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The Battle of LF Sith{RP}


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Aurora smiled at him. "It really doesn't matter to me. We could go somewhere specific, or just wander. As long as I'm with you, I don't care where I am. Even the planet doesn't matter. Is there somewhere you've been, and would like to go again, or somewhere you haven't been, that you'd like to see?"

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Ben smiled back at Aurora. "Well, lets wonder around for a bit and see where that takes us. I never really made it out here before, so lets see what we find, my love." He said to her as he was getting up. He then turned back to his parents and Arion, "We will meet you back at the ship when we are finished. Arion, will you please make sure that Sandra dosn't do something that will get her arrested?"




Sandra looked at his son after his last remark and began muttering at him.

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Arion chuckled. "I'm sure she won't do anything wrong, will you, Sandra?"


Aurora hid a smile at the look on Sandra's face. She stood up and walked with Ben out of the restaurant. She stretched out her senses, feeling the world around her. It felt....refreshing, to be on Alderaan, especially coming from a planet like Krayiss II.

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When CSI and Vergil finally reappeared near the ship, they found the ship was already swarmed by troopers.


"What the..." Vergil started to say, and CSI covered her mouth before they could hear it.


"Be quiet...They're bounty hunters and Clone troopers. Can't you see? After Order 66, we're now officially fugitive." CSI whispered to Vergil.


"Do you have a plan?" Vergil asked CSI.


"Yeah. You go to notify our parents to leave Aldeeran ASAP. And let's renzervous at...Lehon."


"Lehon? Are you sure about that?" Vergil narrowed her eyes.


"Yeah, I'm sure. Now go!" CSI signaled Vergil to go. With a blink, Vergil disappeared, "See you on Lehon!"


CSI nodded and whispered to Ben, Aksul, Sandra, Aurora, and Arion: ::Alert, Alert! Our ship had been apprehended by Clone troopers and bounty hunters. Anyone got any plan?::

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Just as Ben was turning a corner to walk down a shopping street with Aurora, he heard CSI's voice in his head and immediately looked at Aurora, with a smile. Gently, he took his hand out of her hand and crossed his arms over his chest. ::I might have a idea or two.:: he said through the force to the others, his eyes never leaving Aurora's face.




Sandra and Aksul were just about to reply when they heard their son's voice saying that he had a plan. ::Tell us son, what is your idea?::

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CSI narrowed his eyes and said nothing. But he kept a close watch at the troopers: ::Small army, about 15-20 Clones, about 20 bounty hunters. Might be a tough situation. Take your time, Ben, I don't see any action they're taking. They seems like to waiting for us to come back to the ship and apprehend us."

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Ben quietly told her out loud "I think I am going to need to take you robe shopping, or making if need be" he chuckled. ::Alright. Since I used to be in the service of both the emperor and Darth Vader, the clones recognize me, and will take orders from me. Now, I can get one other in with me because as we all know, there is a master, me, and an apprentice, dearest. I will be able to take control of the troopers, and destroy the bounty hunters.::




Aksul and Sandra, who were still at the restruant drinking some caf together, heard their son's plan and thought it over. While she was thinking, Sandra rested her head on Aksul's sholders. Then after a few moments, commented ::Sounds like it could work Ben, good work.::

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Aurora chuckled. "Yes, my 'master'. Just don't make me ignite my lightsaber, because it'd take me a couple hours, at least, to switch out the crystal, and silver isn't exactly a Sith favorite. Well," she considered, "it's not really a Jedi favorite, either, but in any case, it won't help your charade if the troopers get suspicious."


Arion nodded. ::It might work, if you're careful. Very careful. I don't want to have to go in there to save your skins if you mess up. And you better take care of my sister.::

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::Bold plan, Ben.:: CSI smiled and noticed something: ::Wait, a couple more troopers is coming to the ship. They're trying to figure out how to bypass the locking mechanism. I wonder since when clone is interested with other people's privacy?::

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  CSI said:
Vergil's and my...father and mother."

so is vergil your mother and father? that's kinda kinky.


i've been following this rp it's like general hospital (which i usually never get to see since i don't have dvr or tivo) only without proper medical treatment and drama or actual plot. srsly, how many more family members can you pull out of the woodwork? "omg my mother and father, wait now my twin, wait now my aunt and uncle wah wah" congrats.



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Ben smiled at the fact everyone had agreed to his plan. He sent back to everyone ::Very well, my 'apprentice' has some preperations to make, which I will assist in.:: He waited a moment and said out loud while pulling his hood up over his head, covering everything except his eyes, "Well then, I hope you know where you will be able to pick up a Sith robe around...... here, my love and apprentice."

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Aurora and Ben walked into the shop, which was littered with various trinkets and novelties. One wall was lined with clothes racks. She started going through the clothes, and pulled out several sets of robes, and some long black cloaks. "What do you think? Any one of these looks like they would be realistic enough to me."

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Ben walked up beside Aurora and almost instantly, called one of the robes and cloaks to him with the force. He inspected it and was completely supprised. Through the force he began to tell Aurora ::I think you might be in luck, my apprentice. What you found is a Sith robe very simelar to my own, and it looks like it will fit you perfectly, I might add.::

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Aurora held it up. ::You think so? Well, I hope it'll fool the troopers long enough for us to get out of here.:: She walked over to the old woman running the store. "How much?"


"Ah.... that one..... fifty credits," the woman said, firmly.


"Fifty?!? That's ridiculous!" Aurora exclaimed. The old woman stared at her, dispassionately. "Oh....fine." She tossed a credit chip on the counter, and the woman snatched it up, greedily.


"Have a nice day," she chuckled, as Aurora turned away. She stepped into the store's refresher, and emerged wearing dark robes, matching Ben's. ::It... feels wrong somehow. Couldn't we have gotten some carefully made up imitations?:: She sighed. ::It'll do, for now, I suppose. Let's get this over with.:: She pulled her hood over her face, like his, and looked up at him. "What do you think?"

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Ben glared at the store owner when he heard Aurora complain. He watched her as she went in to the refresher and watched her come back out, and also heard her complaining through the force. He walked right up to her and chuckled softly. ::My love... its only in your mind. *It* is fabrics woven together. Reguardless, I still think you look beautiful, maybe more so:: he said to her looking at her face. He then embraced her, putting his hands around her back, and leaned into her to kiss her, forming what looked to anyone else one single dark form inside the store.

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