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unless I missed something your still looking for an idea on what to do withforcedrain


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hmm if we take a page from KOTOR then that opens up a whole list of powers like a 360 force push, force storm, Force scream and what not could be very interesting


Edit: think about this we could add force Insanity which would slow down a person, but this could be countered by say force Master Valor, making your speed normal again but with this on ur susceptible to Plague which slowly drains some health, and to stop that yo use force scream stopping the plague and damaging them but since your using force scream your once again open to force insanity and thus starting the loop over again. no one power is stronger than another and theres enough options to keep one power from stopping them all and if you want since these would he high level force powers give them to only pure jedi if you want and for pure mercs give them a big fancy gun only they can have or the Y for only pure mercs but enough core force powers must be spent to get these powers and enough guns to get the Y that way they cant be the first things bought

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Well I was hoping that we could enlarge it? There's tonnes of non-item related skills taht we're just going to have it have in there if we want to make a difference, man :)


Maybe we should again return to my idea of having it split up in 2 pages like a skilltree:




You click Jedi and get the Force power/xxxx list, you click gunner and get the items list.

I'm not trying to seperate them but this would be great for clearing some space.

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Between UDM, tanqexe and probably a few others, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. ;)

The main menu's 80% done already, but tbh I'm really lazy to finish up the other 20% as I'd like to get to work on the HUD. I doubt I even have time to start on the co-op maps :(


****ing PCs always crashing on me and screwing up my important files

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Whats wrong with Force Drain???


Yes, it does not do much and nobody uses it. But why not keep it in there?

Because eventually someone's going to whine "plz make force drain useful!"


So why not have it out of the big picture first

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Although when the build's stabilized and razor has nothing to do except eat donuts all day, we may see these force powers re-surface

I hope before that day arrives we can look back and all laugh together at this post, since it's very very uninformed.



Ph4ke edit:

Look at the bug tracker for a change man..

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