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[FIC] Revan and Exile, Sitting in a Ship...

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What happens when you get a LSM Revan and an LSF Exile stuck on a ship bounded together to battle the True Sith? You get something quite similar to this...


Revan: "This is a nice ship, no?"


Exile: "Really nice ship. Where you bought it?"


Revan: "Bought it? No. That's not the great general's way. I aquirred it via aggressive negogiations with a True Sith general."


Exile: "Cool! So somebody donated this ship so that we can destory the True Sith! What did the general say? Why did he betray his Empire?"


Revan: "I mean I killed the general and stole his ship."


Exile: "Oh. My bad. Did you manage to catch its name?"


Revan: "Eh. I just called it Revan's Flagship."


Exile: "Very...original. Okay, so here we are, on this ship. How long does it take to get to the nearest True Sith planet so that we can launch our plan to destroy them?"


Revan: "Say...er...I got this ship on autopilot. I don't know how long this would take."


Exile: "Wonderful."






Revan: "You know, sorry about sending you to Malachor V in order to get wounded by the MSG, and then using you as a tool to show the Jedi Masters how powerful I was."


Exile: "It's okay. You had to do it in order to save the Republic. Forgiveness is necessary. I bear no grude..."


Revan: "That's good. So, we're still freinds!"


Exile: "Of course. Too bad my other friends won't be coming with us. They would have served as valuable allies against the True Sith."


Revan: "I could not take the ones I loved too. Mission, Jolee, and Bastila..."


Exile: "Wait? Bastila?"


Revan: "Yep, the Jedi Princess. She's my girlfriend."


Exile: "Jedi aren't supposed to have girlfriends."


Revan: "We keep our affair a bit...underground. I'm fighting this war for her, you know. I don't want the True Sith taking over this galaxy."


Exile: "Bastila was the one that always was the most militant about you betraying the Jedi Order and fighting in the Mandaloiran Wars without the Council's premission. Never knew she would go in bed with you."


Revan: "Times change."


Exile: "What makes you think time won't change again? You could quite easily leave Bastila for some other chick, just like all immature men do?"


Revan: "I won't do that. I love Bastila."


Exile: "Good. Because I don't want you hitting on me. Sleeping with the person that tried to kill me...isn't exactly romantic in my eyes."


Revan: "Do you have any loved ones, back in that galaxy? You feel insecure."


Exile: "Somewhat. I know they can handle themselves, I know I trained them correctly. I just wished my boyfriends would be able to put aside their petty differences, and reform that Jedi Order together. But, I guess seeing you once more in the flesh and finally confronting that True Sith threat that was responsible for many major events in this galaxy is quite important. I just hope I live to tell the story another day..."


Revan: "Yes, yes it is very important. I thank you for coming with me.


...Wait. You have boyfriends?"


Exile: "What? Can't a girl have fun?"


What you see above is the begining of a short series of dialouges between Revan and Exile as they are stuck on the ship, waiting to battle the True Sith. You will see references to events in K1 and K2 right here, as well as commentrary from both LSM Revan and LSF Exile. I try not to think about what they say, to have it be spontenous (I want to give Revan and Exile a sort-of "free will" so that I can be suprised on what they are stating, as well as hopefully be enjoying [giving the characters free will seems like an interesting experience]. This will act as a filler, with me adding some more jokes and such, until either it gets stale and I end it...or hopefully, K3 gets announced. I'm hoping for the latter.


I hope you enjoy.

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