Personally, I don't have much interest in adding twitch-based combat to the KOTOR RPG...

Same here. To me, the primary element in KotOR is the story, not the combat.


I for one was very happy to have turn based combat for Kotor and not another game based on reflexes with tons of combos to memorize. Also, I don't quite see the point in having so many elements to manage in a +-40hours game. I think we already spent more than enough time tweaking the equipment in Kotor 2.

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Your combat system ideas don't sound too interesting to me. For me, combat in Kotor should look cool and elegant.


You suggest a action-orientated system, similar to JK for example. I really like the JK saber duels, and I was pretty good at it once, but the key element in such "run around jumb dodge and hit" systems is always Hit & Run.

And to me, that looks stupid. Like in Oblivion. Or in JK.


Kotor does not and will never require much skill and I'm fine with that, it's a based on a good story, good characters and good dialogs. Combat is a nice bonus to watch while playing the game.

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Kotor does not and will never require much skill and I'm fine with that, it's a based on a good story, good characters and good dialogs. Combat is a nice bonus to watch while playing the game.




That is precisely what I'm getting at. It most definately is not hit and run, combat is the game, or any of that, combat, like other areas of the game are simply optimized for the benefit of added pleasure. THe game is also by my demand a must in charachter depth. Dialogue and story/plot development/strength/meaning.


Let me please help to explain as to clarify, what I see.

TGHere is no factor of my vision that too affects any other factor because I want all revamping to be equalized.

In that, I mean, as the option for combat(including defense, AND the ability to intervene with words and persuasion), all other areas of the game take heed to such strong conviction of meaning and scope themselves. I simply express it with "Aggression first" because I won't lie, that's what I'm used to understanding first.

THough through tht, I channel my energy to explore and comprehend. Again this is because I suffer from ADHD, it's not a cop-out. I'm just hyper-functioning. And I only wish to Grant the idea of the next game with exactly that immense proportion of energy, life and meaning, so that it becomes a game, one may ltterally not be able to get enough of without apply the desire to do something else, with as much conviction.

When it comes to charachters-speciffically, I will not intervene in any way, because though I myself am a huge bastila fan, My opinions on witch charachters should be in is already compromised by Imaginary passion.

For all else in terms of how many, and how one may gain members, I believe should be on the basis, of there are more characters you are able to join than are allowed by the limit. THis gives a whole, you never play the same game twice, and furthermore, the game does not, ultimately decide, if, when or where a member joins, without the repercussions of the players progress, both in words and in actions.

Meaning, the comes a point where Character x is introduced. BAsed on plot, lightside/darkside, influence and some other possible factors, this would be the range of character x's repsonse probabilities. And voluntary joining may occure based on those factors. And if so, the player still has the ability to dismiss this character for any amount of time, or other(obvious thoughts included).

And, there is also the wait and let me see if I should accept you option, so that players still maintain the element of control. And ofcourse game progression should have a heavy impact on available/shifting options and all that good stuff.

That is another extent of my idea in that regard.




To get a glimps at what I'm propsing, understand it's all about variety, and above all, quality.

First option, the generic turn based activator that allows a player to engage via single button = this turn attack, following the whole attack, criticle, power and flurry style.

You can have the game perminantly set like that in a sub-screen when paused, and even have a button dedicated to shifting different options of combat simulation.

For the second option, you can click and/or queue Stances, positions and techniques to filter how the character attacks and manage other things in between such as wielding force powers alongside attack. Pretty kool if you ask me.

Then there's the third option, full out real-time, which by the way for re-clarification, conforms to the still unavoidable basis of turn basing, just not like a chess game, more like real life. Time sequencing exists in real-time, it's just so fast that pin point recognition is not exactly a first nature skill without focus and enlightenment.

The game offers a variety of attacks, as such, a variety of defense postures to fight back against attacks, then there's the whole revers-ability, and shift complexity, but I can cover that at another time.

THe character grows with skill progression and skill adversity.

Offense and defense become very simply a matter of what the characters progress really is. So it's still down to character development, tied in with player intervention, so that both worlds may be brought together as one, and it really is easier than I'm sensing many think.

Attacks and defenses conform to the characters skill base, thankfully there are also alternatives to fighting, and the game can obviously, and easily accentuate on those meanings to the core, I believe.

All this means, is that when entering potentially or absolutely hostile situations, the player time and again would have to be numbed beyond repair not to feel a sense of choice and manageable autority. Yet it still doesn't take away that special element of ungarenteed victory.

That's all.


Oh, one more thing,

Technique, stance, flurry, criticle, positions, and power attacks,

Yeah they can all be utilized in turn-base, and real time queuing. And the values of flurry, criticles and power can represent completely different functions/animations based on further in-depth combat integration, so even turn-based can look all the more groovy.



My own game plot ideas-



The ending dual between exile and traya;

fighting occurs, breif pauses of conversation bring up dialogue texts which the player chooses, resulting in Lightside/Darkside indication.

After some run through of this, the scene finally ends and the exile takes off towards the fringes of space.


"Meanwhile back in republic space on telos"

Carth, other ranking officers, mandalore, and all the companions minus dur's remote droid and go-to, are discussing whatever. Handmaiden, Visas, Bao-dur and Mire(if lightside) travel to dantooine and take up in the restoration there, helping to rebuild the community and jedi order.

Bao-dur eventually becomes a jedi consular, And latter on is the ranking jedi master on coruscant.(way down the road.)

The masters go through some dialogue revolving around briefing the members about plans for the future and things get set in motion.

Bastila, Mira, Bao-dur and master vrook wind up returning to the Jedi temple and begin a massive restoration project with much aid of the republic under carths strict authority. Some dialogue options here as repsonses to remenising conversation can also help to identify the games unfolding.

Some more scenes also occur back on dantooine where, kavar, zez, kai whatever, handmaiden and visas travel to.


"Deep in the far reaches of unknown space"

The exil, in a small jedi fighter locates a certain bodymass that has an atmospheric ratio that won't kill him/her, with a breathmask. Exile lands on rock and explores a sense. This could be a good prologue point for the player to become familiarized with the game. Battle some wierd creatures and find some things/situations identify as you will.

Finally stumbling onto a clue on revans path.

After some more space traveling scenes after returning to the fighter, an actual planet is discovered.

Same sequence type of encoutering target practice hostiles, plot unveiling and ultimately finally finding revan in the process of dooing something that aids him in learning more of this region of space.

He notices the exile after completion and dialogue options occure to further unfold character progression/relation.

Ends are met and now they set out on a basic task that devides them, this becomes the players first mission, and further sets up the plot. When finnished, the exile reunites with revan and they become a party.

Exile soon learns that revan is without a ship and they need to obtain alternate transportation, this becomes another mission. Once completed, they make their way further into the interior of the old sith empire and the map of planets becomes accessible for travel, as does the mission become more defined overall.


"Back in republic space"

Progress has been made in restoring both planets along with societies residing, and the jedi charters.

Vrook takes up lead council on coruscant, kavar on telos, and zez-kai on dantooine.

Carth becomes the key figure in republic security and operations, with the preservation of the jedi order as a key objective.

Bastila is the the authority in which this all plays out by the jedis' contribution.

After a sensing of all the companions that traveled with both revan and exile, draw a secret meeting on coruscant with the masters, and carth. The contents of the meeting clarify that the danger the two jedi are in, is no longer an element of illusion. A threat that has been building up over the years has finally extended itself into the republic quartex. As revan and his companion have penetrated their territory, so too have they entered the republic, and simlar to the sith assasins. Attacks are dark and unmeasurable. As the plot progresses, reducing the whole "surprise factor" is realised as the ultimate goal.

Bastila becomes the main character for the republic plot coverage, as revan and exile are for the most part interchangeable in their discreet respects.(either one or the other).

The player gets to choose from, Mission, Zalbarr, Canderous, Hk-47, T3, mire/hanharr, Visas, Handmaiden, atton, Bao-dur, and perhaps some new characters as companions to continue the ebon hawk crusades of liberation and all that.

The plot continues to jump back and forth from republic story to "fringes story", and the repurcussion work synonmously with eachother.

The objectives of Revan and exile are to visit the planets of the sith empire and purify/vanquish/what have you in various forms along improvised gameplay element.

The objectives of bastila and company directed by the masters is to confront the threat that pops up all over the republic reeking havoc.

In this new more personable interaction with people. THe experience of interaction becomes more involved with npc's and alot can by built towards in that light. Such as side things like influence aids x amount for plot pathing, jedi inspiration - sith inspiration, and all the basic good stuff that is side factor material yet not too overpowering against the main plot.

Republic space planets include;










Fringe planets include;


Empress Teta(cinnagar)




Dromund kaas

Koros Major




All planets get visited with key objectives in mind and lots of interactability aside from main quest stuff. THis is all I got for now. It's time for me to get some shut eye. Be back soon.

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