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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Got a busy day planned. Ugh. :rolleyes:


First: get taxes done. Way too damn lazy to do them myself. I'll pay someone to do it for me (and take the fall if something turns out wrong.)


Next: Shopping. Grocery, that is. Just about out of everything.


After that: Laundry. Yah-effin'-hoo. :dozey:


I have a huge list of other things to do as well... but I honestly don't see getting to those today. I'll consider it an epic achievement if I even manage to cross these three things off my list.


I hope I get some serious money back on taxes this year. That's gonna be the basis of my new computer fund. This year, for sure...

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Didn't make out as well as I would have liked on my taxes... a little under $1,500. The way he originally calculated it I had over 4 grand coming back... but that turned out to be wrong. Damn. :( But in my heart I knew it was way too good to be true.


Oh well, every little bit helps, I guess. It's still better than owing money.


Well... off to the laundry room.

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just had to tell someone who's father like died that he couldnt have copyrighted pictures. (i only saw 3, and its obvious they were taken in a studio)....he disrespected me so i called the fitting room to get on the walky talky and tell a manager to get over to the lab. if i would've stayed any longer, i would've said something very crude.

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Didn't finish laundry yesterday. Bummer.


I'll have to do it before and after work this week. Oh well.


I did finish the stuff I needed desperately anyway, though, so I should be in OK shape for most of the week.


Watched "Happy Feet" on DVD between loads last night. Good animation; too cutesy; too pop-culture-y. Some of the references and song choices seemed a bit adult for a kids movie. That stuff bugs me.

Overall... (other than some examples of killer CGI animation): didn't like it that much.

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I need to do laundy bad!


went to see Stellar Road in concert sat night, that didnt last long, they were pretty good, but it was hoit, really crowded, and no seats anywhere to be found. My knee barely handled the hour I was there.


I bought that ring as well.....but it won't be showing up till the 11th as its being fitted right now

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ugh woke up a bit late today.....later than usual.


I watched Babel last night, that was a pretty good movie. Very similar to the movie 'crash' though.


for breakfast this morning i made scrambled eggs...that should be enough to last me til i get back from the 4 miles..gonna start at 11ish and be back around 12ish i think...drinking a glass of water right now. my side still has a tiny ounce of pain but it will be fine.


tomorrow i work 5-9....and then im off on wednesday, and i work 12-9 on thursday, and im 5-9 on friday, then i'm off on saturday.....it's alot like a vacation! lol..


glad i broke my mmorpg addiction...and can focus on running and losing all this extra weight. i weigh 185, i want to weigh between 150 and 160 ,though my post-bct weight of 145 is good too....pretty sure i can lose it in 2 months, i just cut out most of the junk food and soda, do that 4 miles every other day as well as riding bike.

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went to see Stellar Road in concert sat night, that didnt last long, they were pretty good, but it was hoit, really crowded, and no seats anywhere to be found. My knee barely handled the hour I was there.

I bought that ring as well.....but it won't be showing up till the 11th as its being fitted right now

"Standing-Room-Only" kinda sucks, doesn't it? Don't know who coined that idea... but they were psychotic.


Never heard of that band... gonna have to look them up.


Well,.. good job with the ring-thing!

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they were a jam band esk deal, 3 dudes, 3 guitars, all sang, very DMB like albeit less talented music wise, and of course, no drums....or brass or strings.......



and thanks....now I just have to plan out how this whole giving it to her thing goes (giving her the ring that is :D )


as for standing room only, i think it developed by pervs cuz all it does is get girls felt up hardcore by random guys as they sneak by.


One guy actually had the nerve to squeeze my gf's but as he went by :duel:


he was impossible to get my hands on, probably for the best........

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Soundcheck sucked (band arrived way late,.. had to push them off stage to open doors.) Show went OK (a sax mic went down during the first song. Always a pain in the ass to deal with that kind of stuff while the band is playing. Threw me off my game for the rest of the night.) Ended early = Good. Makes edlib happy. :)


Going home. Appointments and meetings all day tomorrow, so it's an early morning for me,.. again. That does NOT make edlib happy. :(


Random thought I just had whilst typing:


I have not played Asteroids in a very long time. I love that game. Gonna have to play a couple of rounds as soon as I get home.

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was a pretty nice day out, had a decent run...getting used to running longer distances, good fun! made french toast for lunch...almost out of groceries again. damn it. at least payday is thursday....but then i owe cable bill...and might as well pay insurance early too while im at it. **** having any money to do anything with. **** it all.


watched the new 24 episode....i've tried to keep away from it and watch them in order, but looks like i won't be getting the second season any time soon. thanks to my low wage income....ah whatever. at least i'm not a pregnant woman.


found this sweet radio station and whenever i drive my dad's truck i blare that...its a hard rock station and it PWNS cause they don't play that old 50's-60's **** on weekends.


right now im listening to chronix, internet radio station. its cool. and my sister's cat is pissed because she doesn't have soft cat food. too damn bad.


tomorrow im going to ride my bike. that might be fun.

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Another random thought I had on the way home:


You know what would be an interesting way to die? Getting mauled and torn apart by an angry, feral pack of Daschunds. Or maybe also Yorkshire Terriers... but I think Daschunds would be better.


You can be sure people would talk about your death for a long, long time afterwards.

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Probably has a lot to do with sleep deprivation... but that's exactly what crossed my mind at that particular time.

Not quite as tacky as pink flamingos, anyway.


Current random thought:


If it weren't for pornography and violent 3D video games,.. most of us would still be logging on to the Internet with our 14.4 dial-up modems, logging onto something like CompuServe, and reading text only messages on our 14" monochromatic CRT screens attached to our 186 machines with a couple of dozen K of ram, and probably less than a gig or hard-disk space... and probably be happy with it.

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nothing is wrong with 50s and 60s, if it's played on a 50's 60's oldies station!!! the top 40 stations play half decent music on the weekdays, but on the weekends they switch to 50s and 60s, now tell me...do people that generally enjoy that music tune into the station on the weekends to hear the same stuff they hear on the 50's 60's station?


took my bike down to the car wash and got the tires pumped up w/air, and went on a 4 mile bike ride...now that was FAST...lol only took a little over 30 minutes...the bike rides MUCH better now that it has enough air in the tires :D

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Exhaustion tends to turn my thoughts very dark indeed. The first thing to go is usually my sense of humor...


But I thought I'd keep you all posted with the unexpected spittings of my stream-of-consciousness. (Well,.. such as it is at the moment.)


R.T.: Time for chili!

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I also recall reading that porn is the reason VHS beat out Beta. They could fit two movies on VHS instead of one on Beta, as VHS tapes were longer. Beta never got longer than 3 hours, but VHS was like 8-10 hours. Plus VHS tapes were $5 cheaper than Beta tapes.

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BETAMAX looked and sounded much better, too. Plus, Sony didn't want to be involved with something so unseemly as adult films, so they made the mass dubbing technology expensive to licence and own.


Which is exactly why the technically superior Blu-Ray will almost surely be eclipsed by HD-DVD for all the exact same reasons. Most porn distributors have already adopted HD-DVD.


Ya' think Sony would have learned that particular lesson the first time.


Got home from work, dropped my things, and went straight to bed. Did not pass "Go," did not collect 200 dollars... Just woke up a couple of minutes ago.


Was like a zombie in work all day. Actually... I was probably worse than that. Next to the state I was in, my co-workers probably would have preferred to be around the zombie. A zombie would almost certainly have a better personality, and be more fun to talk to.


It sucks that all my free time I have not working is spent sleeping, though... but I guess it's better than making myself ill.


Tomorrow's event looks to be an easy one... but I've learned to reserve judgement. I've been burned by the seeming simplicity of a concert too many times. The less stuff on stage, the pickier people can get about where it's placed, how it sounds, how it's lit, etc...




I wonder if there's any money to be made in the oracle business? Seems to me that it's a niche market waiting to be plucked, and if you could make a name for yourself you just might do well... I wonder if I could work out of my house, or would I have to pack up and move to Delphi to be taken seriously? "The Oracle of Quincy" doesn't quite seem to have the same ring to it. I'd probably have to learn Greek too... that could be a bit of a setback. I wonder what the rent is like around Delphi? I bet the food around there is great, though. I love Greek food... although I might just get sick of it everyday. Too much Feta...


R.T. #2:


One post away from the 5K milestone. Go me. I seem to be averaging a little less than 1000 a year, since it was at the beginning of last year's thread I hit 4K. Most of those have been here, since I haven't really posted anywhere else for a while... I just don't have that kind of time anymore to trawl the rest of the LF network to look for interesting threads to splatter with my accidental wit and wisdom all over. Hopefully the majority of it has been less than spamtacular, too... though I honestly make no promises.


R.T. #3:


I almost cannot believe that the Google Toolbar spell check function has the word "spamtacular" encoded in it, but it does. It corrected me on the spelling. Wild.

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congrats ed!


work went ok for me...i went in with the mission of getting as much of my assigned maintenance completed as possible within a 4 hour time frame. Managed to get everything except P1,P2 racks, the p2 and p4 racks, and the circulation filters and wells. once i finish the racks i am finished with the monthly maintenance.....on the LP2000/370 Fuji Color Processing Digital Mini Lab Printer or whatever the **** it's called.


omg...my 13,666 post!!

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Yes... I most certainly do. But seeing as this seems to be the sole extent of my social life these days, and the only human contact that I can seem to even be able to find time for, that is unlikely to happen.




It's highly unlikely that I will ever win a Nobel Peace Prize.


(Note to self): That is no excuse to commit genocide, however. No matter HOW MUCH the rest of the species annoys you at any given time.

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****ty day today.....makes me remember why i hate spring. ****ing rain and clouds. burn the world. -_-


atm im waiting for bloody steam to update counterstrike and hl2....gonna see how they run on my computer...if it doesnt go well, gonna play Morrowind the rest of the day...

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