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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Taxes? Pffft! He still has one expensive hunk of jewelery to pay off! That pretty much offsets anything he could have ever saved on his taxes with this action, anyway... so even saving anything on next year's taxes is pretty much out.






There is absolutely nothing good to say about anybody over the age of 45 with a lot of tattoos and piercings.

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Wha? I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about... I never watch that show. Pics might help... ;)




To me it makes perfect sense that circumcision is a concept originally based in religion.

Otherwise, some guy would have had to come up on it on his own,.. and then convince everybody else that it was a good idea. Imagine some tribesman sitting around a campfire with his buddies, swapping hunting stories and drinking some fermented beverage of some sort, when he suddenly blurts out: "Hey! Y'know what I think would be a great idea?..."


I just don't see it happening.

No... that is something that really had to come from the mouth of a deity to truly get the masses to comply, I believe.


R.T. #2:


Of all the things we should be thankful for that we were born into the age we were, modern high-quality toilet paper should be pretty damn high on that list. If you even stop to think about what some of the alternatives might be...


Another thought: Early T.P. manufactures at some point started to label their paper as "Now splinter free!"

Which, logic dictates, at one point, that must not have been the case. :eek:


I don't know about you... but my mind refuses to go there.

Yes, you should each get up every morning, and be totally thankful you were born when you were... and not back in "The Good Old Days..."

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An attack helicopter for Nute... STAT!


Oh wait... on second thought...




I never get much of anything for my birthday... except the unfortunate realization that I'm just that much closer to death.

I'm usually incredibly depressed and angry around the time of my birthday, and tend to snap or growl at people who wish me a happy one.


But then I don't really celebrate birthdays anyway. I have a strong dislike of annual rituals.


Well, happy belated one, Nute... or whatever.








Sounds like something we should have a telethon for to raise awareness and money for treatment and a cure... doesn't it?




Well just got through the show. Had a lousy night. not because the show was bad or difficult... but because my crew was really pissing me off.


Nobody was paying any attention to me at all, all day, and I had to keep repeating myself over and over... and everything was still getting set up wrong.


The one thing that really made me mad was that somebody ran a bunch of mic cables from front-to-back of the stage... something that we never do here, since it creates a trip hazard. And after I said not to do that, at least twice tonight. (And at every other show we have ever done.)

But I only noticed this after soundcheck was done, and just as the doors were about to open. I was told to chill out since everything was neat and taped down. It would be all right. They took care of it good... no problems...


Of course, someone tripped on stage during the show, in front of the audience.


Fortunately, he wasn't hurt, but he could have been if he had clipped his head on one of the monitors or something. But I have more than a gut feeling there's going to be a rash of meetings about this for the next several coming months.


Grrr... :mad:

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Hmmm? Oh yeah... that. Sure, I guess.


But it's unlikely that was known when it first started being done. And even if it was: just imagine being the first guy to try to convince all your buddies to do it with you. Seems like it might be just a bit of a tough sell. No wonder God himself had to be the celebrity spokesman for the practice.


That's all I'm saying.




"Don't Fear The Reaper" is pretty gloomy and a bit of a downer for a pop song, IMHO.

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i was watching something on history channel about the Maya indians, and omg....those stupid spanish people burnt all those books except for 4 of them?! with that being said, when is apocolypto supposed to be out on dvd? i want to see that...


speaking of movies i wanted to see....I saw 300 last night, my landlady's son sent a copy of it. That was a pretty good movie, though what was on the history channel was pretty much the same thing only different actors, and not so many monster-like people.

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Not if you have enough cowbell in it. I gotta have more cowbell, baby!

By that standard, "Mississippi Queen" has to be like the greatest song ever!


And funny enough,.. it is!






I've been seeing a lot of Asian girls walking around wearing cowboy boots, lately.


This never fails to arouse my curiosity... as well as a few other things...




I'm getting another blasted cold-sore! Gawdammit! I just got over a couple. My lips haven't even fully healed up from the last round yet! Not that I really even have lips at this point... they're really just some flaps of scar-tissue that cover my teeth. :rolleyes:


WTF!!! :mad:

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"Axis Of Evil" comedy show tonight. I hope it's funny. I'm so tired (went to bed at about 1:30 last night, then woke up at 5 this morning and never managed to get back to sleep...) that if it isn't I'll probably pass out at the console.


Another long day tomorrow. I hope this ends early.

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well today was a slow day at work...


though i do have full time status now...signed the paperwork and availability thing, so i better get the 40 hours a week...tho less free time...o well more money maybe i can get an xbox 360..!


talked to someone at work about a jeep she is selling, she is selling it for like 7500..it's in good condition, it's automatic and needs a little work on one of the wheels she said in a few months down the road so it's nothing major...now i just gotta find out what year, how many miles, and then get a hold of my insurance and see how much my rate would increase...and if it doesn't increase too much, gotta check my bank and see if i can get approved for a loan, which i doubt they're gonna entrust me w/because of those few umm...overdraws i had. but since i'm on as full-time now...


then i'm still thinking...omg if my insurance goes UP and the loan is approved but has a HIGH interest rate, it's not gonna be worth it, and i'll just be living paycheck to paycheck like i'm doing now on part-time...do i really want that?


i don't know...7500 seems like ALOT of money...that's like...15 entire paychecks...which is 30 (full 40 hours) weeks worth of work!!! but my interest rate would prolly be high...........the thing is, i never "bought" something that expensive before...i think the most expensive thing i've ever bought was my buick lesabre (RIP) for $800 from my cousin...and that lasted me a little over a year, i think i spent a total of $1500 on that, getting it fixed and all. and then my next car, i spent $400 on it, and about another $600 for the struts, muffler, and that thing i just bought i forgot the name of it. :) that's like...$2500 for about 3 years time, and its not all at once..that's the thing...cept they like to DIE on me at the worst possible times, usually when either i have a nice savings and it's increasing and then i drain it from fixing the damn things, or it leaves me out in the dust for a few weeks til i save enough to buy another....or just keep relying on other people for transportation to work, which will SUCKAGE once my full time hours kick in if i dont have a car then...

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after like a year of being broke, someone finally hired me to do work. just retail nothing fancy. more to pay the bills for the next few months while I try to figure out what i'm going to do with myself when i'm done with college (which is like three weeks from now).

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Heyyy! Nice new avi for Nute! Hubba hubba! :naughty:


Last night was a couple of laughs. Nobody made me roar... but it wasn't embarrassingly awful, either. The headliner was pretty good.


I've got the "2nd Annual Urban Music Awards" at work today. Hmmm... Probably the less said about what I think of this, the better. :dozey:

Didn't work it last year, but the general impression I got from the collective post-mortems by those that did was that somebody was attempting to do the Grammys on a sub "High-School-Pep-Rally" budget.


Then 2 WHOLE DAYS OFF IN A ROW!!!! Egads! What a concept! Has anyone ever thought of this before?!?? :dozey:


Unfortunately, they are already planned out to the second... and a giant list of "Must-Do" chores that simply can't be put off anymore... so there's really no chance in Hell of actually doing much of anything fun or restful during that time. Sonofabitch. :rolleyes:




I need to reinstall and play through the Freespace games one of these days... along with XWA. Those were some seriously kick-ass games!

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lol i wish i didnt have to work today....it's SOOOOOooooooooooooo nice out, if i had my fishing license i'd be out trout fishing.....but i'd be by myself and fishing alone is not as fun.


made pancakes for breakfast....why i try to eat more than 2...i can't finish 3 without feeling like throwing up.


i'm kinda having doubts about joining the army...trying to make a backup plan anyway in case i choose not to go through w/my current plan of enlisting. this full-time thing at walmart looks alright...though i fear i will grow very BORED of my job after this summer. actually i'm bored of it NOW...sucky.


think i'll still check into that jeep, get all the quotes and stuff...i did a little 'math' and if i make at least 1,000 a month, i can get by with a $350 a month payment...this is ONLY if my insurance only goes up to $100 a month. (and assuming i get a loan from the bank that allows me to make a payment like that..i got no idea how loans work, really.)


maybe i should just tell the lady no and avoid the hassle altogether, but then there's that desire to know if i could indeed, afford making that payments....though i would suffer with only $100 a month to spend on myself (food and groceries) i think it would just kick my ass, and worse if they decided to drop my hours to 34 or less, i wouldn't be making $1k a month, and would starve to death.


i should probably just take advantage of my dad's and sister's vehicles til i have enough money to just drop the bomb and buy an inexpensive (between $500 and $3,000) car.


so if i run into that lady today i'll just tell her uh...i went over my budget and i don't think it's a good idea, beings that i don't have credit and my insurance would probably go up.

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I need to reinstall and play through the Freespace games one of these days... along with XWA. Those were some seriously kick-ass games!


That's not a bad idea. I've played XWA fairly recently, but another playthrough of the Freespace games could be fun. I was trying to play through StarLancer again a few months ago, but it crashes occasionally on Windows XP, and I can't seem to make it through the last mission without a crash...

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