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Legacy Of The Sith

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Cass laughed. "You are a human male, through and through!" she said, giggling. But suddenly, her laughter stopped and she looked down at the ship holding Cade and his companions.


"Ah," she said, raising an eyebrow. "The girl has sensed our presence... or rather, she sees the ship."


Her hand hovered over the com switch for a moment, but then she pulled it back. "We'll see if they want to talk with us... let them initiate..."

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Cade looked out the porthole, and indeed, there was a ship outside.


"I better get to the cockpit. I'll see whats going on." Cade ran quickly to the Pilot's seat. He punched in a few buttons on the consol infront of him, trying to identify the ship. It was some kind of Space Yaught, but smaller. An alert signal sprung from the Ship's Terminal.


"What the-- They caught us with a tractor beam..."

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Lyna looked back at the view. He was right. She turned back and asked, "But...why? I mean, we haven't done anything to them." As they were caught in the tractor beam, Lyna heard someone come through the com. She ran in the cockpit by Cade's side, while Cyan ran on top of Lyna's head.


Lyna wasn't afraid this time though. She was confused. The little binjinphant on her head whimpered, as if she herself was scared. "Don't worry, Cyan. We'll be ok...I think," Lyna said to Cyan, both confident and puzzled.

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"This is Interceptor 2. Avatar, prepare to be boarded. We mean no harm." the Intercomm unit spoke.


"Avatar? This ship is called Avatar?... man that sucks!" Cade commented. "And they mean us no harm, eh? This sure gives us an advantage!" Cade pulled out his blaster, lightly stroking the nozzel.


((Hey Steven, I hope you didn't mind me technically describing the ship as a Space Yaught (reference to GOTO's yaught from TSL. XD), It's just that I have no idea what your pirate interceptor looks like, so... yeah. Sorry :D))

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Cass' eyes widened. "Ooh..." she muttered. "Guess they didn't see us..." She swerved aside, just as the tractor beam caught hold of Cade's ship.


"Interceptors, fighters," Cass observed. "Part of a pirate fleet, if I had to guess. Don't worry, Slate. We'll not loose them."


With a short burst of speed, Cass swept up and behind the interceptor's sensors, flaring her engines as she did so to simulate a jump to hyperspace. Then, she cut power to the engines and docked very gently atop the interceptor, undetected.


"One more benefit of my little ship here," Cass said, flicking a switch. "Docking camouflage." The fighter shimered faintly and vanished entirely. "Downside of it is that it only works when I'm parked... but still nice for hitching rides on the backs of any unsuspecting pirates!" She grinned and powered down all systems except life support.


"And now, we wait," she told Slate.

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(The Interceptors is a firgate, not their not yatch. Yatch's are crap in this day and age)



"Sir, something landed straight onto of secondary sensory relay. We believe it's trying to hitch a ride," the rodian sensor officer informed.

"Good thing we have a virus for this sort of things, inform the boss we both of the ships in custody and to met by a cruiser," The Captain order

"A cruiser sir?"

"Yes, scans indicate a high Midi-chlorians in most of them. High enough to be a Jedi. And the only Jedi you see nower day either belong to the Sith or Empire. Both of which, we are at war with," The Captain explained "And our Cruisers have a Ysalamir generator which is strong enough to disable Darth Krayt force capialities... Trust me, we've tested it on him." He boasted. A minute later the ships exitted hyperspace and waiting for was a large cruiser, similar in appereance to Mon Calamari Cruiser used by the Rebellion during the first Galactic Civil War. Before the Intercepter went inside the Cruisers hanger, the group could see a large astroid base and hundreds of small ships patroling around it. "Welcome the Lantean III. I'm sorry we have to bother you like this however we need to know what happened to the Wheel. Once you have been transfered to Lantean III, you will be put up the VIP guest quaters untill your questioning. Once that is other you will be free to leave." The Captain said into a microphone, the message was sent to both ships.

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Lyna saw Cade pull out his blaster. She placed a gentle hand on Cade's hand where the blaster was. "Don't take out your blaster. If they promise that they mean us no harm...trust them." Lyna smiled. She added, "I'm sure this is all a mistake. We'll be ok."


Cyan jumped on Cade's shoulder, and it seemed like she agreed with Lyna. The little binjinphant wagged it's long tail happily. Lyna chuckled. "Cyan, ya can't go on other people without asking them first," she said with a joke.

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"What?" Cass suddenly exclaimed. "No, no, no!"


She pounded furiously on the control panel as it shut down under the influence of some virus. Life support shut down, leaving them with only the air it had pumped into the cockpit before the virus killed it. The landing 'hooks' detached and the little ship began to drift. Then, it was caught in a tractor beam and carried along.


"Damn good virus," Cass observed with a shrug. "Has to be... takes a hell of a smart virus to get into my ship's computer." She cocked her head. "I must meet their programmer."


As the little fighter was drawn into the cruiser, it found enough power left to disengage the black armor and the plain, little silver ship was deposited gently, not far from the ship Cade and company had taken.


"Suppose we go meet the hosts, eh?" Cass said cheerfully, glancing back at Slate. Without waiting for an answer, she tugged at a manual release lever and pushed the cockpit bubble up and forward, and then stepped out onto the wing. She took a moment to look around before dropping off the wing, three feet to the floor.

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Cyan jumped off of Cade's shoulder, landed on the floor, and sniffed. The air was fine, and the ship seemed to be clear. Cyan let out a snort, which indicated she was excited. The little binjinphant wanted adventure.


Lyna picked her up, smiling. "Woah, there, little one. Patience," Lyna told Cyan, as if she knew what the little creature was thinking. They began to look around inside.


Shado walked alongside with Wolf. He hadn't spoken, until now. "Master," Shado began, "What if these people can help us? I sense no danger, and they seem to be hospitable." Shado thought about the things that might though. No. I'm sure we'll be alright, Shado thought.

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Wolf looked over at Shado, a look of concentration on his face.


"Hm, they seem nice enough, but it doesn't mean they won't try anything. Keep your eyes open," he told Shado.


Slate unstrapped himself from the seat, getting up, he stepped out onto the ship, then dropped to the ground aswell. He, however, hated captivity, no matter how, free, anyone told him he was, he wouldn't accept this, hospitality, no ifs, ands, or buts.


Slate thumbed his 'Caster' Pistol, the only weapon he had on him, that was out in the open. He was going to follow the crazy lady, see what was going on, then, if he was told to stay, he would not, he would get out of there, he could track the group from outside the cruiser, so long as he didn't have to put up with captivity.


He walked up next to Cassandra, Cass, whoever she was, and began following.


"Would you like me to hold your hand?" Slate joked sarcastically, holding his hand out.

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Cass grinned and caught Slate's offered hand. "Wouldn't hurt to do a little play-acting, now would it? Although..." She gave his hand a gentle tug, drawing him closer and wrapped her arm around his waist. "If we're trying to mimic a couple, I think this would be the better approach."


She laughed and pulled away. "On the other hand, we might be having a little 'spat' and, like so many air-headed human couples, be unwilling to show affection." She shrugged. "Human relationships... never could understand them..."

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Slate was caught off guard by the sudden arm around his waist, but it didn't surprise him for long. His little hand joke had been an indication towards how children got scared in new and strange places, not about a relationship thing.


'What's on her brain?' He thought to himself suspiciously.


He stared at her for a moment, listening to her.


"Human relationships... never could understand them..." She said.


Slate only shook his head at her, chuckling slightly. "Me neither," he complied.


"Then again, I haven't had many relationships in my life, so I wouldn't really know," Slate shrugged. Slate decided to play her game, and he drew close to her, "there's alway's the...opportunity, to learn, though."


His voice was cold and smooth, holding an unnaturally unsarcastic, sleek tone in it.

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"Me neither," Cass said softly. "And yes... opportunity..." She stared up into his eyes for a moment. Then, with a chuckle, she looked around. "Although... where are the hosts? I wanna know what sort of virus they cooked up that fried my ship's head!"


She gestured not far away. "There's Skywalker and friends... they seem as lost as I feel!"

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"Naw, I think he'll be okay." Cade said to Lyna. "What's the worst thing that could happen?"


As he exited the Avatar, he saw they were in a large hangar bay of the Pirate Interceptor. He ony saw two ships; his and some sort of large Fighter. He saw two people exit the Fighter, on of them he already recognised.


"YOU?" he called out.

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Cass waved cheerfully. "Heya, Kid!" she called back. "Nice to see you made it off the Wheel alive."


In a hushed tone to Slate she added, "It's what we wanted anyway..."


She tugged on Slate's arm, pulling him with her toward Cade and his group. To Cade, she asked, "So what d'ye figure they want? Information's my best guess..." Then she shook her head. "Oh, right. Didn't they say that's what they wanted?" She nodded. "Yes, they did. Information about the Wheel! The fate of the Wheel."


With a look around, she sighed. "Well, where are they, then? Can't exactly offer information to a person or group that won't show him, her, or it self, now can we?" She grinned and shook her head. "No, we can't!"

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"Yes, they did. Information about the wheel! The fate of the Wheel." The Mercenary woman said.


"Imagine the look on their faces when they find out that it went Kaflooey!" Cade smiled.


"So whose your boyfriend?" Cade commented on the man with his arm around her waste.

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Lyna looked at the man beside the mercenary woman closely. Then it hit her. "Wait a sec. I remember him! Yeah. You were one of the guys in the crowd, getting my autograph!"


Lyna outstretched her hand for a handshake. She added, "It's good to see you!" The young woman smiled. "I'm Lyna Honso. Oh, of course," she said, laughing nervously, "Ya got my autograph."

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Slate was taken for a ride as he was dragged over to Cade and company.


"I wanted to remain inconspicuous," he hissed at Cass in a whisper as she drew him with her.


"So whose your boyfriend?" Cade asked, Slate cringed at the thought, but to remain unanimous, he could only let them think what they wanted. He could only hope Cass wouldn't carry his nightmare further.


"Wait a sec. I remember him! Yeah. You were one of the guys in the crowd, getting my autograph!"


Lyna outstretched her hand for a handshake. She added, "It's good to see you!" The young woman smiled. "I'm Lyna Honso. Oh, of course," she said, laughing nervously, "Ya got my autograph."


"Yes, nice to meet you," he said cheerfully, shaking her hand heartily, but all-in-all he was acting, he didn't need them suspicious of him because of some stoic attitude.

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"Ah, yes!" Cass said cheerfully. "He's... Gordon Malvo. Good friend of mine." She glanced up into Slate's eyes, grinning. "Likes to... play with ice cubes, when they're around."


Shrugging, she looked around. "But where are they?" she wondered. "It's rather impolite to drag in a select few for questioning and then ignore them..." She frowned. "Very impolite indeed."

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As soon as she finished her question, the doors opened and two squads of marines flooded in, all pointing their guns at the group and began to flank their poistion. "Place all weaponary infront of you and put your hands in the air!"

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Lyna also dropped her brown bag with her supplies and lightsaber in it, too. She looked at the pirates nervously. Then muttered, "I've got a bad feeling about this." Cyan, who was curled up in Lyna's arms, glared at the pirates.


She gave a low snarl at them. "Cyan, no," Lyna whispered sternly at her little friend and pet. The little binjinphant lowered her head in shame. She didn't want anything to happen to Lyna, or her other new friends.

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"Oh, amusing," Cass said, even loud enough for the surrounding marines to hear. "Hadn't you heard a telekine is just as dangerous without weapons?" She shook her head. "So let's put things a little straighter. I will not give up my weapons. Had no intention of using them anyway. But if you're still nervous of me, you can offer yourselves as an escort."


With a little smile, she took a step forward. "Now," she said. "Where's the man behind the muscle? Who's in charge? What information is desired?" As an afterthought, she added, "Oh! And who programmed that virus? I simply must meet him!"

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"Number one, I'm in charge," Vaar said stepping front of the marines "Stand down. If they even try to use their weapons on anyone then go ahead. We do not fear these people. They are Jedi Knights. Well known Jedi Knights so I want to get this done rather quickly so they don't attract any unwanted attention. I am Vaar Frien, leader of the Order. This cruiser will be docking with Lantean III in three minutes. Once there you will escorted to the VIP rooms. When we're ready I will call for you, you will tell us what happened on the Wheel and then your free to do what you please."

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