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Legacy Of The Sith

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"Actually," XG butted in. "With my limited details on the biology of a Xenomorph, I have reason to believe that this kind of Alien species are genetically seperated by gender. A Xenomorph containing female type chromosomes and hormones in it's acidic DNA structure is labelled as a Queen."


"Yeah, thanks for the info, chump!" Cade frowned at XG. He had no idea what chromosomes were, but he decided he couldn't be bothered recieving a science class with a crazy assassin droid as a teacher.


"Please master! I hardly consider myself as a chump seeing as I do not possess bodily fluids and tender muscle tissue around my entire exoskeleton structure!"

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Lyna overheard the whole thing. This....Xenomorph didn't sound too good at all. She came back with the group. "You mean...if this thing sucked blood from us like a parasite...." she paused. Lyna shook off the ugly thought. Then said, "Eww! I can't imagine that! But if that Xenomorph runs into us again..." She picked up Cyan.


"We're gonna give our majesty the taste it really needs!" The young woman glanced at Vaar. "And about the job...I'm in too." She smiled.

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Cass laughed suddenly and shook her head. "Alright Vaar. You really need to make up your mind. First, you tell us that you want a hit on one Imperial ship, you want it destroyed, and you offer 4500 credits. That's a one-person job and the amount is suitable for it."


With a shrug, she went on, "But then, you start talking about multiple ships dropping waste over Kashyyyk. Now that is a good reason to ask for all of us. But it's a more expensive job as there is more risk involved, but you did not name a higher price. And if that's not enough, you then got distracted by talk of a Xenomorph!"


Smiling, she concluded, "Either you want our services or you don't. But you have to make up your mind... and name a higher price than 4500 creds. If not..." She turned a little to look at Slate. "... then we were leaving, weren't we, Slate?"


Before either Slate or Vaar could answer her, she added, "Oh! And I want to meet the programmer of that virus you crashed my ship's computer with. That work is amazing! It'll take me at least an hour to clean it up."

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"It's just one ship the moment. This is a second ship containing waste and I want to gone. And if your not interested in the creidts then leave. I'm not changing it." Vaar replied "And the virus programmer sort blew it peaces after recieving a full blast from this baby." Vaar said patting his weapon "We didn't make the virus, we simply pinched it from the Empire after they tried it on us. However we sort developed it abit more."

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"See? Even this girl agrees with me!" Cade chuckled, pointing to Lyna.


"A suggestion perhaps is to stay here for a small period of time to prep for our mission." XG added. "Otherwise, I bore at the fact we waste time here while not evisterating any skin-tubes, which to me is a rather constructive use of time!"

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Lyna narrowed her eyes at XG, and grinned. "I bet we're gonna have fun with this droid," she whispered to Cade, sarcastically. This made her giggle.


Shado stepped in. He replied, "I'm on this mission, too. Seeing that I was getting impatient, I could use an exersice or two." Shado turned to his Master. "How about you, Master Sazen?"

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Cass frowned. "Pay attention, Skywalker... no, hold on. "She looked over to Cade. "I never caught your first name. Skywalker's easy enough to tell... you look right to be one. But what's your first name?"


Then, as if remembering she hadn't introduced herself by name to Cade and his group, she added, "I'm Cassandra Morgan."

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Lyna giggled at Cade's joke. When Cyan, jumped down to go back in the empty room for something to eat, Lyna ran after her. "Cyan!" she called out. The young woman caught up with the little binjiphant, and placed her in Lyna's arms. Suddenly, when Lyna looked up, there was a little girl, standing a few feets away from her.


The little girl had torn clothing. She seemed to wear Jedi clothing. Lyna could tell it was a young padawan. She looked eleven or twelve years old. "Hello," Lyna said. "Are your parents here?" The little shook her head slowly. Lyna kind of got scared. Then asked, "Are you lost?"


The little girl smiled. She waved her hand slowly, as she back up into the wall. Suddenly, she disappeared! Lyna and Cyan got terrified, and ran back with the group. The young girl was screaming, as she was near the group.


"Guys! You won't believe this, but... I saw a ghost! It was a little girl...she...disappearing..." You could tell Lyna was freaking out.

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Slate was getting tired of all this he looked over at the frantic girl as she ran towards them screaming something about ghosts.


Slate grumbled irritably, he began to walk off, heading towards the hangar, he called over his shoulder to Cass, "the mission has pathetic pay, but seeing as everyone feels like doing it, then I gues I will too. You coming? 'Cause whoever gets there first gets more of the action, and I plan on beating them to it."


'Not to mention I'll steal your ship, I'm tired of waiting,' he thought to himself, heading off down the hall ahead of the others.


Wolf walked up next to Lyna and spoke quietly to her, "I'll tell you my counsel on this issue later Lyna."


At that, Wolf looked over at Vaar, "I guess I'm in too."

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"Nice to meet you, Cade," Cass said with a smile. Then, at Slate's comments, she laughed merrily and hurried after him.


"Presently, I'm your chauffer," she said, her tone cheerful, almost to the extreme. "I go where you want to go."

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Lyna nodded hysterically. Then she breathed, trying to calm down. "Ok. I saw a ghost, right when I caught up with Cyan in the empty room. She was a young Jedi padawan. And...and she had a scary pale face, torn Jedi clothes, and bare feet."


"I asked her was her parents here, she shook her head slowly. Then, when I asked her if she was lost, she just smiled faintly. As she was waving her hands to me, as if saying good-bye.... the little girl backed into the wall, and vanished into it! Man, even Cyan was scared."


She looked at Cyan. The little binjiphant trembled and whimpered in her arms. "Poor Cyan." The young woman shook her head slowly, trying to get the thought out of her head. She added quietly, "Maybe... she was a Force ghost."

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"That you don't have a ship of your own," Cass answered. "And judging by what I've seen of you so far, you're more likely to run off with any ship that strikes your fancy. So really, it's more a desire to hang on to my ship than anything about you... although..." She grinned mysteriously and left it at that.

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"A force ghost? You would need considerable Jedi Training to become one of them after you die. It would especially have been hard for a young child to learn that power..." Cade explained. He remembered back at the conversation he had with the Ghost of his great ancestor, Luke Skywalker, whom had tried to persuade Cade to turn back to the Jedi Teachings.

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"I'm also going to say seeing a force ghost here is impossible. We have force-repelant generators active here, although they're at a low level, you'll see no force ghost here. If anything it's probally the generators effecting your mind, they do that to people who have recently gained contact with the force." Vaar replied

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"How does one repel the flows and currents of the Force through an entire ship using common technology" Cade thought to himself.


"Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll be hitting the sack. I'm feeling rather tired." Cade left the office to head to the VIP rooms they have been vacated.

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"Strange...." Lyna thought to herself. "The little girl seemed so... real, in ghost form." She looked down. Then glanced at Vaar. "Will you excuse me too, sir? I... have to meditate." But Lyna didn't really want to meditate. She wanted to talk with Cade.... alone.


She knew that she had to have courage, if she told him alone. Lyna glanced at Cyan, who was cuddled in the young woman's arms. She said to Cyan, "Go with Master Sazen. I'll be back." She placed the little binjinphant on the floor, and gently stroked her fur. Cyan let out a whimper.


Lyna smiled warmly. "I'll be fine," she replied. Then, she stood up. Lyna ran after Cade, and caught up with him. "Hey, Cade? Can we talk alone for a minute? I mean, I know you're tired but... it's rather important," she asked, waiting for an answer.

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"urm... okay!" Cade responded to Lyna's question. They both walked down the corridor to the crew's reserved VIP room. The door automatically slid closed behind him. Cade was so extremely tired, that he could drop to the floor dead sleeping this instant.


He suddenly felt through the Force a cold presense in the room, as if a lingering spirit was haunting the room.


((hey SkywalkerRules. I wouldn't rush into the love relationship juuuuuust yet. I mean, Cade and Lyna have only known each other for a few hours, so it could be best if we just build the relationship more as we further into the story (don't ask me how I would know these things). You okay with that?))

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((Yeah. That's okay. I understand. No rush. :) ))


Lyna also felt something in the room. "You feel that?" she asked. Suddenly.... the little girl reappeared, right before their eyes! She looked at both Cade and Lyna, with her scary eyes, covered in black around the bottom of them. The little girl walked towards them, slowly, with her bare feet.


She slowly pointed at Cade. Then spoke in a dry scary tone, "Skywalker...."

Lyna hid behind Cade and panicked. "See?! That's the little girl right there! The one I've been telling you about!" The young woman grew afraid.

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