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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Someone decided to give me a job after several years of no one wanting to give me a job and I've been waiting for like two weeks to actually start. I hope they call me tomorrow. I was in there last friday and the manager told me it would be this week or next week then I happened by on sunday again to buy pants and she said it would be this week. I want to get money :(

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Take my job. Please.


****ty, miserable day at work.


So now I'm officially frustrated with EACH AND EVERY aspect of my life.

Today, everything hit the skids, and went as wrong as could possibly happen.


I'm half toying with the idea of simply scrapping it all, going off the grid, and disappearing into the wilds of Alaska or something. Just one day grabbing a few things, hopping in my car, emptying out all my accounts, changing my identity, and then just drive until I run out of road,... and leaving every part of my old life behind.


If I just mysteriously stop posting some day with no warning or explanation, you'll know what happened.


Me and Zoomie... down in XWA history together... A.W.O.L.: Absent With-Out Lucasforums. :dozey:

Maybe I'll make it my quest to find him in person before I keep going North.


Random Thought:


You just read it.



Not really all that random, though... It's a fantasy I've been playing a lot in my mind lately. Seems more and more appealing with each passing day.



Probably not a good sign... :(

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Can't even get a day off. A vacation is out of the question.


What I REALLY need is for people to recognize we are under insane limitations of time and technology with these shows, and to just back the **** off and realize that it can't meet everybody's version of perfection... and to just lay off of all the goddamn pressure already.


Maybe I can meet one person's vision of perfection... as long as somebody lets me know just who the hell this person is, so I can listen to them. I just know for sure that it isn't me...


So I just need all that... and a girlfriend.


However, I have zero realistic expectations that either condition will be met in any way, shape, or form in the foreseeable future.


Like I said... I can't even seem to manage a full day off.





Sorry guys... you caught me on the worst day of a long string of bad days. Don't mean to take it all out on you... but maybe I'll be able to get to sleep if I vent out the worst of it before I even attempt to go to bed,.. so I don't just lay there, tossing and turning... and grinding my teeth into powder...

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burn a bridge dude. that's what i had to do at pizza hut. though i dunno how much money you're making and if it would be tougher getting another job making the same or more.


my sister was telling me how people that work at the new york city home depot (if there is such a thing?) make like $20+ an hour to start, after they're hired full-time they could transfer to say, a place that has a much lower cost of living, and be making the same amount. now if that actually works, that sounds like an excellent idea.

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I made over $70K last year... with full benefits package. I'm bound to pull in a bit more than that this year.


It's a lot harder to think about leaving a job when you are making car and mortgage payments. Pulling up stakes on a job when you don't have anything lined up while shouldering that level of financial responsibility is way too scary for most people to contemplate. It sure as hell is for me.


I have no plans to leave it at the moment, anyway. I'm just blowing off steam so I don't explode.


Honestly,.. I like the job and the people I work with. It's just these last couple of weeks of every semester are always a balls-to-the-wall non-stop pressure-cooker... and during that time I don't get anywhere near enough sleep or exercise, and end up eating like crap for a month.

It starts to drag on me, I get burnt out, depressed and angry... then they put me in charge of the sound on all the super-high-profile shows, where everything has to be better than perfect.


Afterwards nobody ever says anything like "That was great!" No... all I ever hear about for the next couple of months is every way that it was at all less than perfect. Every little glitch and flaw comes back to haunt me until we do the next show.


I get frustrated.


I wish I could change it... but that's just the culture of the place, and the nature of the system that has evolved over the years. I'm not seriously thinking about leaving the job... but I sure wish I could find a couple of days to decompress... or make other people chill out and stop being so uptight about a live rock concert.


Problems occur in the live concert world. The nature of the beast. If everything was 100% absolutely perfect all of the time it would only mean you are playing it way too safe and not reaching for anything new outside your abilities. I just really wish that folks could relax about these shows and say: "Well... that was 98% amazing!" and stop harping on the flawed 2% for the next 8 months.


But I'm already positive that I will be attending more than one meeting over what happened with that last 2%.

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Hope you have fun!


I'm working tonight. Go figure. :rolleyes:


It's a comedy show, though... so that means good extra money for almost no work. Low pressure.


John Pinnette. Not familiar with him. I hope he makes me laugh. I need a good laugh.

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i work tonight too. :p though i only work 5-9. easy shift, it's not even like working, really...3 hours of dealing w/customers than an hour for shutting down and then get out of there. working 1-10 tomorrow...the beginning of my full time hours. at least i'll be making $500 a paycheck now. not that it'll be used for anything, gonna be late with my cable bill again. damn it.


tomorrow is the 3 year anniversary of starting bct, well officially sunday cause the stupid delay and the plane didnt take off. seems like it was yesterday, and yet forever ago.


It's only 10? damn i woke up early. already had breakfast so i think i'll clean up my room and lift some weights. just got done playing morrowind for a bit...


I NEEEEEEEEEEED a car....wish i could get one for $3000...pay $300 a month and get it paid off in 10 months...wish i had a credit card.....i tried applying at jc penny yesterday but they ****ing declined me, i don't know WHY. i hate that! wonder if it's cause of that ****ing north american hunting club sending me a collection notice a while back, that i did pay.? or just cause i never had a credit card? it's bull**** whatever the reason.

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where everything has to be better than perfect.


Afterwards nobody ever says anything like "That was great!" No... all I ever hear about for the next couple of months is every way that it was at all less than perfect. Every little glitch and flaw comes back to haunt me until we do the next show.


I get frustrated.


I just really wish that folks could relax about these shows and say: "Well... that was 98% amazing!" and stop harping on the flawed 2% for the next 8 months.


But I'm already positive that I will be attending more than one meeting over what happened with that last 2%.



I know how you feel. I can do a good job sometimes and not get any mention about it. if i do, then its a good thing. but mostly i do what everyone else does, and then get bitched about it.

and when i do a little bad its the end of the world and ill be hearing about it long after its gone.


like for instance, MY JOB, what the 'nature' of it we cant let anyone able to know exactly what-we-do and how-we-do-it with the likes. (if you're getting where im hinting at)

so we have a stereo in there. it's required. when we're out we're working and we have to play music to 'cover' the sounds that our equipment makes.


so one night, cus i work 12hr mids, we had 'Lynkin Park: Re-animation' in, and it went to 'High Voltage' track. little did we care at the time, 'high voltage' has alot of deep repeating bass.

Anyone who knows science/music/how$H!7works, knows that bass TRAVELS.


so at 2-oclock in the morning we get an LT pounding on our door to turn the crap down.





That was weeks ago. and I'm still getting **** for it.

It wasnt loud, it just had Bass to it. Didn't mean to have it travel. but it did. cant help it, other then not play the ****ing CD. but still. it was a big deal. could have just asked. 'turn it down please', which would have been fine.

The guy is a dick.



oh and that $70k that you get.

can i have some :D

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My problem at work this week was not enough bass. Or too much bass. Or the wrong kind of bass. Or something. It was never made particularly clear to me... Just that nobody was happy no matter what I did.


Funny thing is: It was a concert dedicated to showcasing the college's best vocalists. However, nobody ever seemed at all concerned about how their mics sounded at any point. All I got all week were comments about the kick drum sound, the bass guitar sound, the piano sound, etc... All the things I personally would put in secondary,.. or even lower status behind the singers.


Must be me.


As I predicted: There are several meetings scheduled about resolving it booked for next week already. So far I'm not included in any of them... and that's really the way I hope to keep it. Y'all jus' sort it out amongst yerselves, and get on back to me wit' whatchoo figger out, yeh hear?


Tonight was easy, early, and I laughed pretty hard at moments. Nice.


I'm far less inclined to advocate for the elimination of the entire human species now than I was 24 hours ago.

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woke up 8 am....got boredom going on, so i decided to edit one of my pictures and ship it over to walmart, give everybody a laugh...well maybe. i sent this over:




sent it in as a 4x6, sure i'll pay 20 cents for it, but i was bored! :D


it's beautiful outside! i should go get my hair cut...but i can't decide what i want done w/it, i think i'll just have it cut short and maybe put gel in it like i did 4 years ago.

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Back to work today. Hope it's easy. Doubts, I have... it's some Amnesty International benefit event run by a bunch of high school kids.


On the one hand: All these kids should be pretty overwhelmed by the amount of production they are getting on our stage. I'm sure none of them have played anywhere with the same level of technical support. It should be easy to keep them in line with just the "Wow!" factor alone.


On the other: They are high school kids.


God... I really hope they are truly organized. I deal every day with last-year college students who really don't have their **** together... not by a long shot... (people I wouldn't let organize my sock drawer, let alone an event you are charging people to see...) the idea that kids at least 4 years younger are going to be better prepared gives me pause.


Here's hoping for the best...

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Easy... but painful.


Organization was actually OK.

No attitudes,.. but also pretty shy on things like: Chops. Rhythm. Tuning. Ouch.


A couple of the bands stood out for me. They'll probably be pretty good in 5 or 10 years, if they stick at it. But for the most part, it was a fairly grueling ordeal, musically.


But then, I probably sounded the same, if not worse when I was their age.


I was just in no mood to be so reminded of that fact in this particular way after the week I've had.

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Day off. I plan on sleeping it away.




Won't you tell me: Where have all the good times gone?


R.T. #2:


I am a man without any hanger's-on. I really need to get myself a cadre of sycophants and bootlickers. An entourage. A posse of my home-boys.


Then I'll know I've truly made it.

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lovely morning i'm having. i go to make breakfast and scrambled eggs turn into scrambled charcole piles of **** so i threw them out and am currently waiting for the water in the sink to rise so i can wash some dishes. i'm over the muscle pain. now im just pissed.

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Yay! I got nothing of note accomplished yesterday!


I'm debating whether to take today off from work or not.


I don't think I will... I'd rather take Friday off if I'm going to take any day this week. Plus I'd rather save as much time-off as possible for later, when I can take it all off in a nice chunk and perhaps actually get something done around here.

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that is all I have to say for myself.


the fiance is cracking under the pressure of actually having a real job(not babysitting), going to school and spending too much time looking at wedding BS she doesnt need to worry about.


on teh upside....bike was fixed last week and I put 300 miles on it in 3 days.



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That reminds me to call about the progress on my Strat. Too late today,.. but first thing when I get in tomorrow.


I'm afraid I'm going to have to get confrontational with the guy. That's really not in my nature, and the idea of it doesn't make me happy.




I've given the guy a lot of slack, since I've been so busy lately that I wouldn't have been home long enough and have had time to play it much anyway. And it's not like I don't have alternatives... But when things slow down again in a couple of weeks I'm gonna want that one back again.


I think after 4+ months that I've shown more than ample patience.




Random Thought:



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