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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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yeah they need more sw games for the new consoles!! hopefully force unleashed won't be an OBIWAN if you know what i mean! :)


I sent in for my DD214 this morning....now the wait game yay. another boring day off....weather isn't getting any warmer and there's ice on the ground, and to top things off the transmission on the car is being cruel. I have to put pedal to metal in order to pull up and out of driveway...not safe, as there's this snowbank blocking the road, almost got clipped. suck is life.


played Fable a bit last night...gave my guy the title of 'Liberator' kinda funny. hes got these nasty scars all over his face.


for breakfast this morning i had 2 servings of strawberry-flavored oatmeal. hope this stuff brings my cholesterol down like the commercials claim!


I want to go see 300, probably will end up going by myself.......


gotta find the title to my car so i can get my registration updated...guess i can say bye to $36, and next month I think i'll send in that $90+ to the school district or whatever so they don't go sending collection agencies after me.


my sis gets home at 4:30 today...shes prolly gonna go straight to her boyfriends, sucks that they dont like hanging out w/me. i feel so left out and lonely days like this. wish it was warmer out i wanna go fishing.

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well my car is retarded. guess i won't be registering it afterall....went on over to dunkin donuts and on the way the rpm kept going higher and higher...so i went into walmart and got some transmission fluid, and that didn't help it. so im pretty ****ed and pissed off atm and feel like just enlisting to get away from the nagging people (aka my loving family) about getting a new vehicle with money that i do not have.......i'm so ****ing pissed right now. probably ruined my car for good. ****ing hell and i have to work tomorrow and the next 3 days to top it off. **** **** **** **** **** **** ****.........i hate my present life.

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Actually, I can't think of a single game that makes me want ANY of the current systems!


I know. There's just nothing I see that looks fun. Or at least more fun than the games I already have. Virtua Fighter 5 looks cool. But...is it really THAT different from the old games? Not different enough to buy a PS3.


Star Wars games always get me. So we'll see what happens. But now that no more movies are being made, I wonder if we'll still get the games...

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ok imma rant a bit...as i dont got anything better to do...



ok all is fine....well not really. gonna have it towed to a transmission place and get it checked. tore the ****in place apart looking for my damned AAA card, and it must've fallen into the abyss because i can't ****n find it. -_- piss me off day i guess....and the clutter that's filling up the living room right now is giving me a headache. plus the fact im gonna be at fn walmart for 9 hours w/o a vehicle, 4 days in a row is gonna make me grind my tooth, the one that needs pulled. -_- it took me 30 minutes to clean out my car, i picked that sucker cllllllllleeeeaaaan! only thing that remains is my insurance and registration info in it and a few car manuals. trunk is empty and back seats is empty. man i complain about boredom and look what happens! and this time , i'm nearly broke. but.....i will gain strength from this **** experience...i just hope my insurance and cable companies can hold out for 2 weeks, and my local township doesn't end up sending collection agency after me.


so now i'll be owing let's see....next month:


$160 ($80 x 2) to car insurance

$160 ($80 x 2) to cable company

$275 for rent


that's what, $595.....that's not so bad actually....i make at least $900 a month...so that'll be $305 that i'll be making next month, well in 2 weeks from tomorrow anyway. and the end of this month since i'll be skipping the damned cable and insurance bills...i'll have $175...so that leaves me with $480 to pay for any work done to the car until freaking MAY....hopefully it won't cost all that much...but it will probably cost me more money than that.....


and on top of that i need more stuff for the car:


Registration Renewal...FTW! $36...

2 front tire tread.....$100?

Ball Bearing...??? i dunno how much that be.


after all that work the car should be in good order....at least to get me through summer. i just haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate having to rely on other people for anything. it makes me feel like ****.

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well i decided to go look through my storage areas in my apartment....and look what i found...my certification of release or discharge from active duty...


i got Chapter 11, and RE Code is 3....from what i read i need a waiver to enlist again. want to see my asvab scores?


GT: 107

GM: 100

EL: 101

CL: 104

MM: 094

SC: 102

CO: 100

FA: 100

OF: 99

ST: 103


now i wonder how hard it will be to get back in?


well i went to the goarmy.com and chated w/some recruiters, one said since it's been over 2 years i'm good to go. now just wondering about the careless driving ticket i got a while back....getting kind of a shoebox together with stuff to take to a recruiter (all paperwork i can find relating to army)

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Still exhausted.


Managed to drag myself into work for a few hours today and re-arrange and re-wire part of the monitor system racks. Had to build some cables to do it. Fortunately what I needed were all banana plugs at the ends... no soldering! (Thank God! In the state I'm in I'd be lucky to be left with any un-charred skin on my upper body by the time I was done.)


Now we have 12 discreet wedge mixes, and a seperate PFL wedge mix!!!


Trust me... it's a big deal. :dozey:


I updated my firewall this morning, and severely screwed something up: I'm now signed on for a 16-day trial of some security suite I don't want. I just wanted the basic, free Zone Alarm... instead I've been living with pesky warning messages all day.


Got to get this off my system, but I'm afraid it's going to totally mess with all the settings I had if I delete it and reinstall the other from scratch. Pain in the ass. Way too tired to suss this thing out tonight. Sounds like a morning problem.


The only other issues I have in my life at the moment is that my 1 remaining cat has apparently decided she like to use the cellar floor for her business more than the litter boxes. :rolleyes: This is a problem... but again, one I'm really not dealing with tonight. *Sigh*


Oh... and I have the cold-sore (or fever-blister, or what ever your fav euphemism for "herpes breakout" is...) from HELL on my top lip. No... scratch that. I have no top lip at the moment... just one giant mass of puffy, oozing flesh.


Must of bottomed out my immune system this weekend with all my little gallivanting and jaunts. Hard to believe,.. yet here we are.


Need more sleep...

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well looks like my car is gonna sit until i get my AAA membership card....i dunno what the hell happened to my old one? its probably in my car......


o yea...today is pay day...heh kinda funny...guess i'll be depositing that into my account tomorrow....i really should have direct deposit....

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I will never have a girlfriend, but I see many guitars in my future...


Sometimes I get down that I'm never going to get married or have kids or any of that.


But $75,000 on college is four to eight motorcycles I can buy instead. Hell, I wanted three kids, that's $225,000! The single engined plane I want is only $192,000...

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Well, when you put it in strictly financial terms... then there's probably no advantage to having a wife and big family.


But it's really all that unnecessary and messy emotional crap that just gets in the way of truly enjoying my extended bachelorhood...


We gotta see if we can do something about that...

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Sometimes I get down that I'm never going to get married or have kids or any of that.


But $75,000 on college is four to eight motorcycles I can buy instead. Hell, I wanted three kids, that's $225,000! The single engined plane I want is only $192,000...


This kind of thing always makes me think about what an incredible waste of time it was for me to major in computer engineering and get a good "real" job. Yes, I do very well for myself now. But what's the point? What do I need it for? When I was choosing a college major, I chose whatever I thought I could do well at that would also get me the most money. Not that I wanted a lot of stuff. Really, I think I have pretty much everything I could ever want. I'm sure I will buy the occasional musical instrument, but other than that, I have no material dreams. But I made that decision because I assumed I'd have a wife and children that I would need to take care of one day.


But now...it's not even something I think about. One time in the last seven years there's been a girl who's caught my interest. With that kind of statistic, it's a pretty good bet I'm never going to find anyone. And since just finding "someone" is not a goal of mine, I'm never going to just go out looking to meet someone. I frankly doubt I would even enjoy marriage or be very good at it - I'm far too much of an introvert.


I just always think that if only I had been a little smarter about it when I was 18, I would have just majored in music and been happy in my life's work. Sure I would not have had much money, but if I only ever had myself to take care of, that would have been fine. It's not that I'm unhappy with my job now - it's a great job with great people. But I have no personal interest in it. No passion for it.


Ah well, that's life I guess...

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lol that's true ed. less stress...


so yeah im waiting on the towing company to call me to get my location i might call work and tell them i might be late...think i need to be here with the car for towing company...well, they have an hour and a half to get back to me...at least i have a triple a membership so the first 3 miles are free, i think that's about how far i am from the transmission place.


gonna get the transmission looked at and hopefully it's not too expensive to repair. if it costs more than $400, i'll just go buy a used car i guess and hope it outlasts the payments. -_-

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One time in the last seven years there's been a girl who's caught my interest. With that kind of statistic, it's a pretty good bet I'm never going to find anyone. And since just finding "someone" is not a goal of mine, I'm never going to just go out looking to meet someone. I frankly doubt I would even enjoy marriage or be very good at it - I'm far too much of an introvert.


I just always think that if only I had been a little smarter about it when I was 18, I would have just majored in music and been happy in my life's work. Sure I would not have had much money, but if I only ever had myself to take care of, that would have been fine. It's not that I'm unhappy with my job now - it's a great job with great people. But I have no personal interest in it. No passion for it.


Ah well, that's life I guess...


If it helps at all......


I have a twin brother. He's a fairly intelligent individual, had no social life outside of church during his undergraduate studies here at U of I in Chemical Engineering. He spent 90% of his time on school, and the rest on chruch. NEVER had a girlfriend all of his undergrad save once for two months during the summer.


Graduated #1 in his class with a 3.99 GPA(B+ in Frosh English only non-A). Not exactly socially.....gifted. I had issues getting to him to come to a party I would throw for our OWN birthdays.


Goes to MIT, not exactly a haven of females, for graduate school. 2.5 years later, he's married to a fellow Chem E grad student.


None of us saw it coming, we figured him for gay or single for life


so basically, he's as nerdy or socially whatever as you consider yourself, and out of the blue BAM relationship and marraige.

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I just always think that if only I had been a little smarter about it when I was 18, I would have just majored in music and been happy in my life's work.

Not too late. Never too late.


Take some night classes. Do some online courses. Perhaps even take a vacation off from work this summer, and come visit me in Boston and take a week-long summer music program or 2.

(I'm using the offerings from my place of employment as mere examples, since they are what I know... I'm sure you could find other programs just as good...)


A couple of things to consider: There's money to be made anywhere if you are smart and talented... even in the music business. Just need to find a unique niche, and exploit it for what it's worth.

The richest person I have ever personally met is a jingle writer. Used to write and sing on the jingles McDonald's used. May still be doing it.

Every single time on every TV and radio station that one of those jingles played anywhere in the world, he generated several royalty fees; as both the composer and performer on those recordings.

We was a multi-multi millionaire. All for coming up with a catchy little 5-second jingle tag, and perhaps a day or 2 in the studio recording all the various versions of it.

And McD's wasn't his only client...

He could spend the rest of the year collecting massive paychecks and making the music he really wanted to make... even if nobody was ever going to hear it.

Same thing goes for Thomas Dolby in a way. He holds the patent for the software that allows you to download and play various ring tones on your cell phone. Now he can make the music he wants to without worrying about surviving on it.

(Perhaps you could turn you computer science and musical backgrounds together for some advantage. Ever think about working for a company that makes sequencing/ digital recording software instead? Or a synthesizer manufacturer? Guitar modelling company? Lots of possibilities...)


However... sometimes even the best career can become "just another day on the job" though. You can get jaded and bored with anything when you have done it long enough.

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I just always think that if only I had been a little smarter about it when I was 18, I would have just majored in music and been happy in my life's work. Sure I would not have had much money, but if I only ever had myself to take care of, that would have been fine. It's not that I'm unhappy with my job now - it's a great job with great people. But I have no personal interest in it. No passion for it.


Ah well, that's life I guess...




the choices I made when I was 18 I would like to change.........


of course, I have 150+ hours of college credit and one bachelors and no minors.........




do your best with what you have, thats all anyone can do.


Coulda woulda shoulda's do nothing but cast doubt and possibly guilt on everything you HAVE accomplished Keyan, and thats not good!

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Yeah, if you're a marching band dweeb or something. But I'm talking about the great symphony orchestras of the world, here! I'm talking about the most brilliant pianists! The most gifted composers! I mean, not that I would be one of those guys, but maybe they'd let me hang out with them or...or something...:(

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wanting to be a music major = nerdy :p

Yes. Yes we are. :dozey:


And I'm even nerdier than most, as I went into music technology... so on top of the music-nerd factor, there's the whole electronic-and-computer-technology geekyness.


It's the best of all worlds. Unless, of course, you might actually want to get laid ever again in your lifetime. Then you're pretty much S.O.O.L. :rolleyes:



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Well, I'll try this again... (I tried to post this info last night, but the browser glitched, and the post was lost. It was late enough that all I wanted was to go to sleep, so I walked away from the PC and off to bed grumbling expletives under my breath rather than tackle it all over again.)




Got the new rubber "Marley" stage covering unpacked, cut to length and shape, and laid out. Just need to go back in today and kick out all the wrinkles and bubbles, a final trim, and tape it all down. Shouldn't take long at all.

There's also still a little wiring I need to do in one of the monitor system racks as well... but hopefully I can get both done in short time, and get home again right quick.


I have more shows all weekend, then right back into another busy week... so if I don't catch up on rest today, it's just not going to happen.


Was in bed early last night. God! I'm starting to feel old! I can't seem to stay up past 11 o'clock at night anymore... no matter what time I got up that morning. What the hell has happened to me? I used to be ed the night-owl.


Now I feel like I should be living down in southern Florida, spending my days playing shuffleboard, and catching the early-bird buffet special, before crashing shortly after the evening news...

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Yup. Everybody catches it at some point in their lives! :p


Uhh,.. hold on, I have to take care of something...


"HEY YOU KIDS!!! GET OFFA MY LAWN!!! YOU DON'T WANT ME TO GET UP OUT OF THIS ROCKER, LET ME TELL YOU WHAT!!! THAT'S RIGHT YOU BETTER RUN!!! DON'T YOU BE STICKING YOUR FINGER UP AT ME!!! I'LL HAVE THE COPS HERE IN A MINUTE!!!Eh... young punks... What's wrong with kids today? Where the hell are their parents to discipline them? Whole world's going to hell...*grumble... mumble*"

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It's the best of all worlds. Unless, of course, you might actually want to get laid ever again in your lifetime. Then you're pretty much S.O.O.L. :rolleyes:







I have a cousin getting his Ph.D in French Horn right now thats about the nerdiest thing I am related too. He is a total bore and his dad who is my least favorite uncle spent 3 hours to me explaining why my cousin education is so much better than harder than my brothers Ph.D in Chemical Engineering. :rolleyes:


mind you, the whole family knows that hes getting his PhD because he well, has failed for the last 3 years to get a performance job and because performance is what all his degrees are hes basically SOL.


Not that I have ANYTHING against performance, just him and my uncles attitude and bragging

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