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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Well, we got all the Marley to lay flat, wrinkle-free, and taped down. It was easy for the most part. One sheet of it was a chore-and-a-half, however.


Never got to the monitor rack. Maybe if there's some free time tomorrow...


Still wiped out. This has really got to end...


Oh well... off to bed.

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work was boring. after lunch ended up getting sent to help unload freight. meh.


im trying to find my stupid traffic violation ticket thing for this goarmy.com recruiter, shes gonna tell me what i'm eligible for....can't stand the search for paperwork....i found my old dd214 in a box in the back of nowhere. at least i'll have 2 copies of it now it'll probably take 2 months to get the one they'll email or mail to me.


dunno what i want in as, i think military police would be cool, as i've always been curious about law enforcement and security stuff, and it would open up doors in that field down the road...

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hmm maybe i should go this route...i'd kill 2 of my past goals with 1 stone, really...




Computers are essential to every division of the military. Information Technology Specialists have the great responsibility of maintaining, processing and troubleshooting military computer systems and operations.


and since computer stuff kinda comes naturally to me, well kinda...this could get me to where i wanna be? i dunno. maybe this one:




Intelligence Analyst

The Intelligence Analyst is primarily responsible for supervising, coordinating and participating in the analysis, processing and distribution of strategic and tactical intelligence.


i think i like the first one more though...i'll have to research more, but i may end up going with it...


my dad somehow discovered my intentions to join and is worried. o well.

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Easy day at work... if a bit longer than I would have liked. At least the band's engineer and lighting designer had half-a-clue and no attitudes. Makes the day go quicker...


The show tonight: Mariza.


I don't know what the hell is up with our place and Fado singers... this is like the 4th or 5th Fado show I've seen in the last couple of months. Not that I'm complaining... they've all been pretty easy money for the most part. But I've probably heard more Fado in my lifetime than perhaps I would had I grown up in Portugal...


It's snowing out. Heavy, wet, sloppy snow. Blech... Hope it's gone by the time I have drive back in tomorrow morning... but I'm not planning on it.


Internet and e-mail has been down most of the day at work. I've been going nuts. Jonesin' for my fix.


With no other entertainment as the show progressed, my boss brought in his copy of 'Borat'. It was better than I thought it was going to be from the previews... but I'm still glad I didn't pay to go see it. Still, a couple of good laughs.


Well,.. gotta feed my addiction a bit before bed. Later, boys!

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i couldn't bloody sleep....got maybe...2 hours? mind is active..


i keep thinking of what i wanna go in as...and suddenly it hit me......why don't i do this


go in as the information technology specialist, do 6 years, if i get tired of that i could change mos to military police, 6 years of that, then go on to intelligence analyst? i dunno it seems good to me. now im looking for my damn traffic ticket (when i was charged, etc) and gonna send the rest of that info to the recruiter and see what im eligible for....


sux that im losing sleep over this. :( the people got the temperature like freakn 75 degrees and i can't sleep. might as well do something useful!




i think that drink right there is the cause of my lack of sleep. damn it. of course i did drink it in 2 separate times...wait.....i remember now i had that on my lunch break and i had half of a vault on my 15 minute break, and drank the rest before i went home....but that is VERY rare for me to not get sleep cause of caffeine.....i guess it didnt help with the heat being on.

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One of those days, in a perfect world, (or, at least in one slightly less run-amok...) would have been far, far easier and shorter and smoother.


However, this is not that world,.. is it?


Sucked. In at least 12 ways.

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its frickin warm here now! highs in the 70's


next week should be back to reality in the 50's though....


My twin was here with his wife this weekend. They were not what I would call social butterflys before, and marraige has made them annoyingly boring now. We did nothing the whole time but watch TV and a movie(Thank you for Smoking, which was excellent).


I did do some shopping thought, and I may be purchasing something very soon.


what do you guys think of this:


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yea its like 54 degree here man! nice weather today......tomorrow i work. gonna have sister take me. meh. then im stuck there for freakin 9 hours. maybe i'll sell a few digital cameras while i'm there. or that nice hd camcorder...

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F***! F***! F***! F***! F***! F***!!!!!! :mad:


What a sh*tty night. And it hasn't even really begun yet.


Way too much stuff. Way too loud. Not enough information. Too many last-second changes.


Really not the night I wanted to have.






Well,.. survived the show, but didn't enjoy it.


Got to work in a foul, foul mood... and absolutely nothing the rest of the day threw at me changed that in any way except for the negative. Only got progressively worse as the day progressed.


I feel utterly capable at the moment of biting the heads off of small, cute, cuddly, furry things.


My mind is full of evil.


Well,.. goodnite! :)

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well that sucks. i went over to my parents' for supper, had salad, spaghetti, it was good. tho i think i ate way too much. :(


got a email from the online recruiter, she's forwarding my info to a local recruiter...just glad i told my mom and dad what i plan on doing so they at least have a heads up this time. Last time i was stupid and didnt research any of the jobs, and took whatever they had...very stupid of me!!! at least this time i'm like 75% more informed as to what jobs there are, what i possibly qualify for, what i really am interested in, etc.


my main goal atm is to lose like 15-20 pounds, online recruiter said i'm 11 pounds overweight according to the bmi thing. guess i'll be walking, running, and riding bike for a few weeks to lose it.

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11 pounds with some excercise and diet change will dissappear quite quickly!


I can't WAIT for my stupid fed tax return, should be here anyday now, a really nice leather riding coat just went hella on sale and I want it bad!

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I need to lose some weight. I need to find time to exercise so that I can lose some weight.


Lately my life has been working, or attempting to rest up in the extremely limited time I have so that I can work some more.


That whole plan of having a social life this year has totally hit the skids. No time for it.


Oh well... there's always next year. Or give up on the idea completely and say "Oh well,.. there's always next lifetime..."


Now,.. if I only believed in an afterlife or reincarnation. :dozey:


Work was slow and dull.

Overslept this morning, and had to rush out to get to an appointment to discuss technical issues with a student doing something special for some upcoming show.

Turns out she showed up almost 2 hours late. :rolleyes: Well, I really had nothing else going on, so it wasn't a big deal.

She was super-cute too,.. so it was difficult for me to get overly upset with her once actually in the same room. Yes... I am aware that's a very male attitude to take. Sue me. ;P


The college's IT department was having an ice-cream social in their recently upgraded building to show off their new digs. Very nice... and free ice-cream to boot. Win/win. A good way to kill a decent chunk of a slow afternoon.


Long day tomorrow: 11am meeting. Set up and test video and electronic audio for an orchestra rehearsal (same girl tho... oh, twist my arm...) then setting up and running through Thursday night's concert... which is always huge and chaotic. All the international folk music from around the world. 10 or more different bands with almost no instrumentation in common. Fun stuff.


Looks like bed early tonight as well... maybe I can take Friday off, though. Another long one on Saturday again.


It never ends... well, I guess it will for me when I drop dead. Which doesn't really feel that far off at the moment.

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work was boring...took us all day to get the film processor working. at least it went by fast though. tomorrow i do not work.


i think i know what vehicle i want to look into getting......I want to get a HUGE Van. a real van, not one of these SUVs/mini/mommy vans. have it painted gray or green....that would be cool.


i dunno what im gonna do tomorrow...probably go over to my parents' and go take the hunting blind out of the woods. that's gonna be fun...I hope that 2 foot of snow we got the other week didnt ruin it.


maybe i'll wake up tomorrow morning and go for a jog....i usually walk 1 mile to get to my starting point then i jog for a bit, then run, jog, run, etc til i run out of breath. it will probably take 2 weeks to get myself to be able to jog the whole way without stopping...i wanna be able to jog 4 miles to start, then run jog a mile, run a mile, jog, and run...then run the whole way. my main goal for that is 2 miles in 13 minutes, which is gonna be tough but it's 100 points...and that part was the hardest for me at basic, so if i can get that down i'll just need to work on my pushups and situps, i can do a good amount of pushups now, situps are a bitch for me, i dont have a "couch" i have a chest full of stuff, heavy enough to hold my feet down, but it's still tough and i feel slight discomfort in my neck and thighs around rep #23.


and i do need to start forcing myself to drink 8 glasses of water a day, as that helps alot in weight loss or so i read/hear.


i guess my one goal is accomplished, in that i stopped playing games as much as i did last year, and am once again trying to get a life. :joy:


@edlib: sounds cool. i work with a cute girl myself, not single tho. I wish i was as cool as bond, james bond. :(

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I really don't have any idea of her status... just know she is easy on me eyes. :)


She is currently a student... while technically not exactly totally off limits (at least not in the way of a female student who worked directly under me,..) I can see where it would most probably be somewhat frowned upon.


So I'll just ogle when and where I can. (Subtly,.. of course.)


I can't imagine she could ever be the slightest bit interested in me, anyway. Actually... I honestly can't currently think of any member of the entire female population of the species I currently know who might be, or who could ever be interested in me.

I just don't seem to inspire that kind of reaction in the opposite gender. Most of what I get is utter indifference towards my existence.

That's generally the best I can ever hope for... because the most common alternative reaction seems to be sheer undisguised revulsion.



My friend used to have an A-Team style van. Painted it flat olive-drab with all matte black trim. It looked scary. That's what you should do.

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well i just walked/jogged/ran/whatever my 4 miles. I really need to get my lungs used to that, and my stupid right side needs to stop cramping up on me...gonna try this workout: http://www.military.com/NewContent/0,13190,Smith_070604,00.html basically training for a marathon. it was really nice out today...took me over an hour to go the 4 miles. i walked most of it. jogged maybe 1/3? if that. lol

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