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You know what would be awesome? If Master Cheif leave the Terrans because the Covenant and the Human race allied together?


Why? Well, what is the Covenant other than an allaince of races working together? If the humans ally with the Covneant, the Humans are joining the Covenant basically. Sure, it might be a bit less...religious, but it is still the Covenant. And I doubt Master Cheif would be very happy about the Humans suddenly working with Grunts and worshipping Elitles. The Grunts and the Elitles killed a ton of humans, after all, and is the Humans' response is just to bootlick the Alien scum?


Would be fun in seeing Master Chief flip out.

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You know what would be awesome? If Master Cheif leave the Terrans because the Covenant and the Human race allied together?


Why? Well, what is the Covenant other than an allaince of races working together? If the humans ally with the Covneant, the Humans are joining the Covenant basically. Sure, it might be a bit less...religious, but it is still the Covenant. And I doubt Master Cheif would be very happy about the Humans suddenly working with Grunts and worshipping Elitles. The Grunts and the Elitles killed a ton of humans, after all, and is the Humans' response is just to bootlick the Alien scum?


Would be fun in seeing Master Chief flip out.



If he quitted the UNSC (at least during this crisis) he would be intolerant. Of course this new alliance isn't the Covenant. After all, the Covenant was almost just one race, I mean, the Prophets controlled all, and the other races were mere puppets of their wills.


What I see, are Elites burning with wrath, wanting revenge at all costs on the Prophets and Brutes. And a UNSC almost defeated, with an Earth that turned into a battlefield.


But, as Kreia (Kotor II) said:


To be united by hatred is... a fragile alliance at the best.


My expectancy for Halo 3 plot is very, very high. And, what started as a cliched aliens-species-trying-to-kill-humanity, turned into a deep epic.

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Pre-ordered it last year lol, i think about it every day!!! cant wait for it to come out!!! Also wats this on Grunts and Hunters joining forces with humans ? i wouldn't expect that even if they are rivals against the Brutes, Drones and Jackals. But what about the Elites ? and the Arbiter, won't they join humans too if you claim teh Grunts and Hunters will.

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my understanding of the game was that the elites sided with the humans at the end due to a combination of the Arbiter switching sides and the Prophets displaying their distrust of the Elites by putting the Brutes ahead of them. my guess would be that the other races would either side with the Covenant or the Elites and that would determine the humans' allies in Halo 3.


actually, come to think of it, i'm not entirely sure that the Elites have truly sided with the humans so much as they simply broke away from the Covenant and are seeking to control it. my guess is that they could temporarily side with the humans in order to achieve a greater goal: control over the Covenant. then again, that could just simply be me thinking of an interesting plotline. ;)


either way, there is no way that i won't play Halo 3 when it comes out.

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my understanding of the game was that the elites sided with the humans at the end due to a combination of the Arbiter switching sides and the Prophets displaying their distrust of the Elites by putting the Brutes ahead of them. my guess would be that the other races would either side with the Covenant or the Elites and that would determine the humans' allies in Halo 3.


actually, come to think of it, i'm not entirely sure that the Elites have truly sided with the humans so much as they simply broke away from the Covenant and are seeking to control it. my guess is that they could temporarily side with the humans in order to achieve a greater goal: control over the Covenant. then again, that could just simply be me thinking of an interesting plotline. ;)


either way, there is no way that i won't play Halo 3 when it comes out.

What about the hunters and grunts, were'nt they sided with the elites too, and should join them in the truce with humans ?

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the Hunters and Grunts that sided with you in the Halo 2 campaign were under the command of Elites and thus stayed under their command during the insurrection. i'm not convinced that the Hunters, Grunts, and other non-Elite races that were under command of the Brutes and/or Prophets actually switched sides.


what we do know, however, is that a lot of Hunters and Grunts would've likely switched sides due to the number of Elites that had a command position in the Covenant's Military. that does not mean that all of them switched sides. heck, i'm still not convinced that all of the Elites switched sides due to them not knowing what happened or extreme devotion to the Prophets.


just my two pennies. ;)

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Hunters and Grunts are loyal to Elites, i hope they stay together and thus the three-way war between the humans, grunts, elites and hunters vs the brutes, jackals and drones stays on. It would be stupid if Elites 'join' the humans...all this time of kicking a**...don't you think it would be stupid to change sides so quickly.

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the problem is that article is from Wikipedia. information that's posted there isn't always very accurate, especially if the articles are written by a bunch of fanboys.


don't get me wrong, there's a great deal of factual information on Wikipedia (i myself use it all the time a source for various essays), but when it comes to something that is based largely on speculation (such as Halo 3), the articles can be rather lacking in facts.

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What I'm saying that the last part of the article solves their problem, like the factions, which is accurate, the grunts and elites, along with the hunters, have allied with the humans, and the Brutes have grown in number. Look for Bungie's video, where they disscuss the factions. :D

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What I'm saying that the last part of the article solves their problem, like the factions, which is accurate, the grunts and elites, along with the hunters, have allied with the humans, and the Brutes have grown in number. Look for Bungie's video, where they disscuss the factions. :D


Technically, not even all of the Covenant knows there's a civil war going on or that some have sided with humans, as shown in the Halo novel The Ghosts of Onyx. After all, you normally don't just side with someone when you've been sending their race to extinction for the last twenty-seven years. As to the factual information of Wikipedia, you would be better going to Halopedia. It is more in-depth and also well maintained.

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You know what would be awesome? If Master Cheif leave the Terrans because the Covenant and the Human race allied together?


Why? Well, what is the Covenant other than an allaince of races working together? If the humans ally with the Covneant, the Humans are joining the Covenant basically. Sure, it might be a bit less...religious, but it is still the Covenant. And I doubt Master Cheif would be very happy about the Humans suddenly working with Grunts and worshipping Elitles. The Grunts and the Elitles killed a ton of humans, after all, and is the Humans' response is just to bootlick the Alien scum?


Would be fun in seeing Master Chief flip out.


I don't mean to be rude but ah I don't think "flip out" quite says it. I think the Master chief would first, go to onyx and find the spartan 2 survivors and spartan 3 survivors and go up to the elites and grunts guns blazing and kill em all then he would kill the guys who signed the peace treaty. I guess this because I saw a comic made by Bungie where the master chief was gonna kill and O.D.S.T. because he had a naughty picture of Cortana in his locker.


Technically, not even all of the Covenant knows there's a civil war going on or that some have sided with humans, as shown in the Halo novel The Ghosts of Onyx. After all, you normally don't just side with someone when you've been sending their race to extinction for the last twenty-seven years. As to the factual information of Wikipedia, you would be better going to Halopedia. It is more in-depth and also well maintained.



What you are saying about this treaty is true and false at the same time. During and after the events of halo 2, a massive covenant fleet, get this all Grunts, Jackals, Hunters and Elites attacked onyx home to the new weaker spartan 3 which 1 squad was wiped out by the sentinels another in slip space stasis and the third team assisted by spartan 2's Kelly Kurt and Linda and Fred as well as Dr. Halsey and Lieutenant Mendez These rogue covenant do not obey the arbiter thus they continue to wage war on human kind this info is found in the halo book: ghosts of Onyx. as of the end of halo 2 The master chief is the only spartan able to find since the rest of the Spartans are trapped inside a sentinel refuge which supposedly was made to protect humans in the event of halo firing.

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What you are saying about this treaty is true and false at the same time. During and after the events of halo 2, a massive covenant fleet, get this all Grunts, Jackals, Hunters and Elites attacked onyx home to the new weaker spartan 3 which 1 squad was wiped out by the sentinels another in slip space stasis and the third team assisted by spartan 2's Kelly Kurt and Linda and Fred as well as Dr. Halsey and Lieutenant Mendez These rogue covenant do not obey the arbiter thus they continue to wage war on human kind this info is found in the halo book: ghosts of Onyx. as of the end of halo 2 The master chief is the only spartan able to find since the rest of the Spartans are trapped inside a sentinel refuge which supposedly was made to protect humans in the event of halo firing.



I think that he's talking about Covenant that don't yet know about the news of the war. Some Elites fighint on the fringes of the galaxy, might don't know yet about the Rebellion against the Prophets.

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Hm...if you guys like the Halo Storylines, you be good playing the Marathon series as well (it can be downloaded for free for PC and MAC). It, argubly, has a better storyline than Halo, and reveal more about the concept of "rampancy". It had an enemy, much like the Flood, but more dangerous, deadly, and scary. It has an AI too, going through rampancy. It even got the Alien races waging a civil war...except you, the Player, is the one that started it. :)


Marathon is made by Bungine, as well.


One may even consider the Marathon series to be somewhat of a prequel to Halo. If you want to see the roots of Halo, play Marathon. (I hope to one day download and play this awesome game.)


[if you don't have time to play the game, you could Private Message me and I'll explain the story to you, in Halo terms. But I do suggest you play the game...it really is fun.]

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  • 3 weeks later...

I actually just put a pre-order down on this game. I am really excited to get it in November when it is supposed to come out.


Also, I was reading some of the first posts on the thread and I noticed that a lot of them said that the Arbiter had sided with the UNSC. I don't think that is the case. I could be wrong though, at least I hope I am wrong... I love the Elites.


Anyway, needless to say I am extremely excited about the game and I really can't wait to play it!:D

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I actually just put a pre-order down on this game. I am really excited to get it in November when it is supposed to come out.


Also, I was reading some of the first posts on the thread and I noticed that a lot of them said that the Arbiter had sided with the UNSC. I don't think that is the case. I could be wrong though, at least I hope I am wrong... I love the Elites.


Anyway, needless to say I am extremely excited about the game and I really can't wait to play it!:D


As of the end of Halo 2 all the elites on Delta Halo including the arbiter had sided with the UNSC. Now that the covenant has turned against the elites, and the fact that they now know the great journey is a lie, the elites are working with humanity to stop the rings from being activated. The final cutscene in halo 2 should say it all, where sgt johnson and miranda keyes are questioning the 343 guilty spark, the arbiter comes up behind them, not in aggression but as an ally with a mutual need.


Last lines of Halo 2 I believe


Keyes: Where, where would someone go to activate the remaining rings?

343: Why....the ark of course.

{arbiter approaches from behind}

Arbiter: and where oracle is that?

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As of the end of Halo 2 all the elites on Delta Halo including the arbiter had sided with the UNSC. Now that the covenant has turned against the elites, and the fact that they now know the great journey is a lie, the elites are working with humanity to stop the rings from being activated. The final cutscene in halo 2 should say it all, where sgt johnson and miranda keyes are questioning the 343 guilty spark, the arbiter comes up behind them, not in aggression but as an ally with a mutual need.


Last lines of Halo 2 I believe


Keyes: Where, where would someone go to activate the remaining rings?

343: Why....the ark of course.

{arbiter approaches from behind}

Arbiter: and where oracle is that?

OH! I forgot about that. Well then yeah I guess they do ally with each other.


Thanks for setting me straight on that DarthSion101.:D

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