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Loose Ends in Kotor II


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There had been some loose ends in Kotor II.

It was mentioned by Mira on the jungle planet that I could use the skins of the wildthings for some extra creds.


And the SlaveTrader on Telos Orbital Station, I could have sold or bought some slaves from him. I could have used that Gang of lizards who bourded my ship on Nar Shadaa, after I had taken it over, I could have sold some of those slaves.


And then on That one planet(Iforgot it's name) in which after the defeat of the palace, I had some options to say to General WhatsHisFace Vaclue.

Either a statue of me, the mighty Sith Lord or for him to give me all of his force sensitive peoples. Yay, my own Personality Cult. :bluflag2:


But, alas. Nothing had ever come of these things. So much potential.... :shock1: :lightning


This is the Pyro-GX from Descent 1,2,&3 by theway.:missile:

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The thing on Onderon, I assume you mean General Vaklu? Well either way, he would not agree to either of those things, so it doesn't really matter.


Actually, he DID agree to give up all his Force Senstives to my DSM Exile. "Better to give them to you than to Master Kavar." You can also demand for a statue if you save Dantoonie.


You never see the Force Senstives, nor do you see the statue...but those options are there for RP, as to stroke your Character's Ego.

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Well, he said he would hand them over once the current troubles are over and the Queen's insurgent forces are defeated. I assume that Vaklu will start sending the Force Senstives over to Malachor V to help out the budding Sith Order that the Exile founds after the DS Ending. After all, The Exile is going to likely leave known space to defeat the True Sith, so there has to be some canon fooder left behind to make sure the Republic is weak and ready to fall so that the DS Exile can come back and take over the galaxy. :)

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As far as the lizard people go in the spaceport: you can convince their leader to cut you in on the slave trade (DS) or kill him (LS).


You actually don't recieve LS or DS points if you spare or kill him, if I recall correctly. So, well, you can decide to stay in the slave trade even as a LightSider...(not for the canonical LSF Exile in wookipedia though, they call for 'most LS' action, and I doubt they see slavery as a LS action)

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That must be X-Box only, because I have definitely never had that option. You guys are talking about Chaamakt (leader of the Red Eclipse), right?


Yes. Hm...you have to go to the Engine Room where Chammakt is, and then you could intimdate Chammakt and persuade him into realizing that he would be better off working for you rather than be dead.

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That must be X-Box only, because I have definitely never had that option. You guys are talking about Chaamakt (leader of the Red Eclipse), right?


Actually, I always have that option when I play the pc version too. I remember it, because I thought it was odd that I could choose to let the trandoshan slavers live only if let them work for me as slavers, which amounted to a choice between too evils to me - either kill them (DS) or else let them continue to run their slave trade (also DS). And yet I never gained any DS points for either option...

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Actually, I always have that option when I play the pc version too. I remember it, because I thought it was odd that I could choose to let the trandoshan slavers live only if let them work for me as slavers, which amounted to a choice between too evils to me - either kill them (DS) or else let them continue to run their slave trade (also DS). And yet I never gained any DS points for either option...


This is usually done because there is usually a lot more variables that need to be done, so much to be kept, so...eh.


Anyway, you don't gain any DS points because, as you say, it's a choice between two evils. LS Players don't like DS points.

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That must be X-Box only, because I have definitely never had that option. You guys are talking about Chaamakt (leader of the Red Eclipse), right?

I don't ever recall having a conversation option with him at all... It's been a while. (I'm Xbox btw)

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