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Legacy Of The Sith

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Lyna, closing her eyes with tears, answered, "Yes. She...became ill of something unknown." She sighed. "The Jedi Healers couldn't figure out what it was, and told me that she was suffering quick, when I was thirteen."


The young woman glanced at Cade. Then added, "My adoptive mother really loved me like her own child. At first, her Jedi Master couldn't accept me as a Jedi, but my mom told him that I can bring peace to the galaxy with other Jedi Knights and become loyal and good to others."


She looked into Cade's eyes. "I'm really sorry about your father. He would be proud of you still, no matter what you are..." Lyna threw her arms around Cade's neck, and hugged him. "Like I am." She smiled quietly, with her eyes closed.

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Cade could hardly breath when Lyna wrapped his arms around his neck. He patted her back to try and pay his end of the bargain.


Suddenly, he saw the door infront of them open. There was a figure of a rather scary looking droid... XG-91. He sighed in disgust when he saw Lyna and Cade.


"Honestly, I find the interaction of human beings bonding rather infurriating!" he greeted unpleasantly.


"I thought you were shut down, under repair?" Cade commented, letting go of Lyna. He wondered whether the Assassin Droid was ever going to forgive Cade for what he did.


"I was, until those idiotic Pirates had me under reconstruction and repair. I must comment, they did a rather poorly Job! My Photoreceptors are a little fuzzy, but I can still see you!"

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Shado, getting alittle impatient himself, said to Wolf, "How long is going to take for them to come back? I'm feeling a bit impatient right now!" He took a deep breath, trying to calm down.




Cyan awoke from all the noise, and jumped on the glass table. She looked kind of startled.


"Why don't you go drink from an oil can, you-you...tinhead! How come you're always so bitter?!" Lyna shouted, shooting up from the couch. She never yelled like that for a long time at anybody.

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"Oh, drink from an oil-can, droid?! Why must you be so bitter, droid?!" XG mocked at Lyna. "For your information, Skin-tube, it is in my programming to act under a behaviour of cruelty and wretchedness. Which I find quite satisfying to my receptors."


"Yeah, I bet you do!" Cade said to the Assassin Droid.


"Secondly, I have not been transported here to be critisised, by you in particular Skin-tube!" XG glared at Lyna. "I came to inform you of my allegiance to you, Master!"


"So... hang on! You're now my droid?" Cade asked in a confused matter.


"Indeed! As my previous master was unfortunatly slain by that hideous thing on the Wheel, I am now in possesion of ownership by you, Master Skywalker!"

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Lyna was surprised as Cade. She stuttered, "W-well, I'm...uh...surprised too! Sorry for going off on you like that, XG." She smiled sheepishly. "Maybe we should start over from this, huh?"


She turned to Cade and whispered, "Wow. You're the master now. That's good progress." She grinned.

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"I'm growing tired of this too, it's too bad they took our lightsabers," Wolf said shaking his head.


"Yes, only by appearances..." Cade muttered humorously.


"Attractive am I?" He questioned at her comment, striking a heroic pose. "Rough around the edges? Mhmm...." But Slate grew quiet at the mention of his missing eye, he didn't like it mentioned, let alone known.


He waited fro the woman to finish commenting before he spoke in a quiet and smooth tone, "I would see how you could gather all that when I'm wearing a helmet." He leaned towards her, tapping the ceramic armor that encased his head.


"But don't worry, I find you quite attractive as well, along with being a little odd in actions, and eccentric in what you say, along with having your own exceptional mind...well, I guess that sums you up in my perspective, except....oh yes, I forgot to mention, you have a poor memory...either that, or you're hiding something?" He questioned, leaning in even closer.


He pulled back, laughing quietly to himself, he checked he 'Caster' Pistol, he was growing very impatient. He took out several bullets, they were different in size, and color, and those two factors were determined by numbers on the brunt of the bullets.


"A number nine should do it...nah, shouldn't waste it, a number six will suit the job," he muttered to himself. He placed all the other rounds back where they were, his hand holding a small bullet, at least compared to the others, and it was red, with a strange symbol on the brunt side of it [the back, basically].


He pulled back on a small bar and lever on his gun, the back opening up, he placed the bullet inside, pushing the lever back, the back of the gun closing.


He began walking away from Cass, and towards the door. "Excuse me, I won't be long," he told Cass politely as he left her.


He stood near the couch that Cade and the girl, Lyna sat on, "sorry folks, but I'm tired of waiting."


At this he upraised the gun in both hands, pulling the trigger, the inner barrel began to spin, the ring segents becoming faster and faster, then the gun fired, energy being expelled from the same outer ring segments of the barrel, the gun itself kicking back with great force.


The bullet flew out, like a dot of orange hot energy it went through the air, impacting the door, there was a gush of wind, then suddenly there was a fairly large explosion, at least compared to the ammunition used, the door buckling then flying out into the hallway in pieces. What remained was the charred doorframe, parts of it were even gone.


"Well that works," Wolf said pointedly, both surprised, and amazed.


"Sorry for cutting the vacation short, but I'm tired of being held, I'll leave the door open incase you feel like leaving," he told them in sarcastic humor. "You coming, or not, Cass?" He asked her, walking towards the door, as he loaded another bullet into his gun, ready for opposition.


((Sorry folks, but I was tired of waiting, and of course, Slate was going to do that anyways, he said he would, practically, or at least he thought it.))

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Lyna glanced at Slate in shock. "Are you crazy?! They'll kill us!" She shook her head worringly. Then said, "Uh-uh. I'm not going anywhere. The rest of you can go and get in trouble, but I'm staying!"


She crossed her arms and legs, sitting on the couch. She pulled her lips in, as if she wasn't going to say a word. Cyan sat near Lyna, agreeing with her master.

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"The definition of 'trouble' is fully dependent upon the person making the statement," Cass said cheerfully. "If you feel this is trouble, then you can do as you see fit."


Crossing the room, Cass stood next to Slate. "Of course, I'm coming." She drew both blasters and stood, waiting for the man to determine which direction he would go. "Oh, and as for how I determined about... things which you would rather hide, well..." She grinned at him. "Like I said, guess I'm not just going by appearances."

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Cade wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do. Then again, he was getting a little impatient. His Force Powers will have to work as his weapon, seeing as his armory was confiscated, except for the armor he was wearing which had the Mandalorian Emblem painted on it.


"Sorry, Lyna." Cade said with a tone of sadness. "But these guys have a point. We can't just sit around all day waiting for nothing." He stood up.


"What do you think, Master Wolf?"

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Wolf got up, walking up to Slate and Cass.


"I myself am finding this visit prolonged, and unsatisfying, let's go," he answered Cade.


At this Slate nodded, then began to move, but he paused before leaving, turning back to the girl. "Who's going to be in bigger trouble, us, even though we're on the move and harder to catch, or you? Who's going to be sitting here just waiting for the punishment these pirates will deal out when they find you...Toodles!" Slate said in false cheeriness, wiggling his fingures at Lyna before heading out the door.


Almost as soon as he was out he came under fire, three men were charging down the hall from the left. He fire at the center man, the gun taking less time to charge, expelling less energy, and havin less of a kick-back this time.


The dot of energy as grey-white olor as it streaked at the man, striking him in the chest, he got knocked down, but he wasn't dead, the bullet expelled smoke out instantaneously, causing the men to stop, cough, and splutter, then they fell to the ground.


More men were already coming firing at them, Wolf stepped out pushing a group back, and pulling a blaster to himself, he began firing. Slate loaded another bullet, but instead of firing, began looking up.


"Give me cover," he told the others, as he began looking at the ceiling of the halls for a ventilation shaft.

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Shado also went with the others. He fought with the group against the men firing at them. As Wolf pulled a blaster, so did Shado. "This is crazy, as Lyna said, but we got to do what we got to do." Shado fired at one man to another.




Meanwhile, Lyna felt something in the Force and gasped. "Oh my God! They're in trouble! I gotta help them." Lyna got up, and ran to the door. It was a stupid choice, but she had to help them...even Cade.


But as soon as she was near the door, Cyan ran past her. "Cyan! Come back! It's too dangerous for you!" But the little binjiphant didn't listen. She reached the group just in time. Although Cyan was a little creature, she stood firm in front of the group.



Suddenly, she inhaled deeply. Something amazing happened that no one would forget. Cyan exhaled all her energy, creating something known as Sonic Howl!! This made all the men, who fired at her friends, fly around, while her group stood behind her.


The sonic howl also ruined the metals in front of her. It also had a high pitch sound as well, which was a disturbance to the ears of others. As soon as Cyan calmed her howl, she slumped, trying to catch her breath. She looked at her friends, making sure they were ok.


Lyna looked surprised. "Did you guys see that?!"

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A blastdoor opened and Vaar walked in. Although rather annoyed, he had the bigger in picture in mind and before reading his weapon to fire which could quiet easily kill all of them with several shots in such confined space, he spoke to them "It's lucky for you that you haven't killed anybody, this means I want to other you a job. It's good pay and usually involves some form of action. If you decline then you're welcome to leave, we had a agent in the Wheel who's recently contacted us and explained what happened. Although your responsable for it's destruction, you didn't fire the weapons and that's all that matters. So what will it be? Job or leave?"

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"If you wanted to hire us, you shouldn't have locked us up," Cass scolded gently, "no matter how nice the cell or what you choose to call it. And to keep us waiting so long was highly inconsiderate as well." She paused a moment before gesturing to Vaar's weapon and saying, "And put that down. You've no use for it against us."

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Cade waited for everyone to calm down. He was curious of the job offering from Vaar.


"Tell me more about this job?" Cade asked. XG butted in.


"Master, in my own opionion, we should resume our rampage against these pathetic pirates. I'm still driven with outrage at the fact that these people didn't fix me properly, so blasting them all will fill me great satisfaction!"


"Urm... no its okay, XG. I think it'll be fine if we go along with the truce." this brought great disapointment to XG.

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Lyna picked Cyan up from the floor. She went next to Cade. "I'm sorry for being stubborn for not joining you all, Cade. But if it weren't for Cyan...."

Suddenly, Lyna paused. She added suspicously, "Hey. How did you do that, Cyan? You're not some kind of mutant are you?"


The little binjiphant's eyes twinkled. Her unknown power saved the group, but she wagged her long tail happily. Lyna turned to Vaar. "What kinda job is it, sir?" she asked politely.

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Slate walked up next to Cass, his gun in his hand, but relaxed at his side.


"I'll have to agree with Miss Cassandra, you kept us waiting a long time, and it doesn't matter how pretty the cell is, it's still a prison. Now I'd also have to say, if you want to hire us, you're going to have to trust us, so put that contraption you call a weapon away, or my weapon, will be firing down the barrel of yours. Oh, and I hope we're compensated to our liking for this...job." He said, shifting his weight from how he stood, as he waited for a response.

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"I kept you waiting an hour or two, believe or not I'm trying to deal with the destruction of space station which would we'd planned to use as base of operations against the Empire but you've ruined that. And droid, this base is filled of highly trained mercinarys, you didn't a chance against a animal, there's not a chance you can stand up against them." Vaar warned XG, "The mission I want you to do is a simple hit on an Imperial vessel containing hazardous materials, stuff we don't trust the Empire with. We have been able to plant small explosives which will cause it to jump out of hyperspace but that's the best we can do. Either blow it up with your ships or sneak aboard and plant a bomb, we just need to stop it from reaching Kashyyk. Each of you will be given 4,500 credits and all damage to yourself or your equipment will be repaired free of charge."

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Lyna also thought the mission was impressive. At least they get to do something. But she wanted to stay in the hallway, to be alone. She looked at the group.


Her feelings for Cade was growing, and she wanted to tell someone quick. Lyna knew she was scared to tell Cade at first, but she had to build up her courage....somehow. The only person she could trust to tell about her feelings for Cade was...Wolf Sazen.


So, with her looking worried, Lyna went to Wolf. "Master Sazen?" she whispered to him, "Can I talk to you for a minute? Something's been bothering me ever since."

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"Basically the Empire has been dumping large amounts of hazardous materials on highly populated areas on Kashyyk. Although they have most of the situation under controll, more waste being dumped could distrubt everything. Now we would like the Wookiees to be on our "side" when it comes down to us fighting against the Empire. Although they have agreed to side with however these waste dumps are ruining everything for them, we need to stop them. You can either use your own or use the Order Stealth Boarding ships, which has most of our advance technology on it. We just simply need you to go kill, eliminate the crew, take anything that seems voluable to make the whole incident look like a simple raid, then send a message and a transport will exit hyperspace. It will then collect the waste and return here. You will follow it and I will meet you once you've docked."

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The young woman, who spoke alone with Wolf, said to him, "Ever since I joined with you all, I've been getting this warm feeling inside. I'm scared to to say it, but I have to, so I can get it off my chest..." Lyna breathed calmly. "I have feelings...for Cade. I know we're friends, but... I'm fond of him."


Lyna looked at the group, and continued to talk. "When I first saw him, I felt something. I was scared to tell him at first, but... I don't know how to tell him." She looked down. Then added, "I felt a little darkness in him too. And if he turned to the dark side...I could never forgive myself."


She glanced at Wolf, "What do you think I should do? Tell him...or keep this feeling inside forever?" Lyna sat down on the floor, thinking, with her head bowed and hands over her head.

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"When do we start?" Cade asked Vaar, with an eagerness to start the job already.


"Master, I would be honored to serve under you for this mission. Eliminating the entire crew shall be of no problem to me, seeing as assasinating people under orders is my specialty. As well as eviserating them!" XG unleashed his new claws, to show Cade how glamorous they were with their cutting power. This seemed to scare Cade a little.


"Alright, I'm in!" Cade announced. "But going off-topic, don't you guys ever want to know how the Wheel exploded?"

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"They already know," Cass answered Cade's question. She stared into Vaar's eyes. "Had an agent aboard, did you? Your agent is lucky to have escaped that kind of bombardment..." She frowned. "Or did he?"

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"If I might add, your agent was likely slaughtered by the Xenomorph which was set loose on the space station." XG commented. He searched through his memory banks of the conversation he had with The Hunter.


"What in the hell is a Xenomorph?" Cade asked curiously to XG.

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"An xenomorph is an alien creature which has been rumoured to be from another galaxy. It's unknown how Krayt got his hands on it however there have been an incident recorded on Coruscant during the day's the Old Republic so it has been theorised this creature is either that same one or it's offspring. All we do know is either time by draining the blood of someone who has the abbility to use the force, it can envolve. We have no idea what stage of it's evolvetion it's at but we think it's final stage is to evolve into a Queen where it'll be able to produce offspring which would be very bad," Vaar explained

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