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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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today was boring....woke up in a sweat my landlady/landlord in their divine wisdom decided it was still winter.....that sucked!


I went to work, and it was a SLOW day. No angry customers though! o yeah...yesterday i had a deaf customer....he ordered a copyrighted picture over the internet. no offense to deaf people, but arguing with pen and paper IS SO MUCH MORE FUN THAN ON INSTANT MESSENGER!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111 (i'll take a picture of the "transcript" tomorrow night)


eh dropped truck off at my parents, and came home and watched carlos mencia, reno911, southpark, and halfway home/house? now im tired.


o yea we're trying to entrap a stupid old lady at work. the hag's been stealin, nothing was done the first time she was caught. i pray to God that the camera catches it when they look tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will be so happy....no more annoying old lady that says "get the counter" when she's fully capable. she lost a lung to cancer from smoking and she still smokes, i personally think if she is that stupid, she still steals, whether it be company time, or printing off a picture without customers permission and not paying for it...i hope i'll be closing by myself on tuesday, though it's basically the same as closing with her.


mean but true.

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So I actually did pull out Descent: Freespace and play through it over the weekend. For a miracle, it actually works perfectly fine on Windows XP. Man, that's a great game. I think I'll play some Freespace 2 this week.


Also, the whole weekend I had the synth riff from Rush's "Tom Sawyer" in my head. Not the whole song, just those twelve notes. Every time I passed a piano or keyboard in my house, I'd stand there and play it for a minute.

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Aah, Tom Sawyer. And Huckleberry Finn. I did not read many books when I was young, but read these like a hundred times when I was about 10 or 11. Sometimes 3 or 4 times in a row. If I remember right, I only read circa 20 different books (read: not comics) as a kid. Mostly Jules Verne.

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"It's Saturday night; I have no date; a two-liter bottle of Shasta and my all-Rush mix-tape!




I've had Zappa's "Montana" in my head all weekend (as was hinted at by my last "Random Thought" entry.) Been annoying people walking around singing it all day.


Work was long, but relaxed. Art came withing seconds of cancelling the show, however. Wasn't happy with his high range last night. Held the show 15 minutes, but then decided to go through with it after all.

His crew was easy to work with. Good thing too... I was so tired all day that it wouldn't have taken much at all to make me snap.


Not looking forward to the rest of the week, though... but I'll get through it somehow. I always do.


Yeah, Freespace. Gonna give them another go at some point. When things slow down for me... if they ever do.






Time to change the CDs in the car changer. This last batch were a pretty poor mix.

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shut my alarm off at 8, got 2 more hours of sleep. i have to go to work in an hour. yuck.


this is day 5, tomorrow is day 6....yuck. used to working every other day, it was much more relaxing...i get to close w/the old guy...yay. :rolleyes: honestly, i don't like working with people that are over the age of 50. they piss me off, i hate picking up other people's slack. I guess i'll do all my weekly maintenance when i go in..first thing i'll do is the crossovers and circulation filters and wells, then all i got is the air intake filters to vacuum and the drip tray. piece of cake. hopefully no angry customers today...I refuse to give in to that fake sympathy ****, and come off as rude i guess. too bad....so sad.

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So I actually did pull out Descent: Freespace and play through it over the weekend. For a miracle, it actually works perfectly fine on Windows XP. Man, that's a great game. I think I'll play some Freespace 2 this week.


I demand you burn and mail me freespace 2


Copies are impossible to find, and I even know 4 guys that work for Volition and they can't even find them.



still so busy I can barely get by...so tired......

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Never seen it. Unlikely to with my schedule.


Leaving work. Got my board labeled and configured. Didn't get as far as setting any mics yet. The lighting punks are still doing their thing... and I really don't want my mics slammed around while they are dickin' with movers, or re-weighting electrics, or whatever the hell it is they do all day. ;)


Have to set up tomorrow.




I have an ingrown hair in my beard. It's all swollen and hurts like ****!


Evolution (or Yahweh, if you prefer...) really dropped the ball on that one. Ingrown toe-nails too. Bleargh.

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bittorrent it ed! its worth it!

Don't have Bittorrent either...


Seems like one of those shows that I'll let finish, go off the air, then catch up on with On Demand or DVDs long after the fact.


Same goes for Lost. Everyone tells me how great it is, but there's no way I could ever catch up/ keep up with it now. Maybe someday. Later...


Just watched some Buckethead videos on the ol' On Demand though. Damn! That guy is a force of nature. I've been playing guitar for almost 20 years now, and have seen thousands of amazing guitarists play in person... and I still don't know he does all the **** he does. And these videos were from like when he was a kid! 16 years old or something! And he was still wayyyy scary.



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yeah Lost is awesome. i missed a few episodes thanks to the damn time change they did, used to be on at 9, then they switched it to 10. lame move. i'll end up getting the box set anyway so it doesnt matter......as for 24, at least i can watch tonight/last night's episode on their myspace site i think....lol tho i do need to watch seasons 2-current lol i did happen to catch the last 2 episodes, i love that show it's my favorite. :D

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I mostly watch (when I can) Mythbusters, Simpsons, South Park, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Nova, and Frontline.


Pretty much other than that, TV is dead to me. If you unplugged my cable, I doubt I'd even notice right away.


Work wasn't the most pleasant experience I've ever had... but then I expected nothing less. Probably the less said about it, the better. Except I guess I simply don't know what the **** these people expect! I'm busting my ass trying to make a near impossible situation (over 50 channels: 8 lead singers, 6 background singers, 3 strings, 5 horns, 2 screaming electric guitars, acoustic grand piano, 2 synth keyboards, very loud bass, slamming drum kit, percussion...all playing at their full dynamic, and all at the exact same time!) working in under than half an hour, and sound totally perfect at the same time,... (And I honestly thought I had it sounding GREAT for the circumstances...) then I start getting comments like: "So, tomorrow night you are actually going to try to make it sound good, right?"




Then I get to leave work at 11:30 and head home with crowds of obnoxious, loud, drunken Red Sox fans. Made for the perfect night.

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Heroes, The Unit, House, I'm behind on House and Jericho pretty bad these days, But I hear from coworkers the last few Jericho's until last week blew ass.


I watch numbers on occasion and I am going to try and catch up on Rome and check out the tudors soon

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well today was boring. i stayed inside made my tuna cheesy pasta meal, drank like half a gallon of hawaiian punch, played Morrowind a bunch, watched 24 on myspace, went over to my parents' for supper and then to dunkin donuts for ice cream, stopped at blockbuster for movies i picked up night at the museum and clerks, watched clerks, gonna watch museum tomorrow.


i think tomorrow that i'll go ride bike, this time i'll ride farther than 2 miles away, think i'll go out to 4 and see how i feel after that.



i question myself... why do i feel lonely all the time? or, why DON'T i feel lonely all the time? when i look at it, even when im chatting or posting at message boards, i'm technically alone...yet i don't feel that way at times...

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I was thinking that

maybe I'd get a maid

Find a place nearby

for her to stay.

Just someone

to keep my house clean,

Fix my meals and go away.


A maid. A man needs a maid.

A maid.


- Neil Young

"A Man Needs A Maid"



Hmmm... it's an idea.


But I'm pretty sure what I'd have to pay one to deal with the messes I create would bankrupt me.

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Today was fun...went for that long bike ride, i'm guessing it was 6 or 7 miles altogether, got chased by 2 dogs on the way back, going up a hill, that was fun.


I went w/my sister to the city and got a few shirts from jc pennys. mainly shirts that comply with the new dresscode at work. navy blue....****.

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