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Legacy Of The Sith

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"What's wrong?" Cade asked concerningly at the fallen woman. He walked over to her and helped her up. He couldn't help but notice a glint of a long, cylindar object in her bag. It was clearly a Lightsaber. Was Lyna a jedi? She sure didn't act like one to me, Cade thought to himself.

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Cass noted Lyna's reaction to something and frowned. She cocked her head, as if listening. Then, her eyes narrowed.


"That stupid son of a murglak," she muttered. Striding forward quickly on her long legs, she reached Cade and his companions in a matter of seconds.


"Hello, Skywalker," she said in a hushed tone. "Before you ask, no you don't know me. However, if you do not leave right this very instant, you may not leave at all."


She glanced around as if looking for something and then shook her head. "I have seen too many things in my lifetime to let a Skywalker linger where there is such danger. Take your friends and go. Now!"



((Mohunas, to make this interesting, please remember that Cass's Force signature is not what you would expect of a human, though she looks human. It's like a shadow from the past, the presence of a person who was in the room sometime in the past. He might comment on it, but Cass will brush him off... and she might tell him she'll see him again soon.


One final thing: the way I have it imagined, the name 'Cassandra Morgan' is fairly well known, especially since she's practically a legend. The name has been around far longer than the 37 years she appears to be. So you might have Cade ask for her name and be surprised when she gives it ;) ))

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"Woah, slow down lady! What's the problem?... and how do you know my name?" Cade asked frowining.

Wolf looked very hesitant as he too was looking around the room.

"She's serious, Cade. We must leave immediatly. I sence a great disturbance in the force..."

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The young blonde woman turned Cade to her direction. "Cade, look I...well, the lightsaber...the Force..." then Lyna shook her head and hand in frustration.

"Never mind, I'll explain later! But listen them. And me. I sensed something in the Force, and it's not a very good sense neither! We..."

Suddenly, they heard a crash. Lyna panicked. "We gotta go, now!!"

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((Hey, Muhonas, mind if I control Wolf, since I didn't get the privilege of being Cade?))


Slate hadn't moved far, he had just moved some distance down the line, past a couple people, so as to create a little barrier from the strange woman. He didn't like sudden, unwanted interaction, but when a person has such a strange, distant presence in the force, it doesn't help either.


He had felt the nagging feeling about the girl grow for a short moment, as she was gone from sight in the girls' locker room. She exited, screaming in pain at something, as she toppled to the ground. He saw the group of jedi question her, then they started commenting on something coming. The strange lady imposed once more, as it seemed to be her job or something to cut in on other people.


Finally, out of all the strange commotion, the girl seemed to panic, urging the group to get moving.


He turned his attention away from the group, trying detect what it was that disturbed them, though he could make a million guesses, and they could probably all be right, 'The Wheel' was a horrid, wreched place to be.


He closed his one eye, concentrating on the hub of the force, not 'The Wheel' or the people on it, he stripped away the metal and the durocrete, and all things nonessetial.


His eye snapped open as he quickly felt a blip in the force, one unfamiliar, one that was primal, and dark, something with a warped mind bent on nothing more than blood, and evolution. This thing was not of this galaxy it seemed, though it reminded him of the force beasts, or whatever they were called, that the sith created long ago, and utilised to their advantage.


He knew that if any one of the ones in the group died, other than the girl and the woman, then his mission was forfit, and his journey here, meaningless. He wasn't going to let this, thing, cause his journey to this cesspit be for nothing. He needed to gain an, ally, in this, one that would work with him for as long as he needed them, and wouldn't reveal his presence to the group.


Someone, who would not atract attention, even through the force. Someone who wouldn't haunt him if he used them as bait, or even a meat shield.


He stared at the group, those few beings were the only compatent ones on 'The Wheel' at the moment. Three of them could not know of his presence or purpose, the girl was too much of a liability; she was most likely unused to combat, and she would attract attention, both in the force, and to the eye, she was a dancer after all, she was fairly good looking, and he didn't need the eye of every sleezy thug being drawn to her, and him alike.


The only option was...her, the strange, fruit cake of a woman, though she too would attract attention to herself by means of sleezy men, she was the only one that had a presence in the force that could compensate for that. Plus, she looked like she was a good fighter, and she could hold her own in a fight, let alone be a useful piece of bait.


Now all he had to do was get her attention, without the group knowing. He looked around, until his eye set upon the table next to him, a near empty glass was on the table. He reached inside the glass, muttering an apology to the two women at the table who were talking and giggling to eachother and giving him glances, even before he had done anything.


They giggled to eachother when he did speak to them, he only found it a nuisance though. He stared a the object he was holding before he did anything. It was an icecube, of all the things he had seen in the galaxy; an icecube was a rare thing, he hadn't seen one in a long while, nobody used them anymore.


He put little effort into the throw, the icecube pegging the woman in the back of the head, square on the spot. He motioned to her with his fingure to come over to him.

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"Yes, go, go!" Cass exclaimed. To Cade, she said, "I don't know your name... just your family. And I've seen too many things in my lifetime to let another Skywalker stay in a place where there's as much danger as this."


Then, she felt something smack the back of her head. Twisting her arm around behind her, she caught it as it fell and brought it forward to examine. "An ice cube," she remarked. "How... creative."


She turned and saw the silent mercenary from earlier beckoning for her to follow him. With an odd smile, she said, "Well, well, ain't this a pretty turn of events."


Over her shoulder, she growled, "Go, Son of Skywalkers. We will meet again."


With that, she hurried toward the other mercenary.

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Solidus soon found his enterance in the form of a an airlock. A man, properbly a mechanic was fixing an outside panel. Solidus quickly turned invisable and began to stalk the worker as he went throughout his daily routine outside the station. Finally the moment Solidus had been waiting for came into action.


The worker made his way back into the airlock, unknowing to him Solidus was directly above him. The beasts claws were ready to tear the head off the worker as soon as the airlock which allowed him access to the rest of the station. That moment came briefly.


After hearing some comotion in the airlock, a lone technician then to see if everything was allright with his coworker. Once he looked inside he saw the corpse of the coworker he'd spoken to not twenty minutes ago. The part that most disturbed him that something was feeding on the body. A tall dark creature feasted away untill he saw the newcomer. The technican quickly turned and ran for the closest alarm he could find, unfortantally, the man was taken down by Solidus and brutally murdered.



((Sion, perhabs it's time for a certain Dark Lord to set up a blockade around the Wheel.))

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(( I am temporarily taking control of Darth Nihl as well, if anyone else further along in the RP joins and wants to play the role, they can feel free to take him over. ))


Darth Krayt eargerly awaited word from his beasts activity at The Wheel. He paced, his hands crossed behind his back.


His thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sounds of a loud beeping from his command chairs console. He almost sprinted to it, pressing it quickly and firmly. A voice shot through the comm speaker.


"My Lord Krayt, this is Admiral Rulf Yage, our agents report the beast has entered the wheel. Our fleet is standing by we await your command."


Krayt smiled to himself, as he immagined the total bloodlust and terror that his pet would unleash.


"Admiral Yage....position the fleet around the wheel, any ships attempting to escape are to be apprenhended, and all crews are to be placed under arrest."


"As you command Master." Yage retorted.


The Dread Lord cut the transmission and brooded quietly to himself. Soon Skywalker would be his or dead, it was inevitable.



A massive flotilla of Pallaeon class Star Destroyers burst out of hyperspace, in well coordinated positions around The Wheel.


Admiral rulf yage stood on the bridge of his command ship the Serpent Hand.


"Are all ships in position captain?"


"Yes Admiral, the fleet is ready."


"Bottle everything in, anyone trying to escape is to be captured. Any resistance is to be met with extreme violence."


"It will be done admiral."


The bridge door slid open open gently as Darth Nihl, Hand of the Dread Lord Darth Krayt entered. He gazed accross the command deck with his piercing red eyes, his long black hair draped about his shoulders. He strode confidently toward Admiral Yage, who was giving commands to his subordinates.


He folded his arms accross his chest as he stood in next to the Admiral. and spoke in a dry, and raspy tone.


"Is everything in order Admiral Yage?"


"Lord Nihl we are honored by your presence, but I assure you the situation is under control." Yage spouted


"Spare me your petty confidences admiral Yage. The Jedi and the brat Skywalker are not to be underestimated. I am here to make sure that you succeed in completing the master's task. My master does not tolerate failure, and neither will I." Hissed Darth Nihl.



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Slate pushed off the wall, but remained where he was when the woman approached him. He began in his icy, sarcastic voice alomost immediately.


"I have no idea what you have to gain from aiding those three...four, but I do know that I also cannot see them perish, I have an agenda to keep. You must know of this, thing, that is aboard this station, so I'm not gong to explain that," he told her, around midway through the sentence he had begun to move, heading towards the exit of the cantina, the woman following him as he drew her along with his talking.


"I need them alive, you want them alive, and I'm no super soldier, so I'm going to need some help on keeping them alive," he told her, they were now outside the cantina, and moving down the hall, his pace increasing.


"I had two options, you, or the girl, you're not a pleasant choice, but you do seem more capable with a weapon, so I chose you. Now keep up, I've got no plan, but I'm willing to delay whatever's coming for the Cade fellow," he said, breaking into a jog.


Actually much of what he said had been false, he was infact a super soldier, he really didn't need her help, though he would use it, and he did have a plan. Though his thoughts were buried, or very deep, because searching his mind would be like searching through a three dimensional maze, with lots of dead ends, and false doors. This was the advantage of being capable of utilising ninety percent of your brain capasity and power, your thoughts could not easily be read through any means, only surface thoughts were truly readable, even then it took some navigating.


He slowed down as he felt the bloodthirsty presence in the visinity, he looked around, there were few to be found, most were cowering in fear from something. "This section's desolate," he pointed out the obvious, he thumbed his 'Caster' pistol, looking around warily.


He breathed in deeply, then after breathing out he sniffed the air. "You smell that?" He asked her, moving towards the stench, near an airlock.

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(Hey, Archon. Feel free to take place of Wolf, I highly appreciate it :) )


"Alright, lets go! Lyna, come with us. You'll be safer!" Cade pointed out. Suddenly, he heard the horrid cry of something... monsterous. Cade looked at the bounty hunter urging for him to leave immediatly. Somehow, she felt the presence of this threat comming, yet Cade sensed she wasn't a being of force sensitivity. Who was she... what was she?


Suddenly, he heard the horrid cry of something... monsterous. Cade wondered what it was, but he didn't want to find out.

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Lyna grew frightened. "What is it? What's that thing that's making those noises?" She was afraid to know or picture the creature making that bloodcurdling noise. Deep inside, she had to stay calm and brave. But she felt fear the most.

Lyna began to cry silently. She bowed her head, closed her tearful eyes, and covered her mouth as she walked away with Cade and the two Jedi.

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XG-91 and his fellow master, Rand, unholstered their weapons. The assasin droid pulled out his modified blaster rifle, while Rand just withdrew an ordinary blaster pistol. They followed down the paths of the Wheel. The ceiling was filled with Siren lights and an alarm was in the background. As they passed the many Casinos and Cantina's, they met someone... or something along the path.


The monster was taller than an average human being. It had four mandibles around it's mouth. Had a long skull, which appeared to have no eyes, and had long dreadlock's growing from it's abominous head. It's back had rows of long spikes, and its skin was of a human skin colour, but slightly darker.


The creature screached, and revealed some sort of tongue with sharp teeth of it's own from it's mouth. Rand was clearly afraid of the beast. XG clearly was not. Infact, he looked rather pleased.


"I'll take care of this abominous meatbag, master!" he called, as he raised his blaster rifle.


(hey steve. Could you make Solidus kill Rand? But don't destroy XG, I have further plans for him)

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He breathed in deeply, then after breathing out he sniffed the air. "You smell that?" He asked her, moving towards the stench, near an airlock.



"It would take something more than human to smell it from this distance," Cass answered softly, avoiding the question a little. "Its hunger... bloodlust is immense. Stopping it will not be easy."

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The next victim in Solidus' rampage. He didn't seem to much of a challenge however his droid could be if Solidus didn't act fast enough. Solidus let out a loud warcry as he leeped towards XG-91, knocking the metal warrior to the fall. Whilst on top, Solidus unleashed a fury of blows against the droids steal casing. It didn't take long untill the casing flu off and Solidus made one last stab with his tale before leaving to murder the droids companion. That kill didn't take half effort.


((Dont worry Mohunas, Solidus missed most of the vital curcuits and those damaged can easily be repaired. If you want me to change just ask.)

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The group reached the docking port just in time. But as soon as they went in,

men in armor lifted their blasters toward them. They were stormtroopers.

"Make no sudden move," one of the stormtroopers had said. But instead, Cade, Wolf, and Shado let out their lightsabers and attacked.


Lyna ran for a nearby wall and hid. Then she said to herself, "Would my mother be afraid of something like this?" She took out the lightsaber and looked at it. For a moment, she narrowed her eyes and closed it. "No...she wouldn't." Her mother taught her to be courageous and fearless.


The young woman raised her lightsaber. "I call upon the Force, to guide me, and to give me strength, against my enemies!" Suddenly, after those years of hiding, Lyna activated her lightsaber. It was a bright orange color for the saber. She opened her eyes, looked at her lightsaber, and smiled.


As the three men kept fighting off the stormtroopers, one stormtrooper flew past Cade into a wall, hard. Lyna force pushed the stormtrooper! With full speed to join Cade and his companions, Lyna cried out, "This is for you, mom!"

She jumped and sliced a stormtrooper in half, from the sides of his waist.

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Darth Nihl stood in total disgust on board the bridge of the imperial command ship. The search to capture the Skywalker brat and his Jedi companions was taking far to long. He sneered as his aggravation levels rose. Live victims for his lord would be nice, but his patience had worn thin, so corpses would have to do.


"Admiral, this is taking far too long, destroy the Station!" Barked Nihl.


"Yes m'lord." Admiral Yage replied, before going on comm to the entire fleet. "All ships of the Imperial Command! This is Admiral Rulf Yage. All troops and ships are to return to their original lauch vessels, the wheel is now subject for termination."


"Do IT." hissed Nihl.


"Fire" Ordered Yage.


In an instant, all the ships of the imperial fleet began openin up their powerful batteries upon the Wheel. Bolt of green energy filled the space lanes surrounding the decrepit space station, before impacting its metal surface, causing dozens of flowering little explosions.


It won't be long now Nihl thought to himself triumphantly.

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Cade pulled out his lightsaber and activated. The blue beam of light sprung out, ready for it's master to eliminate anything. He sprung forward to a group of Storm Troopers, and hacked away with his Lightsaber. One by one, they instantly fell from the power of the Lightsaber.

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Lyna spun around, as if she was doing one of her dance move, and cut down on another stormtrooper. One of the stormtroopers were about to shoot Cade in the back. "Cade!" Lyna hollered. She jumped at the stormtrooper and swung her lightsaber down diagonally on him. "Man, I haven't done this for a long time!" she said to herself.


Suddenly, Lyna looked around at the ceiling above. "Aww, blast it!" she said, as she observed green bolts shooting at the station. After Lyna did a saber throw on three stormtroopers in a row, Lyna yelled to her friends, "Cade! Wolf! Shado! We gotta skip this place! Now!"

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Solidus looked out the window and saw the fleet attacking the wheel. He knew this was under the orders of Darth Nihl. Solidus knew after this was over he'd have to kill him. But now he senced the Jedi close by. Solidus rushed towards their scent and soon enough he found let.


He jumped behind the stormtroopers and let out a battle cry. The Stormtroopers gave a small laugh before running away, allowing the beast to destroy the Jedi.

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XG-91 was now reseted, now switching to alternative power. His primary power source was damaged by the creature, but he was okay. He performed a diagnostic, but his scannings didn't pick up any vital injuries he sustained. He picked up his Blaster Rifle.


"It's pay back time, abomonous meatbag!" he barked, as he unleashed his Cortosis Weaved claws on his right Hand. He stared down at the body of his former master.


"I swear, master! I shall avenge the death of you. Your squishy organs wern't enough to protect you from the beast, but rest assured. I shall blast the head of this creature, and put it on a pike!"

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Wolf had been rather silent the whole time on The Wheel, and he had followed, and attacked as he was bayed. But now, his silence broke, as he spoke to his comrades.


"Cade, Shado, Lyna, no time to fight, those ships are destroying the station regardless of us fighting, ignore that, thing, and get to the ship, NOW!" He ordered them, his stern tone showing he wanted no disobedience.


He turned back to the stormtrooper, who stood, arms up, at the tip of his saber. The stormtrooper's weapon had been destroyed by Wolf, leaving him helpless at the end of Wolf's blade.


"A jedi's duty is to show mercy," he said to no one in particular, pulling the blade away from the trooper, he turned to the group moving towards them, he urged them to move.


The trooper was dumbfounded for a moment, looking at himself, he realized he wasn't dead. But if he stayed he would be, and if he got back aboard his shuttle they would claim that he didn't fight to the end, and he would most likely be put in the brig, or slain. So he did the only thing his frantic mind could think of at the moment, follow the jedi who had spared him.


He followed after Wolf like a little lap dog.


Slate looked up from the bodies of two men as the station rocked as laserfire punctured it's hull.


'Blast!' He thought to himself irritably, turning to the woman.


"Time to go," he said calmly, heading out of the airlock room, he headed through the station, with, or without the woman, he was leaving. He knew the group he was following would be smart enough to leave, or at least he could only hope.


He made his way to the nearest docking bay, where he could find a useable ship, regarless of whether he owned it or not...even though he didn't own a ship anyway.

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Cass followed Slate for a short while. As they entered the docking bay, she said, "My ship has enough room for both of us. Barely, but it's small and fast enough to escape the guns and whatever blockade there is out there..."


She darted away toward a sleek, almost fighter-style ship. It was a little larger than a typical fighter, with two seats, one behind the other. The cockpit slid open and Cass launched herself into a flying leap, landing smoothly in the front seat, the pilot's seat.


"Get in," she called to Slate as she switched the power on. "Best chance of a ride out of here you've got."

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