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Mario with a TWIST!

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I read the preview of that this morning on Gamespot. I was thinking, "Man, I want a Wii now." Then I thought of how much movement I would have to do to move a simple character across (yes, I know and flip to 3D) the screen.

You hold it sideways, like a NES controller. So to do all that you have to do this:


1.Press Right


Movement's done, woo, feeling the burn yet? To flip do this.


2.Press A


WOO! I feel like I lost 10 lb. wow, a total workout.

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LOL. Ahh, I AssUMed you had to do a lot of hand motion (ie: doing the Macarena just to jump and float). Oops. I was considering getting the DS just for the New Super Mario Bros (or whatever it's called) then I thought of how pointless it'd be for ONE thing, plus my computer's pretty kick ass.

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Cool.Now I need help choosing my first Wii game the ones I'm thinking about are:The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess,Paper Mario,or Wario Ware.......question..umm does anyone know when Super Smash Bros Brawl is coming out?

Tough. First one I got was Metal Slug. (I loves me some Metal Slug.) Out of all four options here are how to decide, as I have either beaten or played enough all of them to make the following judgements:


Metal Slug-Got a budget but can't run MAME for some reason? Well worth it for $40.

Zelda-Good, but a bit cliche' in my opinion, quit halfway through the water temple... I hates me some water temple.

Mario-Just beat it today, gotta say it rules. But somewhere along on the way Mario became Kingdom Hearts... you travel worlds gathering heart jewel dealies to save the world from a villain, along the way a person dies, (seriously) you go to Hell, Luigi turns out to be a hero of time, and all sorts of other SquareEnix-ish crap happens.

Wario-Get some friends. This is way too short without them.

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Oh-me oh-my this is gonna be a tough choice....man I forgot about Metal Slug (I loves me some Metal Slug too)Ahh I remember the good old days when I used to go down to the laundry place and play Metal Slug and use my slug coins...those were the days...Hmm the Zelda game for me I didn't like the water temple in Ocarina of time or in Majora's Mask and now your tell'n me this water temple is a pain in the ass too aww man.All these games sound awesome,but which to choose.

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