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Boy arrested for creating a CounterStrike map... Paranoia?

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Or he just wanted to create a realistic environment that was rather large and ended up using his school cause he knew it best. Seriously, the cops could have used it for training. The shooter in the Virginia Tech incident was a English Lit major, not someone in Computer Graphics. Seriously if he was planning to go on a rampage he'd need a lot more than a worn out hammer. In this case, I think the Police were a little out of line, however they should have asked him to take down the level and change it so it didn't match his school so closely.

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That's where paranoia comes in. A child or a teenager, spends most of it's day on school/sleeping, so, as uninteresting as a "bed" map would seems, one would rather create a school: An environment which he spent the life he can remember.
Nonsense. Bed+FPS=Pillow Fight Mod:cool:!


Where can I download?


Seriously, though, either set him free or jail every single person who makes video games recreating real-life locales. Start with Flight Simulator X - it is obviously intended to be a suicide hijacker's training tool.

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OMG! I just remembered that Valve made the Overwatch Nexus to look like a near-identical replica of the Parliament of Serbia. They are obviously planning a terrorist attack on that part of my home town. :scare5:



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I didn't know it is illegal to kill someone in a computer game (or as in this case, prepare to kill someone in a computer game). If that's the case there are a disturbing high percentage of mass murderers running free among the population younger than 30. Most visitors of this site would be felons. :)


Heh. I probably should be executed. *glances at the swords hanging from my wall*


Heck, I have my own map room. XD

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