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Sith troopers in FoC ??


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No, I think he means Sith Soldiers, but the ones shown in the Kotor games. Those that were frozen (yeah, I think they were frozen, just look to the case around them. Looks exactly as the one used to hold Han on Bespin with carbonite) didnt looked like the ones we see on the games. Actually, they seemed to use an armor similar to the defilers. :snear:

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How old are these war popsicles anyways?


The link to the sith artifacts... it must be a few thousand years old, if not more.


And what are they for? More like, warriors of ancient times may be cool, but thewir equipmen many not fare well against more modern technology. Sorta like resurrecting some medieval knights in full armor... even if their equipment and what not are in prime condition, they would have a problem against even a few rifle armed rednecks.


Then again in star wars technilogy does not seem to progress too fast.

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Centerpoint Station is somewhat maintained thru out the history, and is probably upgraded a bit when it is fixed up.

Tuskens do use "borrowed" guns from time to time, their projectile weaponary are "borrowed" fom the locals so its not THAT ancient. Their sticks are also made of more modern materials "donated" by crashed ships, households and such.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the weapons mite be old, but as long as they got fresh tibanna (spelt wrong i think) gas they will be effective, also killing some one is still killing them, it doesnt matter if is a 9mm hand gun or a 109mm round from a tank, the fact is that there dead tru?


also on centre point (im up to the first of the new jedi order) i believe that havent even mapped half of it out yet, from what ive read so far its huge and made up of a lot of different bits, with more being added, so it would be hard to maintain, its just that its been built to last(my opinion of course, probly rong coz i havent read all the books yet)

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