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[Fic]Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic III: The Unknown Regions

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Hello all and this is a new Fic, co-written with Tysyacha, based on my KOTOR III plot. I haven't forgotten about my Sera Tana Saga, but when Tysyacha PM'ed me about an offer to co-write a Fic with her, I couldn't refuse. Anyway, she will be writing from the point of view of Tysyacha Dvukhsotnaya (LSF Jedi Exile) and I will be writing from the point of view of Diego Varen (LSM Revan).


Star Wars

Knights of the Old Republic III: The Unknown Regions


Three years have passed since the JEDI EXILE has left MALACHOR V in search of the missing REVAN, who is believed to be in the UNKNOWN REGIONS. Like Revan’s companions before, the Jedi Exile’s companions have also been left behind, ready to face their own path in the galaxy.


Since the attack on the CITADEL STATION on TELOS, the REPUBLIC ADMIRAL has managed to keep the crippled REPUBLIC strong, despite recent events. The JEDI ORDER are also returning, after they were crippled after Revan left the Republic. CLAN ORDO, the almost extinct MANDALORIAN clan are being led under the current MANDALORE, CANDEROUS ORDO, a former companion of both Revan and the Jedi Exile. The SITH however, have become crippled, like the Jedi Order before them and the Jedi doubt that the Sith will return.


Meanwhile, as a new threat rises in the Unknown Regions, aboard the IRON FIST, is the HUTT crime lord, SLOBBA THE HUTT. The Jedi have tried to stop his business of infusing the CORTOSIS crystal into weak FORCE SENSITIVE people, for three years, but to no avail. The Iron Fist currently resides over CORUSCANT, the current location for the Jedi Order. Aboard the Iron Fist, a mercenary, unaware of their strong connection to the FORCE is caught up in the events and will soon decide the fate of the galaxy…



One hero, one heroine. Diego Varen and Tysyacha Dvukhsotnaya. Revan and the Jedi Exile. The future of the Republic is in their hands. The future of the Jedi Order is in their hands. Most importantly, the future of the galaxy is in their hands. One hero, one heroine. Both of them committed crimes in the Mandalorian Wars and over time, both have been redeemed. Now the two of them are needed for the future of the galaxy.

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Chapter I - Never Trust a Hutt

Diego Varen (Revan)


Who am I? Am I important? Am I from the light? Or am I from the dark? I’ve seen both sides of the Force in my time. Once I was Revan, a strong Jedi Knight who fought in the Mandalorian Wars and began my path to the dark side as Darth Revan. The next, I was once again a Jedi Knight, this time as Diego Varen, the prodigal knight. I would be recognised as the saviour of the galaxy. Times were changing though and I would have to face my future.




Out of the small shuttle that I had been on for the past hour, I finally saw the Iron Fist. It looked very similar to the Leviathan, a ship that Admiral Saul Karath owned, during both the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. Saul had captured my companions and I and kept us on that ship. The exact same thing was happening to me again. Except this time, I would probably have a much better host. Slobba the Hutt. I had never trusted Hutts. Those slime slugs were in my opinion, the rear end of the galaxy. The last Hutt I remember working with was Motta the Hutt on Tatooine. It had been eight years since I last talked to a Hutt.


“You’ll soon meet my master,” The Twi’lek opposite me told me, “He is very anxious to meet you.”


I had the exact same thought. Soon, I felt the shuttle land inside the hangar of the Iron Fist. The guard grabbed me and dragged me out to the hangar. Many of Slobba’s employees stood. Was this the welcoming party? The strange thing was that I could feel the Force within the guards. So the rumours were true. During my travels in the Unknown Regions, I had first heard of Slobba the Hutt. After asking around, Slobba was an important crime lord from Nal Hutta and an important tyrant for the Unknown Regions. Other rumours were that he owned a palace on Sleheyron. More rumours were spread, this time about him being Force Sensitive. A Force Sensitive Hutt? I had never heard anything so hilarious. I knew now however, that it was no laughing matter. He had been using Force Sensitive crystals, known as Cortosis to infuse the Force into anyone.


The guard pushed me through the crowd of Slobba’s loyal followers. I knew from this point I would meet the Hutt.




As I was led to the Slobba’s throne room, I kept one thing in my mind. Never trust a Hutt. My first impression of Slobba was that I wouldn’t like him. I couldn’t be further from the truth. As I was forced into my seat, I decided to use this opportunity to speak first.


“Slobba the Hutt,” I began, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

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Chapter 2: The Exile's "Exiles"


Tysyacha Dvukhsotnaya, the Jedi Exile


"I can't believe it's been three years," I whispered to myself in the cool recirculated air of the Ebon Hawk. "Three years since I left them all behind. Mical, Visas, Atton--I miss them." Not so very long ago, although it seemed like ages, I'd brought them to Coruscant to rebuild and restore the Jedi Order. I could still see their faces:


Atton Rand, my perennial brave wisecracker pilot, was a Jedi now.


So was Visas Marr, the blind Miraluka, a redeemed Sith. She had given me the gift of Force Sight, although I still could not see my former master, Darth Traya, for whom she was until it was too late.


And Mira--the redheaded spitfire bounty hunter I met on Nar Shaddaa. She, too, had joined the ranks of the new Jedi, completing the great triumvirate of Jedi Sentinels, whom I hoped would become Masters.


There was also Mical, a Jedi Guardian, the Padawan I'd abandoned in order to fight under Revan in the Mandalorian Wars. He had decided to take up his new role in the galaxy with a wise yet fierce attitude. If anyone could transmit the knowledge and the wisdom of the Jedi, it would be he. There'd always been a trace of the historian in him.


Bao-Dur? Sadly, he'd given his life for us all in the depths of Malachor V. His spherical remote droid and G0-T0, the living space and "shell" of Nar Shaddaa's worst crime lord, had also perished when the Mass Shadow Generator that Bao-Dur reactivated tore Malachor V apart.


We'd barely escaped with our lives aboard the Ebon Hawk.


What of Canderous Ordo, the Mandalore, and the two other droids, T3-M4 and HK-47? Canderous had gone to Dxun in order to unite his clan under his banner, and as for the droids, I had left them behind to assist the new Jedi.


Now there was only me, alone, seated in the pilot's chair with nothing but a softly twinkling expanse of stars before me. My "exiles" were gone. I was the only passenger aboard the Ebon Hawk now, which had newly-changed transponder codes and the best repairs that Bao-Dur could have made before Malachor V was finally riven asunder.


I didn't want any more trouble with the Sith--the true Sith.


I reached out to touch the "exiles" through the Force. Were they there?


Suddenly, I heard a small echo: Exile. I suddenly remembered that this ship had a hidden compartment. I looked around. Whatever was causing that noise must be hidden within it. I sat still for a moment and listened again.


Hisss. A gentle whisper, beckoning me forward.

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