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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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MAN! Have I been in a nasty, nasty mood all day.


Almost feel sorry for all the folks around me. Almost.


If they didn't work me so hard I could get some rest and also some things done around the house... then I'd be in a better mood, probably. But here I am working another long ass day while things are going completely to hell in a handbasket in my personal life. **** 'em. :dozey:


Ah, well... back to work. See you much later tonight... or more likely tomorrow morning.



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what personal life? ;) yeah i hear ya...that sucks. i kinda am spoiled being part-time....dont gotta worry about those 5-6 days in a row. the paycheck suffers and i need a car....but otherwise im good. one thing ya could do ed, is drink a couple rockstar energy drinks...those helped me at the jay group, numerous times. and some of those caffeine pills. by the time you are on your 2nd rockstar drink, anger shouldn't be an issue, at least you won't realize that until it's too late....hahaha.

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Well, tonight didn't go as bad as I imagined. Ended before 10. Still a nightmare... but not one quite as bad as the one I conjured up in my mind, anyway.


Yeah, by the time I leave work tomorrow night I'll be on my 10th day straight without a day off. And then it was only 1 day. And most of them before and since have been long, hellish days.


Part of the reason I was so bull**** earlier was that I got up this morning and was reminded of the area meeting we had (and you all already know exactly how I feel about those....) So I had to rush through my morning routine to get out even close to time. And I was still a little late. Not that I missed anything. Or even would have if I had chosen to sleep in later.

But I just really don't care for the logic of scheduling early morning meetings for a group of people who have to work late every night. Why mornings? Can't the same stuff be covered as effectively at 2?

Bit then, after all, I had to rush out of the meeting to go straight to work anyway... setting up the stuff I discussed with that student yesterday.


I'm totally burnt out. It's WAYYYYY too early in the semester for me to be this toasted. This is the easy, slow part of the Spring semester. The worst part is still ahead of us.


I'm truly not a pleasant person to be around when I'm exhausted. I'm the first to admit that...


I really hope I can sleep in a bit tomorrow... or I'm sure that I will commit multiple homicides before the day is through.


Headin' home...

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got alot of sleep...slept from 9-8. i don't feel tired though. :D didn't wake up with a charlie horse, thank God! usually get them after i run. so far this morning i managed to wash all the dishes, and for breakfast i had french toast and frosted shredded wheat. mmm mmm good. i only made 2 slices of french toast though, cause whenever i make it, if i make more than 2, somehow the egg and vanilla and milk don't go on the bread right and it looks like ****.


now im gonna go walk to post office and get the mail. yaaaaaaaaaaay!


my hair needs shaved again....it's in the thick stage......


work today is at 12....so maybe i'll go for a 4 mile again.....i dunno prolly not a good idea, don't want tendonitis, that **** hurts.

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11:20 pm... going home.


Show went well.

However; I've been feeling flu-ish all day, though. Throat on fire, body aches, weak and tired, head spinning, feverish, overall blah... Yep. Good times.


Seems my balls-to-the-wall candle-at-both-ends-as-well-as-the-middle schedule has finally caught up with me. Or spring allergy season has arrived with a vengeance. Either way... it is teh suck.


Hopefully tomorrow I can rest enough to clear it out of my system and face Saturday's shift... as well as the coming week of joyousness.


Later, boyoz!

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didnt run yesterday, ran this morning. i walk 1 mile then i run a mile and back to where i started running, then walk the rest home. the walking before running helps alot...at first i thought i was gonna be hurting, cause my shins started to feel the road under my feet, but once i got to my 1 mile mark, it was gone. it takes about 20 mins to get there, by then im warmed up and ready to run. i timed myself and am capable of running w/o losing my breath for about 4.5 minutes, rest about 2 minutes, then run again. i sprinted about a minute near the end of my 1st mile of running, and on the way back i ran up a hill. i'm so glad the weather is warming up. :D

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Feel a little better today than last night. Still gonna try to take it very relaxed today, though. I want to work tomorrow's shift. (I've already put in the pay voucher for it, and it gets to be a real pain in the ass when you hand off a shift you've already put in for...)

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ooowwwwwwcccccchhhhhh staying over at my parents watching the pets, and slept on the couch..did most of my laundry...went to go back to sleep and i think i popped a rib out of place or something because right now my ENTIRE left side is in pain. it hurts so bad. what do i do? ignore the pain?

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Walk it off!


Yeah... I dunno about that one. If it doesn't go away in a short while have it looked at.

Still have your appendix? That sounds exactly like what happened to my friend when his was about to burst. Was fine one minute, crippling pain on his left side the next.


I'm feelin' a little better today. Gonna try to make it in to work today after all.

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better not be my appendix....i'm saving for a damn vehicle as it is...pretty sure its a muscle. probably from sleeping on the couch plus the running i did yesterday.


on second thought, it's weakness leaving the body. i'll be just fine. :D

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Well, I'm hardly a MD...


Could be just a muscle pull or strain... I also had that in my right side for a couple of weeks in 05, after doing all that shovelling with all those blizzards in a row. Hurt like hell.


Good luck with it...

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The band tonight: http://www.myspace.com/dbrmission


Turned out pretty good. They were all super nice people, and it turned out they were happy with the mix. I don't think I did anything special or out of the ordinary... but hey! I'll take a compliment where I can get it.


Usually I mix exactly the same way for a regular weeknight student or faculty show, and all I ever get is attitude and hear about how the sound in our place is always so terrible all the time.


So,.. go figure. :dozey:

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My understanding is the appendix is on the right side of your body, so any sort of left side pain can't be the appendix doing whatever it is the appendix does. Also, I've read that the pain doesn't start on your right side, but starts roughly under the navel and migrates on over to the right.

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yeah thats what i read....ed you scared me. =P



pain is still on the left side, it is slowly subsiding.....


rent is due today....yay. o and happy april fools day. sucks that i have to work. -_- get paid on the 5th. cable bill will get payed then, and the rest will be money to get a car with...or rather, save up for a car with. =\ wish i could just walk to work, that would save me ALOT of money. that would save me a little over $160 a month! figuring gas and insurance, considering that the car is paid for and i don't owe anything on it.


i have off of work tomorrow so i'll probably go on another 4 mile run. i wish i had an mp3 player to take along with me since nobody wants to go with me..

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Like I said before:

"I'm hardly a MD..."


I just seem to remember that my friend had pain in his lower left side... but that was close to 20 years ago.

It was the sudden, unexpected onset of blinding pain I was responding to anyway... not really the location so much. All I remember is that we were out hiking in the woods, talking and joking, when he doubled over in agony. No warning.

He was rushed off for surgery as soon as we could make it back to his place.


I do know from experience that gallbladder pain is on the right side (I had mine out when I was 17...) that's why I didn't say that.

That hurts like hell! Avoid if at all possible.

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