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Legacy Of The Sith

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"A little demanding, isn't he?" Cass murmured to Slate. Then she grinned and spoke louder. "Fair enough, Vaar Frien." To the Jedi, she said softly. "You can retrieve your weapons now, I think."


She grinned up at Slate. "Did you hear that? We're VIP's!" Chuckling, she added, "I've been called a lot of things, but I can't recall that 'VIP' was ever one of them..."

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"Cade!" Lyna whispered, with a nervous tone. Then she turned to the pirates and Vaar. She asked nice and quietly, "Excuse me, sir? But...ya said we were gonna be questioned. Does that include..." she gulped. "Me as well? Because I'm very shy." Lyna smiled brightly. "But, with all due respect, I can still answer some questions if you want me to."


Cyan, on the other hand, jumped in front of her group. She stood her ground and looked up at the other men, as if she was a little guardian. Cyan looked at the pirates closely.

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Shado looked around inside the cruiser quietly. He raised his eyebrows in interest. "I wonder what these people really do. I bet their trying to over throw the Sith as the rest of us are trying to plan," Shado thought. Then he smiled to himself and nodded.


He whispered to Wolf, "Master Sazen? I think these pirates are rebels as well. Because they look like the types that don't like the Sith. I sense it clearly." Shado raised his eyebrows with a grin.

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Lyna nervosly looked at the pirates again. She sure didn't want to get shot at a young age. And definatly, she hoped that none of the group would make a move. Suddenly, she saw a huge spacestation outside. She turned to Cade.


"Hey, Cade?," Lyna whispered to him, ""I think that's Lantean III." She pointed quietly at the spacestation outside the view of the cruiser.

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"Of corse we need the riffles, your entering a high-security facillity and we have no idea who you are," Vaar spat "Now get moving. Once this cruiser docks with Lantean III you'll all be getting off. If we move it we can get to the airlock before it attaches with the station."

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Lyna looked over at Cass. The same woman who helped them escape from The Wheel. As shy as Lyna was, she decided to go and thank her. And she did just that.


The girl ran behind Cass and tapped the lady on the shoulder gently. "Excuse me, ma'am? I forgot to thank you for helping us off the Wheel," the young blonde girl said to the other woman. "We really appreciated it. I mean, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be alive right now." Lyna smiled.

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Cyan's thought was that these Pirates were going to get the worse if they try to harm her friends...especially Lyna. The litttle binjinphant walked on her four paws on the floor from the Hangar.


She just hoped that there would be something to eat. She looked up at Lyna, who was thanking the other lady.

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Cade was feeling rather irratable when the Pirates led him to the VIP room. He expected the accomadation would be more... prison like. He guessed the hunch of him being led to a force cage instead was false. Cade experienced living in one of those, and believe it, they weren't pretty to stand in. They restricted movement, so when the next time you start feeling tired, you have to lie down in a rather uncomfortable position to have a sleep.

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((Uh, Phantom Knight, Steven said they're being escorted to VIP rooms, not cells.))



Cass turned as Lyna tapped her shoulder and smiled kindly as the girl thanked her for her help. "Quite right," she said pleasantly. "It was my great pleasure to help." Her eyes flicked to Cade for a moment. Then, she glanced down at the little binjiphant that had been following Lyna around.


"And who's this?" she asked pleasantly, kneeling to the level of the animal's eyes, and gently placing her hands on either side of the creature's head, its blue eyes meeting directly with Cass' violet eyes as Cass waited for Lyna's answer.

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((whoops! I gotta pay more attention. You know what? I'll change my last post.))


"ohhh... comfy!" Cade simled as he layed on the couch in the VIP room. He reached for the holster of his blaster so he could pollish it. Only to remember that the Pirates took it away from him.


"Oh, fooey!" he sweared.

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"Her name's Cyan," Lyna answered, smiling brightly. "She's a cool binjinphant, once ya get to know her." Lyna also knelt down and stroked her pet's back fur. The little binjinphant cooed as both Cass and Lyna patted her gently. Lyna added, "I found her onboard the ship, when I sat alone." The young woman smiled down at her little friend. "Cyan's a good girl."


The little binjinphant snuggled against Cass, as if to say she liked the new friend she was making. Cyan looked up at Cass. Her blue eyes twinkled with happiness.


Lyna, smiling at both her new friend and Cyan, walked to Cade and sat next to him. She smiled at him and asked, "So...whatcha think?"

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Slate looked around at the 'VIP' room, it was, comfy enough, but it was still something he didn't like.


He shifted uncomfortably as he stood in the corner watching the others.


"VIP room or not, I'd have to say this is the nicest prison I've been in, in a long while," he muttered to himself, though anyone close enough could hear him.


He took his 'Caster' pistol from it's holster, looking it over, he had been smart, and stayed quiet when the pirates had asked for their weapons, and with this, he hadn't been noticed, and he hadn't given his weapon up.

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Lyna looked at Cade, and grinned. "No. You're not paranoid because of the tractor beam. Maybe it's just a...misunderstanding we have of this situation."

As Lyna laid her head on the back seat of the couch, she kept her eyes on the other groups that were talking to each other.


Then she glanced at Cade. She thought about telling her feelings toward him, but she didn't know when or how. "I could be paranoid myself," Lyna thought to herself. She smiled at Cade. Lyna sat up, looked down, and wiggled her fingers gently. Then she said nevously, "Cade? I...I've been meaning to tell ya something when we first met."

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After a few moments with Cyan the binjiphant, Cass retreated to the wall with Slate, chuckling slightly at his comment. In a low voice, heard only by Slate, she began to speak, and while her gestures seemed to indicate she was speaking about the room, her words were entirely different.


"You're on the job," she said, gesturing to a potted plant by the door. "So I won't be at all offended if you don't want to answer my questions." A small table stacked with snacks seemed to attract her attention. "You're following someone. But who? Not the girl, I can be fairly certain. One of the Jedi, perhaps." She pointed to the couch on which the other group sat. "Or maybe the Skywalker, the one born into a long line of galactic figures." She shook her head, smiling faintly. Then, she laughed as if she'd just made a joke and thought it rather funny.


Turning, she pointed to a drink cooler and teased, "No, I have you figured. You're tracking the girl's binjiphant!" A genuine smile lit up her face and she shook her head. "As I said, you don't have to answer me. I was just wondering what sort of a job would drive a man like you."

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Lyna glanced at Cade and laughed warmly, folding her hands. "No, no. It's not that. Not that at all. Um, I wanted to tell you....you're good at being a tough guy!" She had a big smile. "Darn! That wasn't it!" Lyna thought to herself, upset. From that smile, though, you could tell she was lying.

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Cade felt a bit awkward. "Uh... thanks! I guess..." He could easily tell Lyna was lying from that big smile she had on that pretty face. But he decided not to ask further more on what she really wanted to say. Not until she felt comfortable enough.


"Darn, how long are we gonna stay here?" Cade complained. "What's taking them so long, I wonder?"

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As Cyan jumped on Lyna's lap, she curled up to take a rest. Lyna, trying to get that thought out of her mind, answered, "Yeah. What is taking them so long? Oh! Maybe they're having a meeting about us, or something. Ya know...top secret."


She laughed. "I'm kidding." While Cyan was resting on her lap, Lyna took out a holographic picture from one of her jacket pocket. It showed a little girl and a woman. It was Lyna's mom, Coral, and her when she was a little youngling. Lyna smiled sadly at her mom's beautiful face. Coral's brown hair, green eyes, and that wonderful smile, reminded Lyna the face of a gaurdian angel.


Suddenly, a twinkling tear rolled down her cheek. Lyna smiled gently.

"Have you ever wondered what it felt like to lose someone you loved very much?" Lyna asked Cade, through her soft spoken tone and still looking at her holographic picture.

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Slate leaned towards Cass, whispering to her, "and what sorta man am I?"


He smiled to himself, wondering how the odd woman would react to his question. It often amused him to be such a teaser, even if he wasn't really like that all together.



"Oh, I can only go by appearance," Cass answered with a grin. "Attractive guy like you, little rough 'round the edges... missing an eye, though most people couldn't tell. Furthermore, another thing the average person couldn't detect... your amazing mind."


She smiled faintly. "Guess I'm not just going by appearance."

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Cade considered Lyna's question, then thought back at the painful memory of his fathers death.


"Yes..." he answered back, a sadness in his face. "when I was a kid, meerly a Jedi Padawan at the time, I felt the the death of my own father through the Force."


Cade looked back at the painful memory back on Ossus, at the Jedi Praxeum, where the Imperials led by Darth Nihl invaded.


"This was of coarse during the Massacre on Ossus. But I don't want to talk about it. Not now anyway." Cade looked at the holographic image of a woman Lyna held in her hand. "You lost her?" he asked calmly.

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